Vilas County Visitor Guide - 2020

Travel Guide Travel Guide


SHOPPING & DININGSHOPPINGVilas County is a beautiful place to find unique items forfamily, friends and anyone else on your list. Here’s a sampleof what you can discover.OUTDOOR GEAR: Vilas County has lots of great sportinggoods shops selling the latest gear at competitive prices. Oneof the best parts about shopping at these stores is the deepknowledge employees and owners of these retailers haveabout what they are selling—when they’re not in the store,you’ll probably find them on the lake or in the woods. If you’renot sure what you’re looking for, they’re there to help. Oneshop in downtown Eagle River will even outfi t your dog!ARTIST WARES: The Northwoods’ natural beauty has longinspired some of Wisconsin’s most beloved artists andcraftspeople. You can fi nd their work, and the work of otherregional and national talents, in Vilas County’s shops andgalleries. You’ll never have more fun finding the perfect giftor home décor item.SWEET AND SAVORY: Vilas County shops sell a deliciousvariety of jams, jellies and other sweet delights. You’ll alsofi nd handcrafted salsas, hot chocolate mixes, sauces andan abundance of cranberry and wild rice products that arenative to this area. These items are all delicious, and manyare not available elsewhere. Treat yourself!NORTHWOODS APPAREL: Our county’s retailers are stockedwith all the apparel you’ll need to get through the frostiestmornings and warmest summer afternoons. We even havespecialty boutiques where you can find one-of-a-kind fashions.Learn more about shopping at SHOPPING & DININGDININGYou’ll fi nd them in the heart of our communities and on backforest roads—Vilas County restaurants serve up flavorsas big as the Northwoods. These restaurants are timelesstreasures, as delicious as they were generations ago. Here’sa taste of what you’ll fi nd.SUPPER CLUBS: Arrive early and savor your experience at aVilas County supper club. These places are institutions,celebrated by visitors and locals alike, and are decoratedwith trophy fi sh, old photos and perhaps even a fewChristmas lights. Order a classic old fashioned—sweet orsour, fruit or olives—the choice is yours. Savor a traditionalWisconsin fish fry, order up a rack of ribs or someimpossibly tender prime rib. Save room for the perfectthrowback dessert: an ice cream drink!TAVERNS: For great flavors and friendly atmosphere, headto a Vilas County tavern. You’ll fi nd burgers loaded withdeliciousness and fried cheese curds and homemade chipsthat can’t be resisted. There’s always something cold andrefreshing on tap. Planning a summer getaway? Many of ourtaverns have outside seating during the warmer months.FAMILY RESTAURANTS: Anyone hungry for pizza? VilasCounty restaurants serve up some of the best pizza in theNorthwoods, as well as entrees to fit anyone’s taste andbudget. After a day on the lakes or trails, there’s nothing likesettling into a Northwoods restaurant, where the portions areas generous as the service. The only question: table or booth?Learn more about dining at

LODGINGVilas County offers accommodations that are perfect for your next getaway. Since the 1800s, Vilas County’s 12 communitieshave been catering to vacationers looking to relax, fish and enjoy the beauty of the Northwoods. Spring, summer, fall and winter,you’ll find lodging near trails, lakes and attractions. Many rental cabins, resorts and other lodging properties in Vilas County arefamily-owned. You’ll get the best possible care from people who know and love Wisconsin’s Northwoods.ACCOMMODATIONSHOTELS AND MOTELSThere’s a room waiting for you in Vilas County. The countyhas a large number of lodging properties, from smallfamily-owned motels to large chain hotels. Enjoy a clean,comfortable room and amenities that will complete yourtrip. Some properties have indoor pools, others offer freebreakfast in the morning. All are close to Vilas County’sattractions and outdoor beauty.CABINS AND RENTAL HOMESPrivacy, tranquility and a spectacular view from the livingroom—you’ll fi nd it all in Vilas County’s cabins and rentalhomes. From cute and cozy log cabins to expansive lakehomes that can accommodate large groups, you’ll fi nd arental that’s just the right size. There are places availableon lakes and trails as well as properties tucked into quietcorners of the forest.RESORTSVilas County resorts have welcomed people as long as theyhave been vacationing in the Northwoods. The area has anumber of beautiful resorts that are like a second home togenerations of families. Start your own tradition and spenda timeless summer week, relax in the fall leaves or springwildfl owers or make the resort a home base for snowmobileadventures. Friendly resort owners will ensure your trip isunforgettable.Learn more about lodging at who like to sleep under the stars will find plenty ofcamping options in Vilas County, from county-owned landto state and national forests, as well as privately ownedcampgrounds. Whether you’re into rustic camping, luxuriousglamping or something in between, there’s a site for you.Here are three campgrounds that offer a rewardingNorthwoods camping experience.TORCH LAKE CAMPGROUND AND RV PARK5130 Torch Lake Rd., ConoverLocated on 39-acre Torch Lake, this campground is ideal forfamilies with a travel trailer, RV or tent.TAMARACK SPRINGS CAMPGROUND5025 Tamarack Rd., ConoverUnplug and escape to this beautifully rustic campground. Itaccommodates tents and small trailers, featuring an on-sitecampground host and nine sites spread along both sides ofTamarack Creek.RIVER ROAD EQUESTRIAN CAMPGROUND5056 River Rd., ConoverThe River Road Equestrian Campground is a rider’s perfectretreat. It’s located at the trailhead of the Torch Lakeequestrian loop, which provides access to nearly 20 miles ofwell-marked trails.Learn more about additional camping opportunities LODGING 21



Vilas County is a beautiful place to find unique items for

family, friends and anyone else on your list. Here’s a sample

of what you can discover.

OUTDOOR GEAR: Vilas County has lots of great sporting

goods shops selling the latest gear at competitive prices. One

of the best parts about shopping at these stores is the deep

knowledge employees and owners of these retailers have

about what they are selling—when they’re not in the store,

you’ll probably find them on the lake or in the woods. If you’re

not sure what you’re looking for, they’re there to help. One

shop in downtown Eagle River will even outfi t your dog!

ARTIST WARES: The Northwoods’ natural beauty has long

inspired some of Wisconsin’s most beloved artists and

craftspeople. You can fi nd their work, and the work of other

regional and national talents, in Vilas County’s shops and

galleries. You’ll never have more fun finding the perfect gift

or home décor item.

SWEET AND SAVORY: Vilas County shops sell a delicious

variety of jams, jellies and other sweet delights. You’ll also

fi nd handcrafted salsas, hot chocolate mixes, sauces and

an abundance of cranberry and wild rice products that are

native to this area. These items are all delicious, and many

are not available elsewhere. Treat yourself!

NORTHWOODS APPAREL: Our county’s retailers are stocked

with all the apparel you’ll need to get through the frostiest

mornings and warmest summer afternoons. We even have

specialty boutiques where you can find one-of-a-kind fashions.

Learn more about shopping at



You’ll fi nd them in the heart of our communities and on back

forest roads—Vilas County restaurants serve up flavors

as big as the Northwoods. These restaurants are timeless

treasures, as delicious as they were generations ago. Here’s

a taste of what you’ll fi nd.

SUPPER CLUBS: Arrive early and savor your experience at a

Vilas County supper club. These places are institutions,

celebrated by visitors and locals alike, and are decorated

with trophy fi sh, old photos and perhaps even a few

Christmas lights. Order a classic old fashioned—sweet or

sour, fruit or olives—the choice is yours. Savor a traditional

Wisconsin fish fry, order up a rack of ribs or some

impossibly tender prime rib. Save room for the perfect

throwback dessert: an ice cream drink!

TAVERNS: For great flavors and friendly atmosphere, head

to a Vilas County tavern. You’ll fi nd burgers loaded with

deliciousness and fried cheese curds and homemade chips

that can’t be resisted. There’s always something cold and

refreshing on tap. Planning a summer getaway? Many of our

taverns have outside seating during the warmer months.

FAMILY RESTAURANTS: Anyone hungry for pizza? Vilas

County restaurants serve up some of the best pizza in the

Northwoods, as well as entrees to fit anyone’s taste and

budget. After a day on the lakes or trails, there’s nothing like

settling into a Northwoods restaurant, where the portions are

as generous as the service. The only question: table or booth?

Learn more about dining at


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