Annual Accomplishment Report 2019

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Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………

Vision/ Mission/ Core Values ……………………………………………….

Goals and Objectives ………………………………………………………….

Letter of Endorsement to Division Superintendent ……………………..

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………

Socio-Economic, Cultural and Demographic Background ………………

Organizational Structure ……………………………………………………….









History ……………………………………………………………………………… 1

Three-Year Enrolment Data ………………………………………….………… 2

Basic Education Resources …………………………………………………….. 3 - 6

Shift of Classes ……………………………………………………………..……. 7


Access and Efficiency

Apparent Intake Rate/ Net Intake Rate ……………………………………… 8

Number of Five Year Old Entrants …………………………..……………….. 8

Gross Enrolment Rate/ Net enrolment Rate ……………..………………… 9

Cohort Survival Rate …………………………..………………………………… 10

Completion Rate …………………………………………………………………. 10

Number of Dropouts By Grade Level ………………………………………… 11

Number of Repeaters By Grade Level …………………………………….…. 12

Causes of Dropouts/ School Leavers ………………………………………… 12


Learning Assessment Results ………………………………………….……… 13

Reading Profile …………………………………………………………..………. 14

Governance ………………………………………………………………………. 15 - 16

Information and Communications Technology …………………………… 17 - 19

School Milestones ……………………………………………………………….. 20

Winnings in Competition ………………………………..……………………… 21 - 28

Financial Report (MOOE) ………………………………………………..………. 29– 31

Network and External Linkages …………………………………………….…. 32-36

Scholarships, Trainings, Workshops, Conference …………………………. 37-38

Flagship Programs and Projects ……………………………………………….. 39-110

Photoscopes ………………………………………………………………………… 111-134


We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose

values and competencies enable them to realize their full potential and contribute

meaningfully to building the nation.

As a learner-centered public institution, the Department of

Education continuously improves itself to better serve its


To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality,

equitable, culture-based, and complete basic education where:

Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and

motivating environment. Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture

every learner. Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure

an enabling and supportive environment for effective learning to happen.

Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and

share responsibility for developing life-long learners.






• Improve school access and internal efficiency;

• Raise the school’s level of performance in all

learning areas;

• Intensify linkages for improved school resources;


• Revitalize leadership and governance for efficient

and effective delivery of educational services as

manifested by recognitions gained.

• Increase enrolment and improve internal efficiency

indicators by at least 10 percent;

• Attract more sponsors for assistance for improved

school resources; and

• Receive recognitions and higher school marks

(Basis for Performance-Based Bonus) as manifestation

of revitalized leadership and governance for

efficient and effective delivery of educational



December 16, 2019


Schools Division Superintendent

Division of City Schools

Pasay City


Warm greetings!

The undersigned takes pride and honor in endorsing to your office the completed School

Annual Accomplishment Report for Year 2019 of this academic institution, Kalayaan

Elementary School, Kalayaan Village, Pasay City.

The collaborative effort of this institution together with all the stakeholders have lead to

achieve its end goal; to continually remain steadfast in its mandate and produce excellent and

productive learners.

Thus, the theme, “Insight”, along with initiative, motivation, leadership, persistence and

service to others have gained potential and substantial experiences that lead to our success

encapsulated the schools’ journey for the year 2019.

With this, Kalayaan Elementary School will remain to live to its purpose; “Be the home of the


Thank you and more power.

Very truly yours,


School Principal IV


An understanding of a cause and effect relationship which leads to being

able to see or understand something clearly denotes insight. It is related to


Having good and proper INSIGHTS play a vital role in managing the

system. These perceptions and clear-sightedness when diverted into actions will

result to attain academic, personal and extra-curricular achievements. With a

clear vision and systematic management, success is most likely to happen. And

this has become evident in our institution.

Our INSIGHTS along with initiative, motivation, leadership, persistence

and service to others have gained potential and substantial experiences that

lead to our success. “Without wonder and insight, acting is just a trade. With it, it

becomes creation by Belle Davis.”

In closing, we perceive as one, we visualize as one, we stand as one, so

we win as one.


The communities surrounding the school mostly belong to middle class

families. There are 551 households (18.50percent with income below the poverty


The Community Base Monitoring

Sys- tem (CBMS) Survey in 2006

also dis- close that there are 177

h o u s e -

holds (6 percent) with income

be- low the food threshold

w h i l e

there are 102 households

(3.5 per- cent) who experience food


T h e

survey also revealed that

2 0 7 households (7 percent) are

living in makeshift housing while

237 household (8 percent) are squatters. The proportion of households

without access to safe water is 0.1 percent. Moreover, 0.6 percent of the households


Barangay 201 does not have access to

sanitary toilet facilities.

Members of the labor force are

5,179; 3,321 are males while 1,858

are females. The west service road and

the Access road are considered as

commercial areas and partly as industrial

areas. Evident in the community

near the school is the existence of micro-business

establishments that cater

to the needs of the community residents: beauty salons, pawnshop, bake

shops, mini- marts, convenience stores, computer game station, internet cafes,

and others.


Barangay 201 in Kalayaan Village, the school’s community, is an area in the city

which is a conglomeration of different regional and ethnic groups. It is a melting port

of different cultures across the archipelago. There are Visayas, Bicolanos, Batanguenos,

Ibanag, Mindanaoenos and many other small ethnic groups.

Common inspiration of the faithful during early days brought about the Our

Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament as the patron of the then small community of

worshippers. Though the cooperation of the

residents of Bliss and Kalayaan, a chapel

was contracted for the community.

As the population continued to increase,

the community gradually grew in

faith and fraternity. On 15 July 1996, the

chapel was canonically established as the

Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament

Parish (OLMBSP).

If there is something that Barangay

201 can be proud of is the fact that it is a

fully integrated community. It is endowed

with the following amenities and facilities

either government provided or NGO supported.

It has a local parish church, a JIL

church, a wet market, DSWD run pre-schools, privately owned pre-schools, a multipurpose

hall, a Senior Citizen Center, a PNP Community Precinct, an elementary

school, a public secondary school, an international school, a public health center, a

covered basketball court and a barangay hall.

Added to these is the existence of business establishments that cater to the

multifarious needs of community residents, from beauty salons to pawn shops, commercial

banks, bake shops, mini-mart, convenience stores, computer games, internet

cafes, SPAs, medical and dental clinics, drug stores, and other. In a capsule, it is holistic

community that

provides the basic needs

of human person from personal care, from

temporal to spiritual

needs of man, from basic

to more sophisticat-

ed needs.

As of first quarter of 2017, the community

population was estimated to be

23,164 residents or a total of 4,947 households

(Source: CBMS Sur- vey/ Bgy. 201) Majority

of the populaces are

children and adolescents

or those belonging to

the grade schoolers and

high school level. A good percentage of the adolescents are either Out-of-School

Youth or the rest are in the tertiary level or are taking up technical courses. Roughly

10,700 of the population are voters.



School Principal IV

Teaching Personnel

Admin Staff

Maricar L.




Lilia C. De


MT - I

Grade I

Evelyn V.


MT - I

Grade II


E. Sergio


Grade III

Nicolasa D.


Sarena E.



Grade IV

Eleanor C.


Sally D.



Grade V

Jesus G.




Grace P.



Grade VI











Grade I

Grade II

Grade III

Grade IV

Grade V

Grade VI









The Kalayaan Elementary School Organizational schemes the line of administration and

supervision being observed in this academic institution in the performance of its functions.

The school head is responsible for the overall direction, supervision, coordination, and

monitoring and evaluation of the operations and activities of the Department of Education

(DepEd) in this community. He also takes charge of the implementation of the existing laws,

policies, programs and projects of the department in the school level.

The school head has designated teacher-chairmen who will assist him in the

performance of the functions of the offices.


Kalayaan Elementary Schools is located at Teachers’ Bliss Compound, Kalayaan Village, Pasay City. It has

a total land area of 4,639 sq. m. The site was donated by the National Housing Authority (NHA) through usufruct.

The contract of usufruct was signed between NHA General Manager, Monico Jacob and the then Department of Education

Culture and Sports (DECS) Secretary Lourdes Quisumbing. It was acquired on September 25, 1989.

The humble beginning of Kalayaan Elementary School was seen in 1989, with only two classrooms constructed

by Philippine Amusement and Games Corporation (PAGCOR). It was considered as an annex only of Villamor

Elementary School with Mr. Amaro Escario, supervisor of the South district and Mrs. Elena Jimenez as School

Principal. Mrs. Suyo, Mrs. Del Barrio, Miss Hernandez, Mrs. Castillo, Mrs. Florendo, and Mrs. Segundo were the first

teachers of Kalayaan (who were borrowed only from different schools in the city). Six classes with three shifts were

organized. Children were asked to bring their own chairs in schools for their use.

After sometime, the school had its own principal, Mrs. Milagros Ignacio who served for one year and six

months. The following year witnessed the boom in enrollment of the school as its highest and biggest enrollment

increased was recorded. With the permission of the chapel’s priest in the school community, the chapel was used as

classrooms. Four classrooms for Grades V and VI were used with no barriers and walls. Additional teachers were

borrowed from other schools.

Mrs. Angelita Balisi, the next principal, worked hard for the construction of two three-storey buildings. and

one four-storey building. After ten years of serving the school and the children of the community where the school

is, Mrs. Balisi retired and Mrs. Myrna Teves took over. Although she stayed in the school for just one year, everyone

felt a friendly environment because of the school’s full implementation of Child Friendly School System (CFSS) under

her term. Mrs. Lilia Labaco replaced her and served as school principal of Kalayaan Elementary School for two


With the retirement of Mrs. Labaco, Mrs. Avelita Mercado was assigned for the principalship. During her

term, the school population has continued to grow, reaching more than 4,100 children. The exerted efforts of the

principal with the cooperation of the teachers, parents and the community as a whole, the school has become the

show window of the Division of Pasay City for its very successful implementation of Child-Friendly School System

and for serving as Pilot School for Student Tracking System (STS) in the National Capital Region.

In the year 2011, twenty years after its lowly birth with Mr. Librado F. Torres as its school headmaster, the

Kalayaan Elementary School has renewed its mark as one of the city’s premier academic institutions. Throughout his

term, the school was considered as one of the biggest in the city in term of population in the sense that its enrolment

reached more than 4,400 pupils. Furthermore, this institution has become the exemplar of the entire division for its

unique actualization of the School Based Management (SBM) Program. Prior to his reassignment to other academic

institution the covered court of the school was constructed.

Mr. Rodulfo C. Tirol became the school head in 2014, where he continued to uphold its journey for

academic brilliancy, significance and efficacy. Some of his accomplishments are the following; construction of a

four-storey building, conversion of the gymnasium to three classrooms, new partnership with stakeholders and winnings

in different academic contests.

At present, Dr. Severo A. Bajado who is a former teacher and one of the pillars of the school is the new

school principal of Kalayaan Elementary School.


This academic institution believes

that it is its responsibility to provide the

availability of educational opportunities

to all school age population to a system

where there is quality teaching and

learning. This primary essence of its existence

leads Kalayaan Elementary

School in Pasay City to exert greater efforts

in order to attract all school age

children in the community to come to its

classrooms and make them learn.

Enrolment 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

Kindergarten (5 years old)

Enrolment 552 562 471

The enrolment in the Kindergarten increased from

552 learners in 2017 - 2018 to 562 in 2018 - 2019 and

decreased in 2019 - 2020. For three years, from 2017 to

2019, an average decreased of 0.10 percent has been


Thorough barangay mapping should be intensified to

encourage the parents and children to go back to school.


Enrolment 2017-2018 2018 - 2019 2019-2020


Enrolment 3269 3140 3622

From 2017 to 2018, the enrolment in the Elementary decreased

from 3,269 learners to 3,140 learners. However, the enrolment in 2019

increased at 0.07 percent.

Enrolment 2017-2018 2018 - 2019 2019-2020


Enrolment 24 24 34

From 2017 to 2018, the enrolment in the SPED program from 24

learners is still the same for 2018. However, for two years, from 2017 to 2019,

the SPED learners increased its enrollment in 23 percent.

Enrolment 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020


Enrolment 24 31 20

This academic institution has decreased the number of

learners for Alternative Learning System (ALS) from 2018 to

2019. The Instructional Manager (IM) is paid through the city’s

Local School Board (LSB).


Number of

Kindergarten and

Teacher - Learner



2017 110 1:34

2018 113 1:34

2019 112 1:34

Increasing trend was noted in the number of teachers (average increased of 0.01%

percent, for both kindergarten and elementary levels from 2017 to this year). Average

class sizes in the elementary level were observed. Moreover, the average class size was

sustained as reflected in the teacher-learning ratio.

Number of

Kindergarten and

Teacher - Learner



2017 65 1:40

2018 67 1:40

2019 71 1:40

The number of classrooms as well as the classroom-learner ratio were sustained

in 2019 An increasing trend was noted in the average number of learners occupying a

room in 2019. The size of class of learners remains to be at the average.


Number of Seat- Learner


2017 2,051 1:2.11

2018 2,326 1:2.11

2019 2,326 1:2.11

The number of seats from year 2018 to 2019 had been sustained.

Number of



2017 14,532 1:1

2018 20,178 1:1

2019 19,38 1:1

Decreases in the number of textbooks were observed from 2018 to 2019. The

teacher - learner ratio had been sustained at 1:1 in Grades I,II,III IV, V & VI.


Number of

2017 81

2018 122

2019 163

From 2017 an increase in the number of computers was observed and was

sustained in 2018. Increases were brought by the newly delivered 41 computers and

1 laptop from the LGU through Pylon.

Number of

Toilet Bowl-Learner


2017 69 1:60

2018 73 1:60

2019 71 1:60

The school’s WatSan Facilities are in good condition. There was an decrease

in the number of seats from year 2017 to 2018 but a decrease of 2 seats in 2019.



Number of Classes Number of Classes



Kinder 11 11

Grade I 14

Grade II 13

Grade III 13

Grade IV 14

Grade V 13

Grade VI 13


Number of Classes Number of Classes



Kinder 11 11

Grade I 15

Grade II 13

Grade III 13

Grade IV 13

Grade V 13

Grade VI 13


Number of Classes Number of Classes



Kinder 11 11

Grade I 15

Grade II 15

Grade III 12

Grade IV 12

Grade V 13

Grade VI 13


2017 2018 2019


This academic institution has registered an increasing trend

for its Apparent Intake Rate for the past years. For the year

201-2019 the average increase of 14.38% is recorded.

2017 2018 2019


The Net Intake Rate of Kalayaan Elementary School for year

2017 to year 2019 has an average increase of 6.44%.

2017 2018 2019


423 341 254


An increasing trend was recorded for the past years but for

the year 2017-2019 there was a decrease in the number of

five year old entrants with an average of 22.46 percent. This is

may be caused by the strict implementation of the change in age cut off released



2017 2018 2019

Gross Enrolment Rate 92 94 92

This academic institution has registered an increasing trend for its

Gross Enrollment Rate for the past years. For the year 2017 to 2019 the

percentage of pupils who are able to reach grade six posted an average

increase of .03 percent.

2017 2018 2019

Net Enrolment Rate 96 96 97

The percentage of grade one entrants who graduate in

elementary education has established an increasing trend from Year

2017 to Year 2019. An average percentage of .52 increase is recorded

from the year 2017 to 2019.


2017 2018 2019

Cohort Survival Rate 89 89 90

This academic institution has registered an increasing trend for its Cohort

Survival Rate for the past years. For the year 2017-2019 the percentage of

pupils who are able to reach grade six posted an average increase of

0.56% percent.

2017 2018 2019

Completion Rate 84 93 90

The percentage of grade one entrants who graduate in elementary education

has established an increasing trend from Year 2017 up to present. A 3.75%

average increase is recorded from the year 2017 to 2019.


Grade Level 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

Kinder 4 2 3

One 2 0 0

Two 4 0 1

Three 4 0 0

Four 1 1 2

Five 3 2 2

Six 1 0 1

Total 19 5 9

Family problems

Poor academic performance

Lack of interest/distractions

Peer influence

Distance between home and school



Grade Level 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

Kinder 0 0 0

One 0 0 0

Two 0 0 0

Three 0 0 0

Four 0 0 0

Five 0 0 0

Six 0 0 0

Total 0 0 0

Family problems

Poor academic performance

Lack of interest/distractions

Peer influence

Distance between home and school


LEARNING 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

English 57.74 52.15 58.52

Filipino 66.05 64.95 67.54

Mathematics 58.22 56.61 61.28


(Grades Three-Six)

52.79 52.23 56.03

Araling 60.06 58.7 61.93

MAPEH 60.47 59.83 61.72

EPP 57.31 56.05 59.74


(Grades One-Three)

70.6 67.44 69.02

ESP 71.42 72.42 74.14



60.51 61.52 63.32




2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

English Filipino English Filipino English Filipino

Frustration 2036 1819 74 1212 1124 1018

Instructional 484 642 107 421 257 666

Independent 164 272 93 447 154 309

Non-Reader 77 28 0 71 19 27


Kalayaan Elementary School scales new heights with improved governance

processes and mechanisms together with strong participation of its stakeholders.

Indeed, this institution steps forward for better educational outcomes. At the school

level, the School Head (Principal IV) is responsible for the overall direction, supervision,

coordination, and monitoring and evaluation of the operations and activities of the school in

this community . He also taken charge of the implementation of the existing laws, policies,

programs and project of the department in the school level.

The principal has Promotional Staff composed of the master teachers

(or subject area coordinators) and Administrative Staff involving selected teachers for the

support services: School Health, Finance , Personnel, Property and Records.

The school has organized PTAs, School Governing Council, and Supreme Pupil




The school revitalizes implementation of the following systems:

* School-Based Management (SBM);

* Child-friendly School system (CFSS);

* Enhanced Basic Information System (EBEIS);

* Human Resource Information System (HRIS);

* Learner Information System (LIS);

* Student Tracking System (STS);

* Administration of Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-lRI);

* Administration of School Reading Assessment (SReA);

* Enhance the Quality Education through RPMS

* eQATAME (School Quality Assurance Technical and Monitoring Evaluation)

* Project 143 of Grade Six Learners

* Alternative Learning System (ALS)

* Conduct of Early Language Literacy and Numeracy (ELLN)

* Gender and Development (GAD)


The school initiates the following for better transparency and accountability:

• Teachers have selected the school’s teacher-auditor who will take charge of auditing cooperative

and canteen financial reports;

• Canteen Reports (Miscellaneous Fund, School Feeding Fund, HE/IA Fund) are being submitted

to the Division Office for proper auditing;

• MOOE Cash Register and liquidation documents are being submitted monthly to the DepEd-

Pasay City Division accountant/resident auditor for proper auditing.

• The school has organized an Inspection and Acceptance Committee that will look into all procurement


• Organizing a BAC Committee

• Submission of Monthly Cash Program on a quarterly basis



* Reporting to teacher the school’s financial status during meeting.



The implementation of DCP (DepEd Computerization Program) resulted the creation of the school

ICT team represented by the focal persons in each grade level.

Primarily, the utilization of technology in teaching and learning is the trust of the program. Thus the

school ICT ensures to have continuous training of teachers on ICT integration and increase level of

competence in the use of DCP equipment.

At present, the school is maintaining four e-learning rooms; E-lab 1: for DCP batches 29 & 31,

E-lab 2: with 10 computers from Sykes, E-lab 3: for DCP batch 7, Batch 40 which is the Interactive board and

the E-lab 4 which is the home of the ARAL PINOY, a project of the Local Government of Pasay.

1. Conducted ICT related trainings and hands-on workshops in different LAC sessions per grade


2. Assisted the teachers in the use of the Workplace in Education and Office 365 platform.

3. Implemented the use of e-QATAME in the Learning Action Cell and In Service Training for


4. Intensified the use of DCP in grades four, five and six pupils.

5. Pilot use of Aral Pinoy with grade six pupils.



Kalayaan Elementary School has maintained its torch

of excellence in the different areas of learning .



1st Place

Rhealyn Q. Bacud

Daniel C. Singhid

Category: Araling Panlipunan

Trainer: Mrs. Ma. Cristina S. Balagat


1st Place

4th Place

Venice B. Duran

Patricia Dobalan

Paul Andrew Gabiana

Category: ICT

Category: Dish Gardening

Publisher Card

Trainer: Virgilio B. Galan

Trainer: Virgilio Galan


1st Place

1st Place

Cyrille F. Yulo

Jerlyn Mary S. Cuntapay

Category: Lathalain

Category: Pagsulat ng Balitang Isports

Trainer: Nora C. Relaniza

Trainer: Esperanza G. Rasing

1st Place

Rhealyn Q. Bacud

Category: Pagwawasto at Pag- uulo

Trainer: Leoniza O. Guyala

2nd Place

Sophia Rose M. Bague

Category: Feature Writing

Trainer: Ezperanza G. Rasing

1st Place

Best Anchor

Kurt Russel Bueno

Category: English Broadcasting

2nd Place

Christian James C. Jonson

Category: Sports Writing

Trainer: Esperanza G. Rasing



2nd Place

Kurt Russel Bueno

Richard Ross Cunanan

Samantha Denise Ilanga

Category: Best Infomercial

5th Place

Iñaki Manuelle V. Garcia

Category: Cartooning

5th Place

Mark Luis B. Guillena

Category: Pagsulat ng Balita

Trainer: Maricar L. Tabuac

6th Place

Francis Bean M. Derecho

Category: Editorial Writing

Trainer: Grace P. Valdez

Trainer: Marissa C. Balaoro

7th Place

6th Place

Jesha Mae Salvia

Marvie Yzabelle L. Badion

Category: Copyreading

Category: Science & Technology

Trainer: Christie Rica A. Gaid

Trainer: Gerla L. Mateo

10th Place

9th Place

Kathleen Maye M. Mendoza

Daisy Mae V. Banag

Category: Kartuning

Category: Photojournalism

Trainer: Marissa C. Balaoro

Trainer: Nora C. Relaniza

10th Place

Serene Veronika E. Inalisan

Category: Pagkuha ng Larawan

Trainer: Nora C. Relaniza



1st Place

Kyleigh D. Osit

Category: Story Telling

Trainers: Menelyn S. Alangilan

Alma V. Rico

3rd Place

Lilliana Serene R. David

Category: Drawing

Trainers: Aizel P. Bernardo

Ailene I. Salvador

3rd Place

Ashley Jaymce Badoy

Mary Jewelrose A. Suyo

Maricel C. Pillado

Scott Rupert B. Nazaret

King Lionel N. Vidad

Nino M. Sienes

Category: Cha-Cha

Trainers: Rialeza A. Castillo

Juliet D. Clavite

Maricel L. De Guzman



1st Place

Kyleigh D. Osit

Category: Story Telling

Trainers: Menelyn S. Alangilan

Alma V. Rico

1st Place

Ashley Jaymce Badoy

Mary Jewelrose A. Suyo

Maricel C. Pillado

Scott Rupert B. Nazaret

King Lionel N. Vidad

Nino M. Sienes

Category: Cha-Cha

Trainers: Rialeza A. Castillo

Juliet D. Clavite

Maricel L. De Guzman

3rd Place

Rhea Andrea Geli

Category: Vocal Solo

Trainers: Aileen J. Galasinao

Luzviminda P. Quezon

1st Place

Lilliana Serene R. David

Category: Drawing

Trainers: Aizel P. Bernardo

Ailene I. Salvador

2nd Place

Jenelsy Maiko V. Columbino

Category: Story Reading

Trainers: Joe Marlyn B. Ybanez

2nd Place

Mary Francheza Samantha C. Banico

Jhaira Colleen M. Gonzaga

Bhrieget M. Bombita

Jaren Mae B. Lapiz

Juan Gabrial G. Palinsad

Ayessa J. Garcia

Ezekiel Justin R. Oxima

Dave Ynigo B. Nazareno

Cristoff A. bajado

Prince Reynaldo Jr. T. Ellaga

Category: Carinosa

Trainers: Rialeza A. Castillo

Juliet D. Clavite

Maricel L. De Guzman


1st Place/ Gold

3rd Place/ Bronze

Danica Yvonne Gomez

Category: Athletics Girls

Trainers: Achelle Descalsota

Jonathan Napay

1st Place/ Gold

2nd Place/ Silver

3rd Place/ Bronze

Reggie Blanco

Category: Athletic Boys

Trainer: Achelle Descalsota

Jonathan Napay

1st Place/ Gold

Category: Baseball

Trainer: Eleanor Capilitan


1st Place/ Gold

Von Elijah Pagtalunan

Category: Athletic Boys

Trainers: Achelle Descalsota

Jonathan Napay

1st Place/ Gold

Ron Ezekiel Zacarias

Category: Badminton

Trainer: Ronel Zacarias

Jonathan Napay

1st Place/ Gold

Category: Sepak Takraw

Trainer: Enonie Molleda

1st Place/ Gold

2nd Place/ Silver

Mark James Teves

Category: Athletic Boys

Trainers: Achelle Descalsota

Jonathan Napay

1st Place/ Gold

Category: Basketball

Trainer: Ronel Zacarias

Jonathan Napay

Achelle Descalsota

1st Place/ Gold

Category: Volleyball Girls

Trainer: Virgilio Galan

2nd Place/ Silver

Assir Mikel Diega

Category: Athletic Boys

Trainer: Achelle Descalsota

2nd Place/ Silver

Vince Nathan Torres

Category: Athletic Boys

Trainer: Achelle Descalsota



1st Place/ Gold

Category: Athletics Girls

Trainer: Achelle Descalsota

Jonathan Napay

1st Place/ Gold

Category: Athletic Boys

Trainer: Achelle Descalsota

Jonathan Napay

1st Place/ Gold

Category: Badminton

Trainer: Ronel Zacarias

Jonathan Napay

1st Place/ Gold

Category: Basketball

Trainer: Ronel Zacarias

Jonathan Napay

Achelle Descalsota

1st Place/ Gold

Category: Baseball

Trainer: Eleanor Capilitan

1st Place/ Gold

Category: Volleyball Girls

Trainer: Virgilio Galan

1st Place/ Gold

Category: Sepak Takraw

Trainer: Enonie Molleda









Springboard Foundation

• Gives direct assistance to sixty (60) indigent

but deserving pupils of Kalayaan

Elementary School.

• donated 1, 220 school bags and school

supplies to some selected graders

British International School of Manila

• donated new sets of books in the library

during the Culminating Program of the

National Reading Month

• Sixty (60) in Grade Six who belong to a

not well to do families were beneficiaries

of Christmas packages during this Christmas

Gift Giving on December 5, 2019.

Sunshine Kids

Johnson & Johnson’s

• provides Feeding Program to sixty (60)

beneficiaries of KES

• Sponsored a Christmas Party to forty

(40) selected pupils of KES on November

23, 2019.

• They also gave gifts and groceries to

these pupils.

Petron Foundation

• gives direct assistance to forty-three

(43) pupils of KES until they graduate

Grade Six




• 25% of the 20% school share is being allotted

to Feeding Program

KES Multi-Purpose Cooperative

• sponsored 1-day food budget for teachers

during the Mid-Year INSET and Summer


•provides food allowance to pupils and

teachers during contests

• supports school’s Brigada Eskwela

• painted the walls of Building A

School GPTA

• supports school’s Brigada Eskwela activities

and finances

• supports KES celebration of National

World Teachers’ Month

• provides assistance to pupils and teachers

during contests

Barangay 201 Council

• sponsored 1-day food during Brigada


• supports school’s program and activities



Kalayaan Elementary School’s Bantay Basa is a school-based Curriculum

Development. Its purpose is to improve reading skills, especially comprehension

of pupils both in English and Filipino.

Under this initiative, teachers in all areas prepare short stories related

to the subject and expose pupils to those reading texts and at least three

comprehension check-up questions of different levels (more on interpretative

and applied questions). Teachers give this exercise before they start their

lessons. Based on this exercise, teachers recommend to the Remedial Reading

Mentor those pupils who need assistance.

DepEd Computerization Program (DCP)

The DepEd Computerization Program (DCP) aims to improve delivery of

instruc-tion through the use computer. Under this program, teachers will undergo

training on how to use the DCP. This program also helps the teachers

to create innovative instruc-tional materials and interactive activities. This

year, the program was expanded by or-ganizing trainings to the teacher and

allowing them to use the computers in teaching.

Philippine Informal Reading Inventory

A national assessment tool to determine the reading level of pupils from

Grades One to Six.



A program sponsored by the UNICEF that aims in putting up the best

interest of the child especially the poor learner, at heart by understanding the

child himself and his interaction with his environment (the home, the school

and the community) through a standardized teaching system.


An approach to address the needs of the non-readers and slow readers.


A year-round activity intended to develop the writing skills of the pupils

and the teachers.


Promote academic excellence in Science via the conduct of the Science

Fair, Quiz and Sci-dama in consonance with the National Science Fair.


This is a month-long celebration to support and promote the DepEd Program

on Every Child a Reader Program (ECARP). This program aims to develop

love for reading.



Developmental Reading integrated with Values Education for good citizenship.

A storybook commissioned by Unionbank of the Philippines - Corporate Social

Responsibility, aimed at the promotion of Filipino values among our students

and used as a basic resource for reading.


A school project to build and enhance pupils’ leadership potential and

social skills.


Expedite the assessment of Kindergarten entrance readiness.


Raise awareness among KES teachers and pupils enabling them to be

more committed and responsive to eliminate gender biases and to prevent violence

against women and children.



1. 3rd PIC International Academic Conference: Tackling Value

Added experience in Multiculturalism

2. 2019 Mind Education Specialist Training (MEST)

International Seminar on “Leadership Enhancement and Values

Formation “

September 28, 2019

August 22-25, 2019

Acacia Hotel

Muntinlupa City

SM City Sucat, Cinema 3

Parañaque City


1. National Orientation on the Utilization of Primer Booklet, Teacher's

Resource Book and Formative Assessment Tool

March 11-15, 2019

Anne Raqule's Hillside Resort,

Olongapo City


1. DepEd-NCR-MTAP Regional Intensive Training on Content and

Pedagogy for Grades 4-6 Teachers in Mathematics

May 20-25, 2019

Philippine School for the Deaf

2. MTAP-DEPED-NCR Annual Convention and Seminar

Workshop on Mathematics Education for Elementary and Secondary


September 14-15, 2019 Pasig City

3. 2019 Regional Journalism Clinique August 3-4, 2019

4. Regional Training of Trainers on Sign Language

and Braille Reading and Writing

January 28, 2019

to February 1,


Rosa L. Susano Elem. School

Quezon City

Royale Tagaytay Country

Club, Inc.

Buck Estate, Alfonso Cavite



1. Launching of Project

Electronic Technical Assistance Project (E-TAP)

2. Orientation on Addition, Clarification and Amendments on

RPMS Manual

March 1, 2019

July 23, 2019

SDO Pasay

SDO Pasay

3. Mental Health Awareness July 24-26, 2019 SDO Pasay

4. Division Workshop on RPMS Data Collection System August 15-16, 2019 SDO Pasay

5. Cybersafe Training August 19-20, 2019 SDO Pasay

6. Data Management of Information Requirements 2019


7. Roll-out on ALS K-12 Basic Education Curriculum for ALS


8. Division Modules Constructionin the Different Subject Areas for

Learners with Special Needs and for Learners in the Open High

School Program

August 20-21, 2019

October 16-21, 2019

Sept 5-7, 19-21, 2019

Shercon Resort & Ecology Park


Jose Rizal Elementary School

SDO Hall &

Swiss Belhotel Blulane, Manila

9. Basic Training Course for Kawan Leaders Nov. 22 - 24, 2019 Jose Rizal Elementary School

10. Contingency Planning for the Big One December 5-7, 2019 SDO Conference Hall

11. Batang Emergency Response Team (BERT ) Camp October 11-12, 2019 School for the Deaf

12. Fire Square Road Show

September 27, 2019

Kalayaan Covered Court

Pasay City

13. 2019 Division Science Month and Technology Fair October 11, 2019 EDSES Pasay City

14. Division Mass Training of Grade Two Teachers on Inclusive

Education (IE)

July 18-20, 2019

SDO Conference Hall


1. INSET - Paradigm Transformation Amongst KES Educators October 21-25, 2019 Kalayaan Elementary School

2. Orientation on Addition, Clarification and Amendments on

RPMS Manual August 8, 2019 Kalayaan Elementary School

3. Gender and Development December 6, 2019 Kalayaan Elementary School



In the Philippines, the Feeding Program of the Department of Education

was first launched in 1997 to address short-term hunger among public school


School Feeding Programs can help children get into school and keep

them there through enhancing their enrollment and reducing absenteeism and

once the children are in school, the program can contribute to their learning

through avoiding hunger and enhancing cognitive abilities.

Moreover, the School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) is here to address

undernutrition among public school children by at least 70% at the end of 120

feeding days. In addition, it aims to increase classroom attendance by 85% ,

lower the drop-out rates, and improve the children’s health and nutritional values

and behavior.

The objectives of SBFP is to reduce child hunger, improve child nutrition,

concentration and energy levels, enhance school academic performance, decrease

the burden of parents and guardians and provide socialization opportunities

for children.

The School-Based Feeding Program of Kalayaan Elementary School started

last July 15 and it will last until December 13, 2019 which covers the 120 feeding

days. The beneficiaries of the program were determined through their nutritional

status which was provided by their respective class advisers. The S and

SW are among the beneficiaries. Their parents attended the Feeding Program

Orientation and there they learned what the program is all about. The feeding

beneficiaries are dewormed first before they undergo the feeding program. This

school year, the number of feeding beneficiary are 262 pupils. They are fed in

full meals.

The double feeding was conducted to cover up the suspension of classes

due to calamities. The school feeding coordinators and the food handlers in the

feeding program undergo seminars for proper handling of food which are

served to the beneficiaries.

The SBFP Re-Orientation was conducted last December 6, 2019 and it was

attended by the SBFP beneficiaries’ parents, coordinators and the School Head.




The month long celebration of Science Month was held at Kalayaan

Elementary School last September 2019 with the theme “Reinventing the

Future: Advancing Communities through Science, Technology and Innovations”.

The month long celebration was kicked-off by morning Zumba of

the Grade 3 and Grade 6 pupils and Opening of exhibit signifying the

opening for public viewing of the recycled projects of Grades 3-6 students

and ecorobots made by parents and students.

During the month long celebration different contests were held like

Poster Making Contest, Spelling Bee and Quiz bee was joined by the students

from the different grades. The Month Long Celebration ended with a

Ecorampa 2019. A trashion show which showcased different clothes made

of recyclable materials aiming to change how the world sees waste last

September 27, 2019 followed by awarding ceremonies of the winners of

the different school based contests.

Kick-off Zumba


A fun-filled Day Camp was held last October 19, 2019. Different

activities were prepared for the enjoyment of the kids where they learned

more about care for planet Earth through planting, water conservation, first

aid, proper care of the body and different tastes. The highlight of the camp

is Ecorace wherein students were challenge in the different obstacle race

where they were challenged to help endangered species of animals.

3 Grade Five and 3 Grade 4 students participated Invent School 2019

sponsored by DOST at Jose Rizal Elementary School. The representative of

the school actively participated in the different activities where they were

taught Leadership, resourcefulness and innovativeness through discussions

and simple experiments.

Invent School Activities




Girl Scouting is a worldwide movement that provides girls and young

women a non-formal educational program based on character development

and the ideals of service. The KES GSP upholds the vision: "The Filipino

and young woman who are progressive, dynamic, proactive, patriotic and


Scouting is a value laden activity which is very important part of student’s

life. It builds a character that is useful to the community and the society.

It imparts learning and teachers’ skills that are useful in the daily life.

The learning that being taught in scouting helps the individual student to

be fruitful and beneficial in nation building.

Last February 16, 2019 the Junior Girl Scout had their Day Camp.

Many activities were prepared by the Troop Leaders for them to gain badges.

Mrs. Celerina Manding taught the Juniors how to make a graham ball

where they can sell during their summer vacation. Mrs. Sarena E. Inalisan

prepared an art acitivity which is flower making using the recycled

newspaper. There were also activities like dancing and “Laro ng Lahi”

games which they enjoyed very much.

Last September 20, 2019 the some of the Star and Junior Girl Scouts attended

the Escoda Day at Rafael Palma Elementary School. Escoda Day was

a ceremony to honor the great founder of Girl Scouting Movement, Josefa

Llanes-Escoda. In this ceremony, we recalled her life as a daughter, a

mother, a wife, a civic leader, and founder of Girl Scouting in the Philippines.


Lastly, December 9, 2019 was the Investiture and Rededication Ceremony

was held. Investiture is a ceremony that welcomes new members like

the Twinklers (Kindergarten), Star Scouts (Grade One), and Junior Scouts

(Grade Four) into the family. While the Star Scouts in Grades Two and

Three and Junior Scouts in Grades Five and Six have their Rededication





District Palaro is a multi-sport event involving student-athlete from different

school level. It is organized and governed by the Department of Education . It

consists of different ballgames such as volleyball, basketball, sepak takraw and

baseball. It also has board games and others. Its purpose is to develop discipline,

teamwork and excellence among individual players. It also aim to select athletes

who excel in their field of endeavor for the advance game.

Kalayaan Elementary School hosted the said Palaro with 243 athletes selected

from different schools within the district and 90 of them are proud students of

KES. During the Cluster Palaro, different events shone and gave glory to our

school. The KES players from lawn tennis, badminton, athletics, baseball, basketball,

sepak takraw and volleyball gave honor and pride to the school for winning

the gold medals. While the KES chess players added merits for the school through

their silver medals.

On the other hand, the Division Palaro was held last November 18 until November

22, 2019 where 70 students from our school were selected and able to

participate in the different events. 35 of these students were trained and were

able to join in the NCR Palaro. Because of the vital trainings these players endured

with their trainers, their effort and hardship paid off.

In Athletics, the boys gathered 6 gold medals, 4 silver medals and 2 bronze

medals. While the girls gathered 2 gold medals and 1 bronze medal.

The school also got gold medals from badminton, baseball, sepak takraw

and volleyball. A silver medal and bronze medal were gained in basketball and

lawn tennis respectively.



Division Learning



Oath Taking

Inter-Division Monitoring And Validation of

Learning Resources, Library and Science and

Math Equipments


Every year the Philippine Red Cross Pasay City Chapter, headed by its Chapter

Administrator Adelina B. Castillo, provides activities for students of Pasay City

which will enhance their knowledge in first aid and life-saving skills. Kalayaan Elementary

School supported each activity that PRC Pasay Chapter had sponsored.

This school year, KES gained 478 membership. This was due to the cooperation

of KES Red Cross Youth Advisers and Class Advisers. These newly registered

members will undergo free first aid trainings under their RCY Advisers. Last October

8-11, 2019, Red Cross Pasay Chapter provided Leadership Training /First

Aid and Basic Life Saving Trainings to several Cluster 6 pupils held at Villamor Air

Base Elementary School. KES sent 14 Red Cross Youth members to this event.




17TH National Scout Jamboree 2019 of the Boys Scout

in Botolan, Zambales Camp Kainomayan

The Boy Scout of the Philippines CBSP conducted the 17th National

Scout Jamboree last December 1-7, 2019 at Camp Kainomayan Botolan,

Zambales with the Theme “Commitment to Excellence”. The Jamboree aims

to provide a progressive, safe and enjoyable learning environment for the

Scouts in order to enhance their physical, social, mental, emotional, and

spiritual potential. Kalayaan Elementary School Scouting Movement was represented

by two Boy Scouts namely Scout Daniel Quibuyen and Scout Rodulfo

Garcia together with the Institutional Head Dr. Severo A. Bajado and Cluster

6 Field Commissioner Dr. Eleanor C. Capilitan.




Nobyembre, buwan kung kailan ginaganap

ang Buwan ng Pagbasa o Reading Month. Ngayong

2019 ang Buwan ng Pagbasa ay may temang

: Magbasa’t Umunlad. Sa pagbubukas ng

programang ito ang mga mag-aaral ng Kalayaan

ay nagsuot ng mga kasuotang may iba’t –ibang

tema. Nagkaroon ng parada. Halos lahat ng mga

mag-aaral ay nakiisa sa programa. Ang mga guro

sa bawat baitang ay nagkukuwento sa mga bata

o story telling. Pagkatapos magkuwento ay magtatanong

ang guro sa mga bata upang malaman

kung naintindihan nila ang kuwentong naibahagi

sa kanila.Nagkaroon ng iba’t ibang paligsahan at

gawain ang bawat baitang. Nagkaroon din ng

paligsahan sa pagsusuot ng kanilang costume

ang bawat baitang, Sa katapusan ng programa

ay binigyan ng gantimpala ang bawat batang

nagwagi. Magbasa’t umunlad ipinababatid nito

sa mga mag-aaral na nararapat lamang na ang

bawat mag-aaral ay magbasa hindi lamang ng

mga aklat kung hindi pati na ng iba’t ibang uri

ng babasahin. Sa panahon ngayon na marami ng

makabagong teknolohiya maaari ng gamitin ng

mga mag-aaral ang mga computer at cellphone

sa pagsasaliksik . Makakatulong ito sa ikauunlad

ng kanilang kaalaman subalit ang paggamit ng

mga makabagong teknolohiya ay nangangailangan

pa rin ng paggabay ng kanilang mga





Buwan ng Agosto 2019, ito ang buwan ng pagdiriwang ng Buwan ng

Wika. Ngayong 2019 ipagdiriwang ng Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF) ang

Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa na tampok ang temang “Wikang Katutubo: Tungo

sa Isang Bansang Filipino.”

Pakikiisa ito ng KWF sa proklamasyon ng UNESCO ng 2019 International

Year of Indigenous Languages (IYIL). Higit pa dito, ang pagdiriwang ay isang

mahalagang suhay sa ipinatutupad ng KWF na Medyo Matagalang Plano 2017-

2020 sa pamamagitan ng mabisang pagpapatupad ng mga pambansang programa

para sa patuluyang pagpapaunlad, pagpapayaman, at pagpapalaganap

ng mga katutubong wika na makapag-aambag sa higit na kagalingan at kalinangang

pambansa ng mga Filipino.

Ipinagdiwang ang Buwan ng Wika dito sa Paaralang Elementarya ng

Kalayaan. Nagkaroon ng Programa kung saan ang mga mag-aaral ay nagsuot

ng pambansang kasuotan. Pinamunuan ng mga guro sa ikatlong baitang ang

programa.Sa simula ng programa ang mga mag-aaral ay nagkaroon ng parada.

Pagkatapos ng parada ay sinimulan ang ikalawang bahagi ng programa. Ang

pagbubukas ng programa tungkol sa Buwan ng Wika. Sinimulan ito sa pamamagitan

ng Panalangin na pinamunuan ni Gng. Benita Martillos na sinundan ng

Pambansang Awit at Pasay Hymn sa pagkumpas ni Bb. Elizabeth T. Caranza..

Nagbigay ng Kanyang Pambungad na mensahe si Gng. Sally Bolanos. Ang ilan

sa mga mag-aaral ay nagpakita ng kanilang natatanging bilang. Pagkatapos

nito ay ang paglalahad ng mga gawain mula sa akin, Rizalina N. Rabadon ang

School Filipino Coordinator.

Sa pagtatapos ng Buwan ng Wika. Pinamunuan ng mga guro sa

ikaapat na baitang ang programa. Dito binigyan ng gantimpala ang mga magaaral

na nagwagi sa iba’t ibang paligsahan. Nagbigay dito ng kanyang mensahe

si Gng. Angelica E. Sergio Master Teacher II ng KES. Sa kabuuan ay maayos na

natapos ang mga gawain sa buong buwan ng Agosto. Ang Buwan ng Wika 2019

dahil sa pakikiisa ng mga guro at mga mag-aaral.



Narito ang mga gawain ng mga mag-aaral sa Buwan ng Wika.

Kinder – Paligsahan sa Pagtula, Mga mag-aaral sa Unang baitang – Paligsahan rin

sa Pagtula. Mga mag-aaral sa Ikalawang Baitang – Paligsahan sa Pag-awit ng katutubong

Awitin, Mga mag-aaral sa Ikatlong baitang – Paligsahan sa pagbabaybay,

Mga mag-aaral sa Ikaapat na baitang Paligsahan sa Madulang Pagkukuwento., Ang

mga mag-aaral sa Ikalimang baitang – paligsahan sa Paggawa ng Islogan at ang

mga mag-aaral sa ikaanim na baitang – Paligsahan sa paggawa ng Poster. Ang

Pangwakas na mensahe ay nagmula kay Gng. Grace P. Valdez. Master Teacher II.

Si Gng. .Maria Rizza B. Ilanga ang guro ng Palatuntunan

Nagkaroon din ng Paligsahan sa Division Paligsahan sa Pagbabaybay na

ginanap sa Timoteo Paez Elementary School at Ang Sulkas at Madulang Pagkukuwento

na ginanap naman sa Jose Rizal Elementary School.

Sa pagtatapos ng Buwan ng Wika. Pinamunuan ng mga guro sa ikaapat na

baitang ang programa. Dito binigyan ng gantimpala ang mga mag-aaral na nagwagi

sa iba’t ibang paligsahan. Nagbigay dito ng kanyang mensahe si Gng. Angelica

E. Sergio Master Teacher II ng KES. Sa kabuuan ay maayos na natapos ang mga

gawain sa buong buwan ng Agosto. Ang Buwan ng Wika 2019 dahil sa pakikiisa

ng mga guro at mga mag-aaral.




The SPGO consist of 11 officers and they actively participated in our

school activities especially if it is for the benefits of Kalayaan Elementary students.

One of the school activities were the SPGO officers participated was Brigada

Eskwela 2019-2020. They helped in the clean-up of the school premises in preparation

for the opening school year.

In June, they put up Philippine flaglets in celebration of our Independence

day to remind every students the importance of 12th day of June.

The SPGO officers also participated in the off school activities. Last July

5,2019 ,they were one of the participants in the launching of the SAFE STEPS at

Manila Ocean Park. This event showed the preparation during calamities coming

to our place or country like fire, typhoon and earthquake. They showed us what

should be done incase we experience this kind of disaster.

During the Teachers Day celebration in Kalayaan Elementary School last October

4,2019 the SPGO officers gave flowers to all the teachers to show their love

to them.

During Fridays the SPGO collects white papers for recycling and to practice

the proper waste segregation.

Aside from that they also have an area in our school where they put

ornamental plant hanging on the wall. This is to help preserve the beauty of the

school and and instill to the viewing youngsters the importance of planting.

The SPGO officers are much willing to help and serve the school the best

way they can.



I. Introduction

Remedial Reading is one of the school programs that helps a child to

become a good reader. It’s main goal is to attain zero non – reader. Remedial

Reading Program also is a corrective program intended to improve the pupils

reading difficulty.



1. The Remedial Reading Teacher used the following tools to determine

the reading ability of the pupils

Letter Identification Test

Fuller Technique (English)

Marungko Technique (Filipino)

Dolch Basic Sight Words

Filipino Common Words

2. Hereunder is the reading level of the pupils based on the assessment

done by the remedial teacher.

As of July

As of December


Session C5 C6 C7 C8

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female


Class A 0 0 0 0 4 1 7 3 15

Class B 0 0 1 0 3 5 5 3 17

Total 0 0 `1 0 7 6 12 6 32


Session C4 C5 C6 C7

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female


Class A 2 0 7 3 2 1 0 0 15

Class B 4 1 1 5 4 2 0 0 17

Total 6 1 `8 8 6 3 0 0 32



C4 - Sentence Reader

C5 – Word Reader

C6 – Syllable Reader

C7 – Letter Reader

C8 – Non–Reader




Kalayaan Elementary School Remedial Reading Program aims to:

1. Attain zero non–reader

2. Make learners read at their own level independently

3. Develop the reading skills comprehension

4. Enchance the pupils’ reading comprehension

5. Help learners develop their communication skills through phonics

and sounding–out activities

6. Help learners gain general knowledge which they can use or apply in

all subject areas

Remedial Reading Procedure

A. The set of pupils are met during the following. Please see the table



1:00 – 2:00 60 Class A II

2:00 – 3:00 60 Class B II

*The Remedial Reading Teacher conducts the remedial class off session.

B. List of Activities

The teacher used a variety of strategies and techniques to motivate the

children, to catch their attention and hold their interest in reading.


Singing of the alphabet

Reading letters of the alphabet

Sounding the letters of the alphabet

Reading Dolch Basic Sight Words/Filipino Common Words

Reading of short stories with five question to answer



V. Problem Met as a Remedial Teacher

1. Lack of interest due to shame, short span of attention.

2. Poor retention.

3. Poor study habits due to no parent support.

VI. Recommendation

1. Regular meeeting of parents and teacher should be done to help in

monitoring the pupils accomplishment.

2. Let them feel they are loved and they need our help.

3. Providing more interesting and challenging activities.

4. Home visitation by the teacher adviser.



I. Introduction

Remedial Reading is one of the school programs that helps a child to be a

good reader. It’s main goal is to attain zero non – reader. Remedial Reading Program also

is a corrective program intended to improve the pupils reading difficulty.



1. The Remedial Reading Teacher used the following tools to determine the reading

ability of the pupils

Letter Recognition and Letter Sound

Fuller Technique (English)

Marungko Technique (Filipino)

Dolch Basic Sight Words

Filipino Common Words

2. Hereunder is the reading level of the pupils based on the assessment done by the

remedial teacher.



As of July


C5 C6 C7 C8

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Class A 1 0 6 0 8 0 0 0 15

Class B 2 3 0 0 0 9 0 1 15


Total 3 3 `6 0 8 9 0 1 30




C4 C5 C6 C7

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Class A 2 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 15

Class B 2 3 0 10 0 0 0 0 15


Total 4 3 13` 10 0 0 0 0 30






C4 – Sentence Reader

C5 – Word Reader

C6 – Syllable Reader

C7 – Letter Reader

C8 – Non–Reader

Kalayaan Elementary School Remedial Reading Program aims to:

1. Attain zero non–reader

2. Make learners read at their own level independently

3. Develop the reading skills comprehension

4. Enchance the pupils’ reading comprehension

5. Help learners develop their communication skills through

phonics and

sounding–out activities

6. Help learners gain general knowledge which they can use or

apply in all

subject areas

Remedial Reading Procedure

A. The set of pupils are met during the following. Please see the

table below.




9:30 – 10:30 60 Class A III

10:30 – 11:30 60 Class B III

*The Remedial Reading Teacher conducts the remedial class off session.


B. List of Activities

The teacher used a variety of strategies and techniques to

motivate the children, to catch their attention and hold their

interest in reading.

Singing of the alphabet

Reading letters of the alphabet

Sounding the letters of the alphabet

Reading Dolch Basic Sight Words/Filipino Common Words

Singing of the alphabet

Reading letters of the alphabet

Sounding the letters of the alphabet

Reading Dolch Basic Sight Words/Filipino Common Words

Reading of short stories with five question to answer


V. Problem Met as a Remedial Teacher

1. Poor study habits due to no parent support.

2. Lack of interest due to shame, short span of attention.

3. Poor retention.

VI. Recommendation

Providing more interesting and challenging activities.

Let them feel they are loved and they need our help.

Home visitation by the teacher adviser.

Regular meeeting of parents and teacher should be done to help in

monitoring the pupils accomplishment.



According to John Wooden, “Don’t measure yourself by what you have

accomplished, but what you should have accomplished with your ability.” Being

with children with special needs is not a hindrance to partake in every school activities,

just because of their disabilities doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to be

treated equally. They might not have the future of becoming the president of the

country, but they have the chance to live a happy and normal life if we will allow

them to be part of our society. They can do what normal children can do,

though some of them are limited but still they can be productive and useful

if trained and guided patiently.

We in Special Education begins our journey with the Brigada Eskwela last

May 2019. Everybody joined together in helping our school and classroom to get

ready for the incoming school year. Parents, teachers and even our pupils

helped in cleaning and preparing the classroom. We made sure that our

room was conducive for learning. Here comes June, the opening of the school

year 2019-2020, we started it with the orientation of the SPED parents to let

them know the school rules, policies and their obligations as parents. Of course,

this month would be incomplete if we will not celebrate Independence Day and

Fathers’ Day. We celebrated Independence Day by teaching our pupils

to make Philippines flag using paper mosaic and helped them develop their creativity

by making a Fathers’ Day card for their father. Next activity is the Nutrition

Month, we joined the program by participating in a danced number that taught

the children to eat nutritious food. We even cooked healthy foods and some of

them brought healthy foods to share with their classmates. On August 31, 2019,

we celebrated one of the most significant event in our lives as a Filipino, the

“Buwan ng Wika.” Our pupils participated in the school activity program. They

wore barong tagalog and baro’t saya to show patriotism and love for our country.

To produce learning modules aligned in K-12 curriculum for learners with special

needs, last September 2019 Special Education teachers attended the 6-day

module writing seminar in Swiss-Belhotel Blulane in Sta. Cruz Manila. Last week

of October 2019 was the INSET for teachers, but before it started,the Special Education

class showcased their talents in painting. They painted the figurines using

their creativity and expressions of art. December is the most happiest

month of the year,because of Christmas. It is the time for giving and sharing our

blessings. To give love and teach the value of giving, we celebrated our simple

Christmas party. It was a memorable and fun field activity for our children

with special needs.



School-Based Management is a strategy to improve education by transferring

significant decision-making authority from division and district office to individual

schools. With the 4 principles assigned, a certain percentage was the basis of their relative

importance to aim of the school which are improving learning outcomes and

school operation namely: Leadership, Governance, Accountability continuous and Resources

and Curriculum and Improvement Management..



This program of the school plays a vital role in promoting learning by serving

as a venue for pupils to experience the actual community life of producing their own

harvest in preparation for them when they join the mainstream of society. Gulayan sa

Paaralan is indeed an ideal program to develop and enhance the skills of students in

relation to agriculture. This would not only teach them to be responsible, but would also

make them realized the value of hardship and personal labor. By exposing them on how

to propagate plant, it would be easy for them to eat their personal harvest instead of

forcing them to do so.

In this year’s activity, the initiative made parallel to this program started with the

solicitation of seeds from the Bureau of Plant and Industry as early as May of the

current. The Agency benevolently responded and handed a hundred packs of seeds.

Having such farm input planning and making layout of the garden started. Harvest were

strictly recorded and handed over to the feeding teacher. The rest were also sold to

sustain the implementation of such program.

Besides maintaining the Gulayan sa Paaralan, other activities were made in

preparation for the school involvement in the 2019 Technolympic of Talents. Thus the

school particularly Agri teachers were involve in propagating not only vegetable but also

ornamental plants which was utilize in that activities. Through that the school had

proven that it’s not only effective in ensuring food sustainability program but also in

developing skills of students relevant to plant propagation as it garnered the highest

rank in the Dish Garden competition and winning the overall recognition in the 2019

SDO Pasay Technolympic of Talents











1.Petchay May 23, 2019 June 28, 2019 3 kg 180

July 10, 2019 4 kg 240

2. Jackfruit Aug 22, 2019 3 pcs 300

3. Banana Oct 23, 2019 1 buwig 150

Nov 29, 2019 1 buwig 170

4. Ginger Aug 6, 2018 June 27, 2019 1kg 150

5. Lemon Grass May 23, 2019 Sept 7, 2019 10 tali 50

6. Malungay May 20, 2018 Aug 29, 2019 20 tali 100

7. Patola May 20, 2018 Nov 25, 2019 5 kg 150

Dec 5, 2019 7 kg 210

8. Ube May 20, 2018 Nov 25, 2019 3 kg 300

9. Mango July 20, 2019 20 kg 500

10. Star Apple





Every year, Araling Panlipunan school activities were done in simple ways.As

welcoming the Flag Month and Independence Day, the school together with the teachers

and SPG officers, were busy on flaglets making and hanging flags in the school.

The whole month of June, the school displayed flags and flaglets.

For the celebration of National Heroes Month, the teachers assigned the writing

of heroes biography. There was also discussions in the classroom about the heroes to

give impact to the celebration and for the pupils also to have know who are the heros

in our country. Film showing was done and so the pupils would be interested and be

aware why we celebrated the “National Heroes Month”

In United Nations Celebration, the pupils put flaglets of the different countries

outside their classrooms and the teachers had short discussion about United Nations.

As part of the celebration, the school actively participated in the Division Quiz

Bee at P. Zamora Elementary School and won the First Place with Realyn Q. Bacud and

Daniel C. Singhid. Being the contestant of the Regional Contest, Realyn Bacud, partnered

to John Christian Guerrero –from SPED class to regular class and represented

the whole Pasay in Araling Panlipunan contest with the trainers Mrs. Maria Cristina S.

Balagat and Mrs. Lolita Baylon.

The school also participated in “Itanong Mo sa Taga Pasay Quiz Bee “.Charles

Andrei L. Nalla in Grade Four and Julian Raphael K. Carlos in Grade III with the trainers

Mrs. Benita M. Martillos and Mrs. Elyen T. Gotel.



Gender and Development is for all. Everyone has the right to develop themselves

because GAD is a human right. All agencies are mandated by the government

to identify the issues and concern of the society. In our institution, we have our duty

to orient our clients about GAD.

The first activity was the National Women’s Month which celebrated every March

of the year. As part of the activity, the school GAD focal person with the SPG officers,

displayed tarpaulin for the activity.

The school conducted orientation to KES pupils about Anti- Bullying Act of

2012. Bullying is one of the problems in the community that can affect the life of every

person especially those victims of bullying. Mrs. Irene A. Lumawig and Maria Cristina

S. Balagat, discussed about bullying and the sanctions of bullying so that the pupils

would be aware about it.

The school also oriented the KES HPTA officers for awareness of Violence

Against Women and Children. There are some pupils who have family problems and it

affects the learning of the young individual. Mrs. Maricar L. Tabuac discussed about

the step by step process about the topic.

All activities were done smoothly with the support of Dr. Severo A. Bajado-Head

of Agency, KES teachers, parents and pupils.



Adopt-a-School Program of Kalayaan Elementary School is a program that paves

the way to NGO’s as partners of the school.

This year’s most outstanding partners are as follows:

SUNSHINE KIDS. Sunshine Kids started again with its daily feeding program last

July. It served hot meals with a dessert of fruits and boosted with an intake of vitamins

daily. Height and weight were assessed as the baseline for SY 2019-2020. Its monthly

meeting continued every 3rd Saturday of the month, giving lectures to enhance their

spiritual commitment with God and values formation for the kids. Different artworks

were also given to the kids. Highlight activities of this year for the moms was the

seminar “Mommy Matters” where 15 moms attended in Bay View Park Hotel, Manila. For

the kids, a Pre-Christmas Party was given by the Ophthalmology Department of Asian

Hospital in Alabang. The kids were very happy because they went home bringing with

them gifts. Wishes were granted for all of them.

SPRINBOARD FOUNDATION. Another constant partner of the school. Every year it

started last July giving 1000 school bags with snacks, school supplies and hygiene kit for

grades IV-VI pupils. Another delivery of 60 boxes of Rice Meal under the Grain Train

were given to the school feeding beneficiaries. It augmented the lack of nutrients of food

intake prepared in their tables at home. The whole family can share with one pack of rice

meal. Springboard Foundation also shared to us their used computer monitor, routers,

hubs and keyboards and metal window slides. One memorable event for this year was

the gift giving of “Noche Buena” package to 60 Grade Six pupils. They were so happy

because of the presence of Sir Tom, a foreigner and the guys of British Manila Bonifacio

Global City.

JOHNSON AND JOHNSON. For 2 years now the Global Services of the said company

had their Christmas Party with KES 40 Grade One pupils together with their parents.

Granting their wishes with the gift giving from the employees. This year it was a parentpupil

activity given to them. A bonding moment for them. They were served with Jollibee

and they were given with loot bags of J&J Products. A give away of spaghetti and Del

Monte products were also given to the Moms. The venue for this year was the J&J Function

Hall. It was a fun, full of surprises event for them.

To all our partners, KUDOS. Hoping for next school year’s big event from you.






“The child has the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include

freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of

frontiers, either orally, in writing or in part, in the form of art, or through any other

media of the his choice.” (UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 13 (1), 1989)

The Article clearly states the right of a child, his/her right to freedom of

expression and the choice in seeking, receiving and imparting information in any form.

Thus, the Learning Resource Center come to the arena to provide variety of information

resources in different formats such as printed materials, multimedia, toys, learning gams

and planned and well implemented library programs that equips students with life long

learning skills and develops the imagination, enabling them to live as responsible


The teacher-librarians of Kalayaan Elementary School Learning Resource

Center (LRC) has developed the following best practices that support and ensure quality

enhancement in education. These includes LRC Orientation, Book Exhibition, Book Lovers

Club, participate in the Book and Reading Month Celebration, Revised LRC

Organizational Chart and the use of library card.

• Library Orientation

The orientation creates awareness among the students and

teaching staffs about the available resources, services and activities

provided by the teacher-librarians.

• Book Exhibit

During Book and Reading Month, books are displayed to

encourage the learners to read during their leisure time and improve

their study habits. It helps expose the users to the different literary



•Book Lovers Club

The teacher-librarian initiates to organize the club. It aims

to improve the love of reading among learners. There are varied activities

being fostered by the club every month such as story telling, role playing,

comprehension skills builders, fun games and arts.

•Participation in Book and Reading Month Celebration

The teacher-librarians join and support the school celebration. To

strengthen the campaign, the LRC team provides related activities to enhance

the reading skills of th stakeholders.

•Revised LRC Organizational Chart

The LRC Organizational Chart was revised to improve the services.

To be more effective we collaborate with the learning areas coordinators

and grade level representatives.

•Use of Library Cards

The teacher-librarians provide cards for free to the learners and

teaching staffs. The stakeholders are given opportunities to borrow books

and learning resources to enhance teaching-learning process.

The best practices mentioned above were supported with documents

that help improve the quality of LRC services. It bridges the gap utilization of

the resources provided by the teacher-librarians.





Grade Level Enrollment No. of Assessed Percentage

School Year


School Year


School Year


School Year


School Year


School Year


KINDER 516 486 495 41 95.93% 8.47%

GRADE I 547 571 486 46 88.85% 8.06%

GRADE II 454 558 0 109 0 19.53%

GRADE III 478 470 70 2 14.64% 0.43%

GRADE IV 484 492 0 0 0 0

GRADE V 556 509 0 0 0 0

GRADE VI 569 545 91 0 16% 0

ALS/SPED 21 47 0 0 0 0

T O T A L 3,625 3,678 1,142 198 31.50% 5.39%

MONTH Pupils Teaching and Non-

Remarks, if any


January 96 68

February 64 73

March 72 59

April 17 19

May 0 25


June 51 16

July 46 26

August 24 20

September 55 19

October 29 21

November 36 39

T O T A L 490 385





Male Female TOTAL Male Female TOTAL Male Female TOTAL


224 184 408 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%


292 260 552 133 141 274 45.55% 54.23% 49.64%


289 246 535 10 13 23 3.46% 5.28% 4.30%


252 205 457 111 101 212 44.05% 49.27% 46.39%


261 233 494 138 143 281 52.87% 61.37% 56.88%


265 225 490 11 4 15 4.15% 1.78% 3.06%


278 240 518 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%


0 0 0 15 7 22 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

TOTAL 1861 1593 3454 418 409 827 22.46% 25.67% 23.94%



TD Vaccines 161

MR Vaccination 670

HPV Vaccination 75

Dengue Vaccination


T O T A L 906

No. of Hygiene kits received 262

No. of Hygiene kits distributed 262

No. of Group Hand washing facilities 2

No. of Hand washing facilities 56

No. of Functional Toilets

82 (toilet seats)


• School-based Immunization Program from Kinder to Grade 7

• Earthquake Drill/Disaster Preparedness

• Daily Group Hand washing and Tooth brushing Drill

• 2019 Nutrition Month and Oplan Kalusugan sa Deped Launching

• Cluster/Division Meet Palaro 2019



SULONG RH! Promoting and

Implementing the RPRH Law

December 6, 2019 Philippine Nurses

Association NCR Zone 6

Orientation on Infectious

September 19-20, Department of Health

Diseases Programs and Clinic



Mental Health Awareness July 24-26, 2019 Department of Education







Data collection is the systematic approach to gathering and measuring information

from a variety of sources to get a complete and accurate picture of an area of

interest. Accurate data collection is essential in maintaining the integrity of research,

making informed business decisions and ensuring quality assurance.

In the department of education, data collection process especially on the learner’s

information has been made easy using the link www.lis.deped.gov.ph where data

on learners can be collected, verified and can be used in terms of the delivery of services

to its clientele.

For the school year 2019-2020, the system was open and accessible upon opening

of the school year. Unnumbered division memorandum dated June 3, 2019 stated

that all schools are advised to encode the enrollment using the (LIS) Quick Count for

the daily enrollment report until June 21, 2019.

On June 22, enrollment of classes and enrollment of learners in the system was

opened. Procedures on the enrollment of classes and enrollment of learners was

strictly followed as stated in DO 47, s. 2016 and DO 20, s. 2018 which are for the ages

of kindergarten entrants.

There were 11 classes enrolled in the Kindergarten for AM sessions and 11 classes

for PM sessions respectively. 15 classes for Grades I and II, 12 classes in Grades III

and IV and 13 classes for both Grades V and VI. Two classes for the SPED were enrolled

in the system.

Last August 20-21, 2019, SDO-Pasay had its Data Management and Information

Requirements Workshop @ Shercon Resort and Ecology Park in Batangas which was

participated by all of schools’ DMIS coordinators and the persons in the Central Office

in-charge of the system. Highlights of the workshop was the clarification of DepEd

Order 54 s, 2016 and other DOs pertaining to LIS, and approval of issues and concerns

on the enrollment of learners.


At present, the school dashboard has 17 transfer and 10 data corrections

issues which later on upon approval and acceptance of the originating school

and upon presenting the needed data for corrections will become 100%.

Government Elementary School Profile (GESP) was then accessible for the

collection of data on September 25, 2019. The school had the one-on-one validation

of the school’s data with the Division Planning Officer last November 6,

2019 and submitted the final copy last November 18, 2019. The GESP copy for

submission at the central office was then uploaded in the system last November

26, 2019.

Data management should be accurate and should be given more attention

so as to serve its clientele at its best.


Pursuant to Republic Act.No. 10121- “ Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management Act (RA 10121)

The Act shifted the policy environment and the way the country deals with disasters

from mere response to preparedness. RA 10121 provides a comprehensive, allhazard,

multi-sectoral, inter-agency, and community-based approach to disaster risk

management through the formulation of the National Disaster Risk Management


The law also promotes the development of capacities in disaster management

at the individual, organisational, and institutional levels. A very important feature of

this law is its call for the mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction in physical and land

-use planning, budget, infrastructure, education, health, environment, housing, and

other sectors.

The Department of Education (DepEd) reiterated the need for strengthening the

capacity of schools to enable them to respond in the event of disasters and emergencies

to save more lives and ensure resilience.

DepEd Undersecretary for Administration Alain Del Pascua said “The threat of

the 'Big One' always looms in the distance" and our very own Department of Education

Secretary Leonor Briones also said “Aside from bolstering partnerships, we are

strengthening the capacity of our schools, therefore our communities, to help

minimize and efficiently respond to the impact of disasters”

To ensure the awareness of the schools – (teachers, students, parents, and other

or all person concerned) the PRC has committed to provide technical assistance for

activities and programs in schools involving RCYC; Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

(DRRM); Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; Basic Life Support and Basic First

Aid, among others.


To follow the mandate of the Department of Education the Division of Pasay

through our responsible, energetic, industrious, accommodating and 24/7

alert Division Coordinator PDO II Mr. Bayani Litusquin always gives and handles

training-seminars for School coordinators to ensure the preparedness of every

school in Pasay City. The local Government helps Mr. Litusquin by providing almost

all necessary things needed by the schools such as ; First-Aid kit, complete

set of GOBAG, fire blanket (one is to one / per classroom) , fire extinguisher and

emergency lights.

In response by the School Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council

(SDRRMC), we (the team) helps Kalayaan Elementary School in holding different

activities specially our school has an activity every month, and the school

SDRRMC team in coordination with the Barangay helps and assists the students

and teachers in opening and closing program activities. The monthly checking of

fire extinguisher by the Batang Emergency Response Team (BERT) with the assistance

of their coordinator Mr. Leo B. bibal, BERT Hazard Mapping, attending BERT

camp, participating on local and National Disaster activities such as drills (first to

fourth quarter earthquake drills), national resilience month activities and all other

activities by the Bureau of Fire like FIRE ROADSHOWS and EARTHQUAKE


Contingency Planning for the Big One is the latest activity or Seminar attended

by Assistant and School coordinator, its purpose is to know or measure

how we are going to respond on 7.2 magnitudes , how to handle it or Can we

handle it?, What are we going to do?, what are the first thing to do? Who will be

the commander? What is the process or the procedures on handling in situation

like this?

Are we ready?

KES are you ready?

Yes we are ready because ….. Batang KES

- Knows Emergency Safety.

If you are ready let me end with the words of Petra Nemcova - “WE CANNOT






1 st Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous

Earthquake Drill (NSED)

2 nd Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous

Earthquake Drill (NSED)

National Resilience Month

3 rd Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous

Earthquake Drill (NSED)

Fire Prevention Month

Date and Time

Febrjuary 21, 2019 @ 2:00 pm

Note : we also had at 9:00 am

June 20, 2019 @ 2:00 pm

Note : we also had at 9:00 am


August 8, 2019 @ 2:00 pm

Note : we also had at 9:00 am


Fire Roadshow


Note: 245 elementary Students participated

sponsored by the BFP

Batang Emergency Response Team


4 th Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous

Earthquake Drill (NSED)


Note: 5 BERT participants

November 14, 2019 @ 2:00 pm

Note : we also had at 9:00 am




The 2019 Nutrition Month campaign “Kumain Nang Wasto… Push Natin’to!

To increase awareness on the importance of proper nutrition, is to maintain good

health or lower than recommended guidelines, protects against both under and

over nutrition and non-communication diseases.

July has been known to everybody as the month of nutrition, this year’s Nutrition

Month Celebration at Kalayaan Elementary School again leaves its mark of

success from launching to culminating program. Through the effort of the school

administration, faculty, staff and pupils, with HE teachers as incharge, the school

successfully conducted the celebration.

Anchored with theme: The school conducted series of activities related to

proper nutrition of the children.

July 5, 2019 – opening Program for Nutrition Month

July 12, 2019 – Poster /Slogan Making to gather artist and express the National


July 10, 2019 – A1 Child Contest chosen kinder, Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3


July 19, 2019 – Salad Making contest student deeper understanding healthy tasty

food through the theme “Kumain Nang Wasto, maging Aktibo… Push Natin ‘to!

August 1, 2019- Nutrition Month Culmination Program. The highlights of the program

started at exactly 2:45 pm.

Active participation and cooperation of the teachers, pupils and parent was

also notable. Pupils actively joined the different contest. The school dentist and

school nurse showed its support allocating funds for the prizes of the winning

entries in the events.

May this be not the end but the continuing of a more successful endeavor

of Kalayaan Elementary School. Aim High KES.



Research has shown that parental involvement has a very significant impact on

a child's achievement and attainment at school. A successful General Parent-

Teachers Association provides parents and teachers with the opportunity to exchange

views, work together and to develop mutual trust and confidence.

GPTA helps the teachers raise more money to cater for their needs. This fairly

comfortable life motivates them to be more efficient which is good for the pupils' performance.

GPTA is a sign of responsibility on the part of parents. It means that parents

have a contribution towards the development of a school.

Below is list of Officers and Board Members:


Vice President:





Christian Grace O. Ong Yiu

Edgar Dela Cruz

Rialeza A. Castillo

Joy Asuncion

Joan Alcantara

May Carmel Pascua

Ethel Joy Noguerra

Divine Baco

Nadia Evangelista

Amber Barcena

Madonna Martinez

Mae Camarao

Rizalina Rabadon

Analee Gatdula

Nancy Daguinod

Christie Rica Gaid


Highlights of Accomplishment

1. 77 out of 105 attended during the first meeting of all HRPTA Presidents

2. From September to October, able to raise fund from parents membership

amounting Php 40,000.00

3. Able to raise Php 23,161.00 from their cake raffle fund raising.

4. Cash donations were given to all contestants and trainers for the following


* Science Quiz Bee

* Journalism

* Cluster Palaro

* Division Techno - Lympic

* NCR Techno - Lympic

* Division Palaro

5. Financial support to different trainings and school related activities

* World Teachers’ Day Celebration

* Red Cross Training

* Palaro Opening and Closing Program

* Reception and Send-off Program for the incoming and outgoing

school principal

* Patrol Leader Course (Jamboree)

* Reading Month Best in Costume prizes























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