BIMPE X Catalogue

The tenth Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition - September 2018 - January 2019, Vancouver, BC, Canada

The tenth Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition - September 2018 - January 2019, Vancouver, BC, Canada


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the tenth






Vancouver bc,



Front cover image: Fluffy I, Janne Laine, Polymer gravure

Used with permission by the artist

Front and back cover, and catalogue design by Alejandra Montes de Oca

Special thanks to Jocelyn, Raine, & Kathy

Introduction by Rollin Milroy, Heavenly Monkey

BIMPE photos by RedOranjes

Jury photos provided by the artists

The back cover stamps are from various BIMPE entries throughout the years

Printed at West Coast Reproduction Centres LTD

ISBN 978-0-9782396-9-5

All rights reserved

Publisher: SCWOP

The Society for Contemporary Works on Paper

1370 Cartwright Street,

Vancouver, BC









Presented by

The society for


works on paper


Thank you 6

Peter Braune’s Acknowledgements 8

Introduction 10

Jurors’ statements 12

Prize winners 17

Honourable mentions 25

Selected works 31

Artist index 128

Thank You

tirelessly on the production of BIMPE X -

Jackie Nickolas for getting the process off

the ground; Gail Fromson for the scanning

of the chosen prints; Damon Baldwin

who colour corrected images; Alex, who

did the lion’s share of work to bring the

catalogue to press; Dana, Marsha, Rosalind,

and Lisa for their help with framing, and

their conversation; Marsha McCall for the

lovely Ikebana flower arrangement for our

opening; and the Craft Council of BC for

providing us with a home base when the

New Leaf Editions studio was destroyed.


While thinking about who to thank for

making BIMPE X a reality, we are struck by

the realization that we have been organizing

the BIMPE exhibitions for 19 years! And

as with all long-lived grassroots projects,

so many people have been essential to its

continued success; therefore, it is important

to take a moment to extend our sincere

gratitude and appreciation to all of those


We would like to thank the many talented

volunteers, and staff without whose

expertise and time, the exhibition would

not have happened. A heartfelt thanks

goes out to everyone who has worked so

Dana framing the first prints

It is hard to remember all the volunteers

that have been board members of the

Society of Contemporary Works On Paper

(SCWOP) over the years, but it is their

continued encouragement that helps realize

each BIMPE exhibition – they have been


Over these ten BIMPE iterations, there

have been 30 artists from Canada and the

USA who have been jurors. It has been

a great pleasure to see all the jurors meet

each other for the first time and to be flies

on the wall as they review the submissions

to create each BIMPE exhibition.


We’d like to thank this year’s artists for

traveling to Vancouver to jury BIMPE X:

Annalise Gratovich, from Flatbed Press,

Austin, Texas

Michael Barnes, Printmaking Professor

at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb,


Briar Craig, Faculty of Creative and

Critical Studies, UBC Okanagan Campus,

Okanagan, British Columbia

A big thank you to the Granville Island

Hotel, who generously supported BIMPE

X by helping out with accommodations

and dining for the jurors. Their staff has

been wonderful, and their service has been

a much appreciated reward after a day of


We also appreciate the Granville Island

merchants’ support: Zara’s Pasta, Dussa’s,

and Longliner Seafood, who generously

provided treats for our jury and the

openings; to V&J Plant Shop who provided

amazing flowers for the opening and to

Liberty Wine Merchants who have helped

out with libations along the way.

print work from all over the world.

Thanks to these suppliers of high quality

products that artists use in the production

of their work:

Opus Framing and Art Supplies, the main

art supply store in British Columbia;

Gamblin Artists Colors, producers of

great ink and a constant supporter of print

projects; and Awagami Factory, our most

recent supporter and maker of beautiful


We would like to thank CMHC Granville

Island for their contribution and support

of this and all the past BIMPE exhibitions.

Of course, in the end we would have

nothing to show if artists did not submit

their work to this exhibition - so thanks to

all of you who continue to provide us with

a glimpse of the very best in printmaking

from across the world.

Thanks to the all the venues, and their staff,

that hosted BIMPE X:

Federation of Canadian Artists, Dundarave

Print Workshop, University of BC

Okanagan, and Society of Northern

Alberta Printmakers, (SNAP). These

venues have been a great vehicle to exhibit

and promote BIMPE, while also creating a

greater awareness of the wide varieties of


Peter Braune’s


This is the tenth edition of our exhibition,

spanning 20 years, and we never imagined

how things would change over this time.

From sending posters out to promote the

first exhibition, to today’s social media

outlets; from cash to paypal. We had at

one point thought it would be great to

send the catalogue out on a CD - now, new

computers can’t even read CDs. However,

I still feel it’s important for printmakers to

see the real work of other artists, which is

why we still print a paper catalogue.

It was initially the first BIMPE jury with

Lyndel Osborn, Bill Lang and Noboru

Sawaii that encouraged our ongoing

production of the 10 BIMPE exhibitions.

Their contacts around the world allowed us

to get the word out about our exhibition,

and their support was pivotal in getting

BIMPE I off the ground. We will always


be grateful to our friends and community

members who have made BIMPE possible.

As I reflect on the past 20 years, I

personally would like to take a moment to

remember some of the early supporters

that we have sadly lost along the way:

Marijka Nap, who worked hard to set up

and manage the first Bimpe exhibition,

along with Katie Dey and Debra Yelva.

Marijka stayed involved as a volunteer and

participant until she passed away in 2011.

The first prize is awarded in her name.

Beans Justice, who was a local architect and

artist, was a generous supporter of BIMPE

and the local arts community until his

passing in 2006. His positivity and passion

has stayed with us. He became a good

friend and is missed by all who knew him.

Noboru Sawai, an inventive printmaker and

professor of printmaking at the University

of Calgary, worked with papermakers

in Japan to create beautiful papers that

allowed for the printing of his Mokuhanga

prints and etchings. He founded his own

Mokuhanga printmaking studio and

produced prints with some of Canada’s

most prominent artists. He also shared his

knowledge and enthusiasm with his many

students and fellow printmakers until he

passed away in 2016.

Finally, Kent Lovelace, who was one of

my earliest mentors, and who was a juror

for BIMPE III. I worked for him at

Stone Press in Seattle on special projects,

and often to work on his many building

projects. Kent was one of the people

I relied on for advice on how to run a

collaborative print studio and learned so

much from him as we worked together to

solve many a technical problem.

BIMPE X is an occasion to look back at

these 20 years, during which many people

have come and gone, and celebrate the

indelible marks that each and every one of

them has left on our mini print show.



Written by Rollin Milroy

Publisher, Heavenly Monkey

acquiring art, developing and trusting their

eye, and curating their personal collection,

new worlds open for them. Soon enough

the challenge becomes not what to buy,

but where to hang new acquisitions;

again BIMPE provides a unique solution,

allowing collectors to continue adding

without requiring significant wall-space for

new pieces.

Few people have an excess of both wall

space and money. In Vancouver, many

people have neither; some are lucky to

have one or the other: loose change (to buy

art) or empty walls (to hang it). BIMPE

is a rare event that bridges the divide. It

holds an uncommon place in the modern

art market, and plays an important role

for artists, collectors, and, perhaps most

important, people who would like to

collect art but aren’t sure how to start. The

sheer number of participating artists from

around the world, representing all of the

traditional printmaking techniques, ensures

that everyone will see something that

appeals. By focusing on the smaller format,

the show also provides a welcoming entré

for the uninitiated: a few small prints can

be had for not much money, and once

people discover the joy of seeking out and


Printmaking, unlike painting, shares a

history with the graphic arts, which has

been the path into fine art for many people.

For me, selecting a painting – of any size –

seems a much more fraught endeavour than

bringing home a print. I don’t know why.

The word “print” is often used casually

and incorrectly, usually in reference to a

reproduction. There’s nothing inherently

wrong with reproductions, but they are

mechanically reproduced – a picture of a

piece of art. A true print is the mark left by

some surface – the matrix – that has been

cut, scratched or otherwise altered by the

artist, inked, and pressed into a piece of

paper. There is no original, just the piece

of wood, copper or whatever medium the

artist chooses. Outside of photography,

digital prints occupy a tricky spot between

traditional prints and reproductions. If the

digital file is a scan of a piece of art, it’s a

reproduction. If the digital file is itself the

matrix — if the piece being printed was

created entirely in cyberspace — I would

argue it is a genuine print.

From the outset, the show’s dimensional

limitation was primarily logistical: it makes

soliciting, shipping, organizing, hanging and

managing easier. There is, however, also

an aesthetic advantage: many printmaking

techniques benefit from the focused

attention imposed by a smaller format.

Take the time to look very closely at the

prints, to see and think about how each

line was created. The skill in printmaking

lies not just in how that medium is worked

on by the artist, but also how it is printed.

Most of the prints in BIMPE will have

been printed by the artists, but not all; there

is a long tradition of artists collaborating

with master printers to realize their prints,

with the printer providing technical

suggestions to help the artist achieve their

desired result. New Leaf Editions’ Peter

Braune, the driving force behind BIMPE, is

exactly this sort of master printer, and it is

thanks to his reputation, connections, and

tireless work that BIMPE now enjoys its

tenth iteration, with entries from 193 artists

representing 36 countries.

Assembling your own art collection

however limited or expansive is an act

of self-expression. Going out to see new

art — and when the opportunities arise,

purchasing some — opens new doors to

local and broader communities, engaging

you in conversations that might not

otherwise have happened. BIMPE is an

excellent place to join in.

The Count, materials best not shared


Jurors’ statements

on Granville Island, that BIMPE is a highly

regarded exhibition and overall event,

spoken highly of by everyone. It was a

real pleasure being a part of such a vibrant

community event, if only at the beginning

of the entire production.

The quality - and amount - of submissions

was truly wonderful. There was a rich

selection to jury the exhibition from.

Michael and Briar were both wonderful

company though this process; it was a

pleasure to work with them both. I’m

greatly looking forward to seeing the

exhibition catalogue and following more

BIMPE exhibitions in the future. Thank

you to Peter, Jackie, and the artists of

Granville Island for all you do!

Annalise Gratovich

Annalise Natasha Gratovich lives and works

in Austin, Texas. She is the Associate Director

of Flatbed Press, and she is on the Board of

Directors of PrintAustin, a month-long, citywide

printmaking event for which she has helped

organize exhibitions and special events, curate the

PrintAustin Invitational, and has participated

in artist and curator talks, and panel discussions.

She has exhibited extensively nationally and

internationally. Her work is included in numerous

publications including Flatbed at 25, a UT Press

monograph on the publisher.

Joining Michael and Briar for the BIMPE

X jurying process was a wonderful

experience and opportunity; being hosted

in the beautiful city of Vancouver for the

duration of the process was a dream.

It was apparent, through meeting the artists

Borderland by Annalise Gratovich

Woodcut, 2018


professional experience offered interesting

multiple perspectives, which we often

discussed over the various pieces selected,

especially when it came to the awards. In

the end, I feel we selected a powerhouse

exhibition and congratulate all of the artists


Michael Barnes

Michael Barnes received his MFA from the

University of Iowa. He is an Associate Professor

of Art and is the Printmaking Area Head for

the School of Art at Northern Illinois University,

Dekalb, IL.

This being one of the first times I

have been to Vancouver was an added

experience, and to work with Peter and

Jackie at New Leaf Editions was especially

enjoyable. They should be commended

on all of the work that they put into the

organization of the exhibition, from

beginning to end, and for the immense

benefit it brings to the Vancouver

community. Thank you to all for this

opportunity, and again, congratulations to

all of the amazing artists included in this


It was an honor and pleasure to be one of

the jurors in the selection of work for the


The format of this exhibition, which

allows for actual work to be sent, made this

process even more rewarding. Seeing the

actual prints and being able to hold them

up close to examine details of the lines

and textures was especially valuable to the

experience and to inform our selection of

the best work. The array of work was all

inclusive of print techniques and included a

broad international representation.

Working with two other jurors was a

wonderful process, which I am sure is not

always the case. It was a great pleasure

to work with Briar and Annalise, as their

Optimist by Michael Barnes

Lithograph, aluminum plate (photo plates, drawings

on textured mylar), 2012


astonishing was the volume of really strong

works that captivated and drew me into

the artist’s ideas, as well as their imaginative

(often strange) and convincingly expansive

worlds beneath the picture plane.

Briar Craig

Briar is currently a professor of Printmaking,

Photography and Drawing at the Faculty of

Creative and Critical Studies in The University

of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus.

His research interests include contemporary

printmaking theory and practice, popular culture,

interactive installation, innovation sustainability

and safe practices in printmaking, as well as

curatorial practices.

Having been lucky enough to serve on

the jury panels for a few International

exhibitions, I entered New Leaf full of

confidence that jurying BIMPE 2018

would provide a mix of familiar imagery

and technical processes along with the

occasional surprise from the works


What I can say without reservation

though, is that viewing the vast number of

submissions provided many, many more

surprises than I could have anticipated.

The sheer volume of works at hand

immediately suggested that we were going

to see a lot of different ideas, materials

and processes at play but what was most


It seems that for many artists the miniprint

has increasingly become a format

of choice capable of everything, from the

very subtle to the grandest of statements

and everything in between. Perhaps the

limitations of scale presented by the

mini-print format provide artists with

restrictions within which they can react and

create in ways that are both idiosyncratic

and meaningful. As an artist who has often

succumbed to the idea that bigger is better,

I found the immersion into a literal sea

of miniature prints infinitely illuminating

in part because of the intimate proximal

relationship that tiny works demand and in

part because so many of the prints on view

were so involved in their content.

Apparently, the three of us worked

differently from previous BIMPE juries

in that we went through all of the works

together as a group rather than looking

at them individually. What resulted from

this collective approach was the chance

to have short discussions about each of

the works we were viewing and to learn

from alternate takes concerning content,

materiality and what might be positive

or not so positive about each print.

Printmaking has often been called a most

‘democratic’ of art forms in part because

of its ability to be shared broadly. Each

of the BIMPE exhibitions has come to

epitomize that sense of community and

sharing; and, this particular jury process

was in large part about sharing – sharing

thoughts, experiences and opinions. It

was a pleasure to have been so thoroughly


Post Truth by Briar Craig

Ultra-violet screen print, 2017




Fish Jumping

Engraving by burin

Cuckoo Clock

Engraving by burin

Masaaki Sugita



(First Place)

Face to face

Engraving by burin


Tokyo fruit conversion plan II


Tokyo Fruit conversion plan III


Ayane Sato


Second Place

Tokyo fruit conversion plan IV



A.W.C. 1


A.W.C. 2


German Aparicio


Third Place

A.W.C. 3



Something/Someplace VI

Etching, digital, screenprint, Chine-collé

Dream Tree

Wood Engraving

Vanessa Hall-Patch



Kayoko Moriyama





Mezzotint & Drypoint

Hedieh Jafari






Michael DeVito

Night Burden

Etching, Aquatint, USA

Catherine Gillet

Commencements (b)

Burin, France

Kalli Kalde

Abandoned Villages II

Intaglio, Estonia

Antoni Kowalski


Mezzotint, Poland


Karen Kunc


Etching Aquatint, USA

Janne Laine

Fluffy I

Polymergravure, Finland

David Morrish

Wrapped Horse

Photopolymer gravure & Chine-collé, Canada

Reneta Murauskaite


Etching, Lithuania


Miriam Rudolph

Migration II

Intaglio, Chine-collé, Canada

Anna Trojanowska


Lithograph, Poland




Merja Ala-Olla


Etching, Drypoint, Aquatint, Finland

Suzie Allen

Reflets IV

Etching, Canada

Suzie Allen

Reflets VI

Etching, Canada

Mariko Ando

Alphabet “M”

Intaglio, Canada


Mariko Ando

Alphabet “Y”

Intaglio, Canada

Claire Auszenkier

Blue Dog

Mezzotint, France

Claire Auszenkier


Mezzotint, France

Kate Baillies

Connecting the Dots

Intaglio, Canada


Jo Barry

Frosty Fires

Etching, UK

Jo Barry

Hoary Headed Frost

Etching, UK

Jo Barry

A Blue Frost Bright Dawn

Etching, UK

Margaret Becker

Feathered Hen

Drypoint, Ireland


Marcelle Benhamou

Radiolaire I

Ink, China paper, France

Georg Bothe

CNG XV (e.a. II/VI)

Tetra Pak Engraving, Germany

Paulina Buzniak

Dad is watching

Lithography, Poland

Paulina Buzniak


Lithography, Poland


Mariela Canchari

Memory I

Etching, Drypoint, Burin, France

Mariela Canchari

Memory II

Etching, Drypoint, burin, France

Mariela Canchari

Memory III

Aquatint, Etching, Drypoint, burin, France


Ed Catley


Etching, England

Elvira Cerda

Envolees En Mer

Photo polymere, Chine-collé, Belgium

Mitchell Chalfoux

Tumble dry gentle

Monoprint, Chine-collé, Fibres, Canada

Mitchell Chalfoux

Hand Wash

Monoprint, Chine-collé, fibres, Canada

Mitchell Chalfoux

Do not bleach

Monoprint, Chine-collé, fibres, Canada


Nastazja Ciupa


Lithography, Poland

Jane Cooper

Halcyon Blue VI

Monotype on 22k Gold Leaf, USA

Jane Cooper

Halcyon Red I

Monotype on 22K Gold Leaf, USA

Jane Cooper

Halcyon Red II

Monotype on 22 k Gold Leaf, USA


Margot Cormier Splane

We survived Trump

Serigraph, Canada

Margot Cormier Splane

Angry Birds

Serigraph, Canada

Margot Cormier Splane

You are being watched

Serigraph, Canada

Sabrina Costa


Drypoint, Italy


Sabrina Costa


Drypoint, Italy

Jack Craft

Untitled CMY Y,M

Steel plate Intaglio, USA

Robert Creighton

Far Stone

Mixed Intaglio/Chine-collé, Canada

Robert Creighton

Beyond This

Mixed Intaglio/Chine-collé, Canada


Pal Csaba

Six plates 01

Drypoint, Hungary

Pal Csaba

Six plates 02

Drypoint, Hungary

Pal Csaba

Six plates 03

Drypoint, Hungary

Lukasz Cywicki

Person of Time-26

Linocut, Poland


Lukasz Cywicki

Person of Time-29

Linocut, Poland

Lukasz Cywicki

Person of Time-28

Linocut, Poland

Theo Damsteegt


Linocut, Netherlands

Mehdi Darvishi


Mezzotint, Iran


Pamela de Bri


Etching, Ireland

Pamela de Bri


Etching, Ireland

Bernabe Del Castillo

Paysage 1

Engraving on plaster, France

Bernabe Del Castillo

Paysage 2

Engraving on plaster, France


Bernabe Del Castillo

Paysage 3

Engraving on plaster, France

Martine Desilets

Le Voilier

Collagraphie, Canada

Martine Desilets

La Forêt

Collagraphy, Canada

Michael DeVito

Before everything else

Etching, Aquatint, USA


Nicole Dore Brunet


Woodcut, Canada

Lorraine Douglas


Sugar Lift Etching, Canada

Narda Doyle

Monster II

Aquatint, Canada

Narda Doyle

Monster III

Soft ground, Canada


Teddi Driediger

The Clouds are Square Today Larissa Claire

Block Print, Canada

Teddi Driediger

Searching for floomooroos in a Deliquesce forest

Block Print, Canada

Agata Dworzak-Subocz


Digital, Poland

Agata Dworzak-Subocz


Digital, Poland


Agata Dworzak-Subocz


Digital, Poland

Olesya Dzhurayeva


Linocut, Ukraine

Olesya Dzhurayeva

300 Grams

Linocut, Ukraine

Susan Early

Knocknarea Tree

Etching & Aquatint, Ireland


Victoria Edgar

REPRIVE Tales of Good & Evil

Etching, Canada

Victoria Edgar

ARISE Tales of Good and Evil

Etching, Canada

Eve Eesmaa


Intaglio, blockprint, Estonia

Eve Eesmaa


Intaglio, Blockprint, Estonia


Eve Eesmaa


Intaglio, blockprint, Estonia

Steven Foutch

Falling Back

Engraving, relief print, USA

Steven Foutch

The Devil and his Wife

Engraving, relief print, USA

Steven Foutch

Moving Forward

Engraving, relief print, USA


Alison Frank

Snowball Catapult Assistance

Intaglio, Canada

Alison Frank

Mending Flight Path

Intaglio, Canada

Tsuboi Fusano

Shining World #1

Etching, Japan

Tsuboi Fusano

Shining World #2

Etching, Japan


Tsuboi Fusano

Flowering Planet

Etching, Japan

Allison Gaines

1386 Nicola Street

Screen Printing, Canada

Renee Gelinas

Migration no.1

Linocut, Chine-collé, Canada

Renee Gelinas

Migration no.2

Linocut, Chine-collé, Canada


Renee Gelinas

Migration no.3

Linocut Chine-collé, Canada

Colin Gillespie

Vote For Me

Collage/Relief, UK

Colin Gillespie

Look - There’s a Drone

Collage/Relief, UK

Catherine Gillet

Commencements (a)

Burin, France


Catherine Gillet

Commencements (c )

Burin, France

Roberto Godoy

El Corista Solista

Etching & Chine-collé, Canada

Roberto Godoy

Le Loft

Serigraphy, Canada

Jerzy Gorbas

Self-portrait with his hands

Linocut, Poland


Barbara Graham

The Watchers III

Etching, New Zealand

Barbara Graham

The Watchers IV

Etching, New Zealand

Mark Graver

Introduced Birds - Sparrow

Inkjet, New Zealand

Mark Graver

Introduced Birds- Chaffinch

Inkjet, New Zealand


Mark Graver

Introduced Birds- Songthrush

Inkjet, New Zealand

Colette Greco-Riddle

Meticulous Attention

Etching, Canada

Carol Grespan

Ilha Grande

Ething, Brazil

Carol Grespan


Etching, Brazil


Aditi Gupta


Etching, India

Aditi Gupta

Wild Card

Etching, India

Aditi Gupta

Reserved Traits II

Etching, India

Alicja Habisiak-Matczak

Urbino Lunettes I

Salt Aquatint, Poland


Alicja Habisiak-Matczak

Urbino Lunettes III

Salt Aquatint, Poland

Vanessa Hall-Patch

Something/Someplace IV

Etching, digital, screen print, Chine-collé, Canada

Vanessa Hall-Patch

Something/Someplace V

Etching, digital, screen print, Chine-collé, Canada


Lacey Hawthorne

Sounding Light II

Etching, Aquatint, Canada

Sylvie Heslot

Le Torchon

Mezzotint, France

Sylvie Heslot


Mezzotint, France

Yoon Hong

Lego 1

Wood Engraving, South Korea

Yoon Hong

Lego 2

Wood Engraving, South Korea


Yoon Hong


Wood Engraving, South Korea

Tomoko Horiguchi

Faces 24

Monotype Drypoint, Japan

Tomoko Horiguchi

Faces 25

Monotype Drypoint, Japan

Tomoko Horiguchi

Faces 26

Monotype Drypoint, Japan


Bill Horne

Aurora I

Silkscreen; glow in the dark ink;VE, Canada

Bill Horne

Aurora II

Silkscreen; glow in the dark ink; VE, Canada

Jeff Huckeby


Intaglio, Relief, Hand Colouring, USA

Marcel Huguet


Lithograph, Canada


Anita Hunt

Lodge XIV

Etching, Aquatint, USA

Anita Hunt

Root Cave

Etching, Aquatint, USA

Anita Hunt

Lodge XV

Etching, Aquatint, USA

Louise Hunt


Monotype, Canada


Eeva Huotari


Etching, Aquatint, Finland

Eeva Huotari

Artist’s Brushes

Drypoint, Finland

Eeva Huotari


Mezzotint, Finland

Ayako Iguchi


Etching & Aquatint, Japan


Ayako Iguchi


Etching & Aquatint, Japan

Kiyoharu Ishimoda

Bon Voyage!

Mezzotint, Japan

Kiyoharu Ishimoda

Natural Lantern

Mezzotint, Japan

Kiyoharu Ishimoda

Okayama Denim

Mezzotint, Japan


Suzuna Iwasa

Fissiparity 1

Monotype, Japan

Suzuna Iwasa

Fissiparity 2

Monotype, Japan

Suzuna Iwasa

Fissiparity 3

Monotype, Japan

Cecilia Jackson

35° 45’ 25.0”S 150° 10’ 03.7” E

Linocut, Australia


Cecilia Jackson

38° 55’ 22”N 077° 05’ 03” W

Linocut, Australia

Tibor Jaeger

Approaching 1

Digital and Screenprint, Sweden

Tibor Jaeger

Approaching 4

Digital and screen print, Sweden

Alexandru Jakabhazi

Marks in the Garden

Aguaforte, Relief print, Romania


Michéle James

Petites écritures animales/Small Animal Writing

Etching & Polymer, France

Mich_le James

Rêve de liberté/Dream of Freedom

Etching and polymer, France

Anu Juurak

Untitled 3

Lithography, Estonia

Anu Juurak

Untitled 4

Lithography, Estonia


Kalli Kalde

Abandoned Villages I

Intaglio, Estonia

Kalli Kalde

Abandoned Villages III

Intaglio, Estonia

Tomoko Kanzaki


Mimeograph, Japan

Søren Kastalje

Private View 4

Linocut, Denmark


Søren Kastalje

Private View 5

Linocut, Denmark

Søren Kastalje

Private View 6

Linocut, Denmark

Maura Keating

Japanese Anemone

Etching, Ireland

Emily Kester


Etching, Canada


Hyun-Jin Kim


Woodcut, Taiwan

Hyun-Jin Kim


Woodcut, Taiwan

Hyun-Jin Kim


Woodcut, Taiwan

M. Simpson King

Genetic Overload

Linocut Reduction, Australia


Maggie Kitching


Vinyl Cut, UK

Maggie Kitching

Next Door Neighbour

Vinyl Cut, UK

Judith Klugerman

Noel 2013

Etching, Canada

Te Knudsen


Mokuhanga, Canada


Ariel Kofman

Screen TV Watcher

Waterless Lithograph, Argentina

Ariel Kofman

TV watcher’s gastrophile

Woodcut, Argentina

Ariel Kofman

Little gastrophile

Woodcut, Argentina

Yui Koike

Cross the Bridge

Mezzotint, Japan


Yui Koike

Wait for a Bus

Mezzotint, Japan

Yui Koike

Take a Train

Mezzotint, Japan

Yuta Konno


Etching, Engraving, Japan

Yuta Konno

Element 2

Etching Aquatint, Japan


Yuta Konno

Element 3

Etching Aquatint, Japan

Antoni Kowalski


Mezzotint, Poland

Agnieszka Koziarz

En Plein Air

Screenprint, Embossment, Digital, Canada

Edith Krause

Are we there yet?

Screenprint, Drypoint, Chine-collé, Canada


Edith Krause

Where to land?

Screenprint, Drypoint, Chine-collé, Canada

Edith Krause


Screenprint, Drypoint, Chine-collé, Canada

Claire Kujundzic

Wildfire Woman

Silkscreen; VE, Canada

Sana Kulic


Digital Print, Serbia


Karen Kunc

Blue Night

Etching and Aquatint, USA

Yolaine Labelle


Monoprint/Collage, Canada

Yolaine Labelle

-3º C

Linocut, Canada

Janne Laine

Fluffy II

Polymer gravure, Finland


Janne Laine

Fluffy V

Polymer gravure, Finland

Katherine Laird

Night Moves I

Etching, Canada

Katherine Laird

Night Moves II

Etching, Canada

Katherine Laird

Night Moves III

Etching, Canada


Clara Laratta

Bloom I

PhotoEtching, Chine-collé, Canada

Clara Laratta

Bloom II

Photo Etching, Chine-collé, Canada

Francoise Legris


Lithography, Canada

Francoise Legris


Lithography, Canada


Jose Leite

Zeppelin Sobre a Guanabara

Woodcut, Brazil

Victor Lipkin

Exodus I

Reductive Relief, Israel

Victor Lipkin

Exodus II

Reductive Relief, Israel

Adriana Lucaciu

Graphic Space

CGD, Romania


Bernadette Madden

Yellow Gorse

Screenprint, Ireland

Bernadette Madden

Dark green sea

Screenprint, Ireland

Bernadette Madden

Early Sunlight

Screenprint, Ireland

Armelle Magnier

En Chien De Fusil

Drypoint, mezzotint lyno, France


Armelle Magnier


Mezzotint Lino, France

Armelle Magnier

Sur un lit de plumes

Burin Lino, France

Paule Mainguy

No title (Head of Kingfischer)

Etching, Canada

Paule Mainguy

Paruline Bleue (Blue Warbler)

Etching, Canada


Paule Mainguy

Bird is a bird is a bird is a birdó

Etching, Canada

Samuel Maita Argote

Martyr II

Woodcut, Bolivia

Samuel Maita Argote

Martyr III

Woodcut, Bolivia

Bernadette Marechal


Aquatint & Mezzotint, Belgium


Bernadette Marechal

Sans Titre

Aquatint, Belgium

Bernadette Marechal

Sans Titre

Aquatint, Belgium

Maryse Marpsat

Errances Urbaines 7

Mezzotint, France

Monique Martin

Just Because...

Monoprint, Canada


Monique Martin

Games of Yesteryear

Ink & Silver Leaf, Canada

Marie-Louise Martin

Dream I

Etching, Ireland

Marie-Louise Martin

Love Letter

Etching, Ireland

Marie-Louise Martin

Dream III

Etching, Ireland


Henri Martraix


Digital Print, France

Henri Martraix


Digital Print, France

Henri Martraix


Digital Print, France

Atsushi Matsuoka

Sound of the Pacific

Wood Engraving, Japan


Atsushi Matsuoka

The Depth of Pupil

Wood Engraving, Japan

Atsushi Matsuoka

Paper Crown

Wood Engraving, Japan

Lily May

Better Than One

Vinyl block print, Canada

Ann McCall

Arborescence XI

Collagraphy, Canada


Amanda McKenzie

Tilefish jig

Silkscreen, Canada

Nicole Milette

Vienne la nuit sonne l’heure/The night

falls and the hours ring

Mezzotint, Chine-collé, Canada

Nicole Milette


Drypoint, Canada

Kay Miller

Landscape II

Etching/Aquatint, USA


Kayoko Moriyama

Vessel with Bubbles

Wood Engraving, Japan

Kayoko Moriyama


Wood Engraving, Japan

David Morrish


Photopolymer gravure, Canada

David Morrish


Photopolymer gravure, Canada


Setsuko Moulton


Woodblock print, Canada

Eric Mummery

Face to face with one

Wood Engraving, Canada

Eric Mummery

Face to face with Two

Wood Engraving, Canada

Eric Mummery

Face to face with Three

Wood Engraving, Canada


Reneta Murauskaite

The System

Hardground Aquatint, Lithuania

Reneta Murauskaite


Etching, Lithuania

Luc Nadeau

Mieux que ça tu serais là

Etching, Canada

Luc Nadeau

Et si on se mangeait la laine sur le dos

Etching, Canada


Barbara Neu

Sharing Tree

Etching, USA

Barbara Neu

Second Ring, Seventh Circle

Etching, USA

Franciszek Niec

Field XV

Linocut, Poland

Franciszek Niec

Field XVI

Linocut, Poland


Franciszek Niec

Field VI

Linocut, Poland

Kristina Norvilaite

Meetings in an Ocean I

Linocut, Lithuania

Kristina Norvilaite

Meetings in an Ocean III

Linocut, Lithuania

Elisabeth Odmann


Drypoint, Sweden


Elisabeth Odmann


Drypoint, Sweden

Elisabeth Odmann


Drypoint, Sweden

Jyunko Ogawa

The Black York of Space

Wood Engraving, Japan

Jyunko Ogawa

After the rain

Wood Engraving, Japan


Jean-Pierre Pain

Speech Settles/La parole se décante

Drypoint, Aquatint, Etching, France

Jean-Pierre Pain

On a Nave of Astonishment/Sur une nef d’étonnement

Drypoint, Aquatint, Etching, France

Barbora Paulovicova

Music from Sambu

Etching and mezzotint, Slovakia

Audrey Pearson

Shallow Dip

Etching, Canada


Audrey Pearson

Soft Wax and Sand Paper

Etching, Canada

Audrey Pearson

Coffee Sleeve Crater

Etching, Canada

Rolande Pelletier


Drypoint, Canada

Rolande Pelletier


Drypoint, Canada


Taras Plishch

Joyful Woman

Drypoint, Czech Republic

Taras Plishch

Woman on a Horse

Drypoint, Czech Republic

Taras Plishch


Drypoint, Czech Republic

Nicolas Poignon

Night and Light

Linocut, Germany


Nicolas Poignon

At Day

Linocut, Germany

Mareu Pospiech

Sign VXI

Intaglio, Poland

Henry Pouillon

Érotisme d’Athènes 2

Digital Print, Belgium

Henry Pouillon

Érotisme d’Athènes 3

Digital Print, Belgium


Jaco Putker

Girl and Swan No.1

Photopolymer Etching, Netherlands

Jaco Putker

Girl and Swan No. 3

Photopolymer Etching, Netherlands

Jaco Putker

Girl and Swan No. 5

Photopolymer Etching, Netherlands

Suzy Quirke

Goats in Winter Snow

Etching, Ireland


Suzy Quirke

Springtime Goats in Cherry Blossom

Etching, Ireland

Ross Racine

Number 22s

Digital, Canada

Farzaneh Radmehr


Mezzotint, Iran

Farzaneh Radmehr

Longing-Superstition II

Mezzotint, Iran


Simonida Radonjic

Golden Silence

Etching, Serbia

Simonida Radonjic

About Silence

Etching, Serbia

Vladimir Ranković

Lola’s gift

Intaglio, Serbia

Kurt Ries

Geometric Moment

Etching, Germany


Sandra Ritter


Linocut, UK

Sandra Ritter


Linocut, UK

Sandra Ritter

Pedestrian II

Linocut, UK

Gervasio Robles Hurtado

Rocio I Stage II

Mezzotint, South Africa


Sue Roe

Alchemy II

Collagraph, UK

Sue Roe

Ancient Vessel

Collagraph, UK

Hermann Rommel

Spuren 1

Etching, Aquatint, Germany

Hermann Rommel

Spuren 2

Etching, Aquatint, Germany


Hermann Rommel

Spuren 3

Etching, Aquatint, Chine-collé, Germany

Christie Rosenberg


Photo Etching, Aquatint, a la poupee, USA

Christie Rosenberg

Miriam Rudolph


Migration III

Photo Etching, Aquatint, a la poupee, USA Intaglio, Chine-collé, Canada


Miriam Rudolph

Migration IV

Intaglio, Chine-collé, Canada

Dom & Jean Paul Ruiz

ni 1240

Engraving/linocut, France

Iwona Rypesc-Kostovic

Bridging the Gap II

Digital Print, Poland

Iwona Rypesc-Kostovic

Quite unprepared II

Digital Print, Poland


Iwona Rypesc-Kostovic

Unforgiven II

Digital Print, Poland

Awni Sami

Bodies 1/3

Etching, Northern Iraq

Awni Sami

Bodies 2/3

Etching, Northern Iraq

Awni Sami

Bodies 3/3

Etching, Northern Iraq


Amy Sands

Constellation X

Monoprint, Serigraph, lasercut, USA

Amy Sands

Constellation XXIII

Monoprint, Serigraph, lasercut, USA

Amy Sands

Constellation I

Monoprint, Serigraph, Lasercut, USA

Anita Seltzer

Granville Island

Photopolymer Intaglio Etching, USA


Anita Seltzer

A night in Mobile

Photopolymer Intaglio Etching, USA

Anita Seltzer


Photopolymer Intaglio Etching, USA

Deirdre Shanley


Drypoint, Ireland

Christopher Shore


Etching, USA


Toshiaki Shozu

All are vanity. 18.4.7-1

Photogravure, Japan

Toshiaki Shozu

All are vanity 18.4.7-2

Photogravure, Japan

Janis Sinclair

Early Birds

Photocopy transfer, Canada

Amaryllis Siniossoglou


Relief, USA


Amaryllis Siniossoglou


Relief, USA

Alicja Snoch-Pawlowska

Diffusion B1

Mixed technique, Poland

Alicja Snoch-Pawlowska

Diffusion B2

Mixed technique, Poland

Alicja Snoch-Pawlowska

Diffusion B3

Mixed Technique, Poland


Lena Spencer

Wheel Women

Digital, USA

Tsvetelina Spiridonova


Drypoint, monotype, Bulgaria

Tsvetelina Spiridonova


Mezzotint, Drypoint, Bulgaria

Tsvetelina Spiridonova


Drypoint, Monotype, Bulgaria


William Steinberg

I’m Telling A Story

Intaglio, Canada

William Steinberg

Full Head of Steam

Intaglio, Canada

Kelsey Stephenson


Mezzotint, Canada

Kelsey Stephenson


Mezzotint, Canada


Kelsey Stephenson

Smoke Screen

Etching, digital, Canada

Motoko Suenaga

Sphere I-1

Etching/Aquatint/m’special, Japan

Motoko Suenaga

Sphere III-1

Etching/Aquatint/m’special, Japan

Linda Suffidy

Currencies No. 10

Lino Embossment, Canada


Linda Suffidy

Currencies No 13

Lino Embossment, Canada

Linda Suffidy

Legacy (study) No. 1

Lino Embossment, Canada

Gatoku Sugimoto


Linoleum, Japan

Gatoku Sugimoto


Linoleum, Japan


Roger Sutcliffe

Orbital Motion

Electro-Etching, Canada

Roger Sutcliffe

Under the Surface

Electro-Etching, Canada

Roberta Pyx Sutherland

Going the Distance

Drypoint with Chine-collé, Canada

Roberta Pyx Sutherland

Distance III

Drypoint with Chine-collé, Canada


Svetlana Swinimer


Electric Etching, Canada

Valerie Syposz

To Not Be

Wood Engraving, USA

Valerie Syposz


Wood Engraving, USA

Valerie Syposz


Wood Engraving, USA


Silvia Taira


Woodcut, Brazil

Yasufumi Takano

Light Verse

Drypoint, Japan

Yasufumi Takano


Etching, Japan

Catherine Tam

Tile 10

Intaglio, Chine-collé, Canada


Shoko Tanaka

A Tale of L 1

Lithogrpah, Japan

Shoko Tanaka

A Tale of L 2

Lithograph, Japan

Shoko Tanaka

A Tale of L 3

Lithograph, Japan

Andrew Testa

Found and Taped to Hold in Place

Photopolymer gravure, Chine-collé, oil paint, Canada


Veronique Trimming


Engraving, France

Veronique Trimming

Letter to a distant friend

Engraving Etching, France

Anna Trojanowska


Lithograph, Poland

Anna Trojanowska


Lithograph, Poland


Zita Uiterwijh

Between Spaces

Etching, The Netherlands

Zita Uiterwijh

Between Spaces

Etching, The Netherlands

Zita Uiterwijh

Between Spaces

Etching, The Netherlands

Susan Underwood

Three Graces

Sugarlift Etching, Canada


Susan Underwood


Aquatint Etching, Canada

Rafal Urbanski

QR 15 Interactive

Digital Print, Poland

Jozina Van Hees

Stillive B

Inkjet Printing, Netherlands

Jozina Van Hees

Stillive C

Inkjet Printing, Netherlands


Manuel Vermeire

Il Cinghiale

Wood Engraving, Belgium

Manuel Vermeire

Skoda Popular Monte Carlo

Wood Engraving, Belgium

Manuel Vermeire


Wood Engraving, Belgium

Smets Vincent

Jeudi Matin

Serigraphy, Belgium


Smets Vincent

Dimanche 9H

Serigraphy, Belgium

Smets Vincent

Dimanche 15H

Serigraphy, Belgium

Irma Vodeva

Journey VIII

Drypoint, Bulgaria

Irma Vodeva

Journey IX

Drypoint, Bulgaria


Irma Vodeva

Journey X

Drypoint, Bulgaria

Kazumi Wakayama

Flower Chafer I

Plywood Lithograph, France

Kazumi Wakayama

Flower Chafer II

Plywood Lithograph, France

Claudia Waters


Etching Aquatint, USA


Claudia Waters

Good Fortune

Etching Aquatint, USA

Claudia Waters

Bumble Bee

Etching Aquatint, USA

Jim Westergard

Big Hair

Wood Engraving, Canada

Jim Westergard

Dove Dove

Colour reduction wood Engraving, Canada


Jim Westergard

Proboscis Monkey

Wood Engraving, Canada

Cleo Wilkinson


Mezzotint Print, Australia

Cleo Wilkinson


Mezzotint Print, Australia

Cleo Wilkinson


Mezzotint Print, Australia


Roy Willingham

Obtuse Landscape #1 - Building

Linocut, UK

Roy Willingham

Obtuse Landscape #6 - Church

Linocut, UK

Roy Willingham

Obtuse Landscape #8 - Square

Linocut, UK

Laurent Wilmet

Voodoo Doll

Linocut, Belgium


Laurent Wilmet

Grunge Couple

Linocut, Belgium

Laurent Wilmet

Girl, Interrupted

Linocut, Belgium

Sylvia Wong

Tracy Wormsbecker

Lifeblood II


Relief, Collagraphy, Chine-collé, Thread, Canada Intaglio, Chine-collé, Canada


Artists Index


Ala-Olla, Merja 32

Allen, Suzie 32

Ando, Mariko 32, 33

Aparicio, German 21

Argote, Samuel Maita 81

Auszenkier, Claire 33


Baillies, Kate 33

Barry, Jo 34

Becker, Margaret 34

Benhamou, Marcelle 35

Bothe, Georg 35

Buzniak, Paulina 35


Canchari, Mariela 36

Catley, Ed 36

Cerda, Elvira 37

Chalfoux, Mitchell 37

Ciupa, Nastazja 38

Cooper, Jane 38

Cormier Splane, Margot 39

Costa, Sabrina 39, 40

Craft, Jack 40

Creighton, Robert 40

Csaba, Pal 41

Cywicki, Lukasz 41


Damsteegt, Theo 42

Darvishi, Mehdi 42

de Bri, Pamela 43

Del Castillo, Bernabe 43, 44

Desilets, Martine 44

DeVito, Michael 26, 44

Dore Brunet, Nicole 45

Douglas, Lorraine 45

Doyle, Narda 45

Driediger, Teddi 46

Dworzak-Subocz, Agata 46, 47

Dzhurayeva, Olesya 47


Early, Susan 47

Edgar, Victoria 48

Eesmaa, Eve 48, 49


Foutch, Steven 49

Frank, Alison 50

Fusano, Tsuboi 50, 51


Gaines, Allison 51

Gelinas, Renee 51, 52

Gillespie, Colin 52

Gillet, Catherine 26, 52, 53

Godoy, Roberto 53

Gorbas, Jerzy 53

Graham, Barbara 54

Graver, Mark 54, 55

Greco-Riddle, Colette 55

Grespan, Carol 55

Gupta, Aditi 56


Habisiak-Matczak, Alicja 56, 57

Hall-Patch, Vanessa 22, 57

Hawthorne, Lacey 57

Heslot, Sylvie 58

Hong, Yoon 58, 59

Horiguchi, Tomoko 59

Horne, Bill 60

Huckeby, Jeff 60

Huguet, Marcel 60

Hunt, Anita 61

Hunt, Louise 61

Huotari, Eeva 62


Iguchi, Ayako 62, 63


Ishimoda, Kiyoharu 63

Iwasa, Suzuna 64


Jackson, Cecilia 64, 65

Jaeger, Tibor 65

Jafari, Hedieh 23

Jakabhazi, Alexandru 65

James, Michéle 66

Juurak, Anu 66


Kalde, Kalli 26, 67

Kanzaki, Tomoko 67

Kastalje, Søren 67, 68

Keating, Maura 68

Kester, Emily 68

Kim, Hyun-Jin 69

King, M. Simpson 69

Kitching, Maggie 70

Klugerman, Judith 70

Knudsen, Te 70

Kofman, Ariel 71

Koike, Yui 71, 72

Konno, Yuta 72, 73

Kowalski, Antoni 26, 73

Koziarz, Agnieszka 73

Krause, Edith 73, 74

Kujundzic, Claire 74

Kulic, Sana 74

Kunc, Karen 27, 75


Labelle, Yolaine 75

Laine, Janne 27, 75, 76

Laird, Katherine 76

Laratta, Clara 77

Legris, Francoise 77

Leite, Jose 78

Lipkin, Victor 78

Lucaciu, Adriana 78


Madden, Bernadette 79

Magnier, Armelle 79, 80

Mainguy, Paule 80, 81

Maita Argote, Samuel 81

Marechal, Bernadette 81, 82

Marpsat, Maryse 82

Martin, Marie-Louise 83

Martin, Monique 82, 83

Martraix, Henri 84

Matsuoka, Atsushi 84, 85

May, Lily 85

McCall, Ann 85

McKenzie, Amanda 86

Milette, Nicole 86

Miller, Kay 86

Moriyama, Kayoko 24, 87

Morrish, David 27, 87

Moulton, Setsuko 88

Mummery, Eric 88

Murauskaite, Reneta 27, 89


Nadeau, Luc 89

Neu, Barbara 90

Niec, Franciszek 90, 91

Norvilaite, Kristina 91


Odmann, Elisabeth 91, 92

Ogawa, Jyunko 92


Pain, Jean-Pierre 93

Paulovicova, Barbora 93

Pearson, Audrey 93, 94

Pelletier, Rolande 94

Plishch, Taras 95

Poignon, Nicolas 95, 96

Pospiech, Mareu 96

Pouillon, Henry 96

Putker, Jaco 97


Quirke, Suzy 97, 98


Racine, Ross 98

Radmehr, Farzaneh 98

Radonjic, Simonida 99

Ranković, Vladimir 99

Ries, Kurt 99

Ritter, Sandra 100

Robles Hurtado, Gervasio 100

Roe, Sue 101

Rommel, Hermann 101, 102

Rosenberg, Christie 102

Rudolph, Miriam 28, 102, 103

Ruiz, Dom & Jean Paul 103

Rypesc-Kostovic, Iwona 103, 104


Sami, Awni 104

Sands, Amy 105

Sato, Ayane 20

Seltzer, Anita 105, 106

Shanley, Deirdre 106

Shore, Christopher 106

Shozu, Toshiaki 107

Sinclair, Janis 107

Siniossoglou, Amaryllis 107, 108

Snoch-Pawlowska, Alicja 108

Spencer, Lena 109

Spiridonova, Tsvetelina 109

Steinberg, William 110

Stephenson, Kelsey 110, 111

Suenaga, Motoko 111

Suffidy, Linda 111, 112

Sugimoto, Gatoku 112

Sugita, Masaaki 19

Sutcliffe, Roger 113

Sutherland, Roberta Pyx 113

Swinimer, Svetlana 114

Syposz, Valerie 114


Taira, Silvia 115

Takano, Yasufumi 115


Tam, Catherine 115

Tanaka, Shoko 116

Testa, Andrew 116

Trimming, Veronique 117

Trojanowska, Anna 28, 117


Uiterwijh, Zita 118

Underwood, Susan 118, 119

Urbanski, Rafal 119


Van Hees, Jozina 119

Vermeire, Manuel 120

Vincent, Smets 120, 121

Vodeva, Irma 121, 122


Wakayama, Kazumi 122

Waters, Claudia 122, 123

Westergard, Jim 123

Wilkinson, Cleo 124

Willingham, Roy 125

Wilmet, Laurent 125, 126

Wong, Sylvia 126

Wormsbecker, Tracy 126

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