Newsletter ACERA - Noviembre 2019


05. NEWS Paola Hartung is the new Vice President of ACERA After the renewal of the Association’s counselors that took place in October, it was necessary to ratify who would make up the Board of Directors, which was made by the same members of the Council, and a woman was elected, for the first time, as Vice-President: Paola Hartung. "I am proud to have been elected as Vice President of a trade association as relevant in the industry as ACERA. I am fortunate to know the energy sector closely, I have been working both in the public and private sectors for several years, and have been part for more than five years of the Association’s Council, so the result of this election is a great honor and a great responsibility. I am very committed to ACERA's guidelines and, in particular, to the sustainable and responsible energy transition, and in the same vein, to the development of energy storage," Paola Hartung said after her election. In this way, the Board of Directors of ACERA is composed of: José Ignacio Escobar as President, Paola Hartung as Vice President, Manuel Tagle as Director Treasurer, Mario Manríquez as Director Secretary, Past President Alfredo Solar, and Jean-Christophe Puech, Clemente Pérez, Marta Alonso and Patricia Darez as Directors. ACERA and its companies joined the Public-Private Plan of the Ministry of Energy to encourage the insertion of women into the energy sector The Ministers of Energy, Juan Carlos Jobet, and of Women and Gender Equity, Isabel Plá, launched a package of public-private measures to encourage the insertion of women into the energy sector, as part of an Action Plan developed by the Ministry of Energy with the support of the gender technical agency of which ACERA has been part since its inception. The initiative was committed by 52 actors of the energy sector, including 21 trade associations and institutions and 31 companies that bring together 25,000 workers (11 of them members of ACERA). Some of the commitments point to each company designing and implementing diversity and inclusion strategies, measuring the pay gap, and fostering female leadership. For ACERA's Director of Communications, Fernanda Varela, who represents the association at the gender technical table, this initiative is a major milestone for Chile and for the energy industry. "From ACERA we are very happy with the progress of the table. You don'talways see concrete results in these conversation spaces, but here we obtained clear figures, based on which we can implement improvement actions and obtain real results, as well as a complete work plan, with specific challenges, to which we adhere with great satisfaction, as it is a tool that will help us to carry forward our commitment to diversity and gender equity." The meeting was organized within the framework of the XVI REDEG - Red de Empresas por la Equidad de Género- Discussion Panel, where representatives from different masculinized industries participated. The entity maintains a collaborative alliance with ACERA.

06. Renewable Associations of Ibero-America will sign commitment of clean energies in the Energy Day of the COP After the recent partnership signed between the Peruvian Society of Renewable Energy (SPR) and ACERA to promote renewable energies in their respective countries, a project was born to expand this commitment to different renewable associations of Iberoamerica, giving rise to the adventure of conglomerating the main associations of the region and Spain. This latter country will assume the host role of COP 25, where Chile maintains the presidency. To date, there are 13 associations that have adhered to this commitment, representing Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Spain, who will come together to sign a Framework Agreement, whose primary goal is to establish the main lines of collaboration between the associations in the areas of: Promotion and development of national regulation in each country, which is suitable to take advantage of the technical and economic benefits of renewable energy; Exchange of experiences and knowledge; and Develop consultancies and studies aimed at improving the technical and competitive conditions of renewable energies. In this regard, José Ignacio Escobar, President of ACERA and representative of Chile to the agreement, noted that "This is a very important step for us. In ACERA, we have been promoting more active and in-depth work among the different renewable associations for a while, and this milestone, where so many associations from different countries were brought together, is the first step in the great challenge. The planet needs a total energy transition to achieve the global goal against global warming, and therefore we believe the union between all nations in this ambition to combat the climate crisis with clean energy to be fundamental." Image Source: Building Energy The initiative will be part of the Energy Day program, organized by the Ministry of Energy of Chile, and the signing will take place on December 10, 2019 at the Blue Zone of COP 25 in Madrid, Spain. Chile is No. 1 in Latin America in the Climatescope 2019 The Climatescope 2019 ranking, a study carried out annually by Bloomberg News Energy Finance, positioned Chile as the country with the most opportunities to establish renewable energy projects in Latin America, and number two in the world, falling only behind India. The elements considered in the elaboration of the ranking were economic fundamentals, opportunities and experience. Thus, Chile's overall rating in 2019 was 2.85 versus 2.63 points in 2018. The report considers, among all points, the main barriers of each country to develop renewable energy successfully. In the case of Chile, one of the main ones remains interconnection, as in 2018, particularly interconnection to allow solar energy produced in northern Chile to flow to the center of the country, where population and demand are concentrated. In this regard, the Director of Studies of ACERA, Dario Morales, commented that "despite Chile lowering a position in the global ranking, the fact that our country has increased its score compared to 2018 is good news. The main increase was in the economic fundamentals item where the country's commitment to the establishment of concrete targets for the development of renewable energies is highlighted."

06.<br />

Renewable Associations of Ibero-America<br />

will sign commitment of clean energies in<br />

the Energy Day of the COP<br />

After the recent partnership signed between the Peruvian Society of<br />

Renewable Energy (SPR) and <strong>ACERA</strong> to promote renewable energies in<br />

their respective countries, a project was born to expand this commitment<br />

to different renewable associations of Iberoamerica, giving rise to the<br />

adventure of conglomerating the main associations of the region and<br />

Spain. This latter country will assume the host role of COP 25, where<br />

Chile maintains the presidency.<br />

To date, there are 13 associations that have adhered to this commitment,<br />

representing Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru,<br />

Uruguay and Spain, who will come together to sign a Framework<br />

Agreement, whose primary goal is to establish the main lines of<br />

collaboration between the associations in the areas of: Promotion and<br />

development of national regulation in each country, which is suitable to<br />

take advantage of the technical and economic benefits of renewable<br />

energy; Exchange of experiences and knowledge; and Develop<br />

consultancies and studies aimed at improving the technical and<br />

competitive conditions of renewable energies.<br />

In this regard, José Ignacio Escobar, President of <strong>ACERA</strong> and<br />

representative of Chile to the agreement, noted that "This is a very<br />

important step for us. In <strong>ACERA</strong>, we have been promoting more active and<br />

in-depth work among the different renewable associations for a while, and<br />

this milestone, where so many associations from different countries were<br />

brought together, is the first step in the great challenge. The planet needs a<br />

total energy transition to achieve the global goal against global warming,<br />

and therefore we believe the union between all nations in this ambition to<br />

combat the climate crisis with clean energy to be fundamental."<br />

Image Source: Building Energy<br />

The initiative will be part of the Energy Day program, organized by the<br />

Ministry of Energy of Chile, and the signing will take place on December<br />

10, <strong>2019</strong> at the Blue Zone of COP 25 in Madrid, Spain.<br />

Chile is No. 1 in Latin America in the<br />

Climatescope <strong>2019</strong><br />

The Climatescope <strong>2019</strong> ranking, a study carried out annually by<br />

Bloomberg News Energy Finance, positioned Chile as the country<br />

with the most opportunities to establish renewable energy projects<br />

in Latin America, and number two in the world, falling only behind<br />

India.<br />

The elements considered in the elaboration of the ranking were<br />

economic fundamentals, opportunities and experience. Thus,<br />

Chile's overall rating in <strong>2019</strong> was 2.85 versus 2.63 points in 2018.<br />

The report considers, among all points, the main barriers of each<br />

country to develop renewable energy successfully. In the case of<br />

Chile, one of the main ones remains interconnection, as in 2018,<br />

particularly interconnection to allow solar energy produced in<br />

northern Chile to flow to the center of the country, where<br />

population and demand are concentrated.<br />

In this regard, the Director of Studies of <strong>ACERA</strong>, Dario Morales,<br />

commented that "despite Chile lowering a position in the global<br />

ranking, the fact that our country has increased its score<br />

compared to 2018 is good news. The main increase was in the<br />

economic fundamentals item where the country's commitment to<br />

the establishment of concrete targets for the development of<br />

renewable energies is highlighted."

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