Female Founders_Soleil Magazine_Iss5

Editor In Chief- Svetlana Blasucci Art Director- Tatiana Ayazo A magazine that isn’t just something to look at. A safe place to be free with your words and art. Soleil started as Clinic Magazine but changed to be closer to the sun. Light is in every word, image and line created in each issue. Ask questions, we welcome them. There are so many unseen artists and my mission is to bring them to the light. Expose them even if they don’t want to be. Challenge them and ask the real reason why art found them. We forget sometimes and get jaded by the recognition. I wanted to make something sprinkled with a little bit of this and that. Every theme falls under a category people tend to not appreciate. Soleil Magazine is for the underdogs. I spend most of time finding artists through the biggest artists. It’s amazing what you can find on Instagram, it’s like a dictionary for artists, just got to find them.

Editor In Chief- Svetlana Blasucci
Art Director- Tatiana Ayazo

A magazine that isn’t just something to look at. A safe place to be free with your words and art. Soleil started as Clinic Magazine but changed to be closer to the sun. Light is in every word, image and line created in each issue. Ask questions, we welcome them.

There are so many unseen artists and my mission is to bring them to the light. Expose them even if they don’t want to be. Challenge them and ask the real reason why art found them. We forget sometimes and get jaded by the recognition. I wanted to make something sprinkled with a little bit of this and that. Every theme falls under a category people tend to not appreciate.

Soleil Magazine is for the underdogs. I spend most of time finding artists through the biggest artists. It’s amazing what you can find on Instagram, it’s like a dictionary for artists, just got to find them.


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Share about the ups and downs of styling...

What inspires you?...

Daily life seeing people on the train, walking the

street day to day life, how they dress, etc Seeing

a woman as though she appears natural beauty.

Music, film, art, vintage magazines, old life

magazines, vogues from the 80s and 90s,

interior design, old films, vintage architectural

digests from the 80s.

There’s a lot of them. Downs constantly working

not always being able to plan trips ahead of time.

Basically being on call. You can get a call that

you need to be in another city the next day.

Constantly being on top of all the details keeping

everything organized at all times. My college professor

used to say the devil is in the details and

that’d always stuck with me. It’s so easy for things

to fall through the crack so attention to detail is

very important. Ups seeing the result of your hard

work whether it be a check a published cover in

print. The biggest Ups in my career have been styling

the Swarovski campaign with Karlie kloss and

my first Vogue cover with Nicki Minaj. Creating art

is a wonderful experience but at the end of the

day it is a business so you need to figure out how

y our going to make money and then how your

going to use that money and put it back into your

business and your life to benefit you long term.

Also there is a fine line between compromising

your aesthetic to appease a client or editor. This

is a constant str uggle for artists. You can have a

specific style that your known and hired for but

when your working for a client you are working

for them and have to follow their guidelines so

you have to be willing to be flexible.

What is a typical day...

A typical day I wake up at 5am and after I get

ready I spend the morning with different markets

mostly Asia and Europe answering emails for

requests for upcoming shoots or jobs. Working

on setting my goals for the day and the week.

Talk to my agent about what’s on the schedule.

Updating website, invoicing, organizing and uploading

files, editing, keeping the studio and

racks organized and clean. Getting rid of what I

don’t need anymore. Going on Amazon and

buying more supplies. Posting to social media.

Working on my mood boards for the season.

Editing my book.

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