Female Founders_Soleil Magazine_Iss5

Editor In Chief- Svetlana Blasucci Art Director- Tatiana Ayazo A magazine that isn’t just something to look at. A safe place to be free with your words and art. Soleil started as Clinic Magazine but changed to be closer to the sun. Light is in every word, image and line created in each issue. Ask questions, we welcome them. There are so many unseen artists and my mission is to bring them to the light. Expose them even if they don’t want to be. Challenge them and ask the real reason why art found them. We forget sometimes and get jaded by the recognition. I wanted to make something sprinkled with a little bit of this and that. Every theme falls under a category people tend to not appreciate. Soleil Magazine is for the underdogs. I spend most of time finding artists through the biggest artists. It’s amazing what you can find on Instagram, it’s like a dictionary for artists, just got to find them.

Editor In Chief- Svetlana Blasucci
Art Director- Tatiana Ayazo

A magazine that isn’t just something to look at. A safe place to be free with your words and art. Soleil started as Clinic Magazine but changed to be closer to the sun. Light is in every word, image and line created in each issue. Ask questions, we welcome them.

There are so many unseen artists and my mission is to bring them to the light. Expose them even if they don’t want to be. Challenge them and ask the real reason why art found them. We forget sometimes and get jaded by the recognition. I wanted to make something sprinkled with a little bit of this and that. Every theme falls under a category people tend to not appreciate.

Soleil Magazine is for the underdogs. I spend most of time finding artists through the biggest artists. It’s amazing what you can find on Instagram, it’s like a dictionary for artists, just got to find them.


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I’m constantly thinking about ways I can add

value to people’s lives in a more impactful way.

It is feels wonderful placing a candidate in their

dream job and/or helping a family find their

perfect nanny so they can feel at ease!

What are you trying to improve on?

I’m not great at asking for help.

How do you balance giving to others with

having enough for yourself?

I have strong professional and personal

relationships based on loyalty, authenticity, and

staying committed to my word. I’ve learned that if

I don’t take care of myself, I’ll have nothing to give


What kind of advice would you give to someone

starting a business?

Talk to as many entrepreneurs as you can and

learn more about potential pitfalls because

discovering early on what not to do is invaluable.

Also, it’s important to conserve money, even if

you have an abundance. I watch people pay a

fortune for website builds etc., and most of these

things you can do on your own. Learning how to

be self-sufficient and knowing the ins-and-outs of

your industry is key. Most businesses evolve over

time, so being flexible, proactively working out

kinks and having a sound exit strategy is key.

Nobody wants their business to fail, but don’t let

that stop you from trying your best because it

usually opens doors to bigger possibilities.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

y goal is to focus on new business growth, and

eventually have a mid-size staff of directors for

each division of my company executing the

day-to-day activities in order to properly scale my


always shine through eventually. With dating, my

philosophy to set the bar low -- for instance, no

makeup from the beginning – showing up

authentically as yourself from the start attracts

like-minded people. Also, always honor your

word….there’s an unspoken value to that and

I can’t say enough about how important it is to

keep your commitments. Being vulnerable is

hard, but I do it by sharing personal things about

my life. I like to engage people in ways that makes

them happy.

Have you ever been burned?

When you’re deeply involved, there’s no way to

avoid it sometimes.

What’s your best practice for bouncing back?

I visually cut the cord. I have an abundance of

relationships, and believe everything is energy,

so I foster healthy relationships by sticking with

friends through both the good and bad times.

You seem like a student of life and someone

defining success on her own terms.

I never really had a formal education. I graduated

high school early, took courses on base while I

was in the Marine Corps, and I received my

Associates degree before joining the workforce at

age 18. My cousin, on the other hand, was top of

his class at San Diego State, and when he tried to

get a job with me at Prudential, he wasn’t able to

because he didn’t have any work experience. I’m

not saying to forgo an education, but I’ve

experienced life through a different lens, I’ve

learned on my own how to conduct business,

hold conversations with Ivy League grads, heads

of state and celebrities because of my ongoing

and persistent quest to learn more and work hard.

You are a real relationship cultivator, what is

your secret?

My rule of thumb when it comes to friendships is

that if I can’t see them being in my life ten years

from now, then what is the point of putting in the

energy now. I do the same for my business

relationships. I like to focus on the long term.

I believe in being authentic, and not putting on a

front because let’s be honest: your true self will

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