Female Founders_Soleil Magazine_Iss5

Editor In Chief- Svetlana Blasucci Art Director- Tatiana Ayazo A magazine that isn’t just something to look at. A safe place to be free with your words and art. Soleil started as Clinic Magazine but changed to be closer to the sun. Light is in every word, image and line created in each issue. Ask questions, we welcome them. There are so many unseen artists and my mission is to bring them to the light. Expose them even if they don’t want to be. Challenge them and ask the real reason why art found them. We forget sometimes and get jaded by the recognition. I wanted to make something sprinkled with a little bit of this and that. Every theme falls under a category people tend to not appreciate. Soleil Magazine is for the underdogs. I spend most of time finding artists through the biggest artists. It’s amazing what you can find on Instagram, it’s like a dictionary for artists, just got to find them.

Editor In Chief- Svetlana Blasucci
Art Director- Tatiana Ayazo

A magazine that isn’t just something to look at. A safe place to be free with your words and art. Soleil started as Clinic Magazine but changed to be closer to the sun. Light is in every word, image and line created in each issue. Ask questions, we welcome them.

There are so many unseen artists and my mission is to bring them to the light. Expose them even if they don’t want to be. Challenge them and ask the real reason why art found them. We forget sometimes and get jaded by the recognition. I wanted to make something sprinkled with a little bit of this and that. Every theme falls under a category people tend to not appreciate.

Soleil Magazine is for the underdogs. I spend most of time finding artists through the biggest artists. It’s amazing what you can find on Instagram, it’s like a dictionary for artists, just got to find them.


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What inspires you...

I am very inspired by the old

masters, in particular Dutch 17th

century paintings. I think its

because their work was so

extremely detailed that it almost

looks like photographs. It’s like

travelling back in time and

actually being there when you

look at them. When I set up

light in my studio I aim to get a

similar quality of light. In

general I’m easily inspired. It can

be a trip to the farmers market,

the texture of a wall, some props

that I found etc. My mum

influenced me a lot. I grew up

in a home full of Swedish rustic

antique farmhouse furniture

mixed with Scandinavian

minimalism and that still inspires

me today. I love rustic items

with character but I’m also a


I always play music when I

shoot. It puts me in the mood

and inspires me. Olafur Arnals

is played a lot in my studio. His

music really sets the mood for


What is a typical day...

At the moment my days are

very long. I’m either shooting or

editing. If I’m styling as wel l as

shooting I can be out prop

hunting and sourcing

ingredientsor making backdrops.

Yesterday I was up

shooting at 9 am and finished

editing at 2 am.

Today I have to finish post-production

of 7 images for a client

deadline tomorrow.

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