Old Parish Church Guide Book

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The Entrance Screen

The entrance screen was gifted to the church in 1965 and is worked in oak,

wrought iron, bronze and engraved glass. The glass of the doors depicts the

four evangelists, Matthew and Mark to the left and Luke and John to the right. The

door handles are in the form of shepherds’ crooks.

The bronze work of the screen is a rich display

of Christian symbolism Those were the days

when artist and craftsmen aided the preacher

and sustained the Faith by the use of their

universal language. Thus a vocabulary of Christian symbolism was evolved and

it is much of that that is present here. A note explaining these symbols lies on

the vestibule table which was probably a refectory table from the Cross Kirk

Monastery and used by the Trinity Friars in the 16th century.

The Stained Glass Windows


he two modern windows on either side of the entrance door were gifted

in 1992 and 1993 and are the work of Crear McCartney. The theme of the

window on the north side is “God in Peebles”, while the one on the south side is

“God in Nature”.


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