Old Parish Church Guide Book

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The Paintings

The paintings within the church are the work

of the professional hand of the Reverend

Roland Porchmouth, a minister of the Church

of Scotland and a former member of the


The Ark and The Covenant: Genesis ch.9 v. 8-13

The series of twenty-two paintings hang both in

the gallery and downstairs. In the artist’s own

words, “The paintings illustrate a few familiar

incidents from the Old Testament, following the

broad sweep of the story from its commencing

pages in Genesis to a point where the view

opens out on to a world in which Christ has


The artist generously gifted these paintings to

the Church.

And the Lord said to Moses ‘Write thou these

words’ ... : Exodus ch.34 v. 27-29

Nec Tamen Consumebator: Exodus ch.3 v. 1-6

Abraham and the Sacrifice of Isaac: Genesis ch.22 v.1,2,9-13


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