ExecutiveCheckUp_Dec4_Men_EnglishVersion 2

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Letter of Medical Necessity


Date: ______________ _

Patient Name: ________________________

DOB: ______________ Gender: □ M □ F

Insurance Company: ______________________

Subscriber Name: _______________________

Policy#: ___________________________

Dear Claims Specialist:

I am writing this letter on behalf of my patient:, ______________________

to request coverage for the Hereditary Assessment for Cardiac Conditions, a genetic test offered through

Novomed Specialized Clinics. This genetic testing is performed in a CUA certified laboratory located in Frisco, Texas.

The patient is suspected to have genetic predisposition to cardiac problems.

Patient has a family history for _______________________ _

Personal and/or family history is suggestive of a higher risk for cardiac disease. I would like to assess this patient's future

Cardiac risk by performing genetic testing for Hereditary Assessment for Cardiac Conditions. The results of this genetic

test will have a direct impact on this patient's treatment and management.

Test Information and Impact of Results on Medical Management:

Cardiac Arrest, not to be confused with a heart attack, occurs when the heart stops beating as a whole. It is the leading

cause of nontraumatic death in the United States with genetic factors constituting 25% of cardiac arrest cases. Mutations

in genes can affect the way the heart cells communicate, the strength of the heart muscle, and rhythm of the heart,

resulting in fast, chaotic heartbeats. Identifying these genetic factors plays an important role in the prognosis, of the

disease, therapy, and therefore outcome.

Informed Consent: This Hereditary Assessment for Cardiac Conditions offered by Novomed Specialized Clinics focuses

on identifying inherited cardiac conditions. It targets 174 genes with known associations to 17 inherited cardiac conditions

including cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, aortopathy and more. This assay is

performed using genomic DNA isolated from blood collected via capillary puncture or a swab. The test is intended for

predictive genetic testing to determine the chances that a healthy individual with or without a family history of a cardiac

condition might develop that disease. It is also performed as a pre-symptomatic genetic testing in order to

determine whether an individual with a family history of a cardiac disease, but no current symptoms, has the gene

alterations associated with the disease. Additional, it is !intended for post-symptomatic genetic testing to identify the

potential underlying cause of an existing cardiac disease. This test is a next-generation sequencing (NGS) to provide

comprehensive coverage of the genes associated with hereditary heart disease.

The patient has provided a signed informed consent for genetic testing, based on my discussion of the personal and/or

family history, the potential test results, and the implications for medical management. The patient is aware of the benefits,

risks and limitations of the testing and has voluntarily agreed to the genetic test.


Knowledge of this patient's cardiac genetic information is important for me to accurately assess the patient's cardiac risks

and will guide my recommendations for the care. The value of genetic testing for these syndromes has been extensively

documented in the medical literature. In 2006, the American Heart Association, the American College of Cardiology, and

the European Cardiac Society issued joint Medical/Scientific Guidelines on the management of patients with ventricular

arrhythmias and prevention of sudden cardiac death.

Thank you for your review and consideration. I hope you will support this request for genetic testing coverage for my


If you have questions, or if I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call me at: ___________ _




Physician's Name: _________________________________________ _

Novomed Specialized Clinics • Suite 3002 - 3005 30th Floor, Marina Plaza, Dubai Marina, Dubai, UAE • Phone : 971 4 247 3100

Tests are performed in USA, results in one week.





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