ExecutiveCheckUp_Dec4_Men_EnglishVersion 2

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Summary of Medical Examination

• Elevated blood glucose level, suspected to be diabetes – Consult with a specialist

Doctor's Name: Dr. Ghassan F. Nakad

Specialty: Interventional Cardiology Specialist

Doctor Notes:

• Overweight (pre-obesity) – Try not to gain more weight. Regular aerobic exercise and a balanced

diet are recommended.

• Abdominal obesity – it increases the risk of diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Manage it

through regular exercise and a healthy diet habit.

• CRP, the inflammatory indicator, is slightly elevated. It can be temporarily elevated by cold. If you

don’t have symptoms, observe for now.

• There is no hepatitis B antibody. Vaccination is recommended (0 ,1 ,6 months; 3 shots).

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