ExecutiveCheckUp_Dec4_Men_EnglishVersion 2

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Requires bowel preparation for two days prior with laxatives to empty the colon. May be

done with our CT scan also called virtual colonoscopy; more radiation but no need for

anesthesia, or with the traditional scope requiring sedation and without radiation. Must

discuss with your doctors as the test may not be necessary for your specific situation,

age and family history. Test takes 45 minutes.

Examines the esophagus, stomach and duodenum to diagnose reflux esophagitis or GERD,

esophageal cancer, gastritis, stomach ulcer, stomach cancer, and duodenal ulcer. A biopsy

can be taken when necessary for accurate diagnosis. Since it requires intravenous

sedation, it is done only if our doctors find medical reasons to subject you to it. It is done

in our Novomed Surgical Hospital in Um Suqeim (Dubai) and requires the patient to be

pre-screened by our anesthesiologist. Patients must be fasting for seven hours before

undergoing this test. Test takes 45 minutes.


المحيطية،‏ فإن حوالي ٪ 20 من العملاء الذين حققوا نسبة أقل من 0٫9 على مؤشر الضغط الكاحلي العضدي لديهم نسبة أعلى للاصابة بنوبة

قلبية أو سكتة دماغية

Serology and Immunologic Exam

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