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A gospel in blank verse with rhymed parables<br />

the Mary from Magdala by the Lake.<br />

And John was there who was to write this down.<br />

To him the Lord entrusted the sole care<br />

of his beloved mother in her grief<br />

and in her loneliness. ‘Here is your son,’<br />

he said to her: to John he said, ‘Here is<br />

your mother, John.’ And willingly from then<br />

he took her home with him and treated her<br />

with honour, with concern and with respect.<br />

Above each cross there was a titulus:<br />

a note to justify the victim’s fate.<br />

Above the cross of Jesus could be read<br />

a scroll in Hebrew, Latin and in Greek.<br />

‘Jesus the Nazarene, the King of Jews.’<br />

It was a studied insult, Pilate’s work.<br />

The Jews raised angry voices to protest.<br />

‘You should have written “This man falsely claimed<br />

that he was King of Jews” for otherwise<br />

it might be understood he represents<br />

as criminal, the best of all our race.’<br />

‘Well, take it as you wish. It’s written now.’<br />

was Pilate’s answer. He had scored a point.<br />

The place was overlooked by passers-by.<br />

Derisive catcalls came from those who passed…<br />

…things like, ‘If you’re the Son of God, come down.<br />

If you’d rebuild the Temple in three days<br />

what could be easier?’ ‘ You called yourself<br />

the Son of God. Well, all we want is proof!’<br />

One of the two men crucified with him<br />

joined in the chorus of complaint and cried,<br />

‘If you’re the Christ then save yourself and us.’<br />

But his companion would have none of this.<br />

‘We are condemned for wrongs that we have done.<br />

This man is guiltless. Lord remember me<br />

the moment that you find you are a king.’<br />

‘Today, you’ll be with me in Paradise,’<br />

was Jesus’s reply. About this time<br />

the light began to fail – the cause perhaps<br />

a dark and sand-filled desert wind known now<br />

as ‘Khamsin’ which could change the day to night.<br />

It caused the earth to shake and buildings swayed.<br />

A major earthquake seemed to be on hand.<br />


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