Graining Pixels

HFK's film program for the Zebra Film Poetry Festival 2019. HFK's film program for the Zebra Film Poetry Festival 2019.

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In this course I introduced the students to specific fields

of expanded cinema to further create an amalgamate of

classical and contemporary techniques. Experimenting

with 16mm film material right down to the chemistry of

film developing, legendary film alchemist Jürgen Reble

got invited for a light and darkroom workshop. Finally

Students were asked to produce individual poetry

related clips, mostly using high resolution video scans

right off the16mm editing table as a basis.

-Joachim Hofmann



Olta Kacaj

2’16’’ - English poem by Khaled Mattawa

This film reminisces on the glorifying times of the

Harbour of Bremen, Germany. The poem ties together

perfectly the two extremes; how full of life and action

the harbour used to be and how lonely and quiet it is



When You Are Old

Thomas Frank

2’46’’ - English poem by William Butler Yeats

In the poetry film “When You Are Old”, sequences

from various 16mm film reels were brought together

and rearranged. Thereby 2 characters were brought

in relation to each other, whereby a deep seeming

connection of the two develops. The short story is

accompanied by William Butler Yeats’ poem “When

You Are Old” and composed music by the filmmaker

The Beret

Yvonne Jenniges

1’48’’ - English original poem

The manually manipulated 16mm-film

deals with a man at the bottom of his life.

The depressed mood finds a turning point

towards the end, when the man slowly

starts to see hope in the dark again.



Xuyan Weng

3’32’’ - Mandarin poem by Gao Xiaosong

This is my desultory life and my distant land

in my mind. In this film, there is nothing

but my mood and wonderful fantasy.

The Complaint

Farhana Tabassum

3’34’’ - Urdu poem by Allama Iqbal

The film is based on some parts of the Poem

‘ The Complaint ‘ from Allama Iqbal, who

staggered the struggle of independence in

south Asia and talked about the need to

change the state of people.


My: Why Always

Farin Kulapichitr

2’08’’ - Japanese poem by Mado Michio

A chaotic yet innocent poetry film which

was made by and underwent analog

scratching on a combination of several

16mm films that might unexpectedly reflect

“something” that is hidden in your mind.


Gulia Valenti

3’08’’ - Italian original poem

Herr3000 is the story of a man. Herr3000

is a man with a story.

Truly yours,



Lennard Schmitt

3’15’’ - German lyrics by Joey Bargeld

In meinem Film „Highway“ geht es um das

gleichnamige Lied des Hamburger Musikers

Joey Bargeld. Die repetetive Melodie des Liedes

erinnerte mich an die gleichförmige Bewegung

des Filmprojektors und die unkontrollierte

Bearbeitung/Zerstörung der Filmstreifen verband

ich mit dem Text, der trotz wenig Inhalt dennoch


Falk Heimbold

2’09’’’ - English original poem

“You are lost in another dimension. You are dreaming.

A fever dream can turn dreams into reality and reality

into dreams. When you were running in your dream

you are running in real life now. There is no control

over your body or soul.”


The Generation

Xuyan Weng

0’37’’ - Mandarin poem by Gu Cheng

In the age of reversing white to black, I still

believe in truth.

Agneepath (Path Of Fire)

Umesh Sevra & Tushar Garg

1’20’’ - Hindi poem by Harivansh Rai Bachchan

This poetic film is based on the poem “Agneepath.” It

is an experimental film created using 16mm footage as

a basis, manipulating it using scratching and painting on

the film and digitizing it to use it in combination with

stock footage.


Marike Plöger

1’56’’ - English poem by Edgar Allen Poe

This 16mm film deals with the pressure of the

social expectations of human society. If one

can’t fulfil these standards, it could lead to a

catastrophic ending.


Zahra Fadavi

1’30’’ - English original poem

I try to define the passing of life with the rain.

It is a simple film for simple meaning.


Pascal Wehling

1’55’’ - English poem by Tim Kahn

“Imagine” is a 16mm found footage short film which

deals with the theme of depression. The ultimate battle

for anybody facing these dark thoughts, is to find a

way out of their negative state of mind or they could

consume you.

Karim Fuad

Project tutor

Interdisciplinary artist and Egyptologist. His work

addresses the topics of identity, social anthropology

and selfhood often with film, photography and 3D


Participating with:


1’31’’ - Visual poem

Vent is a visual poem that attempts to document

a single day spent in Cairo, Egypt.

Joachim Hofmann

Project lecturer

Since 1980 Joachim Hofmann works as a freelance

filmmaker/director, cameraman and producer. The

filmography includes about 80 short films and

documentaries, receiving awards at national and

international festivals. The founding of “Fehrfeld

Studios” for the creation of cinematographic

energy, the Very fast Film Festival, X.screen,

and the Perforated Particle Projection Project

are among the projects that Hofmann created.

Jury work at national and international short film

festivals. Since 1985 teacher at the University of

the Arts Bremen, the International Academy of

Arts, the University of Bremen and the Wilhelm

Wagenfeld School of Design Bremen.

Participating with:

Praise of Idleness

2’10’’ - German poem by Stefan Heyer

All through the times, it has always been a great

thrill to find things at the beach: leisure, expanse,

and a poem by Stefan Heyer.

Digital Media at the University

of the Arts Bremen

Our Digital Media study programmes feature a unique combination of design,

theory, and technology. The programme offers aspiring designers a thorough

grounding in the artistic and functional application of digital media. Combining

experimental and artistic elements with applied studies, the programme

encourages young designers to reflect on the wider social context and

repercussions of new technologies, while equipping them with the know-how

to express their artistic vision.

The programme explores both the new possibilities for communication and

expression created by digital media along with their cultural, social, historical

and ethical contexts and repercussions. This approach places a premium on

interdisciplinary work and fosters the development of design competency,

technological expertise, and structured design methods. Topics such as humanmachine

interaction, audio-visual articulation, generative design and computer

programming as a design tool are key areas of focus in a programme based





film program



Poetry clips from the

HfK Bremen at the

Zebra Poetry Film Festival


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