Seven Startups That Offer AI Based Cybersecurity Solutions

Seven Startups That Offer AI Based Cybersecurity Solutions. Visit our blog for full information in details. Seven Startups That Offer AI Based Cybersecurity Solutions. Visit our blog for full information in details.

Artificial Intelligence

Seven Startups That Offer AI Based

Cybersecurity Solutions

Seven Startups That Offer AI Based Cybersecurity Solutions

The world we live in is becoming increasingly digitalized. From

education to entertainment, industries across the board are adopting

digital technology at an unprecedented rate.

Nearly every device we use is connected to the internet and we upload

and download a large volume of data on a regular basis. While it has

made our lives incredibly convenient, it has also made us vulnerable to

cyber attacks by unscrupulous elements that thrive behind the cloak of

anonymity provided by the internet.

In the recent past, there have been a number of cyber attacks which

impacted hundreds of millions of people around the world. The cyber

attack on Yahoo in 2017, for instance, exposed the data of over three

billion users from around the world. Similarly, the cyber attack on

Equifax in 2017 exposed the data of nearly 150 million users in the US.

The devastation caused by these cyber attacks has convinced many

companies that they can no longer rely on outdated technologies to

secure their data. As a result, they have turned to artificial

intelligence based cybersecurity solutions.

In this article, we take a look at seven startups that have developed

highly advanced cybersecurity solutions based on artificial intelligence

and machine learning.

(1) Darktrace

Based In: Cambridge, United Kingdom

(2) Balbix

Based In: San Jose, California

(3) Cybereason

Based In: Boston, Massachusetts

(4) Cylance

Based In: Irvine, California

(5) Obsidian Security

Based In: Newport Beach, California

(6) SentinelOne

Based In: Mountain View, California

(7) Vectra

Based In: San Jose, California

For more info, visit our blog:

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Phone: (949) 442-1980


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