Political Party Guidelines Eng

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The party manifesto:

1. How are women’s needs taken into account in the policies that your party promises to carry out

once it gets elected to the office?

2. Has the manifesto been gender mainstreamed, that is: what are the ramifications of the

suggested policies for women and girls, men and boys?

The party history:

1. Since your party was established, how many female MPs has it had versus male MPs?

2. What about the local level: what has been the proportion of women politicians?

3. How many women were standing as candidates in the last local elections? What about the

parliamentary elections?

4. In case your party has served in the office, have there been female ministers? How many versus

men? How many years altogether of female ministers and male ministers, Union and State/

Region level?

5. How many women have served as chairpersons in your party? How many years of female

leadership versus male leadership?

6. How many female secretary generals have there been? How many years have they served versus

male secretary generals?

Gender balance in positions of power at present moment:

1. How many men and women are in the party’s National Executive Committee? What roles do

women have?

2. How many women and men are in the Political Committee of the party? What roles do they


The party bylaws:

1. Are there quotas for women written in the party bylaws? If so, are the quotas for candidacy

nominations? Do they also apply to the committees within your party? What about the chairperson

positions of the committees – do a certain percentage of these go to women?

2. Is the selection process to nomination of candidates written in the party bylaws? If not, who

decides about the nominations? How is it decided who gets nominated for the winnable


3. Is there a Women’s Wing (WW) in your party? Does this body have, according to the bylaws,

a representative in the party board? Does the WW have financial resources and its own budget?



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