Political Party Guidelines Eng

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4. Gender auditing of political parties

According to a research carried out by the Asia Foundation and Phan Tee Eain, a NGO in Myanmar,

women politicians believe that men have a pivotal role to play in increasing the number of women in


“Female representatives also noted that increasing men’s engagement and support for gender equality was

the most effective way to increase the number of women in politics, with 71% stating it would be ‘strongly

effective,’ and an additional 16% believing it would be ‘effective.’” 38

Think of the party that you belong to and then reflect on the following, simple questions:

• Does the party that I present pave way the participation women or people belonging to

minorities in any way?

• Does the party manifesto mention the needs of women and girls?

• Have the suggested policies been gender mainstreamed, that is, has there been an analysis

of how the suggested policies affect women’s and girls’, men’s and boys’ situations?

• Does my party have gender quotas? Are they voluntary or are they written in the party


• Have we ever had a female chairperson or secretary general?

• How many women and how many men from my party have served as MPs over the last ten


• Are there formally established women’s groups in my party?

In the box above were only a few questions which aim to analyse whether equality has been an issue

for a given party in Myanmar. If you said “yes” to a few of them, you can be pleased – your party has

given some consideration to gender equality. But it is very probable that there is a lot of place for improvement.

To find out what the situation really is like in your party, you need to practice some selfreflection.

This is best done in the form of a gender audit of your party.

To carry out this, a work group should be established. The mandate for this group must come from the

leadership of the party. It is also important that men and women are members of the group and that

they come from various levels of your party.

After the work group has been established, the team should go through the following themes (and, even

though we talk here of women, envision also groups belonging to different minorities):


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