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<strong>PART</strong> W: Final instructions<br />

<strong>PART</strong> W: FINAL INSTRUCTIONS<br />

Jesus catches up with Cleopas on the Emmaus Road and later appears on several<br />

occasions to the eleven remaining disciples. They are told to spread his message<br />

and his promise of eternal life throughout the world.<br />

His name was Cleopas, and with a friend<br />

he left Jerusalem dispirited<br />

after the crucifixion of the Lord.<br />

Just so, the man who stayed in step with him.<br />

Perhaps it was towards their homes they trudged:<br />

perhaps they’d been among the seventy<br />

whom Jesus had sent travelling in pairs<br />

because “the harvest was so plentiful<br />

and labourers so few”. At any rate<br />

their discourse, as they trudged along the road<br />

Emmaus-wards, was all about events<br />

to do with the sad end of one they’d loved –<br />

a man on whom they had pinned all their hopes.<br />

Another traveller caught up with them.<br />

‘My friends,’ he said, ‘is something troubling you<br />

that you’re so earnestly engaged in talk?’<br />

The stranger seemed so ill-informed about<br />

the crucifixion and the death of one<br />

whose fame had spread sufficiently for some<br />

to hope that he would set Israel free<br />

and make the land a land of righteousness,<br />

that they felt bound to tell him all they knew.<br />

Particularly they could make no sense<br />

of rumours they had heard that friends of his –<br />

some womenfolk from Galilee – had had<br />

a vision of bright angels who had said<br />

that Jesus was alive and would be seen<br />

on earth by his disciples very soon.<br />

Some half-remembered that he’d prophesied<br />

how he would die and come alive again<br />

just three days after he had been entombed.<br />

This day, they told the stranger, was the third.<br />

But how surprised they were at his response!<br />

How roundly he rebuked them for their doubts!<br />

Hadn’t Moses and the prophets made it clear?<br />


A gospel in blank verse with rhymed parables<br />

The road that must be travelled by the Christ<br />

had been foretold. His was the only way –<br />

the way of suffering – by which His goal,<br />

His glorious resurrection – could be reached.<br />

Then, step by step, he demonstrated how<br />

a line of prophets had foretold that this<br />

was how the Holy One of God would be<br />

revealed. So when they reached their journey’s end,<br />

with light already fading, he was urged<br />

to stay the night with them. Reluctantly,<br />

it seemed, he was persuaded and agreed.<br />

Later, relaxed, they sat down to a meal.<br />

The stranger took a loaf and with a prayer<br />

he broke the bread and gave it to them both.<br />

That was the moment when quite suddenly<br />

each of them recognised the man who’d sat<br />

at table with them many times before –<br />

Jesus, of Nazareth, the carpenter,<br />

the crucified, whom Magdalena had<br />

already seen, the Promised One, the Christ!<br />

They stared in open-mouthed astonishment<br />

and were about to speak, when suddenly<br />

and wordlessly, he disappeared… was gone!<br />

Ignoring, then, the lateness of the hour<br />

their tiredness, and danger on the roads<br />

they headed straight back to Jerusalem.<br />

They recollected how impressed they’d been<br />

when he’d explained the scriptures to them both.<br />

Had they not had some premonition then<br />

that they were in the presence of the Lord?<br />

They must report these happenings at once.<br />

The stories would be given credence now.<br />

Were they not witnesses, first hand… and men?<br />

Thus Cleopas and his companion<br />

rejoined the friends of Jesus in the house<br />

where they were sheltering. When evening came<br />

they made sure all the doors were shut and barred.<br />

Their whereabouts might be observed and they<br />

themselves might be arrested and condemned.<br />


<strong>PART</strong> W: Final instructions<br />

The Upper Room was hushed as Cleopas<br />

and his companion recounted what<br />

had happened along the Emmaus Road.<br />

As Cleopas talked on, they realised<br />

quite suddenly that Christ was in the room.<br />

The resurrected Jesus greeted them<br />

as friends. ‘Peace be to all of you,’ he said.<br />

But they were shocked and terrified and thought<br />

what they were seeing was a ghost. ‘Look here!’<br />

he said, ‘What is the matter with you all?<br />

Do ghosts have flesh and bones? Come, touch my hands<br />

and feet.’ But still that could not trust their eyes.<br />

And so he offered them yet further proof.<br />

‘Do you have something I could eat?’ he asked.<br />

So they produced a piece of cold broiled fish<br />

which he picked up and ate for all to see.<br />

Then, as he left, he breathed on each of them.<br />

‘Here is the Holy Spirit’, he explained.<br />

‘Receive it and receive the power to free<br />

a soul from sin… or not, as you see fit.’<br />

The twin named Thomas was the only one<br />

not to have seen the Lord when he appeared<br />

to the disciples in the Upper Room.<br />

He could not be convinced that it was true.<br />

The man they saw had not been crucified,<br />

perhaps. He needed evidence. ‘Unless<br />

I see the marks of the huge nails that pierced<br />

his hands. Unless I can explore the wound<br />

the Roman spear has made, I’ll not believe -<br />

whatever you may say.’<br />

Then later on,<br />

Some eight days afterwards, the Lord appeared<br />

again. Once more the doors were firmly shut<br />

as they were hiding in the Upper Room.<br />

‘Friends, peace with you,’ Jesus said, and called<br />

the sceptic, Thomas to his side. ‘Look here!<br />

Here are the hands they pierced, and here’s the wound.<br />

Explore them! You will find that I am he:<br />

the one they crucified. Will you believe?’<br />

Then, thoroughly convinced, the Twin exclaimed,<br />

‘My Lord and God!’ ‘So you believe because<br />

you’ve seen the evidence. But think how blessed<br />

are those who have not seen and yet believe.’<br />


A gospel in blank verse with rhymed parables<br />

As they were sitting eating at their rest<br />

the Lord appeared again to all Eleven.<br />

It was quite clear that he was displeased<br />

particularly since they’d been so slow<br />

in giving credit to the ones who’d seen<br />

him first – the women of the company.<br />

Why did they not believe at once that he<br />

had risen from the dead? They’d been forewarned.<br />

He’d told them many times how it would be!<br />

Yet these were men in whom he had to trust.<br />

Peter announced that he’d fish overnight<br />

and try his luck to make a decent catch.<br />

Then James and John said they would come along<br />

with Thomas, called ‘The Twin’ as extra crew.<br />

Nathaniel and two others stepped aboard.<br />

They fished all night, but, come the break of dawn<br />

they’d not a single fish caught in their net.<br />

Disconsolate, they headed straight for home.<br />

A hundred yards or so from land they saw<br />

a figure whom they did not recognise.<br />

He hailed them from the shore. ‘Hi lads!’ he called.<br />

You didn’t do so well last night, did you?’<br />

‘A lot of trouble! Not a single bite!’<br />

‘I tell you what, ’the stranger called, ‘Throw out<br />

your net upon the starboard side. I’m sure<br />

you’ll find there what you‘re looking for.’<br />

With some reluctance that is what they did.<br />

But by this time hadn’t memories been jogged?<br />

Hadn’t something like this happened once before –<br />

when some of them first met the man who’d changed<br />

their lives forever? How could they forget?<br />

Could this be their leader?… Their prophet-king?<br />

The man whom Roman hands had crucified?<br />

At this point, John, if John it was – perhaps<br />

one of the un-named pair who’d joined the crew –<br />

whispered to Peter ‘Look. It is the Lord’.<br />

The boat was edging closer to the shore<br />

as Peter, who’d been hard at work and stripped,<br />

threw on some clothes and jumped into the sea.<br />

He must be first. Was that not always so?<br />


<strong>PART</strong> W: Final instructions<br />

The stranger who’d first hailed them, called again.<br />

Would they bring with them some of what they’d caught?<br />

Then there he was, tending a charcoal fire:<br />

some fish already cooking: and he’d bread.<br />

Dawn broke as Peter stepped upon dry land.<br />

No second look was needed. A new day<br />

confirmed what John, and he alone, had sensed.<br />

It was indeed the resurrected Christ,<br />

Jesus himself, their master and their friend.<br />

When all had left the boat, Jesus himself<br />

served to each one the breakfast he had cooked.<br />

Yet no-one sought to question him at all.<br />

His presence and demeanour were enough.<br />

Meanwhile someone had totted up the score<br />

to see how many fish they had just caught<br />

with not a hint of damage to the net.<br />

Five score and fifty three there were: but what<br />

significance that has, is hard to guess.<br />

Eleven disciples went to Galilee.<br />

They gathered on a hill-top in a place<br />

where Jesus had directed them to meet.<br />

He came to them, and some knelt at his feet,<br />

though others were unsure how to behave.<br />

He told them they must spread out, far and wide,<br />

to take the promise of eternal life<br />

to all they met, to every clan and tribe,<br />

baptising as they went: and they must use<br />

the names of Father, Son and Holy Ghost.<br />

Those thus baptised would all be saved, but those<br />

who disbelieved would stay in jeopardy.<br />

This course of action could not start at once.<br />

They must await new powers they’d receive.<br />

These would be given in Jerusalem.<br />

His Father had decreed this would be so.<br />

Then, in the name of Jesus, they would speak<br />

in foreign tongues and heal the sick: then too,<br />

they’d cast out devils, master dangerous snakes,<br />

and have their lives protected from attempts<br />

to poison them. As far as Bethany<br />

he stayed with them: then raising high his hands<br />

proclaiming that he’d always be with them,<br />


A gospel in blank verse with rhymed parables<br />

he blessed them and was carried up to Heaven.<br />

There He is now, and with the Father-God<br />

and Holy Spirit forms a Trinity.<br />

It all befell as Jesus said it would<br />

and all eleven did as they’d been told<br />

and set about their mission joyfully.<br />

And on this note the Jesus stories end.<br />

The last word is with John, unhappy that<br />

although he had borne witness to the truth<br />

of what he’d written of the Risen Christ<br />

there was much more that could be said about<br />

his life on earth, if only there were books<br />

enough and men enough to write it down.<br />


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