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[19] A. Beligiannis: “Rigid Objects, Triangulated Subfactors and Abelian Localizations”.<br />

Mathematische Zeitschrift, 43 pages, in press (2012-2013).<br />

4.2. Various Publications - Reports.<br />

[20] A. Beligiannis: “Cohen-Macaulay Modules and Virtually Gorenstein Algebras”.<br />

Oberwolfach Reports, Volume 2, Issue 1, (2005), 340–342.<br />

[21] A. Beligiannis: “A Note on Virtually Gorenstein Algebras”.<br />

Oberwolfach Reports, Volume 3, Issue 1, (2006), 469–471.<br />

[22] A. Beligiannis: “Relative Homology and Higher Cluster Tilting Theory”.<br />

Oberwolfach Reports, Volume 8, Issue 1, (2011), 534–537.<br />

4.3. Preprints.<br />

[23] A. Beligiannis: “Relative Homology and Higher Cluster Tilting Theory”, Preprint, University<br />

of Ioannina, (2010), 55 pages.<br />

[24] A. Beligiannis: “Tilting Theory in Abelian Categories and Related Homotopical Structures”,<br />

Preprint in preparation, University of Ioannina, (2006), 135 pages.<br />

4.4. Papers in progress.<br />

[25] A. Beligiannis: “Representations of Exact Categories”, Preprint in preparation, University<br />

of Ioannina, (20011), 15 pages.<br />

[26] A. Beligiannis: “Relative Homology, Tilting Objects and Freyd’s Generating Hypothesis”.<br />

Preprint in preparation.<br />

[27] A. Beligiannis: “Grothendieck Topologies and Sheaf Theory on the Ziegler Spectrum”.<br />

[28] A. Beligiannis: “The Auslander Dimension of an Abelian Category”.<br />

[29] A. Beligiannis: “Cleft Extensions and Closed Model Structures”.<br />

5. Grants<br />

• 1991–1995: Supported by a Grant from the National Grant Foundation of Greece.<br />

6. Students<br />

1. Chrysostomos Psaroudakis (M. Sc. 2007), MSc Dissertation: “Tilting Theory and the Theorem<br />

of Rickard-Keller for Derived Categories”, 212 pages.<br />

2. Aliki Samartsidou (M. Sc. 2009), MSc Dissertation: “Representations of Quivers and<br />

Gabriel’s Theorem”, 180 pages.<br />

3. Konstantina Papazoglou (M. Sc. 2012), MSc Dissertation: “Serre’s Conjecture”, 137 pages.<br />

4. Chrysostomos Psaroudakis (PhD Student, 2008 -), PhD Dissertation: “Representation Dimension,<br />

Cohen-Macaulay Modules, and Triangulated Categories”, in progress.<br />

7. Research Visits<br />

Frequent research visits to the following Universities (2000-2010):<br />

• Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.<br />

• University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany.<br />

• University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany.<br />


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