Uberheroes: New Tide

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This comic has been written because of the numerous requests on our post surveys to

cover bereavement; with the help of a young man from the North West of the Province

we bring you his personal experiences of losing his Father.

Approximately 30,000 children per year in Northern Ireland are affected by the death of

someone close to them. 1 in 29 children have experienced the devastating loss of a parent

or sibling. If you are aged between 4-18 you can get the additional support you need to

enable you to work through your grief in your own time, your own way and in a safe place

by contacting Hope Again, a website designed by young people for young people

The death of a parent is a significant loss for children and the rest of the family.

We all grieve differently and this is a process that can sometimes be difficult to deal with

as we have to deal with the shock of our grief, numbness, guilt and anger. Many people

are confused and surprised at how emotions and feelings can appear when least expected.

Sometimes we feel unable to share our thoughts and feelings with others as they won’t

understand or may treat us differently. There is no one way for families to deal with grief

and loss when your Mum or Dad passes away and sometimes we are so scared of letting

anyone know how we are really feeling that we can hide ourselves away and become

isolated from our family and friends, which is the worst thing we can do. The best way to

help us come to an acceptance of our loss and to practically deal with our grief; a good

place to start is to keep talking with family and friends. Sometimes keeping some of your

parent’s possessions, gifts, cards in a memory box is a good idea. Sometimes we need to

have the help that only organisations can offer; giving us the advice we need to overcome

some of these issues.

Hope 4 Life is committed to working with schools on programmes that will positively help

our children and young people to have a healthy and hopeful life.

Remember to look on our back pages for the additional support services as there are

many organisations able to offer you the help you need.

We’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this, our eighth issue.

You can do this by visiting us at .


This comic is not intended as a substitute for medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly

consult their GP in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that

may require clinical diagnosis or medical attention.

Cover & Illustration by Cormac Hughes Copyright© 2017 by Uberheroes®

Cover design by Danny McLaughlin Copyright© 2017 by Uberheroes®

Comic editing by Danny McLaughlin & Dee Nixon Copyright© 2017 by Uberheroes®

Comic writing by Danny McLaughlin & Dee Nixon Copyright© 2017 by Uberheroes®

Copyright © 2017 by Uberheroes® owner Dee Nixon

All rights reserved. This comic or any portion thereof

may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

without the express written permission of the publisher

except for the use of brief quotations in a comic review.

Printed in Northern Ireland. First Printing, June 2017

Hope 4 Life NI

North City Business Centre

Units 1,2 & 5

2 Duncairn Gardens

Belfast BT15 2GG


My dad

works in a


Oh that’s



And what

does your

Daddy do,




…my daddy

is a bus


This was the

beginning of

my journey…


6 Months Earlier...

Darren, I

don’t know

how to tell you

this but...

At the time it was so

confusing. It didn’t feel real.

It was like waiting for my

Daddy to open his eyes and the

whole nightmare to be over...

But that didn’t


I didn’t realise how much I

would miss him and the pain

that would come with that…


to ashes…

dust to


People came up to

pay their respects

and offer their


All I remember

is the sound of

everyone crying.

I remember not raising my head because

I didn’t want anyone to see my tears as

I cried for my Daddy as he was lowered

into the ground.

People where there to

say goodbye – but I didn’t

want to say goodbye!

It was too hard to say

goodbye while waiting for

things to go back to normal.

It just got harder… It hurt

all the more, when everyone

in the family started to act like

everything was normal, this was

when I felt lonelier than ever



When I was on my own,

that’s when my mind would

wander to thoughts of…

…these thoughts lead to a sort

of bargaining… asking how I

could have prevented it all!

I would remember the little

things – like my Daddy used to

drive me to school… but not

anymore as he’s gone…

His dad


I couldn’t help but remember

those words that tore through

my mind and changed my whole

world forever…

I started to remember

more moments but one

stood out the most…

Just before he died, I didn’t

realise what was going on, but

my Daddy used to give me long

and lingering hugs…

…Extra tight

bear hugs!

It’s strange how even

the happy memories

also made me sad...

6 Months later...

And what

does your

Daddy do,



…my daddy

is a bus


Some time had passed

but it never got any

easier to talk about…

Instead of talking about what

had happened it was easier to

pretend nothing had happened –

I used to pretend he was still

alive so I wouldn’t have to

think about it or deal with it…

It made me feel anxious and sad

and it stole any motivation I

might have had to do anything…

but all I did was to cover it up!

It was hard to cover up

my resentment towards

other children’s’ parents.

You’re the

best dad!

I hated that My Dad had

been taken from Me… this

made me really angry, I

was angry at everything…

Good work

team, we are

having the desired

effect on him,

soon we shall

destroy any hope

this little boy

ever had…

Things got tough… at home I was

alone. Maybe everyone was handling

daddy’s death in their own ways?

School was tough too. The only

thing I had was the memory of my

daddy giving me those hugs…

...extra tight!

We have him

isolating himself,

depressed, and full of

anger and hate! We keep

him in this process and

he will never heal!!

I remember I felt all alone

even when I was with my family

or even with my friends!

We never talked about

how we felt. The grief

was obviously

affecting all of us…

Any distraction we could

find was used to not think or

talk about the void left by

my father’s death… we were

doing this to ourselves…



okay at




so, aye it’s


But one day a teacher began

to ask questions. At first I

was uncomfortable but having

someone talk with me helped

me to see that I wasn’t talking

about my father…

Hi Uberheroes. I want you to

look into something. This is a

young boy called Darren; he

recently lost his father and is

lacking any support.

He seems not to be able

to begin the process of

healing and accepting

that his father has died.

I think we may have some of

the usual suspects working on

this boy… I need you to look

into this and see what Villains

are ganging up on him?


on it,





The teacher also coached the

football team and knew I used

to play football before my dad

died… before all my motivation

was zapped from me…


dad liked


Yeah – he

loved watching the

world cup, I remember

sitting beside him and

watching every

match on TV…

He talked to me about

my dad because I told

him once my father

liked football…

Right off

you go to get

changed or

you’ll be



c’mon – let’s


He helped me get motivated

again, and to begin to talk

about my dad in a way that never

felt painful… he helped me to

remember the good memories…

Focusing on the good memories,

especially the funny ones, made me

smile again, it made it easier to break

the ice on talking about my dad, even

with my family… it felt really good!


that time Da

fell into the






I even became so strong emotionally that I

was able to talk to other friends about their

relationship with their parents. A good friend

told me about some trouble with their father…

as if his relationship had become non-existent…

Starting to learn to talk

about my Dad was like a

pressure valve releasing

in my head as this seemed

to help the tensions that

previously were there.

We never

really talk and if we

do actually try to talk

all we ever end up

doing is fighting…

You know

you’re still

very lucky?

You have the

chance to turn it all around

and have a good relationship

with your Dad! I wish I still had

my Dad, any relationship at all,

just to have him in my life… I’m

actually really jealous that

you still have your dad…

My reasoning with my

friend helped him build a

better relationship with

their Dad – better than

they would ever have


Helping others talk about

their issues made me feel

good; it helped me talk about

it all too… I still miss him …

very much… but I choose to

remember the good times.

You should

talk to him ya know?

You know you still love him,

so before you do anything

else go and make peace

with him…

We were


What has

happened?? He’s

moved on – that

wasn’t supposed

to happen!!

Our ally in

bringing down

this young




forward to injecting

some malware into

darrens life!

I think those

nasty Uberheroes are

behind all this! Maybe we

need a new angle on this…

I’ve invited another friend

along to join us in our


Things were going

okay now for a while…

I had my motivation back; I didn’t

feel as anxious or as sad...

like those forces had

taken a step back…

…I began to heal… I felt

stronger and happier and…



Let’s do


That image – I wasn’t

prepared to see that image

of my dad and me…


Just when I was

feeling better...

Thats when it got

so much worse...

…It just seemed like all the

progress I’d made had just

slipped away, the rug was

pulled from under me and I

felt like I was falling…

I wasn’t prepared for that -

the image had been a massive

trigger flooding me with painful

thoughts and emotions…

I felt like I was drowning and that

a huge force was pulling me under

and I wasn’t able to break free!

Where is


He’s off


The whole thing stopped me in

my tracks. I stopped going to

school. I stopped going

training… I pretended to be

sick just so I didn’t have to

go out or face anyone…

I didn’t know what to do…

I couldn’t talk about my

feelings because I didn’t know

what to say… It felt useless.


seriously wrong –

have you fully

investigated all the

villains in this


Yes, he

seems to have

defeated Lamenter’s

attempts to stop

him grieving.

Well it looks

like they’re back

at it again…


it with us,


along with the depression

came bitterness and

anger, especially seeing

other people happy…

And when I wasn’t angry I felt as if life

was pulling me along, I wasn’t in control…

it was as if I was in autopilot…

…It was like I didn’t have the capacity to

even miss my dad anymore… I just didn’t

want to think about him or the pain this

caused as it felt like my heart was being

ripped out… I didn’t want to feel anything

anymore because it was ALL pain…

Darren –

is everything


My name




Yes I’m

veritas... And

this is...


been asked to

look into what’s

happening with



are people

who are really


about you…

you’re the



I know so

much about


What are

you doing


And we

believe you

need our

hel p…

evil beings

are making you

feel worse than

you should…


making sure you

never heal!

Heal? But…

but I’m not


I’ve just

been taking

some time off







We know

it’s tough to

lose someone

you love.

We know

you are

grieving for

your Dad!

Grieving for Dad?

How can I still be

grieving? He passed

away a few years

ago now…





The whole

process of

grieving and

healing happens

in different


Yes – you

may know some

of them… such






Have I been

through all that?

I’ve felt the


of all those


what did

you call it..?

the process

of grief?

am I

over it



after the

next stage?


But until we

help you, you’ll

never get



not that


I’m going

to make sure I keep

you in a cycle of

denial, anger and

depression …




you are… We

knew it could

only be you


And of

course, Relicta

and Saboteur…



Oh so you’re a new

recruit to this



invaluable into

bringing Darren


if I

do say so



that’s all about

to change!

You see, Darren!

The truth is Lamenter

has been hiding the truth

from you too; he wanted

to keep you locked in

the cycle of grief…


can’t stop us,


We are

in control

of Darren


He hides

the importance and

healing benefits of

remembering all the good

memories of your Dad…

But you did nothing

to cause this!

Now, Darren,




in doing


the love your

Mum and Dad had for

each other and for you,

remember the care they

had for you and

still do…

remember the

special place you have

in their hearts, how this

made you feel and

hold onto this!


We must

defeat these



is right…

Yeah, to

show strength

to keep you going,

making positive

choices, and…

And you

must focus on

the positive future

that you have in

front of you,

you have so

much life yet to

live; although your

father has passed


you still

need to accept

that your Dad would

have wanted you to

live your life to

the full…

and being

physically and

emotionally strong

so you can bounce



what your triggers

look like and what you

need to do to help you

cope should they

happen again...


they will!

I agree,



care of yourself


emotionally and

mentally will

help you...

you must

understand being

strong is a positive,

emotional strength

is something that

empowers you to

move forward…

It’s called

resilience and

you need this big


we all


help you

to keep pushing

forward towards

a Hope filled


I never

signed up

for this...




Yes these

Villains have been

holding you back

from healing…

keeping you

from the final

stage of the



These were

the beings that

have been… ah...

haunting me?


me depressed

and feeling


But grief

is different for

everyone, how you

process this

takes time!


some people

heal quicker

than others!




Ha, you can’t

defeat me!

Take that,



forward, it’s best

to talk with your

family and close friends

or someone who

you trust and


You need

to keep yourself

physically and

mentally active.

do the

things you love

to do and don’t feel

guilty about how

much happiness

they bring.



and making wise

choices is part

but you

of the healing

also have to

process too,

understand that

none of this was

your fault;


was nothing

you could have

done to change the


of your Dad’s




We’re here

to support you,

but the truth


we can’t

do it for


Ha, you can’t

defeat me!

Yes I see

the truth and now

with your support…

I can finally face

my grief!

You have

to overcome grief,

and the best way to

do this is with Truth,

Strength, Resilience,


..and Hope... And you

know I’m right as

I can only speak

the Truth!

I’m not

afraid of


Yeah, We

know you feed off

Darren’s pain, making

him only see the

negatives. but we’re He’s now

here now… aware of the

truth, seeing all

the positive things

in his life…

Knowing the truth and knowing that

the Uberheroes were supporting me

helped me have the courage to face

my fears and move forward.

You lost

your Father…

you are angry and


You aren’t

strong enough

to defeat me...

Give me


I’ve had


I know that he lied, I

knew that the truth was

that I could defeat him…


all gone for


You did it…

Well done!

but we will

be here with you,

on the journey

towards a happier


without any


from unwanted


But there’s

still the road

that will need

travelled towards


We better

get off to the

match – we don’t

want to be


I was happy now,

I didn’t wish for or

try and think how

things could be

different like I had

before! I’d finally

overcome my anger

and need for


I’d been on quite a journey and although I had still

some way to go I knew that I’d broken their hold on

me; I wanted to talk about Dad, sharing those stories

that meant so much of him was still part of me



I’d overcome so many negative thoughts and emotions,

it wasn’t an easy journey, but I knew that until my focus

changed from negative thoughts to positive ones would

life improve. I started talking again to my friends and

this really helped me to get back on track.

I’m better prepared for life’s triggers,

and the love and support our family has

for each other makes us stronger!

It would

have been your

Dad’s birthday





It’s not a quick fix and it does take time but the more you work

through the process the better it becomes. The loss never fully

disappears, but then neither do the wonderful memories either!!

Well I

couldn’t have done

it alone! I have to

thank my family and

friends… and of

course you guys


Thank you

so much!!


isn’t easy...

but you did

the right thing

in reaching out to

others to talk through

your worries and


This has

helped you become

more resilient and

has protected your


You are very

welcome, and

remember if you ever

need us in the

future, we’re never

too far away!

I realise that I’ve come through such a lot, and that

now I have peace in my heart, I can look back and

remember my father without sadness or pain anymore.

In fact, it

helps me now!

– I’ve now

been accepted into

my course at Uni, oh and

everyone loves the girl

I’m now dating… she’s

really lovely!

Oh and

more importantly

I scored the winning

goal last week against

our old rivals!



have been

so proud

of me, dad!

Things are

getting better

now, but it was

very tough for

a while,

but I

had help

from some


they helped

me through

some tough

times… they

helped me



the way I

wanted to before but

couldn’t as I wasn’t

emotionally strong


now I

am able to

talk about you

to anyone and

to chat to


to say

the things

I want to


I love

you… I will never

forget you Daddy,

it’s the memory of

you that makes me

stay strong.

I didn’t

understand it

all at the time

but I understand

it now…

I know

you loved me

and nothing can

or ever will

change that…


you big hugs,




...The End.

Further information

Like the characters in the comic you may feel that these stories have connected with you, or

that the content of the stories has given you a lot to think about!

You might want to know more about what help is available, or maybe you’re concerned

about a friend and want to know what practical help you can offer. Alternatively you might

want to speak to your parents or guardians but you’re nervous about how they might react.

The Uberheroes comic is a great stepping-stone to start these conversations with an adult

you trust about your fears, worries or concerns.

Whatever the situation, listed below are some of the many resources available in

Northern Ireland, Ireland and the UK :-

Support Services

Hope 4 Life NI – www.hope4lifeni.org.uk

Mental Health & Wellbeing programmes for Children, Young People and Adults

“Ask an Uberhero a Question” via our website - www.uberheroes.co.uk

“Ask an Uberhero a question” is our online support service for you to

connect with one of our team if you are worried or concerned about

anything; this is a great way to ask our heroes for their advice and support.

Helpline Numbers

Young Cruse

Bereavement care for children and

young people aged 4 to 18 years of age,

Hope Again is a dedicated website designed

by young people for young people,

or you can contact Young Cruse on

their free phone helpline: 0808 808 1677.


For 1-2-1 Counselling Call 028 9080 5850

Helpline number call 0800 088 6042

Email: info@pipscharity.com

Call in for a chat – 281 Antrim Road,

Belfast, BT15 2HE


For 1-2-1 Counselling Call: 0800 1111

For info and advice go to:



Samaritans helpline Call: 0845 790 9090

Helpline Email: jo@samaritans.org


24 hour Child Protection Helpline Call:

0808 800 5000


Free Phone Lifeline: Call 0808 808 8000

Helpline Email: www.lifelinehelplineinfo.com

Talking to your friends, members of your family and teachers can help you start to better understand

what you’re going through; you may be surprised to find that others have had similar experiences and

are willing to share their experiences with you. Your friends or family may know of someone who they

trust, who would be willing to listen and offer you safe advice, having external support will help you to

see you’re not alone in thinking or feeling the way you do, it will also help rebuild your confidence,

self-belief and self-worth, which is the first step in healing and recovery.

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