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Sarah Edwards (Dover, Delaware)



would ask

me what I wanted

to do with my life,

I would always give

the same answer.

I wanted to be a


shop owner. I was quite ambitious at a

young age! I held on to this desire for years.

It wasn’t until I was older that I realized God

had other plans for my life.

I was born into a Christian family in

Dover, Delaware. I’ve been going to church

ever since I was born; literally, my first church

service was spent as an infant in the nursery.

I made a profession of faith at a young age,

but I wasn’t truly saved until I was 15 years

old while attending teen camp.

As I progressed through school, the

infamous question, “What are you going to

do with your life?” came up more and more.

I was constantly under pressure to decide

where I wanted to go to college, what I

wanted to major in, and what direction I

wanted my life to take.

I still held on to my dream as a

veterinarian/coffee shop owner well into

junior high. I began researching where I

could study and how long the course of

study would be, but something just didn’t

feel right. In my 8th grade year, God gave

me what I needed to push me in the right


My earth science teacher had an

undeniable passion for teaching. She loved

her students and desired for us to gain the

knowledge we would need to get through

the rest of high school, college, and life. It

was through watching her that I realized I

wanted to teach. Two years later when I was

in the 10th grade, I felt God’s call to pursue

Christian education.

Now that I had decided on what I wanted

to do, it was time to choose a college. A few

colleges had visited my church, but none

of them seemed to stick out. Every time a

college would come to visit, I would pray for

God to show me which college was the right

one for me. Sure enough, God answered my

prayer, and the right college came along.

A singing group from Fairhaven came

to my church in 2015, and they presented

the college. As I talked to one of the ladies

from the ensemble, I told her how I wanted

to study secondary education, either science

or math. Upon hearing this, she recounted

a story about her roommate who had

dissected a cat for biology and brought it

back into the dorm! My first thought was

that of excitement, “That could be me!” In

my senior year of high school, I knew that it

was God’s will for me to come to Fairhaven.

Now I am a junior, studying Secondary

Education, with a major in math and a minor

in speech. (So, no dissected cats for me!)

I chose to study math because there is a

great lack of math teachers among Christian

schools. As a future educator, I want to be

ready for whatever God has for me.

Now when people ask me, “What are

you gonna do with your life?” I confidently

tell them that I want to serve the Lord as an

educator! Whether

teaching in a

Christian school, on

the mission field, or

wherever else God

wants me, I will be

ready! | 3

College Days


Training young people

for God's service


2019/2020 Traveling Ensembles



by Dr. Jeff Voegtlin



Ihave often been

asked, “What

advice do you

have for someone

who is looking for a

wife?” Normally, this

question comes from

a young man who has

already somewhat

settled in on a young lady and has become

more serious about the idea of having a

wife. So, here are some thoughts for that

young man, and most of them have to do

with you, not her (I know I switched person

there, but I wanted to get your attention).

The question you must ask before

“What should I look for in a wife?” is

“What, or who, do I need to be in order

to take a lady as my wife?” You should

evaluate yourself in several areas including

your spiritual, mental, intellectual, and

financial condition. When finding a lifemate,

most men see a lady that at first

consideration seems to be a nice person;

so they start spending more and more

time with her. They think that since they

are feeling physical attraction to her, they

should keep going with the relationship

and figure the rest out along the way. And

that’s the path they follow. Not too far

down the road, you are quite attracted to

her (and she is to you also,) and then you

begin to wonder if she’s the “one.” So, my

first piece of advice is to be “not much”

concerned about whether you will be

physically attracted to the one you marry.

If you take a Biblical and spiritual approach

to this process, there will be plenty of time

to develop a proper physical relationship.

My second piece of advice is: before

singling out a lady to spend extra time

with and develop a relationship that has

the potential to “end” in marriage, be sure

you are spiritually, mentally, intellectually,

and financially on track to be the man

you should be when you take the title

“husband.” Please note that I emphasized

being “on track.” You don’t need to be

completely ready to be married before you

begin the process of finding a mate for your

life’s work. But you do need to be “on track”

to be a godly husband before you start. And

this involves a few things. First, you need

to understand what a man needs to be in

order to be ready for marriage. Second,

you need to evaluate where you are now, in

relation to the Biblical standard for a man

in marriage. Third, you need to determine

how long it will take you get on the track

(if needed) and down to the right spot on

the tracks to be married. And finally, you

need to gauge where your relationship is

presently (if you have one) and determine

if it is further down the tracks than you are.

This is most often the case, but sometimes

men overemphasize Biblical readiness and

(cont., pg 6) | 5

hold themselves to an impossible standard

(or hold the one they are looking for to an

impossible standard) and never get around

to actually obeying the Bible and taking a

wife to be the help God has designed for


That last paragraph is the important

one, so go back and read it again to be sure

that you understand what I’m saying. Now,

if this is the second time you’re reading

this, I’ll proceed to try to fill in some

understanding of what I’m saying. I’m not

going to be overly thorough because each

of you is an individual with differing callings

and needs. By giving some examples, you

should be able to make pertinent, practical

application to yourself.

To be a married

man, you need to

be a spiritual man.

You need to have

established spiritual

habits that keep you

in God’s Word and

obeying the Holy

Spirit’s application

of the Bible to your

personal life and

actions. You will not

have good spiritual habits without strong

character habits, so do the work it takes to

develop a strong character which will help

you develop a real spiritual life.

You also must understand how

authority works with godly men. When

a man gets married, it appears to the

unspiritual that he has finally become

his own man and answers to no one but

himself. This is clearly wrong, and you must

not desire to be married so that you can get

out from under authority in your life. You

are not ready for the increased authority

and responsibility of being a husband

until you are completely submissive to the

present Biblical authorities in your life.

This includes your parents, your pastor,

your civil authority, and your employer.

If you are still trying to skirt the authority

these hold in your life, you are not ready to

be a husband. Work on that, for sure. You

also must have a place in your church to

serve God. A godly husband is in a church,

and he has a way to serve God through

his church. This places him under the

authority of a pastor and in encouraging

communion with other believers.

Second, to be a married man, you

must be a mature man. You should not be

involved “deeply” with a girl just because

it makes you feel good or because it is

enjoyable. Of course, done properly, a

relationship with a lady does make you feel

good and is enjoyable. But these cannot be

what drives your desire

for a relationship. You

are a man, and you

should be more mature

than to be controlled

by your emotions.

Make sure you are

growing up before you

go seeking a wife.

Thirdly, to be a married

man, you must be

skilled or schooled.

As a man, God has commissioned you to

subdue and take dominion over the earth.

This manifests itself in a job of some sort.

As a married man, he has also given you

a wife and, probably soon, children to

nourish and provide for. You need income

to do that, and normally, a job is the way

to get income. A good job pays you well

enough to have time to be spiritual yourself,

to be a godly husband and father for your

family, and to be involved in your church

and ministries. To get a job that pays that

well, you need skills or education. Having

a job is directly related to finances, but it is

not all that is involved with finances.

So, finally, to be a married man, you must

have a Biblical view of money. You should


be debt free when you get married. Many

people think that getting married doubles

the income producing possibilities, but I’ve

rarely seen it work that way. Couples who

postpone marriage (by a reasonably small

amount of time) to clear out their debt

are much better off in more than financial

ways when they get married. However

the point of writing this is not to get you

to postpone your marriage when you are

ready to get married...the point is for you

to get rid of your debt while you are still

getting prepared for marriage. Don’t get

“all involved” and then figure out that you

have too much debt, not enough income,

no place to live, a car that scares your

father-in-law to death, and more expenses

than you can handle to get married. Get

your finances and your outlook on money

straight before you begin to pursue a wife.

Again, you should be debt free; you should

have sufficient income (not your or her

dad’s level of income, just sufficient); you

should have a modest place to live; and

you should have your expenses completely

under control.

So, where are you in these areas?

How long (in months) will it take for you

to become ready to be married? Now,

how long will it take you to meet, get to

know, engage, and marry? The normal

engagement time for college-age young

people is 10-12 months. Often, couples

are in a period of being “quite sure” that

the person they are dating is the one they

will marry for 4-6 months. They spend

that time getting to know each other

better. And it often takes 4-6 months for

a couple to “find out” if the one they’re

hanging out with more than the others

is worth getting to know. So, the typical

courtship time period from “just friends”

(honestly) to “I do” is from 18-24 months.

Often, when a relationship is longer than

this, the physical attraction has progressed

way before the rest of the relationship has,

and couples put themselves in danger of

serious problems.

God created marriage. Keep yourself

“on track” to be a Biblical husband.

“Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good

thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord

(Proverbs 18:22).”

(Jeff Voegtlin is the Vice President of Fairhaven Baptist

College and leads the singles group of Fairhaven

Baptist Church.)

Interior of Church Building

Throughout the 50-year history of

Fairhaven Baptist Church, God has

touched countless lives. We rejoice to hear

of many still serving the Lord throughout

the world today. In a world that is aimless

with those who have turned their back on

God, it is such an encouragement to know

there are so many still faithful to His Word.

Please come rejoice with us in His

goodness! On Saturday, July 11, a

“Welcome Home” dinner will be served at

5:00 pm, with fellowship and a fireworks

display to follow. For those whose church

isn’t local, please join us for a special

Sunday morning service at 10:30 am and

lunch following. | 7


by Dr. Steve Damron

As a preacher

and someone

who has been

helping people in

the ministry for close

to three decades, I

find that one of the

hardest things to do

is to give people the

help that they need in times of trial, sin,

and distress. I don’t think that I am unique

in this conundrum. We can find men in

the Bible who seemed at a loss for what

to do or what to say to some of the people

they were ministering to. Consider the

following examples in Scripture.

“And all the congregation lifted up their

voice, and cried; and the people wept

that night. And all the children of Israel

murmured against Moses and against

Aaron: and the whole congregation said

unto them, Would God that we had died

in the land of Egypt! or would God we had

died in this wilderness! And wherefore

hath the LORD brought us unto this land,

to fall by the sword, that our wives and

our children should be a prey? were it not

better for us to return into Egypt? And

they said one to another, Let us make a

captain, and let us return into Egypt. Then

Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before

all the assembly of the congregation of

the children of Israel. And Joshua the son

of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh,

which were of them that searched the

land, rent their clothes: And they spake

unto all the company of the children of

Israel, saying, The land, which we passed

through to search it, is an exceeding good

land. If the LORD delight in us, then he

will bring us into this land, and give it us;

a land which floweth with milk and honey.

Only rebel not ye against the LORD, neither

fear ye the people of the land; for they

are bread for us: their defence is departed

from them, and the LORD is with us: fear

them not. But all the congregation bade

stone them with stones. And the glory of

the LORD appeared in the tabernacle of

the congregation before all the children of

Israel” (Numbers 14:1-10).

“So there went up thither of the people

about three thousand men: and they fled

before the men of Ai. And the men of Ai

smote of them about thirty and six men:

for they chased them from before the gate

even unto Shebarim, and smote them in

the going down: wherefore the hearts of

the people melted, and became as water.

And Joshua rent his clothes, and fell to

the earth upon his face before the ark of

the LORD until the eventide, he and the

elders of Israel, and put dust upon their

heads. And Joshua said, Alas, O Lord GOD,

wherefore hast thou at all brought this

people over Jordan, to deliver us into the

hand of the Amorites, to destroy us? would

to God we had been content, and dwelt on

the other side Jordan! O Lord, what shall I

say, when Israel turneth their backs before

their enemies! For the Canaanites and all

the inhabitants of the land shall hear of it,

and shall environ us round, and cut off our

name from the earth: and what wilt thou

do unto thy great name? And the LORD

said unto Joshua, Get thee up; wherefore

liest thou thus upon thy face? Israel hath

sinned, and they have also transgressed

my covenant which I commanded them: for

they have even taken of the accursed thing,


and have also stolen, and dissembled also,

and they have put it even among their own

stuff” (Joshua 7:4-11).

Psalm 34 was written during a great

time of affliction in David’s life. He had been

anointed to be king and then was fleeing

for his life and hiding with the enemy of

his nation. It truly was a trying time and a

time of heartbrokenness. Psalms like these

are good for us to consider when helping

others. As ministers of the Word of God,

we are responsible to give our sheep help

to endure and to understand that the Lord

has not forsaken them.

“The eyes of the LORD are upon the

righteous, and his ears are open unto their

cry. The face of the LORD is against them

that do evil, to cut off the remembrance

of them from the earth. The righteous

cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth

them out of all their troubles. The LORD is

nigh unto them that are of a broken heart;

and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous:

but the LORD delivereth him out of them

all. He keepeth all his bones: not one of

them is broken. Evil shall slay the wicked:

and they that hate the righteous shall be

desolate. The LORD redeemeth the soul of

his servants: and none of them that trust

in him shall be desolate” (Psalm 34:15-22).

As you can see from the previous

examples, Moses, Joshua, and David

all came to a place where they were

speechless, angry, or fed up either with

the situation they were dealing with or

the people they were supposed to be

ministering to. As ministers of the Word

of God, we can take hope that such men

of renown were “stumped” sometimes.

Today, we have an advantage which those

men did not have—the written Word

of God. What a wonderful source of

infinite wisdom and divine guidance that

we possess in our hands! We have the

product of the miracle of inspiration and

preservation handed down to us so that

we are not left defenseless.

Let’s take five lessons from the life of

Christ to help us when we as ministers of

Christ don’t know what to do or what to

say. We are going to take these from the

first chapter of Mark. Mark is unique in that

he was not one of the disciples that walked

with Christ. Most believe that this is John

Mark who was turned away by the Apostle

Paul for a little time. The Gospel of Mark

is an action-packed book which is fitting

for our study because it concentrates on

the interactions of Christ with the crowds.

Consider what the International Standard

Bible Encyclopedia says about the Gospel

of Mark:

“Judged by the space occupied, Mark is a

Gospel of deeds. Jesus is a worker. His life

is one of strenuous activity. He hastens

from one task to another with energy and

decision. The word εὐθύς, euthús, i.e.

“straightway,” is used 42 times as against

Matthew’s 7 and Luke’s 1. In 14 of these,

as compared with 2 in Matthew and none

in Luke, the word is used of the personal

activity of Jesus.”

(cont., pg 10) | 9

Lesson 1: Be Sure That You Have

the Spirit’s Filling and Leading

“And it came to pass in those days, that

Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee,

and was baptized of John in Jordan. And

straightway coming up out of the water, he

saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like

a dove descending upon him: And there

came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou

art my beloved Son, in whom I am well

pleased” (Mark 1:9-11).

There is much disagreement about

terminology when it comes to the Spirit’s

working in a believer’s life. I have found

that the Spirit’s power, teaching, and

guidance is very evident and clearly

defined in Scripture. We could take much

time to reveal that fact in John 14-16, but I

will leave it up to the reader to do a further

study on his own to see that the Spirit’s

working in a believer’s life is needed

to accomplish any spiritual good. That

being said, those of us that lead others

must be ever vigilant to have the Spirit’s

guidance as we guide them through trials,

overcoming sins, and fighting the devil. I

find it instructive in my own life that one of

the first acts of Christ was His baptism as

He began His ministry here on this earth.

There must be balance when it comes to

the doctrine of the Holy Spirit; however,

we must not discard it altogether. There

are those who try to make the work of

the Holy Spirit so mystical that it becomes

unrealistic or just for a chosen few. There

are those who may take the work of the

Holy Spirit and relegate it to having no

earthly affect on the believer while he

is here on this earth. Both instances are

wrong. A believer must understand that

through the ministry and power of the

Holy Spirit he can have victory. We must

follow the example of Christ and ask for

the Holy Spirit’s power to be able to do the

work of ministering to hurting people.

Lesson 2: Realize Where Your

Authority Comes From

“And they went into Capernaum; and

straightway on the sabbath day he entered

into the synagogue, and taught. And they

were astonished at his doctrine: for he

taught them as one that had authority, and

not as the scribes. And there was in their

synagogue a man with an unclean spirit;

and he cried out, Saying, Let us alone;

what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus

of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us?

I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of

God. And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold

thy peace, and come out of him. And when

the unclean spirit had torn him, and cried

with a loud voice, he came out of him. And

they were all amazed, insomuch that they

questioned among themselves, saying,

What thing is this? what new doctrine is

this? for with authority commandeth he

even the unclean spirits, and they do obey

him. And immediately his fame spread

abroad throughout all the region round

about Galilee” (Mark 1:21-28).

It is interesting that Jesus steps onto

the scene and is engaged in teaching

and preaching in the synagogues and

then in dealing with the devil himself. As


ministers of the Lord, our authority does

not rest on our personal experience, our

grand education, or in the greatness of

our personality. Our expertise comes from

the foundational truths of God’s Word.

It is God’s Word which will change a life.

As ministers, we cannot find some “new”

truth which will be enlightening to this

age. Yes, I understand that God does bring

leaders into this world and uses them to

help further His kingdom, but sometimes

we are looking for that special missing

ingredient. Could it be that you are not

spending enough time in the sacred text

of Scriptures? The Scriptures have what

we need in dealing with the naysayers, the

religious crowd, and with the devil himself.

Lesson 3: Be Available for God to

Use You in Multiple Venues

“And forthwith, when they were come out

of the synagogue, they entered into the

house of Simon and Andrew, with James

and John. But Simon’s wife’s mother lay

sick of a fever, and anon they tell him of her.

And he came and took her by the hand, and

lifted her up; and immediately the fever

left her, and she ministered unto them.

And at even, when the sun did set, they

brought unto him all that were diseased,

and them that were possessed with devils.

And all the city was gathered together at

the door. And he healed many that were

sick of divers diseases, and cast out many

devils; and suffered not the devils to speak,

because they knew him” (Mark 1:29-34).

I find it interesting that our Savior was

in the synagogues, in the house of His

disciples, and then sitting outside until

the sun was setting meeting, greeting,

and healing folks. A few verses later in

the text, Jesus mentions moving to other

towns (notice it is plural) to preach and

teach. Christ mentions that this is the

reason He came, and as Christ mentioned

to His parents in Luke 2, that He must be

about His Father’s business. Christ was

available to minister to the needs of those

around Him. I understand needing time to

study and being “prayed up and studied

up” for Sunday duties, but be careful of

always being “about the study” and not

“about the sheep.” A minister should be

available to meet the needs of the flock

that God has given him. Don’t get so busy

with administrative life that you forget that

you would not have that life if it were not

for the flock that God has given you. Be

available to meet the spiritual needs of

your flock.

Lesson 4: Learn to Sit at the Feet

of Him Who Can Sustain Your


“And in the morning, rising up a great

while before day, he went out, and

departed into a solitary place, and there

prayed. And Simon and they that were

with him followed after him. And when

they had found him, they said unto him, All

men seek for thee. And he said unto them,

Let us go into the next towns, that I may

preach there also: for therefore came I

forth. And he preached in their synagogues

throughout all Galilee, and cast out devils”

(Mark 1:35-39).

(cont., pg 12) | 11

It is not a coincidence that in Mark 1

we are read of Christ rising up a great while

before day. Recently, I was on a back-toschool

campout revival with our teenagers.

I was thrilled to walk up and hear one

of the staff at morning devotion time

challenging the teens to be more sincere

and dedicated to their prayer time. One

thing that he was challenging them to do

is to try to set an extra hour or so a week

aside just for prayer. His statement later in

the lesson was challenging to me. He told

the teens that if they decided to take this

challenge, they would find it to be one of

the hardest things they ever attempted. I

have found this to be true. I can do many

activities such as visitation, studying,

planning, and counseling, but the hardest

task of all is to spend extra time in prayer

for my own spiritual well being. May God

help us who minister to others to realize

that our strength for the journey is not

within ourselves, but in Him Who has all

power. We truly have a wonderful Savior!

Lesson 5: Don’t Be Afraid of

Horrible Situations

“And there came a leper to him, beseeching

him, and kneeling down to him, and saying

unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst make me

clean. And Jesus, moved with compassion,

put forth his hand, and touched him, and

saith unto him, I will; be thou clean. And

as soon as he had spoken, immediately the

leprosy departed from him, and he was

cleansed” (Mark 1:40-42).

to be forbidden to have contact with a

leprous person. Christ was different and

His ministers should be as well. Over

the course of decades in ministry, I have

seen spiritual leprosy, and I have had the

wondrous opportunity to see what Christ

can do to a heart that finds cleansing

through Christ. It is true that we live in

a dark age in America. The forces of evil

seem to be ever strengthening, but does

that mean that Christ’s healing power

is ineffective? No, on the contrary, we

should always be looking for folks who are

“leprous” in their sinful ways. They are

downtrodden and heading for damnation.

With Christ’s saving power, a sinner can be


My prayer is that through this quick

study of the life of Christ we can see that

we can bring help to the hurting. Christ

was a great shepherd. As undershepherds

for Him, let’s bring the healing that is

available from an omnipotent, omniscient


(Steve Damron is the pastor of Fairhaven Baptist

Church and president of Fairhaven Baptist College.)

I would challenge the reader to do a

study on leprosy during the time of Christ.

It was a horrible disease that pictures

the decaying and destructive influence of

sin. There was not anything good about

having leprosy. It was also very common



Conference 2020

April 19-23



JUSTman walketh in


Psalm 20:7

Guest Speakers:

Jason Atwood Jason Brenenstuhl Sam Knickerbocker Randy Starr Fred Weiss | 13


by Pastor Jerry Ross

“God is our refuge and strength,

a very present help in trouble.”

Psalm 46:1


love the King

James Bible. I love

the wording; so, to

those determined

to change it, I say,

“Leave it alone!”

It does not need

revised or rewritten.

Just preach it! Then,

watch it produce repentance, rebirth, and


I have also watched this wonderful

Holy Book get people through some pretty

tough times. In the forty-sixth Psalm, God

reminds us that He is our refuge and our

strength. Then he makes us a promise.

God promises to be a very present help

during times of trouble.

Notice the English grammar: “very

present help” (adverb, adjective, noun).

“Very” carries the meaning of being

vehemently, wholly, speedily, especially,

quickly, and exceedingly while the

adjective, “present” means to come forth,

to appear and exist, to be present or found.

What is God trying to communicate to

us through this verse? God is saying that

in life you will face trouble, but during

those times, He will be your refuge and

your strength. He then adds these three

wonderful words: very present help.

During trials and testings, He is there—

but not just there, very there! And not

just very there, but there for a specific

purpose—very there to bring aid and to

bring help. What this verse is teaching us

is that God’s presence intensifies during

times of trouble. God’s power amplifies

during times of trouble. Whenever one of

His children faces a Satanic attack, God has

promised to wholly, speedily, exceedingly,

especially, quickly, and mightily appear

and exist to help and aid you in your time

of trouble.

When you face tribulation, you have a

great opportunity to see God as you have

never seen Him before and to learn things

about God that you have never learned

before. During times of trouble, you have

an opportunity to become an eyewitness

to the intensified presence of God and

amplified power of God.

All through the Bible, we find stories

of God’s children facing trouble and then

experiencing the very present help of their


Moses’ newly freed children of Israel

faced the fickle fury of Pharaoh as he

changed his mind and pursued them,

pinning them against the Red Sea. In

this time of trouble, God became their

very present help! Soon, water stood at

attention while God’s people kicked up

dust as they crossed over on dry ground.

God was always there, but when they were

in trouble, God became very there.

Nebuchadnezzar, in Daniel 3, decided

that three of God’s children should be

thrown into a furnace of fire because they

refused to worship his idol. Sometimes,

doing the right thing can get you into

trouble, but don’t worry about it. In that

furnace of fire, the Son of God became

their very present help.

I do not like trouble, but I like the

opportunity it gives me. When I face


trouble, I can focus on the trouble or I can

focus on God and know that I have been

given a rare opportunity to watch Him

perform supernaturally in the midst of my

trouble. Again, I do not like trouble, but

I sure like the intensified presence of my

Almighty Father helping and aiding on my


May I ask you a question: what are

you going through? God wants to remind

you that along with your trouble, you

have something else—you have a refuge

and a strength. You have a God who

delights in being a very present help. You

have a God who has promised to wholly,

speedily, exceedingly, especially, quickly,

and mightily appear and exist to help and

aid you during your time of trouble. Now,

until this trouble is resolved in your life,

don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn

all you can about Him. And don’t be so

focused on the trouble that you miss the

miracles He will send in the midst of your


And lastly, enjoy—that’s right—

determine to enjoy the One Who is that

very present help. God will never be any

closer than He is right now.

(Jerry Ross is the pastor of Blessed Hope Baptist

Church in Jasonville, Indiana.)




©Published by Fairhaven Baptist Church. For correspondence or changes in subscription

information, write: Fairhaven Baptist Church, Always Abounding - The Fairhaven Fundamentalist,

86 East Oak Hill Road, Chesterton, IN 46304, U.S.A. For more information, call (800) SEE-FHBC.

dr. david sorenson

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86 East Oak Hill Road

Chesterton, Indiana 46304

You believe in God for

your soul. Believe in Him

about your property.

Believe in God about your

sick wife or your dying

child. Believe in God

about your losses and bad

debts and declining


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