Issue 1 - Garrett Goodwin - October 2017

Hot off the "presses"... The very first issue of SA Drummer Magazine. Featuring Garrett Goodwin on the cover "Lindsey Buckingham, Steven Tyler, Keith Urban... It's pretty crazy when I sit and think about the list.” – Garrett Goodwin Check out our list of local and international drummers, making waves: • Garrett Goodwin • Sheldon Yoko • Dale Schnettler • Andries Visser Check some awesome articles about building yourself as a brand in the industry, changing your approach to your practice routine and an ode the late, great John Blackwell. Come support SA's newest and only Drum specific magazine – SA Drummer Team. Hot off the "presses"... The very first issue of SA Drummer Magazine.

Featuring Garrett Goodwin on the cover

"Lindsey Buckingham, Steven Tyler, Keith Urban... It's pretty crazy when I sit and think about the list.”
– Garrett Goodwin

Check out our list of local and international drummers, making waves:
• Garrett Goodwin
• Sheldon Yoko
• Dale Schnettler
• Andries Visser

Check some awesome articles about building yourself as a brand in the industry, changing your approach to your practice routine and an ode the late, great John Blackwell.

Come support SA's newest and only Drum specific magazine

– SA Drummer Team.

from sa.drummer.magazine More from this publisher


Andries Visser Hey,AndriesThanksfor takingthetime.What’s happeningthesedays? I’mmo I’mmoreinlovewithmy musicnowthaneverbefore. Playing,teachinganddoing sessionskeepmepositive andmotivated. Howdidyoustartplayingthedrums,andat whatagedidyoustart? Asachild,welivedinthe FreestateinHennenman andattheageof9we movedtothebigJHBin byZanKriegler 1984.ItwasthenthatIwas introducedtoadrumsetfor thefirsttime.Myfamilyhasa musicalbackgroundsoIwas nostrangertohearinga pianoorguitaronadaily basis.However,whenIheard thesoundo thesoundofthemighty drumkitechoinginachurch weatended,Ijustcouldnot helpmyselfandIhadtosee, feelandtasteit.Hehe.Imet myfirstdrumteacher,Johan Stolz(Sadlypassedawaythe 21st 21stAug2017).Ihadlessonswithhimforabout18 monthsandstartedfilingin forhimatchurch. Icouldbarelyreachthe pedalsbutItookevery chanceIcouldgettoplay.It wasanexcitingjourneyand stilis. Whowereyourmaininfluenceswhenyougot intoplayingandwhoare yourcurentinfluences? Wel,JohanStolzwasthefirst realinfluencetilIreached endofHighschoolandin grade11(backthenstd9)



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