chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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figurinesnaybe atlached, andeamcsandposirions<br />

shown <strong>to</strong> a largc audicnce. Such boards are lo be<br />

seen al many <strong>to</strong>umanenls ard matches. <strong>The</strong> lirsr<br />

demonstration board, ioui Ieel (1 2n) square. was<br />

designed<strong>by</strong>riwtrNrnAr. in 1857aod used <strong>by</strong> him <strong>to</strong><br />

DERIVATM GAMDS. see (<br />

DERID, 393, the Dclaycd Exchange Ruy L6pez<br />

Deterred. Thc linc o.curred in the 51h gane oI a<br />

natch playcd in Steenwijk between EUwr and H.<br />

Krame.. 1940. and is also knowi as rhc Steenwijk<br />


HoNoRE LEBREToN 0780 1E47). repuredly<br />

thc stronge( plaler belween pHrLrDoRt death and<br />

the tine oI BounDoNNArs. He<br />

and he relucd ro meetthe leading French p1ayc6<br />

on evcn ternsi bur il he ras nor demonstrably the<br />

srrongesl player he was thc most colou.Iul.In 1794<br />

vhen his school at Brienne, wbere Nipoleon had<br />

sludicd. Nas disbanded he relurned 10 Paris <strong>to</strong><br />

dn@ver tha! bis arisrocralic family had emigrated.<br />

He joined Napolcon s arny. *as letl lor dead al<br />

thc siege of Maiu, foughr again a1 Fleurus. was<br />

.apruredatBaylen- and takcn <strong>to</strong> cadiz lrom Nhere<br />

he nade a clcvcr escape. lle lon his n8ht hand<br />

(which caused hinr <strong>to</strong> be nicknaned Manchot).nd<br />

was leli sith a sabre scar trom broN <strong>to</strong> chin.<br />

Amo.g the nrst 10 bc awarded the Cross ol<br />

Honour, he <strong>to</strong>re it off Nhen Napoleon crowled<br />

He had a renarkable laciliiy lor games.'lhtee<br />

months atterlearning the moves olPolishdraughts<br />

he defealed lhc French ch<strong>amp</strong>ioni pushing the cue<br />

pilh thc stump ol his ngbt arn he played billiardsi<br />

,n.l h.ho,sredrhrr hehadlearnedall hc nccdcd<strong>to</strong><br />

kno* .bout che$ in three days. For a time he<br />

earned a living <strong>by</strong> playing cbess lor srakes at rhe<br />

cArt DE LA naGENcE. This lean tine cane <strong>to</strong> anend<br />

in 1812 when Mashal Ney 6ade him supcrintcndent<br />

ot rhe <strong>to</strong>bacco monopoly at Strasbu.g, which<br />

broughthim anincomeexeeditre40.000ir. ayear.<br />

Following rhe baule olWaterloo heopposedlhe<br />

i.vasion <strong>by</strong> oieanizing a band of padsans who<br />

naned hi6 their gcncral. but afte. lhis briel<br />

adventurc hewentback<strong>to</strong> lhe CaI€ deh Regence,<br />

once again seeking a liling tron <strong>chess</strong>. A naturat<br />

playe., he despised book tnowledgc, a.dperhaps<br />

becausehelackcditplayedonlya<strong>to</strong>dds, co.ceding<br />

at least pawn and two noves againsr even bis<br />

strongest opponents. Abour 1820 he <strong>to</strong>ok BouF<br />

donnln ior a pupil <strong>The</strong> 1wo mea could hardly have<br />

been more different: Deschapeles was delicale,<br />

nritable, slighl, pale, abstenious, introverled. and<br />

a slow playeri Bolrdonnais was hcarty. cheertul.<br />

ruddy, andalasrplayer. InApr. 1821 Deschapelles<br />

played a t.iangular contest, odceding paNn and<br />

lwo <strong>to</strong> Bourdonnais and coc RANE, Nho plared<br />

lelel belween themsclvcs. Deschapeues deleated<br />

Cochrane (+6-l) but losr all seven s.nes ro<br />

Bourdonnais. Coneding p.sn and move Dcschapclles<br />

lost a short natch 10<br />

'<br />

Ew's (- 1:2), and<br />

challengcd <strong>by</strong> Cochrane <strong>to</strong> play elen but ro win<br />

two-thirds oI rhe games, he losr $ar malch roo<br />

A ycar or so Iater Deschapelles gave up <strong>chess</strong><br />

and rook io whist. rapidly beco6ing an expeft and<br />

makingnoremoneylhan hccouldcvcrhavc madc<br />

at <strong>chess</strong>. He was ahlc <strong>to</strong> live comfortably in a<br />

pleasant villa with orchards. pheas.nts. and lhe<br />

most complete nelon bedFhe sefled len<br />

larietieFin Paris. (Card playe$ still rclcr <strong>to</strong> the<br />

Deschapelles coup, thc lcad ol an unsupported<br />

high honour card ro esrablish an entry in partner\<br />

hand.) In the mid 1830s he renewed hn intffcst in<br />

<strong>chess</strong>. Cnncedingpasn and t\lo he played against<br />

sArM AMANT, dra$ing a matchin 1836 (+1=1 1).<br />

Hewas a stickleron nat€rsol principk sni.h,<br />

combincd Nilh his inPerious manncr and bad<br />

tempe., lrequenrly led hnn inlo duels which he<br />

happily iought lef.handed. Arrested <strong>to</strong>r being<br />

inlolved in rhc insurecrlon oIllne 1832 he had<br />

retained hk republica. belielFhe Nrot. a patheti.<br />

lctter<strong>to</strong> rhe Kingsayinglhalhcwasiooold, <strong>to</strong>o<br />

indm, and innocenr anrvay. On his release he<br />

found that rhc Mnrister ofthe Interior hadshoNn<br />

hh letter around the Nhist club. cxposing him <strong>to</strong><br />

ridicule. Once. in lhe Cafi de IaRigence. aNaiter<br />

sent 1o ask whether Deschapelles would play <strong>to</strong>ok<br />

back a reply concerning tbe slakes, Tell bim my<br />

rcligioo lorbids ne <strong>to</strong> plat lor noncy'i <strong>to</strong> shich<br />

Deschapelles replied, Mine lorbids me io be<br />

His last days were spent snring u.inlclligiblc<br />

constiturions ior llaly. Spai.. Porlugal. and various<br />

Soulh Ancrican republics. Bednddenfor$e<br />

last 20 moDths of his lile he died of hydropsy.<br />

requesting in his qill thar.o lcttcr should bc sent<br />

announcing his deaih, no neNspapcn should srite<br />

about hin, and that he should bave a paupe.'s<br />

burial Saint-Amant said'<strong>The</strong> only say <strong>to</strong> be on<br />

godd terns with hin rhout oeannes or flaltery<br />

h <strong>to</strong>see him seldon. never be under obligltion <strong>to</strong><br />

hitu, and <strong>to</strong> mainlain a dignifed rese(e.'<br />

CochrmlDeschapelles srCloud, 1321 Gemovetsla.k\<br />

r pa{n and besin with rNo singlc'f<strong>to</strong>vcs <strong>by</strong> whnc)<br />

1e4 2d4e6 3i,ld5 4c5.5 5clNc6 6Nf3dd1 7 d4<br />

Ob6 3N.3Bd7 9a3Nh6 10hlNf5 llNe2Be7 1294<br />

Bhl+ llNxh4Nxh4 l4(C0 0 15 Ks3 Ns6 16b1a5<br />

17 Bd2 ub4 18 Bxbl Nxb4 19 axb4 Qrb4 20 Rbl<br />

Ra3+ 2l Kh2 Oc7 22 RxhT Ohl 23 RxdT<br />

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