chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS THE authoE and publishers thank the following who have kindly lent the subjects illustrated on the pages listed: Mr Garcth Williams, 32, 166, 168,242,271 .2a5 ,292.327i Just Games, 308, 360; Phillips ,nd Drew. 302. They are also indebted to the following for permission to rcproduce the illusrations on the pages given below: B. T. Batsford, 190i BBC Hulton Picture Library, 57, 106, 179, 217i Bodleiatr Libnry, Oxford, 212, 348, 350; Bntish Chess Masazine, 5, 314, 342; Bdtish Library, 203, 363; British Museum, 184; Thonas E. Cook,68; Eon Productions Ltd., @ 1964 Danjaq SA (Photo: Courtesy of The National Film Archive), 87; Keystone Press Agencv, 116i The Mansell Collection,36; National Portmit Gallery,250; Novosti Press Agencv, 159, 248. 318: Patrimodo Nacional, Madrid, 9i Philadelphia Museum of Art: Th€ Louise a.d Walter Arensberg Collection (Copyright ADAGP), 97; Royal Asiatic Societv, 306i Society for Cultunl Relations with USSR, 46; Staatliche Museeo Preussischer Kulturbe sitz, Berlh, 81; Comptroller of Her Majesty's Stationery Offi@ (Crown Copyright). 240.

NOTE TO THE READER E N r rI E s &e in simpte letter-by-letter alphabetical order, with spaces and hFhens ignoredi all names beginning with Mc are ananged as though they were prefixed Mac, and St is ordered as though it were spelt Saint. C.os references are indicated by the us of smll capital lette6: if a name or tem is printed if, this form on its tust appearance in an article, it will be found to have its owtr entry. The numbers that accompany names of openings or vanatioN refer to Appendix I, where the moves of these lines are listed. Appendix Il provides a glossary of ches terms in French, German, Italim, Masyar, Russian, and Spanish-


E N r rI E s &e in simpte letter-<strong>by</strong>-letter alphabetical order, with spaces and<br />

hFhens ignoredi all names beginning with Mc are ananged as though they<br />

were prefixed Mac, and St is ordered as though it were spelt Saint. C.os<br />

references are indicated <strong>by</strong> the us of smll capital lette6: if a name or tem<br />

is printed if, this form on its tust appearance in an article, it will be found <strong>to</strong><br />

have its owtr entry. <strong>The</strong> numbers that accompany names of openings or<br />

vanatioN refer <strong>to</strong> Appendix I, where the moves of these lines are listed.<br />

Appendix Il provides a glossary of ches terms in French, German, Italim,<br />

Masyar, Russian, and Spanish-

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