chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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novel kind of .lock was prorided by a Gema, 6m, a.d pronounced a greal improlemenl Tne clocks are fixed upon a siand, not hovable like oDn. A lever h provided, which upon being presred dosn {ops unr Llnck and se6 rhe orher in ;ouon. and \rce LeLa

70 COCHR,ANE GAMBII Cochrane siayed in India until his retnement in 1869exceptloronevisnroEngland.l84l 3,when he played hundreds ot friendly ganes againsl srAUNroN, sbo began bywinninga largenajoriry. Wilheln srErNrz knew both contestanB and states thar rhei( lasl encounter was a match of 12 ganes, Stauflton concedi.g pawn and move ror rhe firsr six: and lhat Cocnrane mde .n elen !.ore uh.n reeiving odds but won (+3=2 l) when playing John Cochranc should dol be @ntused wnh Janes coch.ane (..1770-i830), co-author of a book on De Muzro cAMB,r (sce GHUUM {Ass,M cAMu'rl COCIfRANE GAMBIT. 553 in rhe pFrR.FF nr- FEN.E. oriAinated by cocsuNE in the 1840s. White sacrilices a knieht lor tro paMs and a strong centre. srA!NroN,who playcd lhe gambilsucce$ fully. pointed out that White should not seek aftck: instead he should play a posilionalgamc, adlancing his phalanx ol pawns in the manner advocated byplrrrDoR. Should while establish lwo pawns on lhe nlth rank he would probably hale sulficient conpensalion tor his piece. lRoNsrErN believes this eanbit is aortb furlherinlesrisalion. COCIIRANE VARIATION. 592 i. the (NG's c^Mrr Accepied. Bla.k\ sixlh nove, a retutation ol the sAlqo GMI', is .ightty named alter John cocoRANE Nho published his anallsis in 1822. The variation had occured in ainendlygame Sarratt- Lewis, London. 1816j subsequently LE*B disaPproved of tbis variation. nol cooprehending its COFfEE HOUSES, chess resorts rbar played an inportanr pa.i in chess tite oi the 18rh and t91h enlunes. In 1747 pHn-rDoR aled sreMA at Slaughlert in St Mirtin's Lane and lron 1774 he {requented Pasloe\ in SlJameJs St.eet. Ako in Sr JameJs St.eet there was Whnes Chocolate House (later whitet club) where chess *as oftcn ptayed lor slakes. (Some betting rccords irom the 1740s areextanl.) These and olher meeting places were, howeverj mosrlypatro.izedbylhe titledand the wcalthy. Coffee houses lor the tuiddling classes. 6 G. wALrcR called them, nourished pnncipally in the 19th centurv. I! London lhere were Ton's in Co.nhill. the Salopian al Charing Cross. Hultnan's Garnck Cbess Dilan in Redrn.d sr.eet. Gatti\ in Adelaide strer. tnc caf€ caro in Cnteman Strcct, Kilpack\ Divan in Colent car den and Stdiet Philidonan chess Rnoms in Rathbone Place. cliddon\ Dtuan, irequented by sr^uNroN in thc early 1840sj was dcsoibed by a conledPoraryasrlikc an Easrernienij rbedrapery leslooned up around you, an.l lhe views exhibited oa allsides of nosques, andhinarets- andpalaces nsing oul ol the water'. Soon, howcver, it was converted an Ame.ican bowliDg alley. For mosl chess playes thc divan neanr Simp, $0\ In 1828 a Porluguese, Samuel Rre( oprneJ rhediv n in the Strand, and dfier five yeaFsare rl the more English soundi.g namc oI his head waner. Sinpson's was ftequented regularly by all the grealesl playes ol the time iron iis founding until 1903 vhen it was pnrchdcd by westminster Councii lor 15,1,000. Altered io permii road widening, Simpson s vas reopened in 1904, bur chess ras nol encouraged again unlil 1980 when the 6nal oi the national clnb championship was heu dere. hs chielnval. Pu6sells in CoDhiU, a demolished in lA94 when rhe playen moved to Dr Butler\ Head, a licensed rcstaurant in Telcgraph Street. The leadin8 London resort in the 20lh century {as Tbe Ganbir in Budgc Ros. Opened in 1898, visitcd by most masters oI rhe nrsl half of lhe century, the *ene of the Great Bntain end ol lhe r?dnr mrrch *nh rhe IJssR in 1c,16 i ended ilr daysin 1958. ln60yeatr ilwasclosedonlyonce, loi two dar6 in Scpt. 1940on accouni oI damagc in an airraid. ?ublicchesshasbeenplayed in othertypes ol premises like tavems such as the Ship and Turtle in Lerdenhall Sfteet nnd in the middle oi ih€ 20th centuryi aho in London. atthc Mandrakc. a soho Other Ianous 191h century chess alds Nere: Amsterdan. Roode l-ccuwiBertin. Bauer, Belve dcrc, Kaise.hof. Kerkau. and Kdnig: Geneva, Cafe de la Cou.onne: If,ipzig. Hanischi Madrid. Caf€ du Levant: New York,Intematio.aliParh, Procope and. nost lamous ol aI, the cAF! DE c RicrN..; Riga, Reutc( Rome, Palazo de' Cin qnei SiPelemburg, Dominik; Vienna. Ccntral and COnN, WILITELM (1859-1913). profcssional ches player who competed in aboul 20 iournamenls, some ol lhem inlernalional, Irom 1893 io 1911. Hk performance was his second place equal with.tuRousEk and.HrcoRrN, aft cr nuRN, al Cululne 1898. W. Cuhn should .ot be .onfLsed srlh-iirch ('ohn (188a 1ql8), d LlorDr ut medi COINCIDENCE, lhc unplanned duplication of chess ideas. There are nany examples ot idenrical games being played, inparticularRhen an opening trap is involvcd. Tie tbllo*ing two games bear a Alekhine F. Kaihnlein Dnserdorf allpru,r.r 1903 1d4d5 2Nt3Nl6 3c3c6 4Bd3Nbd7 sNbd2Bd6 6e, dxe4 rNxe4Nxe4 3Rxe4G0 90.0f5 10tsd3e5 ]l BgJ Q.3 12dre5 Nrc5 13Re1Qh5 l4NxcsQig5 15 Bc.l+ Kh3 16 Qxd6 Bla.L esisns D.esga A. Barat P.ris 1923 Two yiishh' Defe"@ re!es 2NJ:rN.6 lBclNf6 4d4ci,l 5011d6 6Nid4 Bc7 ?Nc301l 31.18e4 9Nxc6i'i.6 10Qc1d5 lrBd3 dxc4 12 Nxc4 RcB 13 KhI Bci 14 Ogr Nxe4 15 Qxg4 The .epctition ol a coopositio. idea nsually implies ^NrrcrF{noN or plAoatusM but a renark able coin.idence o(urred in 1898. A. F. AC(EN-

novel kind of .lock was prorided <strong>by</strong> a Gema,<br />

6m, a.d pronounced a greal improlemenl Tne<br />

clocks are fixed upon a siand, not hovable like<br />

oDn. A lever h provided, which upon being<br />

presred dosn {ops unr Llnck and se6 rhe orher in<br />

;ouon. and \rce LeLa

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