chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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N. I. Greko!, M. /. cl4,r;n (1939) contains 281 sames and biosraphy, wilh tcxt in Russiani l. iromanov.*o. Natlsdie chigorin (196n) conrains 177 gamcs (complementing thosc in Grekovt book) and 90 pages oI wcll researched biography: L. Abrafov, It lrgcs.rn'ftk Lr S.ha.hs: Tschigorin (1960) contains 400 gancs, about 100 ol rben annotated ChigoriFluasd 20ih match sanc S. Pererburs 1893 Fr.n.h Dere'ce. Chigorin Vaiii.iotr le4c6 2Qc2ae7 lb3li 4BblRr6 5 Bxr6Nxl6 6.5 Nd7 7Qs1s6 8l.1Nc6 9N.lNb4 loKdlN.5 llQe2 a6 l2a3N.6 llNr3h6 l.1d4Nd7 15Qc3Ner l6Bd3 ci 17Nc2Rb7 l,i.lOc7 19Nduhs 20xe].J 2l bic4 bxcl 22 Bc2 Bc6 2l Klzltbs 21 Rabl L{bl 25 Nxbt Qa5 26 Oc1 N})6 2? Qb2 Kd7 28 Nd2 Kc7 29 Rbl Rb3 30QclBa4 rlts{a.1Nia4 32 Rxb8lrbs 3:lNfl Ob5 3.1Q.2 h6 35NclNc6 36Ke2Na? l7Kd2 Qa5 33 Ne2 \b5 39 g4 Nb6 10 t5 sxl5 41 gif5 Oxal CHINESE CTIESS 65 C{INESD CIIESS (Es,a,8.r'i), the mosl inPor tant regional variety otchess. the modem lorn is hcrc descnbed. The mcn are moled on thc line'inreBecdons (I,oints) of a board that has nine 6les.ndlcn ranks The sPace bctween lhe 6lth and sixth ranks is caled lhe river. Diagonal lines at each end ot the board deine the limils oI a nine'point torrrcss. The men are shaped like draushtsmcn. ideniilied bY chara.ters on the tace and aoloured sreen (or blue) lor fte player who noves 66t and rcd lor hn opponcfll. (The beautilullycarucd sets often lound in antique shops and tabellcd as Chinese scre made tor export.) Thc diagranshoss thc arayia desciiplion olthe men and the saY they nole follows. 'Ihe seneral, as a king (K), is noved likeaw^zrRbur notpernitledlo lcavelhelortress. The counscllor (c), sooetnnes called a nan_ dann, movcd like a ERs. also .ol Pemitlcd to Thc clephanl (E), moved like a riL but cannot or cros thc ri,er. rhe NAo (M). Thecha or, depidedas arook(R)andmovedin Tbe sao (P), representing th€ ballina .nd sometioes called a canno. The sldier, depicled as a pawn, noleddncctly foMa.d one squarc al a tine or ahcrnatively side*ays (Lare'ally) after rosing the river. On th. tcnth rank the pasn may only molc Bli.k hasarhn *on alawn on the quccn\ sidc. bur hc su.cumbsro an atack on the orh &c6rxe6 llNelQI3 14Qg6Nc7 45Nc2Kc3 46Ngl4 Qe7 17Oft6a5 13h4a4 49h5f ioNclNdT 51Q96 NII 52Q83(d7 5lh6Ne8 slN.:Qhl 5iQfl+Qe7 5rr Qh5 Qh7 57 Nb4Nc7 53QA5Qe7 59os8oh4 60 Q37+Oe7 6lNhi.2 62Nf6+ K.8 63Qr.7al=Q 61 OrIS+ Kb7 6i Nd7 Na6 66 N6+ Biack resignr_ Thc pao Nas a 13th ccntury inventioni the ooves of the other ncn and of the early lndian che$nen bave nuch in comnon. lsec 'nsroRt or csas.) CHIGORIN DEFENCE, .19. an unusual way oI declinins the auErN's,cAMDU introduced by {rH! coRrN towards thc end oi ttE 19rh c.ntury CEICORIN INDIAN DEFENCE, 140, rhe oLD CT GORIN VARIATION. 24 in $e Ouecn-s Pasn Opening sonelines called thc RIcHr.R Variation and sonetimes named aftcr poNz,ANrwho analysed it h6ti 235, thc .Losr !^{^noN oI the sroLrAN DrtsrN.Ei 402 in the Spanish Opcning played sucessfully in $e sanc Durarchisonn, Nuren berg 1906a 660..H6oRrN singenious thc FRENCH DE!EN.E. phyed by him in his match against r Mscs. 1893. Also 76in rhe s.MlsLAv DEIEN.Eolihe aUEEN-s oAMBr Declined, Iavoured by Chigorin in thc 1890s. Black\ first sn rores conslitulc the coLLL sysrEM, r preparation for thc advance oI his king's

66 CHRISTIANSEN A playcls irm 6 ro mate fulopponenl\penerat He mr) also srn by $alemare. Perperurtaheck h nol permiued. Gcnerals nay not lace one anorher wnh no nan inteNcoing. For example, a sreen kinB on el and pawn ai c9 would statemate a red king at dlo; add a green pasn at c10 and Red is chectn.ted. TIe shortest Aane endins in nale: I Ph5 PheS 2 Pg5 Pe9 3 Pxglo. A Canc tnm Chin tai tui s ch i ninE chn htuoh Gelecred fanous nodem Aiees of Chincse ches). Shaqhai. 1953 (using inretuarional che$ nourion) I Phe3 Mg8 2 Mgl Mc3 I e5 C,lc9 4 Md Rhlo 5 e6 ehe6 6 Mel Ph4 7 k.6+ Ees s Pb.] pxd+ b Lrxe4 Rh6 t0 Ri2 Rd10 I I Rb1 pall 12 Rt2 pxa4 13 MI6 Rhs r4 Mxc3 Rds t5 Md6+ MseT 16 kc7+ xd10 17n&c3+ Rxc3 13Rd2+Rhds 19pd7+Re3 20 PxiT+ R.d3 21R6m+ Kdg 22 pi9+ CA 23 Radr+ Te.e.ce Donnelly, Irrdrg.l i'fhe Chinae come CIIRISTIANSEN, LARRY MARK (1956- ), Anerican player from California. He won rhe US Junior Championshrp rn 1971, ru74 (+ared). dnJ 195, and sa\ asarded rhE ritle or lnrEr;honat Grandmdrer (1977) Ior his per! in catcgory 8 rournamenh al Torrcmolinos in t976 and 1477. qinnios second a0d fi6r pnze\ respecllelv. Since rhcn he has achrveJ seleral exeuent toumamenl results: CienfleEus ls7a, saond (+7=5 l) after srsHNrrD!: I 'n,re\ r,)7e fiFr (+6:4 1) ahead ot rcRcENor i US ChamDionlh'n 1980, 611 (+4=7-ll affer a ptav-oft qlh sRowN; and L. EvaNs; Linares 1981, calesory 13, (+6=4 1) eqnal wilh uEov. ch riinrFPon qh L'nare5 lq31 EnEhsh Opei,nq ,.r. ,*.rrr" 3Nflc6 4s3Nln 5 Ba.?tl5 6.xd5 Nxdl 70]l Be7 3J4 Go oeaNr(l rO b;.r.!u rl cxd4 816 12tsb2b6 13RblBb7 14d5*d5 t5.xds Na5 16Ne5 Brc5 l7 Bxcs Rclt l3 Rc10d7 19 B.3 Ba6 20Re1Nb7 21Od4f6 rBb4Rxcl Z3Rrcr Rca 24 Rica+ Qxcs 25 h4 Bb5 26 d6 Nd 27 Qd5+ XA CINEI\4{ AND CIIESS. A lev 6lns have been made dbour cheqs. vr'h e Snoar oI RBva, a biograph) ut ALEXITNE {nnen by Kolov and filned in Russiai Le.Ioueur dicne6. rade in France in 1926 Gileno and acain in 1938, a fictional a@ount oI tbe anKi and Alz. k @d White 6 Dar i\ (alqn,, a study of p.ranoia in world ch;$ champions using facts lron the 1972 and 1978 *orld championship natches. Anons 6lms uinA chess as a naifl .lenenr rrc Die Schochnoyete (1960), a cerman 6lm ora nu4 bv Srdan zse,e shich was r.dn\lrEd into Ensish rs tn. Roui Game, and chas aever. a Ru$ian 6rm m;dc during the international lournanent Moscow 1925 and staring cApsr^N.a. 7/r Creat Chds Motieis a Canadian docunentary made in 1983. Ct'IEMA DESECHECS. a rechnrquefortrinnnga Edme b, gi!ing a draEram forcvery muve. makrna irpossible tofollor a Bame withoui a kno*tedgeor noraLion. anJ 66ru5ed in i8l9rhen an edtrn,n nr FH'Lrmr\ book vas pnblishedin London by.r. c. PoHma.. 'llle nane vas made popul by the French wnier Alphonse ccrz (186!1931) when his book sith that tirle was pnblished in tq2. CIRCE CHESS. an unorlh.doxsrme rnventeJ b\ rhc Erenrh ompo\er Prere Monrdat(ratG, tr; 1967 Captured men are replac.d on their sup posedsquareof origin: roo[, bbhop, and ktoEhron J \qudre of the \ame colour as thdr on whrh lher rc.e qplured, pawns on ihe sane file as that o; which they were iakcn, pieces obtai.ed bypromotion as fororher preces. (inAqc,0nor be caotured. Ir the replacemenr squde h occupied rhe L;orured m,n ir remo! ed fron lhe board i; Lh. ,*-t *:,"' A man lamolbe raken rfrts repleeme woutdpiacr the .aprurer rn check C'rce ches k prcbdbti t€s used by playeA th.n by compuseB, sho have cdablkbeJ a nne tor the canrure ot unorrhodox piecc


A playcls irm 6 ro mate fulopponenl\penerat<br />

He mr) also srn <strong>by</strong> $alemare. Perperurtaheck h<br />

nol permiued. Gcnerals nay not lace one anorher<br />

wnh no nan inteNcoing. For ex<strong>amp</strong>le, a sreen<br />

kinB on el and pawn ai c9 would statemate a red<br />

king at dlo; add a green pasn at c10 and Red is<br />

chectn.ted. TIe shortest Aane endins in nale:<br />

I Ph5 PheS 2 Pg5 Pe9 3 Pxglo.<br />

A Canc tnm Chin tai tui s ch i ninE chn htuoh<br />

Gelecred fanous nodem Aiees of Chincse ches).<br />

Shaqhai. 1953 (using inretuarional che$ nourion)<br />

I Phe3 Mg8 2 Mgl Mc3 I e5 C,lc9 4 Md Rhlo 5 e6<br />

ehe6 6 Mel Ph4 7 k.6+ Ees s Pb.] pxd+ b<br />

Lrxe4 Rh6 t0 Ri2 Rd10 I I Rb1 pall 12 Rt2 pxa4 13<br />

MI6 Rhs r4 Mxc3 Rds t5 Md6+ MseT 16 kc7+<br />

xd10 17n&c3+ Rxc3 13Rd2+Rhds 19pd7+Re3 20<br />

PxiT+ R.d3 21R6m+ Kdg 22 pi9+ CA 23 Radr+<br />

Te.e.ce Donnelly, Irrdrg.l i'fhe Chinae come<br />


Anerican player from California. He won rhe US<br />

Junior Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionshrp rn 1971, ru74 (+ared). dnJ<br />

195, and sa\ asarded rhE ritle or lnrEr;honat<br />

Grandmdrer (1977) Ior his per! in catcgory<br />

8 rournamenh al Torrcmolinos in t976 and<br />

1477. qinnios second a0d fi6r pnze\ respecllelv.<br />

Since rhcn he has achrveJ seleral exeuent<br />

<strong>to</strong>umamenl results: CienfleEus ls7a, saond<br />

(+7=5 l) after srsHNrrD!: I 'n,re\<br />

r,)7e fiFr<br />

(+6:4 1) ahead ot rcRcENor i US ChamDionlh'n<br />

1980, 611 (+4=7-ll affer a ptav-oft qlh sRowN;<br />

and L. EvaNs; Linares 1981, calesory 13,<br />

(+6=4 1) eqnal wilh uEov.<br />

ch riinrFPon qh L'nare5 lq31 EnEhsh Opei,nq<br />

,.r. ,*.rrr" 3Nflc6 4s3Nln 5 Ba.?tl5 6.xd5<br />

Nxdl 70]l Be7 3J4 Go oeaNr(l rO b;.r.!u rl<br />

cxd4 816 12tsb2b6 13RblBb7 14d5*d5 t5.xds<br />

Na5 16Ne5 Brc5 l7 Bxcs Rclt l3 Rc10d7 19 B.3<br />

Ba6 20Re1Nb7 21Od4f6 rBb4Rxcl Z3Rrcr Rca<br />

24 Rica+ Qxcs 25 h4 Bb5 26 d6 Nd 27 Qd5+ XA<br />

CINEI\4{ AND CIIESS. A lev 6lns have been<br />

made dbour cheqs. vr'h e Snoar oI RBva, a<br />

biograph) ut ALEXITNE {nnen <strong>by</strong> Kolov and<br />

filned in Russiai Le.Ioueur dicne6. rade in<br />

France in 1926 Gileno and acain in 1938, a fictional<br />

a@ount oI tbe anKi and Alz. k @d White 6 Dar i\<br />

(alqn,, a study of p.ranoia in world ch;$<br />

ch<strong>amp</strong>ions using facts lron the 1972 and 1978<br />

*orld ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship natches. Anons 6lms uinA<br />

<strong>chess</strong> as a naifl .lenenr rrc Die Schochnoyete<br />

(1960), a cerman 6lm ora nu4 bv Srdan zse,e<br />

shich was r.dn\lrEd in<strong>to</strong> Ensish rs tn. Roui<br />

Game, and chas aever. a Ru$ian 6rm m;dc<br />

during the international lournanent Moscow 1925<br />

and staring cApsr^N.a. 7/r Creat Chds Motieis<br />

a Canadian docunentary made in 1983.<br />

Ct'IEMA DESECHECS. a rechnrquefortrinnnga<br />

Edme b, gi!ing a draEram forcvery muve. makrna<br />

irpossible <strong>to</strong>follor a Bame withoui a kno*tedgeor<br />

noraLion. anJ 66ru5ed in i8l9rhen an edtrn,n nr<br />

FH'Lrmr\ book vas pnblishedin London <strong>by</strong>.r. c.<br />

PoHma.. 'llle nane vas made popul <strong>by</strong> the<br />

French wnier Alphonse ccrz (186!1931) when<br />

his book sith that tirle was pnblished in tq2.<br />

CIRCE CHESS. an unorlh.doxsrme rnventeJ b\<br />

rhc Erenrh ompo\er Prere Monrdat(ratG, tr;<br />

1967 Captured men are replac.d on their sup<br />

posedsquareof origin: roo[, bbhop, and k<strong>to</strong>Ehron<br />

J \qudre of the \ame colour as thdr on whrh lher<br />

rc.e qplured, pawns on ihe sane file as that o;<br />

which they were iakcn, pieces obtai.ed <strong>by</strong>promotion<br />

as fororher preces. (inAqc,0nor be caotured.<br />

Ir the replacemenr squde h occupied rhe L;orured<br />

m,n ir remo! ed fron lhe board i; Lh. ,*-t *:,"' A<br />

man lamolbe raken rfrts repleeme woutdpiacr<br />

the .aprurer rn check C'rce ches k prcbdbti t€s<br />

used <strong>by</strong> playeA th.n <strong>by</strong> compuseB, sho have<br />

cdablkbeJ a nne <strong>to</strong>r the canrure ot unorrhodox<br />


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