chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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N. I. Greko!, M. /. cl4,r;n (1939) contains 281<br />

sames and biosraphy, wilh tcxt in Russiani l.<br />

iromanov. Ivol.re*o. Natlsdie chigorin (196n)<br />

conrains 177 gamcs (complementing thosc in<br />

Grekovt book) and 90 pages oI wcll researched<br />

biography: L. Abrafov, It lrgcs.rn'ftk Lr<br />

S.ha.hs: Tschigorin (1960) contains 400 gancs,<br />

about 100 ol rben annotated<br />

ChigoriFluasd 20ih match sanc S. Pererburs<br />

1893 Fr.n.h Dere'ce. Chigorin Vaiii.iotr<br />

le4c6 2Qc2ae7 lb3li 4BblRr6 5 Bxr6Nxl6 6.5<br />

Nd7 7Qs1s6 8l.1Nc6 9N.lNb4 loKdlN.5 llQe2<br />

a6 l2a3N.6 llNr3h6 l.1d4Nd7 15Qc3Ner l6Bd3<br />

ci 17Nc2Rb7 l,i.lOc7 19Nduhs 20xe].J 2l bic4<br />

bxcl 22 Bc2 Bc6 2l Klzltbs 21 Rabl L{bl 25 Nxbt<br />

Qa5 26 Oc1 N})6 2? Qb2 Kd7 28 Nd2 Kc7 29 Rbl<br />

Rb3 30QclBa4 rlts{a.1Nia4 32 Rxb8lrbs 3:lNfl<br />

Ob5 3.1Q.2 h6 35NclNc6 36Ke2Na? l7Kd2 Qa5 33<br />

Ne2 \b5 39 g4 Nb6 10 t5 sxl5 41 gif5 Oxal<br />


C{INESD CIIESS (Es,a,8.r'i), the mosl inPor<br />

tant regional variety ot<strong>chess</strong>. the modem lorn is<br />

hcrc descnbed. <strong>The</strong> mcn are moled on thc<br />

line'inreBecdons (I,oints) of a board that has nine<br />

6les.ndlcn ranks <strong>The</strong> sPace bctween lhe 6lth and<br />

sixth ranks is caled lhe river. Diagonal lines at<br />

each end ot the board deine the limils oI a<br />

nine'point <strong>to</strong>rrrcss. <strong>The</strong> men are shaped like<br />

draushtsmcn. ideniilied bY chara.ters on the tace<br />

and aoloured sreen (or blue) lor fte player who<br />

noves 66t and rcd lor hn opponcfll. (<strong>The</strong><br />

beautilullycarucd sets often lound in antique shops<br />

and tabellcd as Chinese scre made <strong>to</strong>r export.)<br />

Thc diagranshoss thc arayia desciiplion olthe<br />

men and the saY they nole follows.<br />

'Ihe seneral, depi.red as a king (K), is noved<br />

likeaw^zrRbur notpernitledlo lcavelhelortress.<br />

<strong>The</strong> counscllor (c), sooetnnes called a nan_<br />

dann, movcd like a ERs. also .ol Pemitlcd <strong>to</strong><br />

Thc clephanl (E), moved like a riL but cannot<br />

l.al or cros thc ri,er.<br />

rhe NAo (M).<br />

<strong>The</strong>cha or, depidedas arook(R)andmovedin<br />

Tbe sao (P), representing th€ ballina .nd<br />

sometioes called a canno.<br />

<strong>The</strong> sldier, depicled as a pawn, noleddncctly<br />

foMa.d one squarc al a tine or ahcrnatively<br />

side*ays (Lare'ally) after rosing the river.<br />

On th. tcnth rank the pasn may only molc<br />

Bli.k hasarhn *on alawn on the quccn\ sidc. bur hc<br />

su.cumbsro an atack on the orh<br />

&c6rxe6 llNelQI3 14Qg6Nc7 45Nc2Kc3 46Ngl4<br />

Qe7 17Oft6a5 13h4a4 49h5f ioNclNdT 51Q96<br />

NII 52Q83(d7 5lh6Ne8 slN.:Qhl 5iQfl+Qe7<br />

5rr Qh5 Qh7 57 Nb4Nc7 53QA5Qe7 59os8oh4 60<br />

Q37+Oe7 6lNhi.2 62Nf6+ K.8 63Qr.7al=Q 61<br />

OrIS+ Kb7 6i Nd7 Na6 66 N6+ Biack resignr_<br />

Thc pao Nas a 13th ccntury inventioni the ooves<br />

of the other ncn and of the early lndian che$nen<br />

bave nuch in comnon. lsec 'nsroRt<br />

or csas.)<br />

CHIGORIN DEFENCE, .19. an unusual way oI<br />

declinins the auErN's,cAMDU introduced <strong>by</strong> {rH!<br />

coRrN <strong>to</strong>wards thc end oi ttE 19rh c.ntury<br />


CT GORIN VARIATION. 24 in $e Ouecn-s Pasn<br />

Opening sonelines called thc RIcHr.R Variation<br />

and sonetimes named aftcr poNz,ANrwho analysed<br />

it h6ti 235, thc .Losr !^{^noN oI the sroLrAN<br />

DrtsrN.Ei 402 in the Spanish Opcning played<br />

sucessfully in $e sanc Durarchisonn, Nuren<br />

berg 1906a 660..H6oRrN singenious artackigai.sl<br />

thc FRENCH DE!EN.E. phyed <strong>by</strong> him in his match<br />

against r Mscs. 1893.<br />

Also 76in rhe s.MlsLAv DEIEN.Eolihe aUEEN-s<br />

oAMBr Declined, Iavoured <strong>by</strong> Chigorin in thc<br />

1890s. Black\ first sn rores conslitulc the coLLL<br />

sysrEM, r preparation for thc advance oI his king's

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