chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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Checknare is a unique charactcrislic. In other<br />

board games sAcRrFrc. is jnstilied o.ly if malerial<br />

*n be regained latcr; but i. <strong>chess</strong> any nuhber oI<br />

mcn may be sacrified, aI kinds ot advantage<br />

ceded.providedonlythatcheckmatenaybe giren.<br />

CEECK.ROOK (Pc6. shah-rukh). A@ording ro<br />

MURRAY rhis lcrm was used in 1he old gane 10<br />

announce ihat a nove both gave chcck and<br />

attacked a rook. <strong>The</strong> root was the nosl powerlul<br />

piece in the old ga6e and its caplure <strong>by</strong> a lesser<br />

man *as ollen decisive. as is usually rhe case with a<br />

rAMrLl cqEc( in the modemgane. IMUR is said <strong>to</strong><br />

ha,e give. check rook io a game $hen news<br />

adved olthe birthofason and the comPletion ot a<br />

new <strong>to</strong>sn <strong>by</strong> thc rive. J artes (syr Darya). Hc<br />

naned both hh sonand the rownShAh-rukh. This<br />

tale is fiom Herbeloas Bibliahaque Otientale,<br />

1697, in which the aurh.r says thal sh,h rukh<br />

means a check givcn <strong>by</strong> a rook.<br />


(1908 65). soviet player, compose., and analyst,<br />

International Mastcr (1950), I.ternadonal Judse<br />

olChe$ Composilions (1956), lnlemalional Ma$<br />

ter lor <strong>chess</strong> cnnposilions (1961), nusician and<br />

pianist. An activeplaycrin lhe 1930s, he achieled<br />

his besl tso <strong>to</strong>urnanent vicio.ies in 1936, bolh<br />

sharedr with L,strsrN in the Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship of the<br />

Trade Unions and with RAUZER at Leningrad.<br />

Chelhover played in th€ Lening.ad ch<strong>amp</strong>iotuhip<br />

seleral iincs, comiog third in 1932. equal nrsl in<br />

1937. and firsi in 19,19. In 1936 he rncd 10 lhe<br />

conposition otsmDrEsandin I959 published 70 of<br />

them <strong>to</strong>Aether qnh 14 ENDC^MES lron bn piay in<br />

Shakhnatate erya1i i okonch,nrra. He wrole the<br />

section on KNrcsr ENDrNcs i<br />

Prehensive endgame tearisc.<br />


- ). Soviet conposer spc.ializing in orthodox<br />

No- and rsEE MolERsi International Judge ol<br />

Che$ Conposiiions (l%5), Inlemarional Master<br />

for Cness compositions (1969). H€ won th€<br />

rwo-mover section ol trE icventh (1962 4), eighlb<br />

(1965 6), and ninth (1967 8) UssR Conposing<br />

Chanpionships. Trained as an engjnecr. hcsubsequcntly<br />

<strong>to</strong>ok a post as head oi the <strong>chess</strong> departnent<br />

cIItRoN. ANDR6 O89!1r80), French player,<br />

analyst. and mmposer, lnternational Judge of<br />

ches compositions (1957). Internarional Masler<br />

lor <strong>chess</strong> Conpositions (1959). <strong>chess</strong> ch<strong>amp</strong>ion of<br />

France in 1926, 1927, and 1929- he played lo. his<br />

count.t in the London Olympiad. 1927. In bis<br />

youth he noved <strong>to</strong> thc Swiss Alps od account oI<br />

Irail heallh and irom lhen begave6oslol his time<br />

ro s dy ol the game . He composcd both sr L Dtrs<br />

and pRoBLEMs but abovc alt he invesligated $e<br />

'Ibc second edition ot a IouF<br />

vorume trenlise t..b und Hdndbuch det Endrr,.le<br />

11969-?1), sas the culminario. ol many<br />

CHESSMEN 63<br />

yearJ work. His ain w6 io preseot all k.oM<br />

infomalion aboui rhe b6ic endgame iogether wilh<br />

a seleclion of tne besl sludies that lela1e <strong>to</strong> this<br />

phasc. He drew lrcb nany soutces and addedi<br />

sithout excessive 6odcsty, a considerable con<br />

tnbution ofhis os.. <strong>The</strong> work is essendal reading<br />

for srudents of the endgane.<br />

A composition <strong>by</strong> ChCrcn. Ftun e lll6tatian,<br />

1949. He was the lirsl lo dncover Fsitions i. the<br />

endgamcR+Pr. B+Pthatcould be won only if tbe<br />

rrn-MovE LAw were suspended.<br />

I Ra4 Bb2 2 Ra, Kb3 3 Rh7 Be5 I Kg2 Bc? 5 Rd?<br />

Be5 6 KB Kc3 7 R.7 Bh2 3 Ke4 Kd3 I IO5 Kc3 l0<br />

Ke6KA 1lRr7+Kcs lzRtl(s7 t3Rl3Bc1 14Ra/+<br />

K36 15 Rfl Bbz L6 Rg1+ Kh6 17 Kds Kh5 ls Rs2<br />

Bcl 19Rq3ft4 20RAlBh2 21Kc4Bes 22Kb3Bd6<br />

23 Rs6 BI3 21 Kc4 Kh5 - Rgs Be7 26 R32 Bd6 27<br />

xd5Bb4 23Rs3 Kh4 29Rb3Bf3 :10 Rf3 Be7 3t K€6<br />

Bc5 32RdBrS- rsRcltBs? 3,lKI5Bb2 :l5RdBKhs 36<br />

Rd6(r54 37 R{LrBd 33RdBb2 39RclBcl 41r Rel<br />

Bb2 1l REl Kh3 42 Kl4Kh2 43Rg4Kh3 44(AKh2<br />

45Rb4+Kr1 46Rh3Bd4 47 Ke2tsc5 4llft1Ks2 49<br />

Rd3 Kt2 5a Kc2Ke2 51RdBb1 52Rh3Bd6 53Xb3<br />

K.l2 5,1RI6 Bc5 55R.6Be? 56 Rc7 Bfll 5TRcaBel<br />

60 RaB (c2 61 R{a3.<br />

CtfiLS.S.B()ARD. see BoaRD.<br />

CHESS CLOCK. see oocx.<br />

CIiESSMEN, rhe picces and paNns. Manydecorative<br />

sets hav€ been nade shoNing ereat beanly,<br />

poweri or wit. Made for cercmonial or artislic<br />

pDrposes,lhey areoufside the mainnream oI <strong>chess</strong><br />

developdenl, al tnoDgh they provide alileinteresl<br />

Ior specialhts such as seMoND. Illustrations<br />

depicting <strong>chess</strong> beidg played havc. th.oughoul tbe<br />

centnries, sho*n only plain sets. othei lban in<br />

cqrNEs! ctsEss Nhcre all ofrhe men are tic same<br />

discshape (dhtinguished<strong>by</strong>ideogram, andsHer,<br />

scts have alsays used shapc ro differentiale rhe<br />

pieces. h is oflen said thal Muslin sels aic simplc<br />

because of religious objection lo thc naking ol<br />

inagcs of living crcatures, bul with the exception<br />

oflhe relatively recenthorsc's bead lor lhe knight<br />

this has alrays been lhc case with ordiniry playine<br />

sets. <strong>The</strong> mai. criteria have been simplicity of<br />

design and case of produclion. In 6orc rcc€nl<br />

ceniurics this has i.cluded rhe usc ol the lalhe.

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