chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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career was shon bul brilliant. He lefl a legacy of<br />

finegames. manyolthem sremming from cAMBrrs.<br />

which suited bis atlacking style. His 6Bt srrong<br />

lournadenr was Nureoberg 1896, rhen he *as<br />

brought in as a substitute lor BURN. Subsequently<br />

hc playcd in thrcc othcr major cvcrts: Budapcst<br />

1896, fiBl (+?:3-2) cqnal wirh.,ncoR'N (who<br />

wo. rhe play off) ahead oI p<br />

S.HLECHER, and r^RN.si Berlin 1897 (Sepr.<br />

Oct.), fist (+12=5 2) ahead of Janowsti,<br />

Schlechler, and Chiaorini Colosne 1898, se@nd<br />

cqualwith Cnieorin and W. .oHN after Burn ahead<br />

of ef,rNrrz, Schlcchle., and Jadowski. 'Ihrough<br />

out lhese yeais he sufiered from iuberculosis.<br />

which caused his ea(ly dcatn.<br />

?. w. seigeant, choro$ek's Canes ol ches<br />

(i919) contains 146 gamesi L. Bachmann, n"dail<br />

Chdloack(1930) h a colledion oI 101 ganes with<br />

Charcusk wal6rcdt tserlin 1397 Falkbccr CountcE<br />

I e4e5 2f4d5 lexdse4 4dlQxdl 5Qe2Nl6 6Nd2<br />

815 ,drc4tsxe4 3g4Be7 I Nxe4Nxc,1 loBrQas+<br />

ll Klt Nd6 12Bd2QM 13Rel N.a l1Be3c5 l5cl<br />

00 t6h,lNc6 t7h5Oc7 llt95Nb6 19ts€4lt 20 8.2<br />

mne's rhrear (Ne6+) G decisive. 11 23.. .4 24N36+<br />

andnow 24 ..rl3 258$601 21 hxg6andwhite<br />

6ales in four. 23 . . R, 24 Bifl 15 Qd3 Nd5<br />

26 s6 Black osigns.<br />


Atlack, a popnlar line in fte reNcE DEENCE<br />

origi.ared<strong>by</strong>Alhin in rhe 1890sand analysed a tcw<br />

yea$ later <strong>by</strong> the French play.r Eugine Chalard<br />

(1850 194). His anallBis may have influenced<br />

ArnxnrNE <strong>to</strong> rse this variation in 191,1- and i1 is<br />

somerimes called the Alekbine Attack.<br />

CSATRANG. rhc old PeBian {ord lor chcss<br />

d$ived fron the Sanskrit CSATRANGA. Fouowing<br />

the Islamic cotrquest of Pcnia 1638 51) chotung<br />

\ras Braduallysupersedcd bt lhe Arabic sHAnANr.<br />

CHA'[URANGA, the earliest.ncss preo.sor tbat<br />

can be clearly delined. lhe Sanskrn nane neans<br />

quadripartitc and Nas also used <strong>to</strong> descritre thc<br />

Indian army which bad lour divisionsi clcphanis,<br />

cavalrv, chano$, lnd inhn<strong>by</strong>. lbe'army same'<br />

with its analogous elephanis, hoses,chariots, and<br />

paNns had the sane nme. Tbe date of lhe game\<br />

onSin is u nown, but docunenrary eviden e<br />

exish from the beeinning ol the 7rh century.<br />

CIaims forearlier ac.ounts havc provcd mistaken.<br />

<strong>The</strong> nen were rajah (kins), manid (comsellor,<br />

a.es<strong>to</strong>r oi rhe FERS), eaja (elephanr,later called<br />

ril), asva (hose), rarha (cha.iot, l.ter called<br />

rook). and pcdati (inrantry o' pasnr. For a<br />

de$ription oilhe game see sH^ruNr, the Islamic<br />

veEion for which the.e is a grealer abundance of<br />

evidence. On ac@unt oi FoRBEs\ talse hail the<br />

anes<strong>to</strong>r of.raara,aa was oncc thought <strong>to</strong> be a<br />

form ol four-handed <strong>chess</strong>, no evidence oI which<br />

exisrs before lhe 111h century.<br />

CHECK! a mole thai atlacks a kingi<strong>to</strong>makesuch<br />

a move. If a player's king is aitacked he or his Ling<br />

is said <strong>to</strong> beincheck, and he 6usrgeloulolcbeck<br />

innediately. This nay be done in one ol tnrcc<br />

ways. Forcx<strong>amp</strong>le. aftcr I c4 e5 214 exf4 3Nl3<br />

Be7 4 Be2 Bh4+ While may capture the checking<br />

piece (5 Nxh4), imerPose one oI his men (s s3), or<br />

nove his ki.s (5 Kf1). Chect nay be given <strong>by</strong> a<br />

pinncd pie.e. A playcr nay not .asdc <strong>to</strong> get onl of<br />

check, nor may he play so that he leaves himself in<br />

check. <strong>The</strong> lwo kings can never occupy adjoining<br />

squares. lI a player cannot gel our ot check he is<br />

cncckmatcd, and rhegane is o,er. Uolil lheeady<br />

yea6 of the 20th century a player N6 expecr€d io<br />

announe a checki this was nandalory in sone<br />

codes ot laws bur is not required <strong>by</strong> ihe FrD! laws.<br />

Anothcr long-standing practicc. saying cneck <strong>to</strong><br />

the queen' when she Nas atlacked, was largely<br />

abandoned in tbe 19tb century. For an older<br />

cus<strong>to</strong>r see cn.c(-noox. rhcword.hc.k is dcriled<br />

from lhe Penian shth, meaning king.<br />

CSECXLFSS CISSS, or prohibilion <strong>chess</strong>, an<br />

unorthodor gane in which nenher player day<br />

check except <strong>to</strong> sive checkoate. Tbe consequence<br />

ollhis spccial rulc is that a playc, nay use his king<br />

6 an atiacking piece, p€rhaps advancing it lar i.io<br />

lhe eneny posilion. Also a kingmay guard a piee<br />

trom adistance <strong>by</strong>playingso thatilsapluie would<br />

give check. For problems a rArRy MAm is uually<br />

CIIECKMATE, or nate, a posnion in wbich .<br />

player k unable ro nrove his kingoulolchcckjro<br />

nake ihe move ihat brings abotrt such a position.<br />

<strong>The</strong> obled oI the gane is <strong>to</strong> cbeckmate one s<br />

opponenr, ..d when this happens the game ends.<br />

NDsnbsequent event, c.g. a plareas failure <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p<br />

his clocL, canalterlhisresull. AEording lo article<br />

11 oI the laws tbere is no olher way 10 win allhouAb<br />

playen oftcn rcsign bcforc lhey can bc ma1ed.<br />

However. in a competition the ARBTTER may awa.d<br />

viclory 10 a player if bis opponent exceeds tbe tine<br />

linilorotherwise infinAes tbe lars and rules. <strong>The</strong><br />

word is dcrivcd iro,n lhc Pcrsia. sords shih.<br />

meaning king, and mat. meaning helple$ or

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