chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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cibler ollhe 158 march and <strong>to</strong>urnanenlgamcs he<br />

had playcdsince his deteat <strong>by</strong> Tarrrsch in 1914 he<br />

hid losr onlvf.nr Hisnamc was knoM <strong>to</strong> nnlions<br />

who ha{j Iitrle or no knowle.lge ot <strong>chess</strong>, a<br />

disiinction sha.ed only <strong>by</strong> MoRpEy and FIs.HrR.<br />

Although unive^ally admircd. Capablanca * s<br />

nor especiauy liked <strong>by</strong> other playes, lron whom<br />

he seened 10 srand ai a dislane. <strong>The</strong> leading<br />

sinultaneors player of his line, hc visired many<br />

clubs<strong>to</strong> play hisganes. collecthhfee, and depai<br />

without s<strong>to</strong>pping <strong>to</strong> ralk <strong>to</strong> thc playeB as Lasker or<br />

Alekhinemighrbavedoae:nordid heofrendiscuss<br />

games pirh othcr m6le6. When not playine he<br />

prer.trcd iennE. bndge. rc^ding. or Lhe life of<br />

nlaybo,. He hal accrntcd challenees lrom boLh<br />

Rnt'indein ind NrMzowns.H. but neilher had bcefl<br />

able Io iaise thc srake monet, $10,000. In 1927,<br />

hosever, Capablanca and Atekhinc agreed lo a<br />

march. haing raised thc stakes <strong>by</strong> then joinr<br />

innuence in Aigentinar the narch <strong>to</strong>ok placc al<br />

Buenos Aiies rowards lhe end oi 1927. 1o almosl<br />

universal surprhe capablanca lost. +3=25 6.<br />

Ycas later Alekhine wrotc'l did nor believe I was<br />

superior ro hin. Perhaps the chiefreason fbr his<br />

deieal Nas thc overestimation oi his own poweE<br />

arisine oul of his oveNhclmine vic<strong>to</strong>ry in New<br />

Y.rk 1927 .nd his undcresiimalion of dine.<br />

Tbe years 1921j <strong>to</strong> l93l weie do1 hap lor<br />

Capahla.ca. His marnage qas ioundering, histitle<br />

losr. Based in Pans ior most ofthis time. he strove<br />

in vain for a relum match. He played in nine<br />

<strong>to</strong>um.menls, winning sia of tbem (including Berlin<br />

oc1. 1928, +5=7), bur lailing id 1No othcr major<br />

<strong>to</strong>urnaments: Bad Kissingcn 1928, second<br />

(+4=6 1) after BoeoljuboNr and Cansbad<br />

1929, second (+10:9 2) equal with snEN^NN<br />

afler Nimzowitsch. CaPablanca came second<br />

(+5=3 1) <strong>to</strong> Elw in a small <strong>to</strong>urnament al<br />

Hastings 193G1, and shorily afteh-ards these rvo<br />

net in 6atch play, Capablanca qinning +2=8. Hc<br />

then practically retired Iron fie eamc for mue<br />

In the sunner of 1934 he met Olga Chagodayev<br />

(nl. Choubaro!), an expatriate Rusian. Nho in<br />

1938 became his second wiiei and hc decided <strong>to</strong><br />

resume hisches carccr. Dhinclined <strong>to</strong> prePare, he<br />

lailed in 1wo iournaments: laking Iourth place at<br />

Hastings l9l1-5 and lourth (+7=10-2) after<br />

uo NNr(. !LoER,.nd Laskerar Moscov 1935.In<br />

1936, howerer, he madc a real effon, vinning<br />

(+8=10) the catceory l3 Mos<br />

point ahcad of Borvinnik. and scoring +7=6 llo<br />

iic with Borviflnik in fie caregory 14 Nottinehan<br />

iournament, .head ol Euse (then world ch.B<br />

pion),.rNtr. REsHrls(Y, Abnhine (Nhon hc<br />

dcfcated), and Flobr. But<strong>chess</strong>qas no lonAcr easy<br />

for hin; there were nore sorldclass players,lhe<br />

stud,y oi the openinAs (an idea Nbich Bould have<br />

appalled nnn) was beconing oi greater conscquencei<br />

a.d, woBe, he was sullcring f.om high<br />

A year or so laler he obtained a dilorce hoo his<br />

6rsl wiie whose fanilv s!@eeded in halinp<br />

Capablan.a playing at Msrgare. 1935<br />

Capab dn.a demoied tu rhe pn{ of Cumme(irl<br />

A'rx, h. he trr\ L,hl'ped for rhe nht ine lo d. a<br />

htlc work, *hich, sai.l hh second wiie, hc caried<br />

out cohciendolsly. Hall-wal throueh the great<br />

oI i938 hesuffcrcdaslighlstroke<br />

^!Rorournamenr ands.orcd only lour draws in lhe last selengamcs.<br />

rakin8 sevenrh placc out of eiSht contcsta.rs. IIis<br />

lasr serious gamcs vere at lhe Buenos Aies<br />

Oltmprnd lo1'r shen he plded hhr board fur rhe<br />

cuhrn Lr.r Ile Jt

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