chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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No-Movd conPose6 of his gene.ation. He<br />

retumed <strong>to</strong> Jakarta in 19?9 and <strong>to</strong>ok a post<br />

conerned witn planning a.d develoPment in the<br />

tirber i.dnstry. (See Broc(.)<br />

BY-PLAY, vanadons of a problcm solution tbat<br />

are not central ro rhe composcfs idea. (compare<br />

BYRNE, DONALD (1930-76), Anencan plate.,<br />

lnteirrational MNter (1962). He won thc Ssiss<br />

sJr{em US OPen Ch<strong>amp</strong>rumhip in lqsj an,l<br />

represenred h'( counrB rn rhree Olympiads (1462.<br />

196,{, 19681. Like his brother Roberl be was a<br />

DYRNE, ROBERI EUGENE (1928 ), InteF<br />

national Grandma$er 0961). A leadiae united<br />

Statcs player, he played in lh€ national cham<br />

pionship several limes. winning in 1960 and 6ming<br />

seond (+5=5+1) equal Mrh REssEvsxY afte.<br />

EscnrR in 1965. Byme played in manyOltmPiads<br />

from 1952, naking rbe best thnd-board score<br />

(9:6) at Leipzig in 194{. ToBards tbe end otlhc<br />

1960shegavcup hispositionasa collegelcdurer<strong>to</strong><br />

bccome a <strong>chess</strong> prolessional and soon achieved<br />

good resulls: US Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship. 1968, se@nd<br />

(+5=6) after EvANs ahead olReshevsky: MoscoN<br />

1971. catceory 14, a score of +3=12 2 <strong>to</strong> share<br />

cighth placei US Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship- 1972.Iitsi equal<br />

with h!^LE( and Reshe'sty. Byrnewon (+2=2)<br />

the play ofl lor thc nalional title in 1972 and thus<br />

quaiificd lor one ol the rso intezonal <strong>to</strong>urnamcnts<br />

ro be heldin 1973iselecred <strong>to</strong> play at Leningrad. a<br />

cateeory 12 elenl, hc scored +9=7 1 and c.6e<br />

rhird alterxoR.rrNor and kpov ahead olLAnsN.<br />


hL, and r{MANov. wilh this, hn best <strong>to</strong>u.nament<br />

a.hievenent. Byrnc became a oNDIDATE, but he<br />

losl the qnarr€rfinal narch againsl the exch<strong>amp</strong>ion<br />

sp^sso. His best results sincc the.<br />

were: Tonenolinos 1976, IiBr (+6=7)i Biel<br />

intezonal, 1976, catesory 12, fiftb (+6=11 2)i<br />

Baden-bei-Wien 1980, cateSoiy 12, fourtb<br />

(+4=10-1) equal with vacANyAx aftcr spassky.<br />

Pierzsch R Bymc Samjcvo 1967 French Delsncc,<br />

1c4c6 2d4d5 3NcrBb4.1e5Nc7 5alBx.3+ 6bid<br />

h6 7Qg4Ng6 8h.4hi 9Qd1Ba6 l0Bxa6Nia6 ltNB<br />

Odr 12a4Nb3 l3G0Nc6 l4Bs5Na5 r5Nd2Nc7 16<br />

BxcTOxeT r7erg6 tBoe2o{ 19Qa6c5 20NbrNc4<br />

2l a5 Racs 22 axb6 db6 23 tu2 Rc7 24 (]65 qd4 25<br />

%* '& ?H@<br />

7% ?H *r%<br />

7& Wt%r.<br />

uwnr."ffi. %,<br />

%aw %<br />

Wra% W ru<br />

H%,tw. w<br />

"rqt %. "%Hffi.<br />

25. ..95 26h45 Oxgs 2?Kh2I6 23I1Qg4 29c3Rg7<br />

BYRNE VARIATION, 265. a sound line against<br />

the N^rDoN vAEAroN ol rhc srcrLr^N D*a!.t<br />

nrmed alter R. E. BYR{E.

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