chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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donnah. like hi rival McDonDcll. {as buricd al<br />

M.D.nrell Bou onnin 47$ 8rm. (fili SaDe or the<br />

rounhmnch) L3l4 Bnh.t\openins.l'hilidorvrddioi<br />

I e4ci 2 Bc,1B.5 3c3 Qe7 l Nll d6 5008b6 6d4<br />

NI6 7Na3BE1 SNczNhdr 9Od3d5ll 10.xd5.1 ll<br />

Qd2 era 12 Rel Ne4 lil Ola 15 1a cxr g5 15 Oe3<br />

Ne5 16!b5+c6 17lxg4 (whiieshoulJhrrcvilhd {<br />

hisbnhop!oc2) 17 Nxgl 18Qc2crb5 l9r:1N316 20<br />

oxb5+ od7 2r ordT+ KrdT 22 fte4 Nrel<br />

Thn position occufcd in lhe gnde P.mar<br />

J Cuadras, Olot 1974. Whne hN tust played his<br />

king ru do uhcrc rt a o tlc uL^Di^Nrs !t Jl<br />

'r!n(<br />

tutrr hlrr nrsn\. Bl1!k c.nrinueJ.l2 . l.l attcr<br />

\ihich he cannot bc prcvented lrom qnccnine a<br />

Iasn Nhne playcd ,13 Kd5 h4 4'l Kxe413 '15<br />

gxf] h3 ,16 fxe,1 and soon resigncd<br />

ApA*Nu.Lbesins.2:1.4Ri.3 2,1.58d3 25 d6 14 26<br />

b1Rl 3 27Rrlh5 23Nal816 29Bb2s4 loNc4B 31<br />

Nc5+Bxe5 r2dxe5h4 33l{adlD+ lBlrkshouldh.!c<br />

idvanced his g.p u.) 31I(hl h:r :r5 Rd:l Rgs :16h5ql<br />

37 hxsS Rxgl l8 Rd4 Lesl 39 c6+ Kd3 10 R4dl??<br />

(whire \hould hav..aprftd rhcknighr ) 10 . h2 4l<br />

e7+ Kd? 42 c5+ bxc6 4l hxc6+ Kx6 44 es=Q+<br />

Rrc3 45 Kih2 Re6 16Rcl+Kb5.ra4+l(b.l 48Bc3+<br />

Rxdl 49 Rxcl (xcl 50d7Rd6 5l Kg2 RrdT 52Rcl+<br />

Kdl 53 (ll Kcl Whi(. rcsi8is<br />

BOURDONNAIS VARIATION, 242. a iinc lor<br />

Black in thc Si.ilian Dcfcncerhatwas plaredthrcc<br />

iimcs <strong>by</strong> Bou{DoNN^rs in bis lourth matcb against<br />

M.ToNNELL, 183'1. and was larei recomnended<strong>by</strong><br />

LdwENrsAr shose namc it somctimcs bca(<br />

(Comparc BolEn.Avsxr vaR,a,,oN, 247.) Also 662<br />

in the FiE\.H DEFENCE. reconmended as berter<br />

rhan 2 d4 <strong>by</strong> Bourdonnais in his book (1833)<br />

ahhough he later changed his opinion.<br />

BRADFORD ATTACK, 637, a vanalion oI the<br />

played <strong>by</strong> BucreurNE againn<br />

Lee ar thc Brldlord lournament 1881i lllack<br />

usually avoids thn altack <strong>by</strong> playing 6 . . . Nc6<br />

BREDE THEME! a probleB n.nauvr.: a checl<br />

lrom a bla.k piece is ans{.rcd <strong>by</strong> the sell pin otan<br />

nrbrposed piece shich, subsequently unpidned, is<br />

ieed lo nake rhe maring move<br />

Thc pioneer problen bt !h. Gcirnan composer<br />

Ferdinand JuliusBiede (1800-49). problemno. 16,<br />

Al ana.h fn. tt.u"de nn Schd.lspidl, Al<strong>to</strong>na,<br />

1844: I Ne2 B16+ 2 ad4 (a scll-pin)<br />

2 ... N-d5 3 Nc3+ (thc unpinning movg<br />

3 ... Nxd ,l Oc5 ID problens showing thh<br />

man@uu. (i. problenr ja.sona sfaregic devi.c')<br />

che.ks are oien answered <strong>by</strong> chc.ks, and it is<br />

sonetimes called the B rcdc c ross-check: but, as in<br />

tbis e{nple, a cros-.heck is nol a necesary<br />

BRADLEY BEACH vARlAftON, 12, a line lor<br />

Bla.k in lhe ENcL'sE opNrNG played <strong>by</strong> Alr(nrN.<br />

ag instBiSelowin a <strong>to</strong>urnlmc.latBradleyBeach,<br />

BREATTEROUGH, rbe penetration oI an<br />

app.rendy sell delendedposition- otieo <strong>by</strong>ncans<br />

ol sacri6.c. lsce Bro.xAD. and TARRASCH for<br />

ITREMEN VARTATION. ]3 in the tNcLIsg oPE!<br />

rNG, also knosn as the Carls Vanadon. (See<br />

BRENTANO DEIENCE. ,141, n dubious r.ply <strong>to</strong><br />

the s!1Nrss opENrNG darine from 1900 when<br />

Brenrano puhlishcd his analrsis in lhe Wi.,cr<br />

S.hdch.eitun$ 598, from the second edirion oI<br />

Bilguer's E^NrBUcq. 1852, and 6i0, the C<strong>amp</strong>bcll<br />

Variation, r*olinesid thc xrNc scA Bn Accepled.

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