chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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,16 BOT\INNI(<br />

Bolesl!vsky- BRo""sr.r\, and Smrslovi Groningen<br />

(Nethcnand, 1946 (+13=3 3) ahead of Euwe-<br />

Smyslov. N^rDoRF. and Boleslalskyiand Moscow<br />

19.17 (+8=6 1) ahead or Smrslov and ktRrs. In<br />

1945 Botvinrik had re.ewed negotiations pirh<br />

Alekhinc. which ended with Ihe laLt€is death in<br />

Mar. 1946. FIDE organizing a mlch <strong>to</strong>urnrocnt,<br />

'fhe IIague Nloscow 19,18, ro tilllh.vacanttitleof<br />

worlrl chanpion. Botvinnik aon decisively<br />

(+10=8 2) ahead olSmydov. Keres. Reshelsky,<br />

and EuNe. His sclcn successive wins in major<br />

lournamcnrsirom l94l ro 1948indic.re rhathesas<br />

thc Norldt best player in tbe 1940s. and it was hn<br />

misiortutre lhar the title olqorldch<strong>amp</strong>ion leu lo<br />

bid onl, !.wards thc end ofthe decade.<br />

tsotrinnik thcn <strong>to</strong>ok a brenl lron <strong>chess</strong> <strong>to</strong> eain<br />

his do.lonte oI technical science. ln 1951 he dreN<br />

a matcb wirh hn 0rst challcnger Bronstein<br />

(+5=14 5). lnd i. 195.1 he dreN with SDyslot<br />

(+7=10 ?), borh times retaining the titlc in<br />

accordaDce wilh FIDE nrles. M.anwhilc hc came<br />

6Er (+9=9 1) equal sith rArMANov in lhe USSR<br />

Chdnpionship ol 1952 and Mn lhe playoll<br />

(+2=l-l). At Moscow 1956 he camc liNt<br />

(+8=6 1) equal Nilh Smyslov: thn \ras Botlin<br />

dik\ only fi.st place in a major imernltion.l<br />

rournaDenr durinShis chanpionshit years Hc lost<br />

his rnle <strong>to</strong> Snyslov in 1957 and rcgaiEd il nr lhe<br />

rerum match of 1958 (+?=i1 5).loslit<strong>to</strong>ralin<br />

1959 and reeainedit lronbinin 1160 (+10=6 5).<br />

Iwo years late. he was deleaied <strong>by</strong> p.rRosyA\.<br />

Resentiul thatFIDE had abolishcdthe p vilegeol<br />

a rerurn march Botvinnik madeno alrenpt <strong>to</strong> enter<br />

the iists aeain. Belorehisrelirementiron competi<br />

tive <strong>chess</strong> in 1970 be competed in scvcral <strong>to</strong>uflra-<br />

nenN, achieving his besl resull, +6:9 and ashare<br />

ol list prize, al Wijk aan Zee 1969. Rclernng Io<br />

the tines qhen hc was ch<strong>amp</strong>ion Borvinnik<br />

descnbed hirNcll as fiBt anong equals: morc<br />

preciscly. he was one ot the bcst lour playen.<br />

Botvnrnik\ slyle sas characterized <strong>by</strong> good<br />

ruDaEMENr. lhorough adjournment an.lysis, cxcelle.l<br />

,NDcAv! technique, ind, sbovc all. b)<br />

lhorough preparadon. Ask.d nr 1947 vhy hesPenl<br />

so much lime nudyi.g cndgames thal rarely<br />

o.mrred. he repliedthat ifhe sere <strong>to</strong>bech<strong>amp</strong>ion<br />

he bad <strong>to</strong> be maste. of erery kind of cndeame.<br />

Ap.F lron, rhe up

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