chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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cur back his <strong>chess</strong> activiies. Hh NiIe. ,!. An<strong>to</strong>nia<br />

Ivanova (1931 )- Non the Bulganan womcn\<br />

Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship six dnes.<br />


En8lshpla]$adrvernrhe l85ns Ii l85l he$rore<br />

A P.n'tnrthn dttirnL'th. Stud\ dnd rru.dceol<br />

Cr;. an excenent gujde introdu;ine rhe Boije.<br />

Kiesentky G.nbil which at once becan. popular.<br />

in rhe samc year he *on the provincial<br />

concurrenlly sith the Llndon<br />

irternational lournament ,^t Manchester 185?, a<br />

kn..krn,t rvent hc camesecond <strong>to</strong> Ldw.NrrrAL<br />

he dres one eame oI lhe linal mat n aod then<br />

withdrew In 1858 Boden dclcated oEN in a<br />

natch (+7=2 3) and nc played nanr lriendly<br />

games with MoRpN, who declared him <strong>to</strong> bc ihe<br />

stronBest English playerr since STAUNIoN and<br />

BUC(E had rctned tbn judgcmcnt was Probrbly<br />

right Ako in 1858herestaricdthe <strong>chess</strong> colurn nr<br />

'Ire F,.ld, handing ovcr <strong>to</strong> DE VERE in 1872 l he<br />

colunE has continucd uninlerrptedly cvcr since.<br />

Besides cncs and his work as a railNay mnpiny<br />

enlloyee Boden iound time <strong>to</strong> beooe a compclenr<br />

am.teur paintcr anLt an ar! cnlic<br />


interesting line lirs1 plblhhcd in BoD.N\ P.?"/a,<br />

/,r/,drdi,n 1851. Afier ihe usual4. . . Nxc3 5<br />

dxd 16 White has alastin8butPerbapsinadequate<br />

attack lor his piwn. KESERrrzry had suggested the<br />

ganbn in 1848, but thc truc inven<strong>to</strong>. ma, have<br />

BODEN'S MATE, a nate Silen <strong>to</strong> a king on thc<br />

edge ol the board <strong>by</strong> lhe dossllre oftso bishops,<br />

sonelimcs preceded b! . quccn sacrilice. <strong>The</strong><br />

name stems fiod the lollowing lriendly gane.<br />

S.hnlde. Boden London,135:l Philidor Delence<br />

I e4 ei 2 NB d6 3.3 15 4 Bc4 Nt6 5 d4lx.4 6 drc5<br />

exl3 7crl6Qxr6 3gxBNc6 q14Bd? 10Bc3 4,10.0 l1<br />

N'i2 Re3 12O13 tsI5 13 0'0-0 d5 ll Bxdl Qxcl+ 15<br />

Bx.3 tsa3 marc.<br />

BODEN VARIATION, 5:15 in lhc p xrDoR DErtrNc..<br />

playcd <strong>by</strong> BoDEN againsr MoRpBy in 1858i<br />

4lR in ihe..rDFr DFFFN.F n) thespANrsH.pFNrNG<br />

given <strong>by</strong> Ruy 6pEz- played <strong>by</strong> srANLDy lgainsl<br />

Rousseau,4lh maich gamc, 1645. Bothlariations<br />

BOEY,JOSEF(1r3+ ).Belgianptaye..Interna'<br />

lional Masrer (1973), Inlernational Correspon<br />

dcnce <strong>chess</strong> Grandmasrer (1975). winnffor joint<br />

winncr of the national ovcFthe-board chdnPionship<br />

several ritues lrom 1959, he Played in scven<br />

Olympiads trom 195,1 lo 1974, on the last three<br />

occasions at fiBt board. Boe! s achievemenk in<br />

postal play inclnde a second plae aftcr EsrRrN in<br />

the 7lh World Correspondcncc Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship.<br />

1972 5<br />



(1889 1952). Intemational Gnndmasicr (1951),<br />

onc olthe *orld s besrsixplaycn in the 1920s. A<br />

Ukrainian, his name uses German spellin8: n is<br />

pronounccd BogolFbov. and neans Deloved ol<br />

God. Hesrudiedtheology, then agridltnr€,before<br />

indine his true c.tling as a.hcs professional. His<br />

careerbeganwnh minorsnccessesatKie!, nearhis<br />

birrhplae, in 1911, md al lhe t-6dz <strong>to</strong>urnamcnt,<br />

1912-l3. ln lwo Russian ch<strong>amp</strong>ioaships conlested<br />

ar St Pelersburg in 1911 and l914 he achieved only<br />

nodesrresufts, but he earned the Rlssian Mastcr<br />

dle <strong>by</strong> dclcating s^twE +5=2 3 at L6di, 1913.<br />

While be was playing in the Mannheim <strong>to</strong>urna<br />

ment in 191,1, thc Fnst World War hegan and he<br />

had the good fortune <strong>to</strong> be inlemcdi in a pleasanl<br />

area of rhe Black Foresl hc lound a pemanent<br />

nome, a wile, and a last resting place. One ol lhc<br />

few who substantially inproved hh playing<br />

sfengrh during the Nar, BogoltuboN son five oi<br />

the eight <strong>to</strong>u.nanenis arrangcd <strong>by</strong> and Io. lhe<br />

intcrnces. I. 1920 be woa a nalch againsl<br />

NrMzou$cs (+l 1) and lost narowly ro ruB'N-<br />

Bogoljubowt gealesl successcs came in the<br />

ycars 1922-9, although his results were erraticihe<br />

played in 17 slrong <strong>to</strong>uinamcnts. wi.nine eiSht Iirsl<br />

prizes but on nve occasions scoring les $an lfly<br />

per cenl His nnt importanl *ins {ere at PicSfany<br />

1922 (+13:4 l), ahead of AL.KH,NE. and at<br />

Carlsbad 1923, when he shared lhe pnze with<br />

Alekhine (borh rcorcd +9=5 3) and MAR6czY.<br />

Still a Sovict citizen. Bogoljubos cntcrcd the<br />

USSR Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship in 1924 andwon <strong>by</strong> a margin<br />

oiiwo and a halipoinls. AtBreslau in the <strong>to</strong>Uowine<br />

vear he won thc Gernan Open Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship<br />

(+9: l- 1) ahead olRubinslein and Nimzowitsch,<br />

and thus became the onlyplaycr<strong>to</strong> hold lhe Sovier<br />

and Gem.n chinpionships at the sane dne. He<br />

again won lhe USSR Chanpionship in 1915, and<br />

the great Moscow <strong>to</strong>urnamenl (aboulcategory 1l)<br />

prodnccd his finest<br />

at thc end ol th€ lear<br />

achielenent: lisr prizc (+13=5 2) dbead of<br />


His vigorous and ingenious stylc was in con'<br />

Iormiry wnh Soliet ideah. but after winning<br />

(+6=2 1) the Berlin <strong>to</strong>urnament oI1926he lailed<br />

roreturn ro thc USSR and was a4ounteda trai<strong>to</strong>r.<br />

(Tscnty-6ve years alter his dealh hc was tehabili'<br />

tated .) After beominA a Ccrman citizen in 192?<br />

he won sever.lslronglournaments: Bad Hombuig<br />

1927 (+5:4-1), Berlin sepr. 1928 (+?:3-l),<br />

and Bad Knsingen 1928 (+6=,1 1) ahead oI<br />

Capablanca, Rubinstein. and LU{E. Tbese succes<br />

ses encouragcd him lo challenge Alekhi.c for the<br />

worldiirle (1929). atuj alrhough in hisp.imehewas<br />

outclassed (+5=9 1l)1 his TNDGAiIE lechnique<br />

was noticeably bclos world chanpionship stan-<br />

Alter this deleit Boaoliuhow<br />

Ieser. He cane a poor sccond (+12=6 8) <strong>to</strong><br />

Alelhine in rhe grcal Bled <strong>to</strong>urnamedr ol 1931,<br />

a.d Non lhc Gcrman Chanpionship. then stroneer

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