chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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Dr!\cnnnathe,d\mlcottr/hte!lpuM)t4NezBe7 15 i)LlNsr rh Nrd4 (brockode br r lflgiru lb Br7 1] OONba4 13Ratl h5(Eophylaxis) 19b6Nxd3 20*dl iwawt w wrz&', "Wlf.ffi '%'ffiw W*nffi w wdw IHW 'WH i v& w It I rs q{5 , Nr4 h4 2l Ral ae? 24 Rxic Blaa 5 !bL erl l7 NlJ3LrdS 23Bc5 Rcx 2gBxcTKier 30Qc3Rc6 3lQg5+Kfl 32 RclRx.1+ 33QxclRc3 31Qelh3 35gxh:l Rgs+ 36 Kl2 a4 :r7 Qb4 Rg6 13 Kf] a3 39 Qxal Rx66 '10 Qc5 Rc6 4r Oc? Kc7 42 Kl4 b6 43 h4 Rc6 44 QbS Re3 45 Kxr5 Rh6 46Qc7+ KJ3 4?Qd8bJ '13c6 Rhr 49(e5 b4 50 Qd6+ BIack rcsigns. BLOCKADE VARIATION. 22 in lhe BEroN' BI-OCKED CDNTRE. one in shich sone of the pawns io rhe.FNrkL zoNEdrc blockedqo rhat thev h:!e h e orno mub rt! lo breal rhr.ulhsuch c cnlre may be JrflrculL;r rmPo(q'hle, anJ arlr!k\ lik.lL h'he drccted tu*ird\oneorborh llanks. "rp Sce srdcrqon tor one kind of blocked centrel anothe.6ay arhe lron a double stoneaau lorna tion as in the lollowing game. Petov Gmn srh Olymprad. Bucnos anes 1939 Queen: Gambn Declined 1d4di 2NBBi5 3c4e6 4QblNc6 5Bd2Rhs 6e3 a6 I Bd3 Bxdl 3 Oi3 Nb4 9 Bxb4 Brb4+ l0 Nbd2 Nl6 llG000 12.5Bxd2 13N;d2c6 1414Nd? 15b4 BLUNDER 39 BLOCKED PAWN, a pawn that cannot be advanced beause it is obstructed by an eneny picce orpawn. NrMzowrrscE mote that a blocked paM has a lLsl to expand'. He obseFcd ihat a player oltcn advances such a pawn adlaniageo$ty shea the obstructing naf, is removed; thn hapPers because his opponent, lollowing a natural 1ende.- cy, has aranged hh piecesonlhe assumplio.that the pawn is rooled 10 ils post. and they becone misplaced when fte pawn is moved. BLOCI(-IIIRIAT. see BLoc(. BLUMENFELD COIINTER_GAMBrI, 170, an invenrion of lhe Rusia. masrer Beniamin Marko vich Blumenteld (188+1947) that was launchcd riumDhdntlv in maslerrhess by {LEMN! again{ r^elc r\ihrer at PE{r.anr Lq22 and was pla}ed a fes days ialer in the gane KostiaMar6czy, Westo.{uper-Mare 1922. BLUMENFELD VARTAIION, 169, a line that mipht lead to the MoDIRN E.NoNI or the lTl,siaddardPlaYi. the MEMN vARr^rbN tion the Sane Blunenfeld A. Rabinovich, Moscow chanpionship. 1924 5i 51?. a disqediled lariadon in thc s.orcE GAM! introduced by Blnmenfeld in 1904 BLUNDER, a bad move. usualy a decisive edori but shelher a dccisive enor is callcd a blunder JeDend!on hos ditfr.ullrtis rodere(, antl rhh mav dei'end upon lhe (rcneth of rhe PlaveK For example, in rhe game given under co-oPEernN Whnes 20tn move, although probably decisive, Nould hardly be called a blunder, eyen by experts ln thc following gane itom another World Cham_ pionship nalch the playeB qould consider tbat tbree consecutive blmdes wete made, bul rhey nighr nor be so called by lesscr platers. alelnin+Euwe l6rh march gan., 19:17 Calalan Opcn' Ld4Nr6 2c4e6 3g:ld5 4 Bg2dx.4 5Qa4+Nnd? 6 Nc3 c5 7NBa6 300Be7 9dxc5Brc5 t0Qxc.lb5 Oh,lBbT 1289500 l3R.d1Qc7 14RdOb6? 15b1 Bc7 16 Rfdl Bc6 17 Bc3 Qb7 13 Rxdr BrdT 19N35 Qh3 20tsxa3 QxaS 21 NxhT RcB , Ng5 Rc4 zrNce4 tucl+ :1Bxd Qd5 25 Nc3 Qct 16a4O.7 17 Rfcl Ra3 l3b5 Rlbll 19NI3.ib:20axb5 Qd3 21b5Rx!l 22Rxalh6 23Ra7(fl 21oe2g6 2i Nd2 Nf6 26Nb3Ke3::7Na5Q..q 28OrNd7 29 Qf2 Nf6 30 Qh4 Ng3 31 e4 Kfl l2 c5 h5 33 Qf2 KeB l4 Q.2 Ne? :r5 NxbT RxbT 36 RrbT Bhck resisrs. ll 16

,IO BOARD Thc blundcs now bogin On borh his 26rh and 27th noves wiite courd hale *on hy Qh3+ fonovcd hy a F^MrLy Bd6 .nk(, {hile tslack ould have played 26 picvcnling rhis.onbimlion. 26 Bb2? 8.6? 27 13? Bd6 23€3O15 29c,lQg6 30BNd7 ll Nh3l6 32NI4O1f 33 Qg4Ne5 34Qxe6NxB+ 35Kf2ore6 36Nrc6Nd2 37 :]q K.l Bh? ,m Nf5 Bc7 41 Bd4 Kfl 42 Br5 KE6 43 Bd6 Bda 44 Nd4 Bd5 45 h3 Bb6 468c5 Bc7 47Ne2Bc4 {Nr4+Kfl 49h1C5 50 h:g5t\95 51Nt3KI6 52 Nt2 KI5 5394+Ke6 54Nh3 Kf6 55 Bd4+ X36 56 Ke4 Bft 57 Nf2 Be2+ 53 K,l3 Bd5 sgNdtBB 60NtBl4 61Be3Bg3 62Kd4!b3 63 Kd3 Be5 Bd,l BI4 65 Bc3 Drd*n BOARD or chcss-board. a squarc board of 64 alternalely colonred snaller squares in eighl rows of eieht. Al the beginning oI a game rhe hen are ar.nged on lhe squares of the boardin thenannei shown under ARRAY. The two playcs sil on opposite sidesofthe boa.d. This is sei so lhal each has a light-coloured comer square oD the nght hand side, a onven(on dating irom nedieval times and endosed by DAMTANo. Whitc\ quccn sia sona lighisqua.e, Blackt onadarksquare, the 'qu een on her colour' as beginners are told. II theboardis plaedotheoise andthis isdiscovered a game then the position reach€d mDsi be reset on . corecdy plt@d board and the game 'rhe board uscd in asHripaDA, 8 x 8 squares, was u*d in lbe earliesl foms oI chess. TIE Chinese and (oreans place ften pieces on intersecrions, i. effed a 10 x 9 boa.d. and rhe Japanese play on a 9 x 9 board i but in alnost every other country the 8 x 8 board rehained slandard throughoul rhe enrunes. For a long rime the squares were nor dilferentialed by colour. The chequered board with its distinctile lieht and dark squares ras a European innovation dadng lron at leasr lbe llth centtrry. Chequcring may havebeen uselul lor the counting boards of the No.mafl cxchcqueB- and is cerminly helptul to Players olthe moder. gamc in which linc-pieces (O, B) are noved diaeonauy. BOARDGAMES, thc gcncral grouplowhich che$ belones. Such ganes have been played lor at leasl ,1,000 years but n is impossible to gues lron illushalions a.d litelary refercnces how thc earlio Camcs wcrc played. In,4 t/irtory of Board-8aft6 other thon ch*s (t952.) H. t . R MURMY ideniified five categones: .lignment and conngumtion (e.g derels), nunt (c.s. fox and eee*), race (e.g. backsamnon), madcala, and war g.mes. He subdivided this lasl ategory: baltle gamcs (c.g. .hes), reftitory games (e.e. so), dcarancc eames (e g, solitairc), aod blockadeganes. The study oI che$ and other early g.nes is hanpered by tbe terdency of uninJorned obseNes 10 describe as 'che$ an! board sane rhal looks difficult. &. C. Bell, Boa l antl Table aduer (l{o !ols., 1 0 9)t oll Board Gatu* (1971). BOBO|SOV, MILKO GEORGIEV (1931 ), a universny sporls lecturer and the tust Bulgari.n plalei 10 becone a n ln ternalio nal Grandm asler, a titl. hc gaincd in 1961. His bcsi lournamcnl achievemeniswere at PCcs 1964when he caoe66l (+6=9) equal with crpsl6 i BeleNijk 1965. a third place (+5=10) dter GDT.LER and ponnscH. and Moscos 1967, category 13. a second plac (+3=14) equal h Gipslis, sMrslov, atrd ru ailer sErN ahead ot pEmosyAN and spAssn. l. 1972. not longafterplayine in hhcighth Olympiad. Bobolsov suffered a si.oke, and he subseque.tly Wall paintins lrom an Esrrian tomb .20m B. B AC Hnelalafl pices: A, B- td picccs lound d w.idnston, Lancashner c. bone piecc from woodpcdr,. oxlodshne

Dr!\cnnnathe,d\mlcottr/hte!lpuM)t4NezBe7 15<br />

i)LlNsr rh Nrd4 (brockode br r lflgiru lb Br7 1]<br />

OONba4 13Ratl h5(Eophylaxis) 19b6Nxd3 20*dl<br />

iwawt<br />

w wrz&',<br />

"Wlf.ffi<br />

'%'ffiw<br />

W*nffi<br />

w wdw<br />

IHW 'WH<br />

i<br />

v&<br />

w<br />

It<br />

I rs q{5 , Nr4 h4 2l Ral ae? 24 Rxic Blaa 5<br />

!bL erl l7 NlJ3LrdS<br />

23Bc5 Rcx 2gBxcTKier 30Qc3Rc6 3lQg5+Kfl 32<br />

RclRx.1+ 33QxclRc3 31Qelh3 35gxh:l Rgs+ 36<br />

Kl2 a4 :r7 Qb4 Rg6 13 Kf] a3 39 Qxal Rx66 '10 Qc5<br />

Rc6 4r Oc? Kc7 42 Kl4 b6 43 h4 Rc6 44 QbS Re3 45<br />

Kxr5 Rh6 46Qc7+ KJ3 4?Qd8bJ '13c6 Rhr 49(e5<br />

b4 50 Qd6+ BIack rcsigns.<br />

BLOCKADE VARIATION. 22 in lhe BEroN'<br />

BI-OCKED CDNTRE. one in shich sone of the<br />

pawns io rhe.FNrkL zoNEdrc blockedqo rhat thev<br />

h:!e h e orno mub rt! lo breal rhr.ulhsuch c<br />

cnlre may be JrflrculL;r rmPo(q'hle, anJ arlr!k\<br />

lik.lL h'he drccted tu*ird\oneorborh llanks.<br />

"rp<br />

Sce srdcrqon <strong>to</strong>r one kind of blocked centrel<br />

anothe.6ay arhe lron a double s<strong>to</strong>neaau lorna<br />

tion as in the lollowing game.<br />

Pe<strong>to</strong>v Gmn srh Olymprad. Bucnos anes 1939<br />

Queen: Gambn Declined<br />

1d4di 2NBBi5 3c4e6 4QblNc6 5Bd2Rhs 6e3<br />

a6 I Bd3 Bxdl 3 Oi3 Nb4 9 Bxb4 Brb4+ l0 Nbd2<br />

Nl6 llG000 12.5Bxd2 13N;d2c6 1414Nd? 15b4<br />

BLUNDER 39<br />

BLOCKED PAWN, a pawn that cannot be<br />

advanced beause it is obstructed <strong>by</strong> an eneny<br />

picce orpawn. NrMzowrrscE mote that a blocked<br />

paM has a lLsl <strong>to</strong> expand'. He obseFcd ihat a<br />

player oltcn advances such a pawn adlaniageo$ty<br />

shea the obstructing naf, is removed; thn hapPers<br />

because his opponent, lollowing a natural 1ende.-<br />

cy, has aranged hh piecesonlhe assumplio.that<br />

the pawn is rooled 10 ils post. and they becone<br />

misplaced when fte pawn is moved.<br />

BLOCI(-IIIRIAT. see BLoc(.<br />


invenrion of lhe Rusia. masrer Beniamin Marko<br />

vich Blumenteld (188+1947) that was launchcd<br />

riumDhdntlv in maslerrhess <strong>by</strong> {LEMN! again{<br />

r^elc r\ihrer at PE{r.anr Lq22 and was pla}ed<br />

a fes days ialer in the gane KostiaMar6czy,<br />

Wes<strong>to</strong>.{uper-Mare 1922.<br />

BLUMENFELD VARTAIION, 169, a line that<br />

mipht lead <strong>to</strong> the MoDIRN E.NoNI or the<br />

lTl,siaddardPlaYi.<br />

the MEMN vARr^rbN tion the Sane Blunenfeld<br />

A. Rabinovich, Moscow chanpionship. 1924 5i<br />

51?. a disqediled lariadon in thc s.orcE GAM!<br />

introduced <strong>by</strong> Blnmenfeld in 1904<br />

BLUNDER, a bad move. usualy a decisive edori<br />

but shelher a dccisive enor is callcd a blunder<br />

JeDend!on hos ditfr.ullrtis rodere(, antl rhh mav<br />

dei'end upon lhe (rcneth of rhe PlaveK For<br />

ex<strong>amp</strong>le, in rhe game given under co-oPEernN<br />

Whnes 20tn move, although probably decisive,<br />

Nould hardly be called a blunder, eyen <strong>by</strong> experts<br />

ln thc following gane i<strong>to</strong>m another World Cham_<br />

pionship nalch the playeB qould consider tbat<br />

tbree consecutive blmdes wete made, bul rhey<br />

nighr nor be so called <strong>by</strong> lesscr platers.<br />

alelnin+Euwe l6rh march gan., 19:17 Calalan Opcn'<br />

Ld4Nr6 2c4e6 3g:ld5 4 Bg2dx.4 5Qa4+Nnd? 6<br />

Nc3 c5 7NBa6 300Be7 9dxc5Brc5 t0Qxc.lb5<br />

Oh,lBbT 1289500 l3R.d1Qc7 14RdOb6? 15b1<br />

Bc7 16 Rfdl Bc6 17 Bc3 Qb7 13 Rxdr BrdT 19N35<br />

Qh3 20tsxa3 QxaS 21 NxhT RcB , Ng5 Rc4 zrNce4<br />

tucl+ :1Bxd Qd5 25 Nc3 Qct<br />

16a4O.7 17 Rfcl Ra3 l3b5 Rlbll 19NI3.ib:20axb5<br />

Qd3 21b5Rx!l 22Rxalh6 23Ra7(fl 21oe2g6 2i<br />

Nd2 Nf6 26Nb3Ke3::7Na5Q..q 28OrNd7 29 Qf2<br />

Nf6 30 Qh4 Ng3 31 e4 Kfl l2 c5 h5 33 Qf2 KeB l4<br />

Q.2 Ne? :r5 NxbT RxbT 36 RrbT Bhck resisrs. ll 16

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