chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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32 BIRD<br />

cNz'E; Manchester 1890, third prize shared witt<br />

Mackenzi. alter rARMscs and BLAcsuNL. He<br />

also played in numerous minor loumamen$j<br />

notably lying wnh clNsBERc lor 6rt prizc at<br />

London 1889. His most inportant match was<br />

against stlNrrz in 1866for the list lo win eleven<br />

ganes. He was adjudged thc loser when he was<br />

called <strong>to</strong> ihe USAon bNiness, the scorc slanding<br />

+5=5-7 i. lavour of bn opponeni. This sas a<br />

creditable rcsult in the circuBshnces. for he<br />

played each Aame after a dayt work. (Steinitz,<br />

however, N6 not s strong a player as he later<br />

becane.) In 1886 Bird drew a Datch with B0RN<br />

(+9 9). One oI lhe host itrsenious raciicians of his<br />

timc, Bird played in the !tlacting slyte prevalenr in<br />

his yo uth. He usu a lly chose openinSs that *ere regarded<br />

6 bizare, allhough nany ofthen, e.B. the<br />

Dragon Yariation, hale since gained acceprance,<br />

Bird was probably the besl known and longest<br />

seriag habitu€ ol the t ndon coF.trD-Eoustr<br />

known as Simpson's Divan. A rosy-cneeked,<br />

blue-eyed, Iair-headed boy , he n6l aitended<br />

arcund 1846 and was a co61an1 visiior <strong>to</strong>r more<br />

tnan 50 years, alter which ne was dcscdbed as<br />

'naj esric in stattrre, in girlh, in the baldrcss oI his<br />

grealhead, le$ majesticin thelitterol<strong>to</strong>baco'ash<br />

upo, hh waisrcoat . . , with a pleasanr sniline<br />

omtenancei. He suffered from goui shich eve.<br />

tually so incapacitaied hin lhai he was largely<br />

co.fif,ed 10 his home for the last yeas of his life.<br />

Besides wdting booHets on .aitway Iinance he<br />

wrole several books on <strong>chess</strong>. <strong>The</strong>v a.e noi withoul<br />

inreresl althotrgh the mnlent is so:netines ina(urare<br />

and often disrganized. And s Mo.lern <strong>Chess</strong><br />

and <strong>chess</strong> Mdsterpi.ce! (taa7) coniai.s more than<br />

200 ganes, about halt of theh bis own. Cr.rr<br />

His<strong>to</strong>rf und Reminiscences (1893) conrai.s an<br />

a.@un<strong>to</strong>lcontemporaryplayem and <strong>chess</strong> aflairs.<br />

Bnl M,rcn Ncv York rs76 French Dei.id Fx<br />

1c,l e6 2 d,l d5 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 cxd5 exds 5 Na Bd6 6<br />

Bd3G0 7n-0h6 SRer Nc6 9Nb5Bb4 10c3Ba5 l1<br />

Na3 Bg4 l2 Nc2 Qd7 13 M ts66 11h3 Bh5 15 Ne3<br />

Rtc3 16 b5 Ne7 r7 94896 13 Nc5 Qca 19 a4c6 20<br />

b(6 bxc6 21 Ba3 Ne4 22 Qd Ng5 2l BxcT Itie? 2,1<br />

Bxg6lxg6 25Qxg6Nxh3+ 26Kh2Nf.4 2rQf5Nc6 23<br />

*mm<br />

rytw^w<br />

"wLWgw<br />

m<br />

'&&, w wtw<br />

frmwwt<br />

wr&w<br />

uw%w<br />

29a5 Bn5 30Ria5 RI3 31Ra6Rf,l5<br />

Nr4Q.a 34Nlc6Re3 35 Nxc6Qc?+<br />

33<br />

Rc3 Od2 Ir,g2 Oxda 39f68xl6 40Rxr6Ne6,11Rs3<br />

Ng5 ,12 Nc4 Kg7 43 Nl,l Qe4+ 44 Kh2 Nh7 45 Nh5+<br />

KI3,l6Rlh6()c2 47Nbf6Re7 43 Kg2 ,i4 ,t9 Nc5 Qo3<br />

50 Ng6+ Blrcl Esigns. For thh E.ne tsnd *as awardcn<br />

BIRD AIlACr, 484, vdiation in the nA!^N<br />

opENrN( strongly advocatd <strong>by</strong> sr^MMA and noless<br />

s<strong>to</strong>ngly <strong>by</strong> BND. In May 1843 sArNr AMNr played<br />

i1 agaisl srAUNroN in then 6st match .dd 6ve<br />

yea6 later Bird adopled fte variation. playing it in<br />

may iour.ameols, notably with lair snacss a1<br />

Vien.a i882, Lo.don 1883, and Nuredberg 1883.<br />

BIRD DEFENCE, 421, reply <strong>to</strong> the srNrss<br />

oENrNc gilen in the list edilion oI Bilguer\<br />

oaNDBUcH, 18,13. Pionecred <strong>by</strong> BrRoi e.g. against<br />

ANDERSSEN in 1854, and med on occasion <strong>by</strong><br />

grandm.sleB su.h as rA*Mscs, sflELuNN, and<br />

spAsso. this deferce has not gai.ed widc aceptancc.<br />

(scc<br />

'-F!Ar-r.'s<br />

rRAP.)<br />

BIRD OPENING, 693, someiimes caled th€ Dutch<br />

Altack <strong>by</strong> analogy with the Durcn DEFEN.E. lo<br />

I873, alter an absen@ ol six yea6 lrom cness. BIRD<br />

played a malcn Mrh wrsEx. 'Having fo.gotteo<br />

familiar openin8s, I comnerced adopling rBP lor<br />

nrst mo!e, and linding n bd <strong>to</strong> highly inreresring<br />

gamcs oul ofthe usual groove,l be€me parrial lo<br />

ir. Birdhadalsolorgoitentrnlamiliaropenings.lor<br />

I 14 (siven <strong>by</strong> LUC!N^) had been played <strong>by</strong><br />

rouRDoNNNs, MLLAMS, and others of that Period.<br />

Hoaever Bird\ consistent adoption of the move<br />

led <strong>to</strong> its bemming a slanda.d opening, allhough<br />

never poPular. (see BAUET.)<br />


American player, Inlcrnational Grmdnaster<br />

(1957). winner or the Us chanpionship in 1954<br />

andolthe Swiss systen US Open Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionships<br />

-of1950, 1956, and 1959, he played for his comtry<br />

in 6ve Ollmpiads from 1952 <strong>to</strong> 1972. His besl<br />

loumanent achievenenl was in the us cham<br />

pionship 1962-3. a s{ond pl.ce (+6=6-l) after<br />

rrs.!R. and hisbest<strong>to</strong>urnamentwinswereatNew<br />

York 1955, whcn hc and !!aNs came equal lirst<br />

aheadorREsHEvs(t, and ar Lone Pine 1973. a Swiss<br />

BIsfloP, a minor piece represented <strong>by</strong> the symbol<br />

B or the ngurine A . It is a line pi€ce that is<br />

moved on diagonals ofonc @lour and can neilher<br />

oEupy nor altack ihe 32 squares of lhe opposite<br />

colour. On an otherwise enpry board il controls an<br />

odd number of sqnares in the range 7 ro 13<br />

depending o. its posilio.. At ihe begi.ning ol tnc<br />

game While\ bishops sland on cl and fl, Black\<br />

on c8 aod 18. Those on c1 and 18 aie dark bisbops<br />

(rhey are moved on dark squarc, and the other<br />

lwo are light bishops. In descriptive nolalio.. and<br />

generally, the bishops on c1 and c8 a.e called<br />

queen! bishops hymbol:OB) and those on i1 and<br />

18 ki.s's bishops (symbol: KB),

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