chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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O pEN r N G lines givon o. the lollowing pages are included hecaN ihcy havc names. All najor openings<br />

and m6t major vanations have namesi so havc nany mimportant li.es oI play. Enfies lor atl tbe named<br />

lines lisled h€re wil be found in tnc main body oI the text.<br />

<strong>The</strong> openings are seque.cod <strong>by</strong> the letter and lhen the nunber oI the arival squa.es bur caslling (0-0 or<br />

G0-0) .o6es lasl. If differcnl metr .an be noved <strong>to</strong> the same squa.c on thc same move lhetr paM noves<br />

are given first and piece noles in alphabetical order (B, K, N, Q, R). vanatiotrs that @n ans from more<br />

tho ono sequence ot noves a.c usully given o yone.<br />

Abbrdi ims. A Att ct, C-A Countenitaclt, C'G Count€Fs.nbit, D D€fence, G Gdbit,<br />

O ODding, V Vrriation.

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