chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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Re6? Bb5<br />

Rd5? Be8<br />

<strong>The</strong>kelavoidsrhe secondaiyerroiolthctries.<br />

<strong>The</strong> rcsr ruy puv k unrcmarkable: l . Ra6or<br />

1...Od6 2Rf6il...gxh3 2Rg5ii ..e5 2<br />

R\e5;l Bd? 28b3. <strong>The</strong> poinl olrbeproblen<br />

lics in ihe rRy{L^!: eacb lr} n deieatcd b_rr onc<br />

move only, and each retutarioi difics <strong>to</strong>m lhe<br />

WIFISBADEN VARIAiION. 42 in the Sla! De<br />

fcncc played <strong>by</strong> BocouuBow in the third Cane ol<br />

hn ch<strong>amp</strong>ioosbip nalch with ALE(nINF in 1929<br />

<strong>The</strong> ftst six ganes o, this nal.h iook place in<br />

Wiesbade.. Ihis linc bccame the answer <strong>to</strong> the<br />

(RAISE^rh.K,40, when the cA<br />

41. went ont oftashion around 1c37.<br />

WILD MUZIO GAMBIT. 595, or Grecelollr<br />

Grmhir rn nns.und line in thc RNds cAMBrr<br />

Acc.tlcd firsi Cilcn <strong>by</strong> roLLRro and named on<br />

x..onni of n\ vnnent n,n,re lsee v.nNe vARrA<br />



GRsEAr.r. clainred lo be the lnst lo analyse and<br />

publih thh line and he naned it ai€r a <strong>to</strong>Nn in<br />

WILLEIIISON CANIDIT,5r9- inlhc krN{;'scA un<br />

Accetrcd, som.timcs called tbe Steinilz Ganbit<br />

lbecause oiits resemblance <strong>to</strong> 3i9) or lhe Polerio<br />

Gambit. Martin Willemson (1897 I 933) ol P:irnu;<br />

Es<strong>to</strong>nii- was a stiong coft.spondcn.. plarer and<br />

mnywellhave inspncd (.REs <strong>to</strong> tylhat activity. in<br />

qhich thcy olcrlapped<br />

WII,LiAMS, DLIJAII (1810 54). English playcr.<br />

A n,rlve of Rrisnn fr.m where hc cditcd onc of<br />

the earliest newspaper columns \Bath a d Chel<br />

tenhun Gq.et., 1840 6), \\titliams save uP hn job<br />

as an apothecary in 1844. noved ro London, and<br />

atiempred <strong>to</strong> eatu a living alchc$.I. ihe London<br />

inrcrnrlion,l lournamcnt ol 185i. a knock oul<br />

event. williams dcleated LoWENBL i. the fitrt<br />

round (+2 1) but lost <strong>to</strong> wn.r. h thc thnd and<br />

penullimate round (+ 3 -4). Hesasawarded third<br />

prize aft.r dcfcatins sr^uNroN (+.1=1 l). Hc<br />

admned Staun<strong>to</strong>n s play and like sev.ral ol hh<br />

co.tempora.ies adopred thc positional style of the<br />

English schooli but after lhis natch the mrsrer<br />

ncvcr foreave hh pupil. Willams played natches<br />

againn Lasenthalid 1851(+5=4 ?). noRwrrz in<br />

1852 (+s=9 3)_ aid nARRwrrz in 18s2 (=3 ?).<br />

ard he aganr lost <strong>to</strong> llarwitz in 1853. ln l85l<br />

WilliamsNon ahandicapmalchagainstSlann<strong>to</strong>n,<br />

who conceded a $ree gamc starti ol the ganes<br />

actuatly played williams won Iour, drew lhree, and<br />

losl six. when cholera broke ou1 i. I-ondon he<br />

posted a notice on his door .ffcirg Preventive<br />

medication iree. Suptlics had run oul when,<br />

leelingnnNell- helelthomcforthelasttinei seized<br />

vnh violent pain when in lhe Slraod he enrcrcd<br />

Charing Cros Hospnal wherc hc died ol the<br />

disease trvo ddvslater, l.alinehiswifeand children<br />

He srolc two books. Soutenn ol h. Bn\bl<br />

(n.$ cr"6 (1846) and Ho.ze Diranianae lL8s2).<br />

He also edited a chcss column ia <strong>The</strong> Field troln<br />

Jan. 1853, shcn the maganne sas ioundcd. unlil<br />


1920), Polish player, merchanl. Previously uDknown<br />

<strong>to</strong> player ol Nested Euiope hc dropred<br />

rrom rhe cloudi (rdwENrral) <strong>to</strong> share second<br />

prize rvnh srErNnT altcr xolrs.r in lhe laris<br />

burnlnenr 186?. For the next 15 yeais winaqcr<br />

srood among rhe world s best six or s.vcn playeE.<br />

Al Paris 1878 he cane n6t (+1,1=5-3) equal with<br />

7ri$nmRfuhead.lsr}.(uuRNr and M^c(ENz'E.<br />

but <strong>to</strong>ok second trize afte. a plat ofli al Berlin<br />

l88l he shared rhnd pnze with csrcoRrN allcr<br />

Blackbum€ and Zukerrorl; and al Vicnna I8E2,<br />

the srongesr <strong>to</strong>ur.amcnr hcld np io rhal time, he<br />

achicvcd hh e.eatesi succs, fi61 (+22=4 8)<br />

eqnat with Steinnz ahead oiBlackbnrnc. Ma.kcDzie.<br />

and Zukerlort (a play-offwas drawn, +l i).<br />

A busi.css man 6Br and <strong>chess</strong> player second,<br />

WinawerNas oien out of pr.crice, and ifler apoo,<br />

resnlt at L.ndon 1881 he decidcd 10 give uP<br />

conpeftile che$. a coursc ol action that *as<br />

delaycd for six weeks on a{ount ot a curious<br />

incident. In urge.t need oi i dentisr shilc on hh<br />

way <strong>to</strong> Vienna he slopped otl at Nurembcrg. whcrc<br />

a roum.nenr Nas lbour <strong>to</strong> hcgin. waylaid <strong>by</strong>the<br />

oiganizers whcn about <strong>to</strong> resume his joumey. he<br />

was persladed <strong>to</strong> play, and he won 6rst prizc<br />

(+i3=2 3l ahead ol Bhckburnc. After a lonE<br />

absencc hc rctmred<strong>to</strong> the <strong>chess</strong> scene in the 1890s<br />

<strong>to</strong> lind himsellourclassed <strong>by</strong> a younger gener.tion.<br />

In his games Winawer Bas often ldventurols (a<br />

'killorcure style,wrotcStcinitz). bnl hecouldalso<br />

play posilionally, as when he successlully expl.ited<br />

rhc wtvrlr tuxM^r1oN against botb NEUMANN and<br />

Sreinitz at Paris 1867. Like NrMzowrscn winawcr<br />

had a iondness Ior knighrs and oilc. triedunusual<br />

lines in tnc opcning, sonre ol which, scomed<strong>by</strong>hn<br />

contemporaries. were accePted lears later<br />

winaser zukenon Pa 1373 Four Knighb OFcning<br />

d3 Nxd5 7 exdj Nd4 3 Nxdl Brdl 9cl Bb6 l0 Os4<br />

0.0 l1lg516 l2ah6Qer 13d6qd6 1JB.4+KhB l5<br />

Eel15 l6Qe2Bo- l7 0.0.014 13Bd?h5 19Bd5Rb3<br />

20 d4 Bb6 21 Qc1 Ql6 22 h4 h4 2l h5 bxc3 2.1Bxc3

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