chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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WADE VARIATION, 75 in the oUEEN's cAMDr<br />

Dcclincd. Robcrl Graham Wade (1921 ) won<br />

the chanpionship ol his honeland, NeN Zealand,<br />

lhree tines be<strong>to</strong>re noving 10 England as a young<br />

nan. He woi tnc British ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship tMe,<br />

gaincd rhe Intenalional Master drle in 1950. and<br />

has been responsible ior rhe haining ol 6any<br />

Rd3 21 Radl Bf3 2 Rdl sJ 23 Bci ()96 2a Oxg6<br />

hxo6 2tRalb6 26Ma5 27bxa5bid 28dx.5Brc5 2q<br />

Ra'4 RfdT 30 Rc4 Bxf2 ll Rxc6 t{dl 32 Rcl RIc1 33<br />

Rxcl le3 34 Rrl g1 35 BxcT Rd2 36 a4 Ra2 37 Bb6<br />

Bd2:r3a6Rxa4 39a7Kfi 40Bd1Ra6 4lRalBa5 42<br />

WAGNER GAMBIT, 222, a o<br />

rNC vanalion naned alte. tbe Hanburg nastcr<br />

Heinnch wasner (188s 1959) *ho played it in a<br />

nalch agaiDsr Br.cR in 1924; 695, the sw6s<br />

GAMBT, naned atter Alcxander Wagner.<br />

WATTING MOVE, generaly any move thal carrics<br />

no lhreali specificaly such a movc in an e.dgame<br />

or siudy tbat is played with the objecl of LoslNc EE<br />

MoE and lhcrc<strong>by</strong> setring up a sauEzE or on<br />

occasion a zuczw^Nc. For sone endgame ex<strong>amp</strong>les<br />

see souEzE, EMPo-MovE (a wailing nove<br />

b, a pa{n), EMPo qaY,<br />

WAI-BRODr, CARL AUCUST (1871 1902),<br />

Geman player bom in Ansterdam. ranufacluF<br />

er. He learned rhe movcs wben he was len, ptayed<br />

at mastcr Ievel in 1890- and betweenlhenand 1898<br />

eniered abonr a dozen <strong>to</strong>urdanenh and played<br />

seleral natches. One of his besl acbicvementswas<br />

al Kiel1893 whcn hc camenrsl (+6 2)equalsith<br />

BARDELEES . bu t he had fair res ul ts in several o1h er<br />

srronS roumanents: Dresden 1892. a share of<br />

lourthprizei Leipzig 1894,equalfou hiardBerlin<br />

1897. seco (+11=6-2) aiier cs{ousE( ahead<br />

oIi^Nowsn, s.sccErER, and.sGo{N. ln match<br />

play Walbrodl delealed Bardelcbcn in 1892<br />

(+4=4). drcrwith s.HEvE in 1891(+4:2 4) and<br />

MrEsEs i. 1894 (+5=3 5), but lost <strong>to</strong> Janowsrj,<br />

u6!uir, and rAescs. walbrodr had undoubred<br />

1alen1, but lacked apptiution. F.om rhe<br />

early 1890s h€ suffered lrom tuberolosis ard he<br />

sougbt <strong>to</strong> enjoy lile Iully *hne he had 1ine,<br />

alegedly hasteniDg bis dealh <strong>by</strong> unruly li,ing'.<br />

Walbrc{t-Charousct B.rlin 1397 Four Knighrs Open<br />

1e4e5 2Nl3Nc6 3Nc3Nf6 4Bb5Bb4 50-00.0 6<br />

Nd5N:d5 7cid5.,4 3dxc6'lxc6 9Re2crB 10Bxflf5<br />

1ld4Bd6 l2Qd3Qhl lrerQl6 11.4ft rsc5Bh3 t6<br />

Bs2Bxs2 17ysg213+ 13KhlBc7 I9BI4R 20Qc4<br />

WALKER, GEORGE (1803 79), Eiglisn ches<br />

wnter and propagandist. Boln ove. his lather's<br />

bookshop in London he later becane a Busic<br />

publisherin parhersbip with his lather. Ata lime<br />

sben he was receiling od.ls ol a rook lrom LEwts<br />

he had tbe lenerity <strong>to</strong> cdit a <strong>chess</strong> mlumn in lhe<br />

aan.e, (i811-4) i tne 66t such colunn <strong>to</strong> appe.r in<br />

a periodical, it was, pe aps <strong>to</strong>rtunarely, shortlived.<br />

He lried his hand at composine problens,<br />

furh unnetuorable resultsi but nis play imp.oved.<br />

In the early l83G hc vas receiving odds oI pasn<br />

,nd move lrom MDoNNET. aftei whose death<br />

(1835) walker was, Ior a tew yeas. l-ondon\<br />

s<strong>to</strong>neest active player,<br />

Walkefs importance, however, lies in the nany<br />

othcr cont.ibutions he nade <strong>to</strong> the Aame. Hc<br />

founded <strong>chess</strong> clubs. notably the westminsicr ai<br />

Huttnan\ in 1831 aod thc Sl Geo.ge's at llanover<br />

Square in 1843. Fron 1835 <strong>to</strong> 1873 he ediled a<br />

coltrmn in A€llt a/e, a popllar Sunday papcr<br />

featuring sport dd s@nd!I. Many oI his contdbutions<br />

were pertunc<strong>to</strong>ry, bDt on occasion te *rote a1<br />

length of news, gossip, and personalilies in a<br />

.ollicking style sunabb for sucn a paper. As wilh<br />

manyolhis qitines he was mo.e enthusiastic thad<br />

accuratc. He edited Engiand\ fisl <strong>chess</strong> magazine<br />

<strong>The</strong> Philidotian (1837 8). Above all. Walker<br />

publisbed nany books at a low price: they sld<br />

widely and did much lo popuhnze the gane. <strong>The</strong><br />

third edition of his Nc, ?rea,n" (184i) Nas 6<br />

u*tuI a nanual as colld be bought at thc timc and<br />

its section on the EvANs cAMBrr was praised <strong>by</strong>

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