chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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2l h4f6 22h5Bif 23Os4Kh3 24Nh4 Nbl 25 Bxbl<br />

BxhS 26Ns6+ Ks3 27NI5 Qc7 23Bdr Rxar 2S Pqal<br />

l2 Bb6 Qb7 33 Rxc4 Nxc,l 34 Nh6+ g:n6 35 Nc7+<br />

(lf 36Qs3+L{c7 3?Qxh7+ Ke6 33 QibTNxh6 r9<br />

Qxb6l5 !1) Qxh5 Rd3 4l Qd5+ Kl6 .12 exls L{5 43<br />

Ql7+ Ke4 44 Qc7 Black ftsisns.<br />


Yugoslav player, Intcrnaiional Grandnaster<br />

(r973). He woo 66t prize (+8=6 1)atvrnjaaka<br />

Ba.ja 1973 and at Novi Sad 1975 (the national<br />

chanpionship in which k came ahead olclrcooa<br />

and uuuor ra), came semnd ar Novi sad 1976<br />

(+8=4-3), and sh ed Iist prize with w(a at<br />

Zemutr 1980. Velinirovia has an eye for brilliant<br />

conbinative play, ! characteristic thal has made<br />

bin a popularylayer. His nother, Jovdka<br />

Vchnnovia, s6 Yugost.via s lis! soman chan-<br />


DEFENCL. also caled the Yugosla! Variation.<br />

VENICE vARtAI ION. 88 in the auEEN s c^MBrr<br />

Declined lron tbe gane Taitakower Canal.<br />

Veni.e 1943 ,nd s.netines cal6a 1he Canal<br />

VIIRDONI (d.18q4), Italian Bbo. unusually.<br />

learned <strong>chess</strong> onlv in his middlc aec and ycr<br />

bccamc asnone playcr. Wirh three French playeE,<br />

Be,nard, Carlier, aDd Leger, he wroie Lar.<br />

thioique et pratique du jet des achecs (Patis.<br />

1775). Popularly known as rhe tiait det adateu6.<br />

the hook ran <strong>to</strong> lburcdilions. the lastiD 18?3. Aller<br />

pHn,DoR's dcath (179s) verdoni was engased <strong>to</strong><br />

takehisplaceatPanloe sclubilLondonand spenl<br />

rhe resi ot bis d rs in Enaland: SARRAT vas nis<br />

VERISOV VARIATION, 25 or 129 ir rhc aUEEN's<br />

! mkroFimagc of thc sPANrsH<br />

op.6"rNc. Othcr names are Betbeder or Levitzky<br />

Variaiion and Pansian Opening. Gavnl Niko<br />

l.levich Veresov (1912 79) playcdilh ihc 6nalol<br />

thc USSR ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship 1940. and subsequcntly.<br />

<strong>The</strong> variation had been played previously <strong>by</strong><br />

MARSULL Ggdinsr \rou, Monre C.do 1902).<br />

!.IDA 371<br />

BREYR, a.d raRrA(oER. <strong>The</strong> English playerJohn<br />

Herbert Whne (1880-1920), who favoured this<br />

opening. published whal may have been tbe lisr<br />

aflalysh in the firsl edition ol Mco (191l).<br />


1950), soviet player, International Masler 0950).<br />

He loot first pize ahead ol uocolruBow in the<br />

Odessa<strong>to</strong>ur.anent 19i0, andsubsequeotlyptayed<br />

in a nnmher ol national events. <strong>to</strong> reach his best<br />

lorn id the early 1920s. He so. the Moscow<br />

Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship in 1928, and cnlered rhe USSR<br />

Chanpionship 6re limcs lron 1924 <strong>to</strong> 1931.<br />

winning lhe litle in 1929. Verlinsky playcd in one<br />

inlernalional evenl, tbe strorg Moscos <strong>to</strong>urna<br />

menr oI 1925 (Non <strong>by</strong> Bosoljubo{). when he<br />

shared rwelilh place with luBINsrEtN and sPrEL'<br />

lrERSlON, a term used <strong>by</strong> composers <strong>to</strong> indicate<br />

rhal a composniod has been anended subsequent<br />

<strong>to</strong> its first publicatio.. (For e$rples of how this<br />

may be done see TNDAN IIEME and ruRroN<br />

VERTTCAL L[NE, a rn.E.<br />

\.!CENT, FRANCESCH 05tncentury). audoroi<br />

the list practical <strong>chess</strong> book 10 be pnnled.In 1.195<br />

hjs Catalan bool Librc dels tachs Portilis dels<br />

schnch\ en nonhre de 100 was pDblhbed in<br />

Valencia. A copy was tnosD 10 enst in tnc<br />

Bencdidine nonaslery ol Monlseriat, bur unforiunately<br />

the library Nas sclttercd <strong>by</strong> occuPying<br />

French boops iD 181i..nd no.opy is no{ known.<br />


(..1490 1566), poe!, writer. aod, rrom 1532,<br />

BishopofAlba.In 1513 oralitlle earlier he srote a<br />

Latin poem, in lhe style oi virgil, De Ludo<br />

'Scacchia ludui, pnnled ,i$1,<br />

anhout Vidas approval, in li25 (probably in<br />

Basle), and in a rcvhed fonn in 1527. Ii became<br />

videly adnired and copied-Sn Wnlan Jones\<br />

'Caissa'.<strong>to</strong>ieianple,Nasiospired<strong>by</strong>it.Somel50<br />

editions hale appearcd ol Nhich about half have<br />

been in translaiion. <strong>The</strong> poen is not a thinly<br />

disguised sernon, s nighl have been expecred<br />

lron such an erafted church,nan. bul a pacan<br />

accounl of an exciting gane oi <strong>chess</strong> between<br />

I1 wds played according <strong>to</strong> thc rhcn ncw rules.<br />

giving the pocm imNrlance <strong>to</strong> the <strong>chess</strong> hnlorian<br />

<strong>The</strong> best-knosn English version. Iornerly attri<br />

tnre,l h Oliver G.ld\miih has lhese lines:<br />

soon altrr lhn. th. hcNenlvvicror broushl<br />

Thc g.nc on eadh. and 6Et {hIr.li.ns ktr3ht.<br />

Fo. (asrhey \ayl tair Scxcdrn hc csp'ed<br />

Feedinghr cyAncb nr thc silveriide.<br />

(Sc..chn. lhc lolelied serird olrhc pln.c)<br />

And as \he iryd. <strong>to</strong>ok hq !o his cnbracc

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