chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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TtJR( 361 Thc Toik, displayed so as ro denonnrarc rhar no humrn agency pas inrolved Kempele.leave ro tour Europe with ihenachine. Ue visited Paris in 1773, London and Geflnany in 1774, and went on to Amsterdam. Alrhough delealed by psrlrDoR, his lalenled counrlban Berna.d. and lERDoNr thc android mainiained irs higb reputalion. Exhibitions were relatively few until alter Kenpelen s death in 180,1. In tbe Iollosing year Jonann Nepomuk Maelal bought the machine which he operated succesfnllynrst in Euope .nd trom 1826 in the USA. Shlrtly afte. Maelzel\ dealh in 1838 the Turk w.s placed in a Chinese muscum in Ptiladelphia where il was destroyed b, fire in 185,1. Tte apparalus consisted ol a life{ize 6eure snting at a desk a lirlle more than a melre wide. aboul80cm. high. ard about60cm. deep. On the lroni Bere ihree doors and ar the fooi a drawer running lhe length oI the dest. The procedue was to open adooron lhe let side then go 10 the back andopenadoorbehinditaDdshine a.andlcsothat sPectators could see through lbe nacbinery The rear was closed.lhe drawer.nd rhen tbe otber two doos on thc front were opened and anolherrear door behind ihe dght side lronl door was opcncd .nd a candle shown ar rbe back. Tbe inside olthe 6gurc $ as cxposcd while allthe lronl doorsandthe draae. were open. and the spc.tatD^ bclieled they were seeine all. Some educaled vicwcrs rhoughr th.rlheTu.keasa hueautonabn, otbeB rhar ir vas opcrated by remote @n1rol. Mosr scieniifi cally minded obseNers believed thcrc must be a man inside; bur hoN was he concealcd. how did he nake rhe moves. and how did beknowwhat was happening on the board? By 1790 rhere {ere akeadynorethan a dozcn booksdevoted solclyto solving the mystery. One author. BaronRachnilz. made a scale nodel which he rbought explained everything. He sas rigit in supposing thc Turk's arm was movcd by a panrographic device and near the mark on two olber seqets However. bis solurionBronglysupposed theoperalorlobe aboy or a dsart, an opinion sharcd by othe6.Illnstrations of Ra.hnilz's model are lreqnently given as beine ihose oIlheTurk.It was not nnlil1820 tb t Roberr Willis, rhena youngnan, pubtishedabook in which he analysed the Turk loeicallyanddeeply, snowing how a tul|-grown man could be concealed without detection. The nethod of signailing moves by nagnelically actualed leves had akeady been guessedsorharby 1820thewholc mcthodhadhecn by a.ombinaiion ofihree poeple. bui no one could be certain they were n8ht. In 1827 tNo youths looting trom a iooltop sas the operalor energe when Maetzel opcncd the chesr allcr a pcrlormance i then discovery, pubhhed in several papersj Nas regarded as an unNorlhy altenpt by Maelzello get puhlicity. In 1834 o.e ofthc lormcr opcrators. iroLREri sold the secret to a nagazine. This was ihe oilybelr.yalby an operalorandthe only aulhendc explanatio! publisicd during thc rachinc\ existcrcc. Curiously, the Tn.k\ repulation Nas unaffected by a[ rhese revelations, perhapsbecausenoslofthem sere in more or le$ In 1836 Edgar Allan Poe\ lamous dricle dppeared. Althousb ihe Tnrkt had bccn

364 TURTON DOUBLING nrst dodmed, then obsened, and finally revcaled by a forner opeiator Poe\ esay has been dediled wirh dis@very of the secret by dedndive logic. In fact P@ addod alno$ norhing new and tr6 wrong about much that was already knowni bul this line the publict belief in the Turk wd nrepeably Who operated the machirc duing Kedpelen\ liletine is not knoM. Among the operators after hk death were aLreMR, ALEhNDnEj Mouet, atrd his equally gitted @6pa1riol Boncoul, also wilhelm schlumberser (..1801-38) who ravelled to lhe USA tor this purpose dd Nas ptobably the st.ongest player there. Napoleon is laid lo have plaied the machine wilh Allgai€r inside and dere are varying aeounrs of the engaSenent. This dighl be true but the game olten published as arising lrom this encounler is spurious, lite the other two games supposedly played by Napoleon and published from tiBe to tine. A romanticized fiction based on the Turk develop.d after its d4lretion. For a play ,a Czar € perfotued in Paris in 1868 lhe i.nos Roberl-Houdin nade a ches machine wilh a dMny looking nore like a Europeatr ,r.hemisr rhin ^ -rdk A noieL Tne Turkirh Autoruton, by Sheila Braine was ptrblished in London in 1899. and ir 1926 a silearnld. Le Joueut d', appeared, lo be fonowed in 1938 by a Chades MicMel CaroU, Ire Cleat Chess Auto- Heny Tuton (1832-81) moved to Bnrton-o.- Trent where hc composed problens tu the early 185G and becane co-foundor of a chess club, 1854. subsequently he gave Dp conposing, neied, settled i. Derby. and pusued his career as a IWINS, lqo or nore compositions consisting ol almost idenrical positions but with distincrly dit tere.t $lulions. The dissimilarities ol the set positioN, hovever, should be slighl: the removal, addilion, or re positioning of one na., replacemenl oI of,e mar by another, or a shifi oI the whole position, intacli to another parl of the board. Cbnposs have somelim.s amNed themselves and solves trith progressive twi.s: position A h changed to position B which is in tum changed to positionC, atrd son. Each change is sligil but the l6t posnion oI a series may difier considerably %t%, w wtw wtffi www A w TURTON DOUBLING, a problem mmeuvre usmg hne-pieces: piece A ,s moved alonB a linc a$os( a square ro wh'ch piece B s moled. and piece B'is ften noled along the line away from piece 'A . The object of doubling (in thn or atry other way) is that o.e piee shall suppo.t the other. (comparo ZTPLER Do@LING.) w%7e ww wwru +3 Th. pio.e.r problem by Tunon, lldndkd London | 1856. I Bh8 (a.rn.^L nove) 1 . . b4 2 Og7 Ra8 3 Oxb2. Unfortu.ately there are @06: 1Og1+K, 2Bb4or1Bb4.(Theaddition of a white pawn at 82 or b6 vould nake a sound Born at Shipston-on-Stou. i. WaMickslrire, Too composirions by pRoKEs lhal *on 6Et pnze i. the Louma tourney for twin sludies, 1942. (Josef l,una. 1898-1955. was a Cach player and composer. ) In rhe 6Bt of the twins white wi.s by I e7+ IGeT 2 d6+ Ke8 3 g7 Rg8 ,l Kt6 RA+ 5 Kg5 Rs8 6 Kg6 Rtt 7 sxA=O+ Kxit 8 Kf6, whc. he has the ophsrroN. In the second lwin wh e ir sl, l r+ Kr{7 2e6+ KeR ih? Rh8 4 Kg6 Kds 5 l(87 Ke8 6 Kxh8 KI8. (For other examples s.e EELPMATE and zERo rcsmoN.) T1{ISS. RICHARD (1747 1821), English wdter who lr,velled 27 000 miles and nade 16 sea

TtJR( 361<br />

Thc Toik, displayed so as ro denonnrarc rhar no humrn agency pas inrolved<br />

Kempele.leave ro <strong>to</strong>ur Europe with ihenachine.<br />

Ue visited Paris in 1773, London and Geflnany in<br />

1774, and went on <strong>to</strong> Amsterdam. Alrhough<br />

delealed <strong>by</strong> psrlrDoR, his lalenled counrlban<br />

Berna.d. and lERDoNr thc android mainiained irs<br />

higb reputalion. Exhibitions were relatively few<br />

until alter Kenpelen s death in 180,1. In tbe<br />

Iollosing year Jonann Nepomuk Maelal bought<br />

the machine which he operated succesfnllynrst in<br />

Euope .nd trom 1826 in the USA. Shlrtly afte.<br />

Maelzel\ dealh in 1838 the Turk w.s placed in a<br />

Chinese muscum in Ptiladelphia where il was<br />

destroyed b, fire in 185,1.<br />

Tte apparalus consisted ol a life{ize 6eure<br />

snting at a desk a lirlle more than a melre wide.<br />

aboul80cm. high. ard about60cm. deep. On the<br />

lroni Bere ihree doors and ar the fooi a drawer<br />

running lhe length oI the dest. <strong>The</strong> procedue was<br />

<strong>to</strong> open adooron lhe let side then go 10 the back<br />

andopenadoorbehinditaDdshine a.andlcsothat<br />

sPecta<strong>to</strong>rs could see through lbe nacbinery <strong>The</strong><br />

rear was closed.lhe drawer.nd rhen tbe otber two<br />

doos on thc front were opened and anolherrear<br />

door behind ihe dght side lronl door was opcncd<br />

.nd a candle shown ar rbe back. Tbe inside olthe<br />

6gurc $ as cxposcd while allthe lronl doorsandthe<br />

draae. were open. and the spc.tatD^ bclieled<br />

they were seeine all. Some educaled vicwcrs<br />

rhoughr th.rlheTu.keasa hueau<strong>to</strong>nabn, otbeB<br />

rhar ir vas opcrated <strong>by</strong> remote @n1rol. Mosr<br />

scieniifi cally minded obseNers believed thcrc must<br />

be a man inside; bur hoN was he concealcd. how<br />

did he nake rhe moves. and how did beknowwhat<br />

was happening on the board? By 1790 rhere {ere<br />

akeadynorethan a dozcn booksdevoted solcly<strong>to</strong><br />

solving the mystery. One author. BaronRachnilz.<br />

made a scale nodel which he rbought explained<br />

everything. He sas rigit in supposing thc Turk's<br />

arm was movcd <strong>by</strong> a panrographic device and near<br />

the mark on two olber seqets However. bis<br />

solurionBronglysupposed theoperalorlobe aboy<br />

or a dsart, an opinion sharcd <strong>by</strong> othe6.Illnstrations<br />

of Ra.hnilz's model are lreqnently given as<br />

beine ihose oIlheTurk.It was not nnlil1820 tb t<br />

Roberr Willis, rhena youngnan, pubtishedabook<br />

in which he analysed the Turk loeicallyanddeeply,<br />

snowing how a tul|-grown man could be concealed<br />

without detection. <strong>The</strong> nethod of signailing moves<br />

<strong>by</strong> nagnelically actualed leves had akeady been<br />

guessedsorhar<strong>by</strong> 1820thewholc mcthodhadhecn<br /> <strong>by</strong> a.ombinaiion ofihree poeple. bui no<br />

one could be certain they were n8ht. In 1827 tNo<br />

youths looting trom a iool<strong>to</strong>p sas the operalor<br />

energe when Maetzel opcncd the chesr allcr a<br />

pcrlormance i then discovery, pubhhed in several<br />

papersj Nas regarded as an unNorlhy altenpt <strong>by</strong><br />

Maelzello get puhlicity. In 1834 o.e ofthc lormcr<br />

opcra<strong>to</strong>rs. iroLREri sold the secret <strong>to</strong> a nagazine.<br />

This was ihe oilybelr.yal<strong>by</strong> an operalorandthe<br />

only aulhendc explanatio! publisicd during thc<br />

rachinc\ existcrcc. Curiously, the Tn.k\ repulation<br />

Nas unaffected <strong>by</strong> a[ rhese revelations,<br />

perhapsbecausenoslofthem sere in more or le$<br />

In 1836 Edgar Allan Poe\ lamous dricle<br />

dppeared. Althousb ihe Tnrkt had bccn

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