chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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BELYAVSKY 27 xJ2 Bxg3+ is threatened. 33N12R36 34f4Bc6 35b5 NI5 ro QB N{gl 37 b1!6 hh l{ OLlt Nc4 lo N,e4 ohl+ 4trh.E Rrd+ ar Kel Rtrb2 \llriE resiPo'. BECTER DDFENCE, 623, yanalion in the (NG's cAMBrr Acceptcd .aned alter Alberl BEcrcR Bla.k may tra.spose to lines 603 5 whiieavoidine the ALr{ArEn and EESERITZKY cMrrs. 6llj, 6118. (compare lISctsER DEtslNc.) BEEN AND KOOMEN VARIATION, 87. sharP delene to the olEEN's cAMBn. .amed after lhe Ansterdam playen J. Been and W. KooFen and sometimes called the Dut h vanation. BEALTTY PRIZE, see B.n LAN.Y PRzr. BDEAVIOUR. Arliclc 19 oI the FIDE rules stales lhaL shrle d gamc m prcgre$ a BECKER, ALBERT (189G ), Anstnan bom 's Plryer is forhrl,l-n i. r.fer hwntren or DrinteJ nalerial. ro Dldyer. _rUl, lntcrnatioDdl Mcqter (1951). Al Cnrl\had discrss thc gane wirh or take ;dvie tron a lhnd tt. tr, tournamenr oI the vcar. he party, to andly\e oi another board. or lo dislr{t shared nfth pla@ wilh EUWE and qDMAR, beating h'< onponenr. The arbirer has aurhoritJ ro decide borh rhese grandmdleB as well as Do@uuBow vh,r .-nslitutes disiraction- and io the evenl of and MANIALL anong others. He won No T.e_ misbehaliour of any kind may inPose a penalty bitsch Menonal tournametrls at Vienna. comitr8 reaching as far as loss ol lhe game. ahead oi cailNrnr-D in 193i .nd ahcad ol Grnnleld and ELrs&sB in 1932; blt his besl achierenent BH,AI'ENETS. SERGEY VSEVOLODOVICH wd at Tatat6viros (nor Tata) 1935, when he came (1910-+1), Soviet master, champion ot Mos@w in second (+10=5 2) equal with clrEsEN after szd6. Becker played in 1wo Olympiads: Ior 1932,1937. antl1918, RSFSR (Rusian Fede.ation) champion in 1934. winn€iolthc $nd prize in Auslria in 1931, when he nade the besl iourlh_ board score (+10=1 3), and lor Gemany i. tlre USSR Championship, 1939. He died in the rEAe ot Lf,ninpral ln Srat ua| SSSF and 6r' )939- Edi,tot olWieset Schachzeitunq tron 192610 Beia!eneGpublbhed cndgame analy

28 BENEDICI BelyavskrKuprci.bik Soliel yourg nas1e6 chsm pionship 1q73 Sicili,n Derence. Dragon variation I e4c5 2Nf]d6 ld.lrdl 4Nxd4Nl6 5Nc3s6 6tse2 , Be7 7 14 0 0 3 i}o Qb6 9 Bel Qxb2 (Blacl ralcs rhc rctsoNED r^sN.) 10 Od3 Ob,l 11 e5 drc5 12 t\€5 Ng4 1:l Bxsl Big4 l4RftBd7 15Nd5Oa5 16Nxe7+ Kh3 rwaffii"ffi x*t ww 9) 23 place to E csER wto then prcceeded on his path to the World Championship. Benko took se6nd place (+7:8) after LEN at Novi sad 1972, and achieved hn best all play ali lolrnanenr viclory a1 To.remolinos 1973, sharing the prize with ouN- ERos.In th. USA hewon or pla.e in eiSbt Ssiss system Open Chanpionships Lom 1961 to 1975, dd from 1962 to 1972 he played lor his adoped @un1ry in sir Ollrpiads. BenkcPanno Los Angclcs 1963 Kine\ Indian De Ien.o. Foli Pams Allack rd4Nl6 2.496 3Nc3Bg7 4e4d6 sBe2co 614c6 7 NBNrdT 3Be3e5 9l{e5dxo- l0d5f5 1lQblN,6 12 000t4 13 dx.6bxc6 148r2 Rb3 15Oa3Oc7 t6Rd2 Nf6 17h3Ne3 13Rhd1BI6 l9c5Qb7 208c1+Kq7 21 Bxa6 Qxa6 22 Rd7+ Rl7 ?3 Rxr/+ Kxr/ 24 Rd7+ Ks3 25 Qra6 Bxa6 26 RxaT Bfi 27 Nel 13 23 NrB Bxg2 29NCl Bg5+ 30KbrNI6 3lR.4B'i2 l2Ng€2 Bxh3 33Bs3Nd7 34Ra6Rca 35b.lg5 l6(c2814 3? 1?c6Qd3 13Ral1Qxe7 lgRxflRifl 2oRiflQes 2l Nl5 gf5 22 Bda Oxe6 23 Rf3+ Qg3 24 R43+ KxgS 25 Qg3l(fi 26 Oxs?+ tslact Esisns. BENEDICT, CLARE (1871 1961), Ame.ican chess palron who sponsored a toumanent tor teans ol lour lrom West Europea. countries Tnese tean events, named afier her, took plac i. 1953, annually fron 1955 to 1974. 1977 , rad 19791 most have been held in Switzerland Nhere she lived during thc latter parl of her life In 1954 shc sponso.ed an individual tou..ament at Zurich, *on by L. scsMrD ahead ot EUvE a.d len oiber conpetilos. She was the granddaughler ot Feni more Cooper, a.d a sritcr hcrsclf. BENELUX VARIATION, 419, in the sp Nrss opENrNc- analysed by o rcLLy ol Belgiun. Tjeerd Daniel van Schehinga 0911- ) of thc Ncthcrlands. and the Aul.ian Haberditz. Tlrh line usualy arises by iransposilion lron lhe BEvriwo( BINIMA DEFENCE, 515 in lhe s.or.H cAMBrr, line having an alfinity with the uuN6^Rr^N DErENe, 495. P!.yed by LdErlrBL in 1856, this variation was laler named afler Levi Benina (1837-192). Dntch chamrion in 1881. BENKO, PAL CHARLES (i928 ),Irtemational Grandmasler (1958). AFrench bornHungan.n player and conposer, hc won lhe Huogarian championship at ihe ase of rwenly (1948) and played lor his @untry in tbe Mosow Olympiad, 1956. Sno(ly afteoards he lell Hungary and seltled in th€ USA where be be.amc naturaliz.d. He became a c^NDrD^rE for lhe time afte. shanng rbnd pbce in rhe Portoroi, 1958, and for the second time alter scoring +8=11 3 lo sha.e sixth place in th€ Stockholm inlezonal, 1962, bul he nade only ooderare scores in the Candidales lournamen$ ot 1959 and 1962. Again a Candidate i. 1970, he ceded his tffi wt'* w ffi 7x&, 39 a5 h5 10 a6 h4 11 Br2 Be6 42 Rb7 hl 4l Bg1 e4 ,r4 a7 g3 45 Nxg3 tsIg3 46 b5 qb5 47 c6 tsO ,13 Gd? B:d7 49 BrO b2 50 Rb3 R{.3+ 51 Kr.3 hl=Q 52 a3=Q Qcl+ 53 Khl Qcl+ 54 K,5 Qaz+ 5iKM OxO+ 56Kc7Of7 57 Riloe6 5ltRd3 Bla.kresisD -BEN(O GAMBIT, 132. Played by oioaENs(_f betore thc Second wo.ld war and somctimes named afler him, analysed in lhe USSR in 1946 where il is called lhe Volga Ganbit, thn enterpns ing vanalion ot the SRoMAD(A DEFENCE was used occdionally by BRoNsrErN, {ERES, and other players 1947. Pal Dlrko published analysis in the 1960s and *role a book The Benko Gambit (1973)i hk advoca.y led to the gambit's wide ppnlarity in the 1970s. BENKO OPENINC, 696. thE opENrNG, played suc@$luUy by uENxo against rrscnrR and rAr- in the Curaeao Candidates BENONI DEFENCE, 20, sometimes mhcalled lbe Staunron Defence, one ol a group of Queen sPawn openings (20 22, 131 S, 169 70) in which Black plays a paNn to c5 invning while 10 reply Pd4-d5. when white matcsthis advancc he gains spacc in rhe centre afier which Black nsnauy *eks compensaling p.essure oa lhe qneent side, often 6anchetloiq his dark bishop to lhisend.In 1617CARRR{

28 BENEDICI<br />

BelyavskrKuprci.bik Soliel yourg nas1e6 chsm<br />

pionship 1q73 Sicili,n Derence. Dragon variation<br />

I e4c5 2Nf]d6 ld.lrdl 4Nxd4Nl6 5Nc3s6 6tse2<br />

, Be7 7 14 0 0 3 i}o Qb6 9 Bel Qxb2 (Blacl ralcs rhc<br />

rctsoNED r^sN.) 10 Od3 Ob,l 11 e5 drc5 12 t\€5 Ng4<br />

1:l Bxsl Big4 l4RftBd7 15Nd5Oa5 16Nxe7+ Kh3<br />

rwaffii"ffi<br />

x*t<br />

ww<br />

9) 23<br />

place <strong>to</strong> E csER w<strong>to</strong> then prcceeded on his path <strong>to</strong><br />

the World Ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship. Benko <strong>to</strong>ok se6nd<br />

place (+7:8) after LEN at Novi sad 1972, and<br />

achieved hn best all play ali lolrnanenr viclory a1<br />

To.remolinos 1973, sharing the prize with ouN-<br />

ERos.In th. USA hewon or pla.e in<br />

eiSbt Ssiss system Open Chanpionships Lom 1961<br />

<strong>to</strong> 1975, dd from 1962 <strong>to</strong> 1972 he played lor his<br />

adoped @un1ry in sir Ollrpiads.<br />

BenkcPanno Los Angclcs 1963 Kine\ Indian De<br />

Ien.o. Foli Pams Allack<br />

rd4Nl6 2.496 3Nc3Bg7 4e4d6 sBe2co 614c6 7<br />

NBNrdT 3Be3e5 9l{e5dxo- l0d5f5 1lQblN,6 12<br />

000t4 13 dx.6bxc6 148r2 Rb3 15Oa3Oc7 t6Rd2<br />

Nf6 17h3Ne3 13Rhd1BI6 l9c5Qb7 208c1+Kq7 21<br />

Bxa6 Qxa6 22 Rd7+ Rl7 ?3 Rxr/+ Kxr/ 24 Rd7+<br />

Ks3 25 Qra6 Bxa6 26 RxaT Bfi 27 Nel 13 23 NrB<br />

Bxg2 29NCl Bg5+ 30KbrNI6 3lR.4B'i2 l2Ng€2<br />

Bxh3 33Bs3Nd7 34Ra6Rca 35b.lg5 l6(c2814 3?<br />

1?c6Qd3 13Ral1Qxe7 lgRxflRifl 2oRiflQes 2l<br />

Nl5 gf5 22 Bda Oxe6 23 Rf3+ Qg3 24 R43+ KxgS<br />

25 Qg3l(fi 26 Oxs?+ tslact Esisns.<br />

BENEDICT, CLARE (1871 1961), Ame.ican<br />

<strong>chess</strong> palron who sponsored a <strong>to</strong>umanent <strong>to</strong>r<br />

teans ol lour lrom West Europea. countries<br />

Tnese tean events, named afier her, <strong>to</strong>ok plac i.<br />

1953, annually fron 1955 <strong>to</strong> 1974. 1977 , rad 19791<br />

most have been held in Switzerland Nhere she lived<br />

during thc latter parl of her life In 1954 shc<br />

sponso.ed an individual <strong>to</strong>u..ament at Zurich,<br />

*on <strong>by</strong> L. scsMrD ahead ot EUvE a.d len oiber<br />

conpetilos. She was the granddaughler ot Feni<br />

more Cooper, a.d a sritcr hcrsclf.<br />

BENELUX VARIATION, 419, in the sp Nrss<br />

opENrNc- analysed <strong>by</strong> o rcLLy ol Belgiun. Tjeerd<br />

Daniel van Schehinga 0911- ) of thc Ncthcrlands.<br />

and the Aul.ian Haberditz. Tlrh line<br />

usualy arises <strong>by</strong> iransposilion lron lhe BEvriwo(<br />

BINIMA DEFENCE, 515 in lhe s.or.H cAMBrr,<br />

line having an alfinity with the uuN6^Rr^N DErENe,<br />

495. P!.yed <strong>by</strong> LdErlrBL in 1856, this<br />

variation was laler named afler Levi Benina<br />

(1837-192). Dntch chamrion in 1881.<br />

BENKO, PAL CHARLES (i928 ),Irtemational<br />

Grandmasler (1958). AFrench bornHungan.n<br />

player and conposer, hc won lhe Huogarian<br />

ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship at ihe ase of rwenly (1948) and<br />

played lor his @untry in tbe Mosow Olympiad,<br />

1956. Sno(ly afteoards he lell Hungary and<br />

seltled in th€ USA where be be.amc naturaliz.d.<br />

He became a c^NDrD^rE for lhe time afte.<br />

shanng rbnd pbce in rhe Por<strong>to</strong>roi,<br />

1958, and for the second time alter scoring<br />

+8=11 3 lo sha.e sixth place in th€ S<strong>to</strong>ckholm<br />

inlezonal, 1962, bul he nade only ooderare<br />

scores in the Candidales lournamen$ ot 1959 and<br />

1962. Again a Candidate i. 1970, he ceded his<br />

tffi wt'*<br />

w ffi 7x&,<br />

39 a5 h5 10 a6 h4 11 Br2 Be6 42 Rb7 hl 4l Bg1 e4 ,r4<br />

a7 g3 45 Nxg3 tsIg3 46 b5 qb5 47 c6 tsO ,13 Gd?<br />

B:d7 49 BrO b2 50 Rb3 R{.3+ 51 Kr.3 hl=Q 52<br />

a3=Q Qcl+ 53 Khl Qcl+ 54 K,5 Qaz+ 5iKM<br />

OxO+ 56Kc7Of7 57 Riloe6 5ltRd3 Bla.kresisD<br />

-BEN(O GAMBIT, 132. Played <strong>by</strong> oioaENs(_f<br />

be<strong>to</strong>re thc Second wo.ld war and somctimes<br />

named afler him, analysed in lhe USSR in 1946<br />

where il is called lhe Volga Ganbit, thn enterpns<br />

ing vanalion ot the SRoMAD(A DEFENCE was used<br />

occdionally <strong>by</strong> BRoNsrErN, {ERES, and other<br />

players 1947. Pal Dlrko published analysis in<br />

the 1960s and *role a book <strong>The</strong> Benko Gambit<br />

(1973)i hk advoca.y led <strong>to</strong> the gambit's wide<br />

ppnlarity in the 1970s.<br />

BENKO OPENINC, 696. thE<br />

opENrNG, played suc@$luUy <strong>by</strong> uENxo against<br />

rrscnrR and rAr- in the Curaeao Candidates<br />

BENONI DEFENCE, 20, sometimes mhcalled lbe<br />

Staunron Defence, one ol a group of Queen sPawn<br />

openings (20 22, 131 S, 169 70) in which Black<br />

plays a paNn <strong>to</strong> c5 invning while 10 reply Pd4-d5.<br />

when white matcsthis advancc he gains spacc in<br />

rhe centre afier which Black nsnauy *eks compensaling<br />

p.essure oa lhe qneent side, often 6anchetloiq<br />

his dark bishop <strong>to</strong> lhisend.In 1617CARRR{

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