chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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.I'IMING OF MOVES 355<br />

given penod ot tine, Iailing vhich he loses. His<br />

Boves are timed <strong>by</strong> a clock and il he 6nds thh<br />

dcfcctivc hc should infom tbe arbiter sbo is<br />

enpowered <strong>to</strong> deal wnh aI conplainrs and<br />

dispules concerning the clock. Should a player<br />

complain aftcr cxcccdiDg the time limit he would<br />

bc u.likcly <strong>to</strong> obtain .ed.ess. BothplayerJ clocks<br />

may be s<strong>to</strong>pped and play tenporarily susPended il<br />

ihe clock is defective, ilanillegalnoveismadc, ifa<br />

snbsdute piece is nor alailablc aicr promotion. or<br />

it there is anoulsidc intcrruption, aslorex<strong>amp</strong>le a<br />

ligtling tailurc. Either stalenale or checlnale<br />

cnds rhe game and neither player can $bsequeiny<br />

A demand lor somc ki.d oI time control arose<br />

shcn compc tirive play began lo be laken senously<br />

sarNr-aMANr dhcussed the rinins ol noves in L.<br />

Paleade, 1836. ln tbe same ycar DES{THAFELLLS<br />

offered ro play i match with a leading EnSlish<br />

player andonc ofthe suggested rules qas $.r ailer<br />

a game had lasted tso bourseachptaycrshould bc<br />

liniled <strong>to</strong> a maximuo oI 1wo mnrutcs lor each<br />

move wnb file hisquct. (French players nay wel<br />

havc rcmcmbered the slowness oI MCDoNNELT\<br />

playin his matches {nh BoulDoNN ars h ltrl4.) In<br />

1844 Deschapelles- commcniine on the enurroN<br />

Saial-Amant match olthe previons year, said lhat<br />

the games areraged ni.e houA, thatis, nine rines<br />

longer lhan the ganes oi rhe grand nustcs'.<br />

Deschapeles <strong>to</strong>ok an cxtrcmc view. bul he had<br />

idenliicd a changc in ihe speed oi play. In the<br />

abonive ncgoriaiions lor a reruin narch Nirh<br />

s2inrAm:nr sr,unron oflnred a rimc limit ol l0.<br />

or 15, or20, or25, or30miautcs, atyourpleasure.<br />

addiogrharallaycrwhoeaceeded hisalloued tine<br />

should be lined one guinea. Pl.yers were concerned<br />

<strong>to</strong> prevent an oppone.t lrom sittinc <strong>to</strong>o<br />

longoveranove, lheoverall limclora gamcbeine<br />

ot less coosequcn.c. HARRwrrz. playing a Batch in<br />

which cach move Nas tined separalely, ndiculed<br />

the idea <strong>by</strong> raking ihe ful ilo{ance lbr tfis li6r<br />

nove. Another suggesior was madcr if a playcr<br />

has not conplcted his move wilhin the specilied<br />

timc hh opponent nray lall upon him <strong>to</strong> do $<br />

Nnhin a turthei l)criod, also predelemined. ln<br />

modern drauEhts each mole h.s a dne [nn.<br />

'A. Cantab. wrote in the al&ess Plure/s Chro<br />

ni./e,1852. .,uries, ere now, h!!e convictcdocn.<br />

and judgcs havc haagcd them, <strong>to</strong> save lnne.<br />

RailNay companies al tbe present day break our<br />

legs, and sometimes ournecks,lo sile ioe. Our<br />

<strong>chess</strong>playeB re $e only men in this country who<br />

disreAard it. He proposcd that cach playersbould<br />

havc a th ree -hour s andglass which would run only<br />

during his nove. and that the gane Nould cnd<br />

eilherwith n.te orlhe sand runniaC out. A similar<br />

systcm. a spc.ificd nDmber ol moves in a specified<br />

time. 6rst suggested <strong>by</strong> lon der LASA, and now<br />

eener ly used, wasidlroduced in 1861 o, accounl<br />

of lhe innuencc of thc London player Georee<br />

Webb Mcdley t. 1E2G98) He had plnyed a matcn<br />

with (ol,s.d in 1860 after *hich he rrote: Her<br />

Kolikh .f conrse Non themalch butinone.rlvo<br />

of the games I w5 fortunale enough <strong>to</strong> run hin<br />

rar her h ard. In one gane some posidon oI di lncufty<br />

rrose ind oler three succcssivc moles he <strong>to</strong>ok<br />

6ore rhan lwo houBi occupying 55 ninutes over<br />

onc ol them. Now, Sir, although this was conplimenlary<br />

<strong>to</strong> mysk l, n w6,6you mayimagine.<br />

a we..iness 10 the iesh, andlseimywiis <strong>to</strong> work<br />

. . . As aconsequence oI Medley s re@nnenda<br />

tion a tine linir of 24 noves in two honn.<br />

neasnred <strong>by</strong> sandglasscs. sas used lor tbe<br />

Kolisch NDERSSEN match of ADg. 1861 and the<br />

Brisrol lounramcnt ol sept. 1861. Ailer these<br />

cvcnts time control vaned: Pans 1867. r0 moves<br />

every half hourr Dundec 1867, 30 moves in lwo<br />

hous: Baden Badcn 18?0 and Leipzig 1871, both<br />

coniolled <strong>by</strong> Kolisch,20 noles an hour. Whcnrhe<br />

g.ear t ndon loundnent of 1883 came along a<br />

rime limir .f l5 noves an hour was used..nd<br />

Medley, solc suruiving iruslee ot tbe LdwlNrrA'<br />

fund, lhc balance oI whicb was givcn 10 the<br />

congressi pressed lor the use ofclocks. Also. ihe<br />

practice oI s<strong>to</strong>pping the cloctsshile asealedmove<br />

*.s being considcrcd. a privileSe ihal had led <strong>to</strong><br />

abusc. was abandoned. Rales oI play havevaried,<br />

bur lhe tining metbod has not changed. {Only in<br />

is each movc timed.) In 1900<br />

sanuel walker, a l,i!crpool walchmaker. <strong>to</strong>okoul<br />

a palcnt for 'Improvcmenls in Time Indica<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong>r<br />

Chcss orother GaneJ. <strong>The</strong> hands noveclocksise<br />

lor one plaler, anli clockvise lbr his opponcDt,<br />

and lhe gaoe is decided on timc if the difference<br />

exceeds a spe.incd limit. Although nol wnhour<br />

mcrit rhis radical idea made liule inpression Nol<br />

lonC after the Second World War ih.rc was a greal<br />

incre,se nr tnc numbcr ofseekend <strong>to</strong>umanents:<br />

.rosded programmes lelt no time lor adjourn<br />

me.ts and suddetr death ine limils scrc nrlroduced.<br />

For eraBple. alter a fouFhour phynrg<br />

period vi1h. time limit of48 moves in tso houB<br />

the flaycn'clo.ks would be sel back ten ninules<br />

aDdthe game hadlo beconpleledinfterenaiding<br />

whrt has cbanged is rhc players' attilude <strong>to</strong> tinre<br />

conlrol ,{t fi61 it was rega ed as a spur. and a<br />

claim on time unsporling. Such sciuples have long<br />

since dnappeaied. ln 1882 a baiiistcr and kccn<br />

.he$ play.r wordsworth Donislhorpe (1847<br />

l9i4) wroter '<strong>The</strong> objecr of rhe tine linit is ro<br />

insure a reasnable rale of progress, and ooi <strong>to</strong><br />

aflord a neansoisnatchinga gamcou<strong>to</strong>f thc hands<br />

otthe winncr ifhc snouid <strong>by</strong> ovemigbt o! oistake<br />

miscount his moves or lorgei lo {atch bn dock.'<br />

Donisthorpe's connenr w.s prolokcd <strong>by</strong> an<br />

incidenl rhal aliectcd rhc prospects of anothe.<br />

Brithhcr (<strong>by</strong> bnih) in the Vienna roumament oi<br />

1882. In rhe thnd round MASoN, playing nrRD,<br />

olersbPPed the time limitbutscn<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong>winlour<br />

hous lalcr. srrrNrrz succe$tully appealed <strong>to</strong> lhe<br />

iournamenl commitree that the gime be awaided<br />

n) Bird wh. h.d nrde no claim Thc<strong>to</strong>urnamcnt<br />

ended .liei thirty lour rounds. Stciniiz and wrN-<br />

AWER scorirg 2t poinh $hilc Mason with 23 poinrs

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