chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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35,1 TIME<br />

Bxc5 7a3a6 8b4Bd6 9Bb20 0 l0Qd2r(<strong>The</strong>'tueen<br />

*itl aovc .g.in, I.sing tme ) l0 . . Oc7 11 Bd3?<br />

(whnelosesanorbertenFr ) 11. . . dx.] 12Bi.4b5 1:l<br />

Bd3Rd3 14Qe2Bbr 150.0Ncj 16Nxe5Bxe5 17141<br />

Bcr l8 el liac3 19 c5 Bh6+ 20 Khl Ns,l<br />

H tl'e<br />

ffit?&t<br />

A muri ot the noves needcd ro rc..h $n oosnion shos\<br />

ll lor whilo 12Ior Black T'. qu<br />

hn lmc mosi eftectively. tslack hrs dcvclopcd pic.cs<br />

slnle white hrs novcd pawis As ir hameD\ whire\<br />

pa*n.di.n.cs arc seetr <strong>to</strong> be nrcler2nt lor rh. ganc n<br />

do inared <strong>by</strong> piece plly. 1l rhc tcnpo couit is n.l r.<br />

indudi pr*n dov.s rhctr Black lEs Cai'ed rhree rempi<br />

(9:6).. dccisivc advanraee <strong>The</strong> gane end\ bnliantly, 21<br />

Re4Qh4 22glRxd lgxn4Rd2 24Qid2Bxc1+ 25<br />

t'& %<br />

7&<br />

a posilion lrum lhesame reichtrffd Nhnhall (8la.t),<br />

5.nScb.ni,n 1911. By adnc.Eperrednancuvre Black<br />

gain\ iimero ove u! hnk ne\ sidctasns:40 RcL+<br />

,11(b2 t{g1 12 Bdl Rel .13 Be2 h5l 44 Kcr Rcl+ 15<br />

I(b2Rgl ,16Bd1Rc1 47Bc2h,ll d9(.3R.1+ 19 Kb2<br />

Rcl 5r)BdlRe1 51nc2f6! 52Kc3Rcl+ 53Kb2Rgt<br />

54Bdl Rcl 5i !e2 c6 (A lounh tempo i! gaLned ) Black<br />

n.kcs . cohbinarion cxchanging d1 the queen's side<br />

pasr\ (besiin:ip 56 Kcl Rcr+ 57 Krr2 Rbl+ 53K.3<br />

b5)rlterwhichhe nableb ok hiski',eroCl.and\lhire<br />

rcsilicd on hn 77lh movc.<br />

TIME, (2) rhe time allotied <strong>to</strong> cach playcr during<br />

which he nust make his moves. (See rrME Ltr l.)<br />

Somein.s a pl.yer repea$ a sbort sequence of<br />

nroles <strong>to</strong> anticipatc timc-troublc.lo \avc timc on<br />

the clock . Hn opponerr enher connives <strong>to</strong> the<br />

samc cnd or complies tbr lack oi dnyding betler.<br />

OccasioDall, a plavcr who hls the ldlant.ge<br />

repeals lhe position once <strong>to</strong>o oi.n.<br />

A position liod the lrd mar.h eanre between<br />

scEER (whi1c) and .!,Ros!^N in the Borld<br />

.baopionship semi-nnal 1971. Black has lhc<br />

advantage. He attempts lo gnin tineon thcclock:<br />

30 . . . Oe5 31 Oh5 Of6 l2 Oc2 Re5 33 Od3<br />

Rd5 Fischer- indicalinglhal heinlended lo plit 3,1<br />

Qe2. succcsslully claimed a dhq b! rePelition oI<br />

position Unable ro recorer afler this misscd<br />

opportunny,Ietrosy.n drew 1wo and lost fou. ol<br />

the rcnaining sir ganrcs ol the match.<br />

TIMF. CONTkOL. s.. ''HF ' ' n<br />

TIME LIMrT, rhetime allotl.d <strong>to</strong> aplaycrdurnre<br />

*hi.h hc musr make a speci6ed numberolmo,es;<br />

the point in tine <strong>by</strong> which he nust n*e these<br />

moves (sonetinescalled thetimeconlrol);loosely,<br />

the rarc ofplay. A playcr Nho docs not complete<br />

th. requned number ol noves is said lo have<br />

exceeded the tine Iinil.<br />

<strong>The</strong> rining of movcs aas introduccd in the<br />

niddlc olthc lgthceDtnryloavoid undueslo*ness<br />

ofplay OrganizeB, realizing thatganes are otlen<br />

nared <strong>by</strong> blundeis made <strong>by</strong> pl.!e$ in tin.<br />

roublc, somctnncs infii.tcd no pcnalt],othc, thaD<br />

.li.c forcacccdiDgthc limc limit. Ai Nurcnrberg<br />

1906. lor ex<strong>amp</strong>le. the rules stated that lhere *ould<br />

beno linitlortheiBtsixboursafterwhichtherrre<br />

otplaywouldbe i5 oovesanhourwirh apcnaltyol<br />

o.c shilling lor cach cxccs minule. This practice<br />

was p.aclically abandoned belore the Firn World<br />

War, .lthough lime rrouble blunde^ are no les<br />

freluenl According <strong>to</strong> Article 17 oi thc FII)E<br />

rulcs <strong>to</strong> cxcccd thc timc limit h io losc the game.<br />

TIME-IROUDLE. A plnyer is in dne lrouble<br />

{hen he h.s tntle rine on his clo.k in which <strong>to</strong><br />

conplclcthc slipulatcdnumberolmDlesi baving<br />

<strong>to</strong> move quickly he is likely lo make nislates.<br />

Compelnion pln! ar all leleh is dofrinat.d hy thc<br />

clock. Tlking timc ro 6nd thc rieht move in a<br />

difficult position nay be sorlh tbe k of tine<br />

troublelareron Ratherlhnnsuppose$artheysill<br />

never be pressed lbr rime play.( should lcarn <strong>to</strong><br />

TIMING OF MOVES. tn a compctition a player<br />

nusl nalie i ccrlain Dumber oI niovs witbin a

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