chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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Sbo ly alter losi.g the title Tal nade lhe second<br />

of his grear <strong>to</strong>unamenl perfo.mances, taking tust<br />

prize (+11:7 1) one poinl ahead ol EscsER and<br />

two poinh ahead of GLrGoRf, (ERr5 and PmRosYAN<br />

at Bled 1961. Tal commenced play i. rhe neit<br />

Candidates <strong>to</strong>u.nament, Curaqao 1962, but with<br />

d.es before he completed his ganes 10 undergo<br />

hospnd treirnenl for his kidney t'ouble. In thc<br />

USSR ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship at Yerevan laler that year he<br />

camc sc@nd (+11=5 3) equal Mth r{lNov<br />

alte. xoR.(Nor. and al Miskolc 1963 he <strong>to</strong>ot lilst<br />

prize (+10=5) two poinh ahead oI BRoNsrE N.<br />

Afier scoring +11:12 <strong>to</strong> share fiEt place in ihe<br />

Amsterdam intcrzonal oI1964Tal a8ain becane a<br />

candidatei then he defeated rcRrscs (+4=3-1)<br />

dd urslN (+3=5 2) but lost the fi.al matcb <strong>to</strong><br />

sr ssn. At lftarkov in 196? the Soviet chan<br />

pionship was organized on the Ssiss system Ior the<br />

Ii.st and only iine. and Tal ried wilh mLUGAyEvsxv<br />

for fi6r p.ize i they shared the title. Tal won thc frBr<br />

oI hn candidates malches in 1968, delearing<br />

Gligoria(+3=5 l),andthe.lost<strong>to</strong>Korchnoi. In<br />

1969 hc had an operalion<strong>to</strong> remove a lddney and<br />

declared hefelrbeiterasaconsequen.ei bnthewas<br />

never tree from bouis oI iU heakh.<br />

Tal's best vic<strong>to</strong>nes in lhe nert Iew yeds were:<br />

Tallinn 1971 (+9 =5 1), shared with Keres; USSR<br />

chanpionship Ba*u 1972(+9=12)iwijk aan zee<br />

1973 (+6=9)i Tallin. 1973 (+9=6)i Halle 19?4<br />

(+8=7)i UssR chanpionship Leninerad 1974<br />

(+6=7 2),equ.l withBELyAvsn: Leninsradl9TT<br />

(+7=9 1); USSR ch<strong>amp</strong>ionsbip Tbilisi 1978<br />

(+5=12), cqual with rs6H(ovsr. In 1979 Tal<br />

seemed <strong>to</strong> have legained iI his Iorner proNe$ and<br />

he nade two ol his best <strong>to</strong>urname.l sins:<br />

Monheal, category 15 (+6=12), equal wiih uRrcvi<br />

and Riga inreuonal (+11=6). A Candidale<br />

yel again, he was loocked out <strong>by</strong> Polugayevsky in<br />

1he quarrer Ilnal nalch. Subscq ucntly 'ra I won o.<br />

shared scveral 6.st amongthem Riga 1981<br />

(+?:8), Poz 1981 ')rizes, 2 (+7-4), Mosow -1982<br />

(+5:8). so.Ii 1982 (+5=10), and Tallinn 1983<br />

(+6=8 1).<br />

Apa.l from world chanpionship cvcnk Tal<br />

conPeted in aboul 40 slrong allplay'all inle!.ational<br />

lournanents lron 1949 <strong>to</strong> 1981, vinning or<br />

sha.ing 2,1 li6t and 6 sccond prizcs; hc <strong>to</strong>ok first<br />

ptace in six Soviet ch<strong>amp</strong>ionships, a rc.ord<br />

equ.lled only <strong>by</strong> Botvinnik, and played i. seven<br />

Olympiads from 1958 <strong>to</strong> 1980naking a roul score<br />

ol +59:31-2.<br />

Full of nenous energy. chain{moking at lhe<br />

board. pacing resllessly betNeen noves, Tal n<br />

obscsscd wilh <strong>chess</strong>. <strong>The</strong>se characleristics are<br />

ihoseol^LtrKqrNEwho, however,srudiedthc game<br />

more msiduously. Tal pretes lo play, and between<br />

gamcs ola <strong>to</strong>urnanenr or on any ocasion he will<br />

indulg€ in fast <strong>chess</strong> until the early houn. when<br />

bavinS an ope.ation he talked <strong>chess</strong> until the mask<br />

{a placed on his lacer on nore than one oeasiod<br />

when recuperating hc madc his escape lo a <strong>chess</strong><br />

club lo be recaptured and iaken back <strong>to</strong> hospital. A<br />

great improviser, he has a Senius ior bold and<br />

TAL VARIA]ION ]43<br />

atracking niddle game play that has rarely been<br />

equalled, and he is widcly liked for both his<br />

scintilla ting styl e a. d b is i nlectious enlhusiasm lor<br />

the game. Although probably 1he most proliic<br />

Soviet che$ joumalist, he has writtcn only onc<br />

book. This,publishedin bothLatvianandRNsian.<br />

is an ac@un<strong>to</strong>lhis successlul chaopionshipmatch<br />

against Borvinnikin 1960. A. English lranslarion.<br />

TaLBotrinnik 1960 Mat.h for ke wo d chMpio"srip<br />

was published in 1970. (see LIGETNING<br />

P. H. clatke, Mikhail Tal\ Best Ganet af <strong>Chess</strong><br />

(1961) onlains50 ganesplayedlron 1951 <strong>to</strong> 1960i<br />

B- Caffert!. Tal\ 10a ResrGM€s (19?5) conrains<br />

100 games and 21 parts oI ganes played fron I960<br />

<strong>to</strong> 1973: Hilary Tbonas, lre Cohplete Gahes af<br />

Mikhail Tal, thrce volumes. /9Jd J9 (1980),<br />

19\ n6 0979). 1%7 73 1t919).<br />

Tal Bo.vinni* lst ga6e wortd ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship malch<br />

winawervaiarion<br />

I e4 e6 2 d,l d5 I N.3 Bb4 1 e5 c5 5 ar Bxc3+ 6 bxc3<br />

Qc7 7Qg4r5 3Qg:lNe7 9oxg7Rs3 10oxh7.xd4 1l<br />

Kdr Bd7 12Oh5+ NE6 13 Nc2 d3 11.xd3 B + r5<br />

Kel Orc5 16895 Ndi 17d4Qc7 13h4e5 19Rn3Qfi<br />

20 dxc5 N{e5 2l Re3 xd7 22 RhL b6<br />

t t<br />

'&ffi.ruw<br />

w& %,dw^<br />

wqw waw<br />

w<br />

2l Nl4 Raes 24 Rb4B.6 -QdtNxl4 26lLrf4Ns6 27<br />

Rd4 Rrc3+ 23 ho3 Kc7 29 c4 dx.4 30 Bxc4 QA7 3l<br />

Bx33 QieS 32 h5 Alack esig's. An unusual learnre of<br />

rhis aane is the deploymenr ot both *hne ooks on rhc<br />

TALIA, an unorlhodox piece used for sonc foros<br />

ofcREArcqEss. A l.[a n 6oved iite a bishop bur it<br />

cannol be moved <strong>to</strong> rhc nearesl diagonal square,<br />

over which it leaps. Thispiece. halfrilhalfhishop,<br />

may have represented a stage in lhe developmeni<br />

of the modern 6ove ol the bishopr there is,<br />

howeve.. .o evide.ce rhat the lalia was invented<br />

before lhe eame of.ouRrER i. shich the bishop<br />

already hasits modern poaeB. Tbe ided ola piece<br />

thal junps andglidej has led <strong>to</strong> the invention oI<br />

olher tki-pieces'lor Dse in F<br />

TAMRIATION, 134, line played <strong>by</strong> Hromadka<br />

in lhe 1930s, favoured <strong>by</strong> rAL in the 1950s, and now<br />

slandard play leading <strong>to</strong> the M

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