chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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posnionrhar can be won onl, illhe En MolE LAw<br />

R+A \. N+N. Ths r e endinsofteh Whrre lcrr<br />

winning chances bu1 has not been analysed thor-<br />

Q v. rinor piece Whire wiN.<br />

O v. two minor pieces. Black endeavours lo sei<br />

up a bar.ier prevenring the app.oa.h ot whire\<br />

king. Black usually draws lhis way witn B+B, as<br />

sho*n <strong>by</strong> Lolli. orwith N+N. as sho$n <strong>by</strong> Bilguer<br />

and Lasa. White oien wins against B+Nr Black<br />

basdiffi cultyreachingo.eof thelewknoNnnarrier<br />

positions. the 6rst ofvhich was Siven <strong>by</strong> Lnlli.<br />

Q v. three minor pieces. Drawn.<br />

QB+KB+N+N v. Q. white wi.s.<br />

O v. R. While qins. ,^ definilive analysh was<br />

published <strong>by</strong> Crosskiu in 1895. A computer<br />

analysn <strong>by</strong> Slrohlcio and Zagler shoNed that $e<br />

winning pro@ss should rale at most 31 noves.<br />

O v R and ninor piecc. DkNn.<br />

R+reo minor pieces v. Q. DraNn.<br />

R+R+minor piece v. O. White wins.<br />

'ahe resulii witn ooly one or two paNns on thc<br />

board have long been known, and are delailed in<br />

P;P v. P. Many books iiom those <strong>by</strong> Loli<br />

(17631 and sr.rN (1789) 10 those <strong>by</strong> L NrNovtcn<br />

i1938) and F,Nr (1941) contain erors. <strong>The</strong> cnd_<br />

game was maslered b, cR'GoiEv in tne 1920s and<br />

1930s.<br />

(4) Piec.s asainst PdwN<br />

Minor nie€ v P. Drawn.<br />

N+N !' P lhis. the nosr difiiolt ol all basic<br />

etrdsames. w6 bnl||antly re'carcheJ <strong>by</strong> Tr.irTk!,<br />

wh;nuh!khed hr ,naly(is in buol' <strong>to</strong>rn rn 1914.<br />

_lhe wi.ning nethod is lo corner lhe black king and<br />

rhe. release the pawn so thal it can be moved, lhus<br />

obviaftg thc possibilily ol a slalemale defence.<br />

While wins il rhe black pawn, scurely blocked <strong>by</strong> a<br />

knight. is.olartherfoma.dlbana4, b6, c5, d4, e4,<br />

f5, g6, o. h4-knos. as the Troitzky line. Ii<br />

Black\ king h incertain defi.cd areas While ma,<br />

{in whcn rhe paNn is farther advan@d. (See<br />

R v. L Whitc wins ifhis king is ncarlhe Pa*n,<br />

bur sometimes d.aNs Nben his king is lar away<br />

R v. two paMs. ti the pawns are isolated tnc<br />

rcsults are no1lery diffcrenl lron tbose with R v.<br />

!. Il 1he pawns arc united White wins if his king cad<br />

conlronr tnem, but m.y Iosc if his kins is tar<br />

R v. three uniled pasns. rcPAYE!, adding<br />

,mno ant dis.oleries lo ecdicr $ork b! ulhe6,<br />

nJde, thoroueh errmrnaron. DUbl,sh,nihr en,k<br />

in avErB^Ks'sireadse While*i.sithjsking hable<br />

lo conlronl the pasns unless tbey are lar ad,anced.<br />

Ov. P. WhiteNinseasilyexccptwhenbis king is<br />

far a*ay and Black nas a BP or RP o. tbe seventh<br />

Q v. iwo or three paNns. whitc sins nnless the<br />

pawns are tai advanced and his king is lar a*.y.<br />

Minor Picc€ + P v. ninor piece Drasn if<br />

Black\ king conlronts the pasn or il tbere are<br />

bishopsoloppositealour. Whiie marwinilhehas<br />

a wel advanced fiank pasn shich fte blact king<br />

can.ot conJronl. <strong>The</strong> principal analysts oI these<br />

endings are KiinS and Rfr lor N+P v. N, LuiSi<br />

Centn.ini (182G1900) lor B+P !. B or lhe same<br />

..lon. and Averbakh for N+P Y. B.<br />

R+P v B. Whire sins. cuRErzx,-coRNrz.<br />

Centurini, and Josei Vancura (1898 1926) all<br />

investigatcd thn endine. <strong>The</strong> pawn sbonld trol be<br />

advanced <strong>to</strong>o sooni ii this hdppens rheie are dmw<br />

ins possib nies with RP a.d BP,<br />

R+P v. B+!. <strong>The</strong>re atc many draNing posi_<br />

dons, but when this ending oeu$ in Pla, the<br />

pawn.are trequenLl! blockedon rhc \ame tue qilh<br />

BlaLk s bahop guarding hr Pa\n, anJ WhLle cai<br />

w,n morl ot lhcQ po\ilrons $irh some e\ceprinn\<br />

for lhe rook\ pa*n. ln the 1950s cstRoN dis_<br />

overed one position ofthis tlPe that can be won<br />

onl, if rhr litt! mo\e ldw Lr \u

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