chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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snbsequenl whcrcahouls are nol knowd. He may<br />

bave t.alelled io <strong>Oxford</strong> around 17@ Jbr sn<br />

william.robes. <strong>chess</strong> player and crea<strong>to</strong>r ol.^rssA,<br />

mentionedthal atthistimc hcin!ited a Syrianlrom<br />

London lo teach him Arabic.<br />

Ol $e game Stamma wnlesr 'If yotr brine oul<br />

yourpieces loo soon, belore you have opened thcir<br />

Road. the! sill conline your Pdl,ns, and croud<br />

,our Camc . . . h se.cral it h hest <strong>to</strong> bnns oul<br />

,our Pieces under rhe ?rotcction ol your Pdur<br />

. . . He adlocales bolh the o!EE\'s cAMBrr and<br />

the BIRD AnA.(. His interen in pasn pla, and<br />

au.rN's srDE naneulring indicales hn preterence<br />

for a posiiional game rathcrthan rhe dncd atracks<br />

recomnended bt most olhn predecessors.In the<br />

cEmE GAME he recommedds the PAILSEN .nA.(.<br />

His l01l problems .re sinilar in kind ro fie<br />

vANsnu,ir ol thc old gamc, but using modern<br />

pieces <strong>The</strong> problems ( about 18 are worthy ol<br />

notice. wntes poNzhN, wer repinted many<br />

times, Eost recendy in 1979j the! nay h.ve<br />

.eawakened intcrcst in ihe probLcm arr bur they<br />

showlilde advance in itsdevelopment lle givesa<br />

lewinteiesdnglacts about the old gnne withwhich<br />

he was lamiliar in his ],oulh, and lrom ahich<br />

perhaps he derived his posnional approach <strong>to</strong> the<br />

gamc. Hiswerc rhe nrstbooksoirhenodern gane<br />

in wbich eaNDaRo NorAroN Nas used.<br />

STANDARD NOTATION, a nethod olrecordine<br />

the moves of a game. sonetines knorvn as<br />

co-osrN^1r NohrnrN (olwhich iti n exafrple),<br />

algebraic notation, or more rarely conlnrcntal<br />

nolalion Files are entilied alphaberically, ranks<br />

nume.icallyj and cach squarc is uniquely.aned<strong>by</strong><br />

n\ file lener 3nd r?nk nnnrher in rh,i.rn.r<br />

,a $.a 6*<br />

ea y$ ca<br />

$\ rz \ az \l rz !i\.az<br />

,o$"0$,o\$ee$<br />

S as $das \$ rs )$ rs<br />

aa t!( .a \s e, liA 9a<br />

a.: \$<br />

a.: ${ r.: $ ,ra<br />

,z$$"2$ "z\$<br />

s.z !$<br />

or \$ ar \\ r \i\ r,r<br />

WHITE<br />

On acounr of ns clarn! and brcvity slandard<br />

nolation has bccomc increasingly popular in the<br />

last two and a hall enrunes and is nou the onlt<br />

notation reognized <strong>by</strong> FIDE lor ovrR-rHE-BoaRD<br />

play. lt is also the only one used on.hess playine<br />

.owrr.Rs Thcrc are tNo main veBions: full. in<br />

which bolh depanure and airiral squares arc<br />

namedi lnd abbrcliatcd, in which the depa ue<br />

square is oanedonlywhen e$ential In the lomer<br />

the noves of the KtNc's NIcHr GAMBIT Bould be<br />

wnuenle2 e,le7 e5 2i2 14 e5x14 lNal t3.<br />

nr the latter I e,l e5 2 tlci INA Inbolhthe<br />

svmboh lor picccs arc eiveD and the synbol for<br />

prsn omirted. <strong>The</strong>reareversions tbar i.ll between<br />

these lwo. e g l el e5 2ll exE I N$ as uscdin<br />

th$ book. In lbbrcvialcd notation checks (+) as<br />

sell as .aplurc siens (: or ) are olten omirLed.<br />

Intnflnation abont the deParrure squar. is nccc*<br />

sary il two pieces ol the samc kind.ould be moled<br />

<strong>to</strong> the afival square. Suppose While novei a<br />

tnighr <strong>to</strong> c3i il his N! Lnights werc o. a2 and b5<br />

rh. 'novenn,ldterenderedNa.l<br />

or Nbc3. orilhis<br />

koighrs were on a2 and a4 N2c3 or N4c3. For EN<br />

pf,ssANr caplures the arival square is gilen. For<br />

cmmple. aier l d4c5 2d5e5whitccouldcapture<br />

ctr pd$?,, 3 d5xc6 cp or de6 (Only in the<br />

specialiTcd ficld oI klrocuDE ANArysrs qould<br />

rhis move be shown as d5!e5 ep ) lhc s,vmbolfor<br />

pasD n sonetines gile h annotations. e g Pe,l<br />

in*e,d.fe4 so as lo make clearthal a nove and<br />

nol the squarc k intended<br />

Stlndard notation is parricuhrly valuable <strong>to</strong><br />

thosc who rearl widel!.s il is subsranliaUt lhe same<br />

in alllanguages. Countrics such aslhe USSRrvhicb<br />

hale rhe Ctrilli. alphabet use rhe Latin alphabcl<br />

lor this purpose <strong>The</strong>re are ninor dificren.es ol<br />

usage. Where Soliet books give Cll c4 or C:d<br />

GerBans would write Lll c,1: or Lc,l: ud tbe<br />

English vcnion sould be BI1xc,1 or Brc4. (See<br />

STANLEY, CIIARLES HENRY (1819 1901).<br />

plarer trom Brigh<strong>to</strong>n in England Nh. gavc r<br />

po{erlul iinleius <strong>to</strong> chcs in America. ll. W.<br />

Porcrt (f 1835). a strons Ilamburs player ten<br />

porarily residenl in London and sriuNroN\ match<br />

opponenr in 1840, galc lcssons lo StaDley who,<br />

ieceiring pa{n and move. defeated Staun<strong>to</strong>n in<br />

18,11 (+l=1 2). Abour rwo yea$ later stanle!<br />

moledro theUSA $here he delelted lhcsrrongcsl<br />

playeisin Nes York lnd laun.hcd America\nrsl<br />

ch.$ colum. in Ik.srd dlrr Imcs (l Marcb<br />

18,15 ,1Oct. 1848). <strong>The</strong> column contains rhe 6rsr<br />

<strong>chess</strong> problen ro be published in Aneiica. ln<br />

a Barch lor a sraNe o1 $1,(l0ll hc dcfcatcd the<br />

Nci! Orlca.s bank clerk Eugine Rousseau<br />

(+15=8 8). MoRpHt artended. and the nxtch dn!<br />

sell hire inspired bn inGrest in the gane. Thc<br />

lblloqing year Stanlcy Nblished lrrry-o,c<br />

Gdft.s d. Cr?ss. America\ 6rst book ola march,<br />

becamesecretaryoirheNewYorkchesclub.and<br />

lbunded the,4ne./.4, C,i.rs MdEazide (184G1).<br />

1hi\ 1rd lhp ah.{ Pnllnlnl ahd Mothnnti.al<br />

S2/,rr share the distinction oI being Amenca s<br />

6nt ches journals. He edired a <strong>chess</strong> colunn in<br />

711.,4/DDd ( 1848-56) and through this he nrel and<br />

asisted L,lwLNrH^1. a penniless relugee, in 1849.<br />

Marcbes wnh Lii{emhal id 1850 andSA'Nr-AMANT<br />

in 1852 sere draw! (+3-3. +,1-,r). A minor<br />

problcmGt. orienraror olone kind of Fo.ar pl^t.<br />

Stanley promoted America\ lnsr.onposidg <strong>to</strong>ui<br />

In rhc samc ycar he bccame inlolved in a<br />

diplomatic incidenl. <strong>The</strong> British were altemptins

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