chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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316 SOUND<br />

moved <strong>to</strong> Leningrad in theearly 1960s,studiedthe<br />

economic geography ol the capitalisl @unrries<br />

at univemity, and subsequenlly be.amc onc oI<br />

(oRcsNois sparnng panders. In 19712 Sosonko<br />

emigrated <strong>to</strong> lsrael bui soon moved 10 the<br />

Netherlands whcre he becamc a profcssional<br />

player, wi.ning lhe natio.al ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship in 1973<br />

and playing lor the Dutch teanin Olympiadsfiom<br />

1974. He cane ftst (+5=6) equal wiih GELTER ar<br />

Wijk aan raec 1977, and latcrachicvcdgoodresults<br />

in<strong>to</strong>umamcntsolcatcgory llorstroagcr'rilbnrg<br />

l979,6ith (+3=5 3) equalNilh hisLN,srAssK,,<br />

and rrMuNr London 1980, Iounh (+4=? 12)<br />

equal Rilh spEELMANi Amslerdam 1980, third<br />

(+2:12) after *Rtuv and Timman i TilburC 1980,<br />

fourlh (+1=10) equal with Spasskli and Tilburg<br />

1982, third (+4=5 2) equat {ilhANDlRssoN. His<br />

best win was in the category 12lournaoenl wijk<br />

aan Zcc l98l Fhcn he scorcd +4:8 <strong>to</strong> slrarc ihe<br />

availahle 10 the opponenfs nen. Not all the<br />

squares 'gaincdi nced be @nlrolled tbey mav<br />

simply be inaccessibte lo thc opponents nen.<br />

Nomally <strong>to</strong> gain spa.c is <strong>to</strong> gain Molrln and<br />

tbelemsarefrequenllysy.onynous.Whetnersuch<br />

an advantage is signilicant sill dcpend on other<br />

tac<strong>to</strong>rs and cannot be deterni.ed nerely <strong>by</strong><br />

counting squares. In the opening a player tries ro<br />

gain space in tne ccntrc and if successful he can<br />

eploit this in the middle-game. In thc endgamc<br />

lhere are lewpieces lo use space or be c.<strong>amp</strong>ed<strong>by</strong><br />

lacli 01 it and space beodes less inportant or<br />

rclcvant o.ly ro localized park ofthe board.<br />

Ke.elcaFbranca BnenosAnesOrynpiad 1939 Sran.<br />

ish Openins, Sreinit Delen.e Delered<br />

le4e5 2NANc6 3Bb5a6 4Ba4d6 5c4tsJ7 6N.3<br />

s6 7d4cxd1 3Nxd4Bs7 9Bc3Nxc7 10G00.0 11h3<br />

SosonkeHibncr Tilbus 1979 Cnr .n Opcding<br />

I d4Nf6 lc4c6 3t3d5 1Bg2dx.4 5 Nlla6 60'0b5<br />

E<br />

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14Bxds crd5 l5 Ol5 Ra? 16 Rcl Rc7 l7Bg5 96 13<br />

SOUND, li adalysis deternines lhat a coMBrN^rroN<br />

caniot be laulied it 1s said ro be sound. Playes<br />

endeavour <strong>to</strong> play sound opcnilgs, but these arc<br />

les suseplible <strong>to</strong> precise a nalysis and a v xhtroN<br />

may be regarded as sound at one dne and not at<br />

another. A co,nposition is said 1o bc sound when<br />

the slPUL4roNs car be met aDd ihcrc arc .o<br />

SOZIN ATTAC(, 24-,1. variation ol the srcilaN<br />

DETENC! analysed <strong>by</strong> LEoNr^RDr belorc thc Fist<br />

World war, advocated b] the Russian Veniamir<br />

InnokeDtevich Sozin (1896 1956) lround 1930,<br />

and PoPular lrom the 1950s.<br />

white: nArl .NrRE sivcs hin . n ad vantage in space, in<br />

padi.ular a Erip on d5 alack will defend <strong>by</strong> lorcing<br />

er.hargesihatft du.. thevalu..Irhcsaincdspaceandh)'<br />

undemining whnc\ conrol or d5 03 . . f5). 1l . . .<br />

Nrd4 l2Brd7Nez+(az*(c{rrzucihatgainsriic,Ior<br />

wbre\ knighi mun $on ftturn ro ns po$) l:r Nxe2<br />

Oi7 l4Bd4Bxd1 15 Qr'l1Nc6 16Qd5Rae3 l7Nc3<br />

Qc6 13R.dl 15 lgex6 Rxl5 zoRdel lud5 21R$6<br />

Re5 22 Rxes+ Pie3 23 Rdl Kfi 24Kn Net 25 bl<br />

Nd7 26NJt.6 27NI4Rc1 23A3Ke7 29Ne2Nc5 30<br />

13 Rc3 3l Kr2 Rdn (whire no lonser.on<strong>to</strong>ls d5.) 32<br />

RrdS Nidl+ 33 Kcl Nb4 dBwn<br />

Alekhine Marhall St l'ele^bulg l9l4 Pc<strong>to</strong>lfDclcie<br />

le4e5 2NANft 3Nx.5d6 4Nl3Nxc4 5d4d5 6Bdl<br />

Bd6 7.4Bb1+ 3Nhdz Nxd2 I Bxd2QeT+ l0 Oe2<br />

Oxe2+ (Black should have played 10. . Bid2+. Hc k<br />

isht <strong>to</strong> make erhanscs bur hc nakcs rhcm in thc siong<br />

order, !on.cdi.8 whirc a gain i', space.) 11 K{ez B 2<br />

12 Kidz Be6 ll cxd5 tsxd5 14 Rn.1+ Kd3 15 Bcl<br />


Declined, introduced <strong>by</strong> Sozin in l9a5 and sla.<br />

SPACET thc arca oi the boaid. To gain an<br />

advantage in space n ro achicve thc possibilily oi<br />

moving ones men lo more squarcs tha. are

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