chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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i ,5tt t %wt "&,%ru 20 Bb7 (Blrck! conaol ol borh lons diisomls giv.s himid.qslvcadeatrtagc)21RllNf:r+ 22KhlBxa8 2:l Rxb2Nig5+ l4 Kh2N}]+ 25KhrBxbl 26oxrrBel 27 a4 K-q7 23 Rdl tse5 29 O.? R!3 30 15 Rc2 :ll Kg2 Nd4+ 12 KIl Bll 33 Rbl Nc6 whn. r.sigrr SMYSLOV VAIIATION. 10 .nd 14. lwo sound deiences to the ENGLrss opENrNc:13 in the ouErN s lrom thc gamc Golombck Snyslo!. Budapesr 1952i 184 in tbe GRUNFELD DEFENCE, lavoured by sMyslov in $e 1950si 193, aho in ih. Grnnleld Dcfcncc, snggcstcd by and developed by Snryslov who plared ^hroRBE! it in lhe world championship contens o11948 and 1958i 210 i. rhe xrNc's TNDTAN D.FENcri .110, a sound delence lo lhe spaNrsH opENrN. kno*n beiore $e Fnst World War and developed by SO(OLSKY OPENING.5, th rNc- subjedola monograph DeDt\ tI b2-b411963) wrnt.n by rbe Solier phver Alerei Parlovich SO(OLSKY VARIATION, 4?7. alack in the EvANs c^Mhr A.ceptcd suggcstcd hy Ar {pN in 1903 and adlocared by Sokolsky soLl(oFl'saoRE used lor tie breaking in swrss s and sonelines Lnoyn as 'sum of opponenls' scorcs shich isNhar itn. The tedpldler*nhthe higher toral takcs rhc hiehcr pla.c Ephrlin Solkolt(1908 ). an American engineer. dcvncd thls scoiing nethod in 1919 after disappoi.hrent with his tlacing in a Neek e.d loum.menr. Had this{a}olCaugire thc slrcngth.ldr.optosition be€n used the lie *ould have been brok.n ln hh SOLTIS, ANDREWEDEN (19,17 ).Anrerican pl.yer and iuthor. lnLernalional Crandnaner (1980), ncwsral[r rcport*, ioint Ninncr qith ssAM(ov,.H ol a category I torrnameni, New York 197?. Soltis s booksinclxle The BestGatnes d aolft -tparrtr (19r1), which conrains 70 s.mes and a short bioeralhy. and Th. Ch.s Tou a,tents dn l theit Sloties (1915). SOr,!'TION, play lhal meets the srnLrArn\s ol a composilion and. in problems invollin8 RErRo- sosoNKo 315 GRADE fNALYSts, prool that lhis pla, h '-..Ar. A problcn soher nal also be expecred ro dGcover rRr.s, 1t any; lhese are sonelines called part ol the solurion but ihey should be c.lled psAsEs oi the problen. SOLVING TOURNEY, a comlrelilion lor the solvinS ol nndies or problems. Ii 19?7 FIDE inaugurited a sorld chess solving contesi to be h.ld annuallvi tcams representinA then ountries are requned ro solvc both sludi.s and problens. SOMOV.NASTMOVICE. YEVGENY NIKO LAYEVICH (l91iL.l2), Soviet sludy comNscr, tublishers reader. He began conposing at the age ol16. butthc promisc hc showedduring the 1930s sas cui shorl by hh death i! lhc Sccond wond war. (see DEiL M^rr ) SO\NDBORN-BERGER SCORE, a long lorgo. , althou8h lhe name has ciioncouslv heen lraosterred to tbe conmonly used NElsrADrL s{nR.. In lli86 a Londoo bank clerk, Willian Sonnebom (18411906). ivrotc to Cl?s Mrnrrll uying tbrt the delecri!. becausc ir did nol rake inro accounr rhe qualily oI the playcrs ow. rcsulls. He proposed thal a player's tolal score expresscdas alracion ol ihe nunber oi games played should be squarcd and thcn addcd to his Gelbtuhs tol.l A year larer BtR6rR{rore to D.a..r..t.n,.ir.nug proposing lo altcr thc Neusradd Score for rhe same rcason a.d in fie nanner bul not using fractions. Whc. B$gcr dis.olered rhlt he had been anli.i paled bt Sonneborn. the oDly diflcrcn.c ii 1hen proposah beDg lhe wat oldealing sith ftactions, hc suggested their nethorl should be called Sonnebonr-Bcrg.r Th.r were unired in then honility to the Neustadrl scorc {hi.h noii.llly n.w bears lhen names. In l89r Sonn.bornagainsrotetn Chess Monthry sa_ving that in addition lo the quah! of *on games the quality ol lost ganrcs sholld he raken inr. .ccounl: these should be calculated ln thc components should be addcd and the Non gane componenlcalculatedonapercentae.olth.sun; thh Nrcenlage is then to be appli€d to rhe roral numbcr ol grmcs tlited to give the 6nal score. Whatever ils nrerii, thh mclhod ol sconng, loo conplicaled for acceptance by rhc .hcs Fublic, SORENSEN DEFENCE, 3,15. r sinple.ndreliable Bay ol declinine lhe DANTSH (iAMBrr tlaycd in thc Cafre Fron Winarer. Paris 186? Soren Anton Srrcnscn (184(1 96) *!s a colonel in the Dn.nh Arny and a perhtcnr (udcnt ol.hcs SORENSEN GAMBIT. 607 in the Kr..G\ ca!,!rr (See RoSENTRETER cAMer.) ^c.{ted SOSONKOTCENNADY(|r43 ).lntemational (;randmaner (1976). A nativc ol Siberi.- Sosonko

316 SOUND moved to Leningrad in theearly 1960s,studiedthe economic geography ol the capitalisl @unrries at univemity, and subsequenlly be.amc onc oI (oRcsNois sparnng panders. In 19712 Sosonko emigrated to lsrael bui soon moved 10 the Netherlands whcre he becamc a profcssional player, wi.ning lhe championship in 1973 and playing lor the Dutch teanin Olympiadsfiom 1974. He cane ftst (+5=6) equal wiih GELTER ar Wijk aan raec 1977, and latcrachicvcdgoodresults intoumamcntsolcatcgory llorstroagcr'rilbnrg l979,6ith (+3=5 3) equalNilh hisLN,srAssK,, and rrMuNr London 1980, Iounh (+4=? 12) equal Rilh spEELMANi Amslerdam 1980, third (+2:12) after *Rtuv and Timman i TilburC 1980, fourlh (+1=10) equal with Spasskli and Tilburg 1982, third (+4=5 2) equat {ilhANDlRssoN. His best win was in the category 12lournaoenl wijk aan Zcc l98l Fhcn he scorcd +4:8 to slrarc ihe availahle 10 the opponenfs nen. Not all the squares 'gaincdi nced be @nlrolled tbey mav simply be inaccessibte lo thc opponents nen. Nomally to gain spa.c is to gain Molrln and tbelemsarefrequenllysy.onynous.Whetnersuch an advantage is signilicant sill dcpend on other tactors and cannot be deterni.ed nerely by counting squares. In the opening a player tries ro gain space in tne ccntrc and if successful he can eploit this in the middle-game. In thc endgamc lhere are lewpieces lo use space or be c.ampedby lacli 01 it and space beodes less inportant or rclcvant ro localized park ofthe board. Ke.elcaFbranca BnenosAnesOrynpiad 1939 Sran. ish Openins, Sreinit Delen.e Delered le4e5 2NANc6 3Bb5a6 4Ba4d6 5c4tsJ7 6N.3 s6 7d4cxd1 3Nxd4Bs7 9Bc3Nxc7 10G00.0 11h3 SosonkeHibncr Tilbus 1979 Cnr .n Opcding I d4Nf6 lc4c6 3t3d5 1Bg2dx.4 5 Nlla6 60'0b5 E % t 't& t %tw % ?t&, %&r.7& r&a% '1&rffi %& %w, 7* %* w ?&. 'ffi,g 'ffi, 14Bxds crd5 l5 Ol5 Ra? 16 Rcl Rc7 l7Bg5 96 13 SOUND, li adalysis deternines lhat a coMBrN^rroN caniot be laulied it 1s said ro be sound. Playes endeavour to play sound opcnilgs, but these arc les suseplible to precise a nalysis and a v xhtroN may be regarded as sound at one dne and not at another. A co,nposition is said 1o bc sound when the slPUL4roNs car be met aDd ihcrc arc .o SOZIN ATTAC(, 24-,1. variation ol the srcilaN DETENC! analysed by LEoNr^RDr belorc thc Fist World war, advocated b] the Russian Veniamir InnokeDtevich Sozin (1896 1956) lround 1930, and PoPular lrom the 1950s. white: nArl .NrRE sivcs hin . n ad vantage in space, in padi.ular a Erip on d5 alack will defend by lorcing er.hargesihatft du.. thevalu..Irhcsaincdspaceandh)' undemining whnc\ conrol or d5 03 . . f5). 1l . . . Nrd4 l2Brd7Nez+(az*(c{rrzucihatgainsriic,Ior wbre\ knighi mun $on ftturn ro ns po$) l:r Nxe2 Oi7 l4Bd4Bxd1 15 Qr'l1Nc6 16Qd5Rae3 l7Nc3 Qc6 13R.dl 15 lgex6 Rxl5 zoRdel lud5 21R$6 Re5 22 Rxes+ Pie3 23 Rdl Kfi 24Kn Net 25 bl Nd7 26NJt.6 27NI4Rc1 23A3Ke7 29Ne2Nc5 30 13 Rc3 3l Kr2 Rdn (whire no lonser.ontols d5.) 32 RrdS Nidl+ 33 Kcl Nb4 dBwn Alekhine Marhall St l'ele^bulg l9l4 PctolfDclcie le4e5 2NANft 3Nx.5d6 4Nl3Nxc4 5d4d5 6Bdl Bd6 7.4Bb1+ 3Nhdz Nxd2 I Bxd2QeT+ l0 Oe2 Oxe2+ (Black should have played 10. . Bid2+. Hc k isht to make erhanscs bur hc nakcs rhcm in thc siong order, !on.cdi.8 whirc a gain i', space.) 11 K{ez B 2 12 Kidz Be6 ll cxd5 tsxd5 14 Rn.1+ Kd3 15 Bcl SOZIN VARIATION, 72 in ihc aUEEN's GAMETT Declined, introduced by Sozin in l9a5 and sla. SPACET thc arca oi the boaid. To gain an advantage in space n ro achicve thc possibilily oi moving ones men lo more squarcs tha. are

i<br />

,5tt<br />

t<br />

%wt<br />

"&,%ru<br />

20 Bb7 (Blrck! conaol ol borh lons diisomls giv.s<br />

himid.qslvcadeatrtagc)21RllNf:r+ 22KhlBxa8 2:l<br />

Rxb2Nig5+ l4 Kh2N}]+ 25KhrBxbl 26oxrrBel<br />

27 a4 K-q7 23 Rdl tse5 29 O.? R!3 30 15 Rc2 :ll Kg2<br />

Nd4+ 12 KIl Bll 33 Rbl Nc6 whn. r.sigrr<br />

SMYSLOV VAIIATION. 10 .nd 14. lwo sound<br />

deiences <strong>to</strong> the ENGLrss opENrNc:13 in the ouErN s<br />

lrom thc gamc Golombck<br />

Snyslo!. Budapesr 1952i 184 in tbe GRUNFELD<br />

DEFENCE, lavoured <strong>by</strong> sMyslov in $e 1950si 193,<br />

aho in ih. Grnnleld Dcfcncc, snggcstcd <strong>by</strong><br />

and developed <strong>by</strong> Snryslov who plared<br />

^hroRBE! it in lhe world ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship contens o11948 and<br />

1958i 210 i. rhe xrNc's TNDTAN D.FENcri .110, a<br />

sound delence lo lhe spaNrsH opENrN. kno*n<br />

beiore $e Fnst World War and developed <strong>by</strong><br />

SO(OLSKY OPENING.5, th<br />

rNc- subjedola monograph DeDt\ tI b2-b411963)<br />

wrnt.n <strong>by</strong> rbe Solier phver Alerei Parlovich<br />

SO(OLSKY VARIATION, 4?7. alack in the<br />

EvANs c^Mhr A.ceptcd suggcstcd hy Ar {pN in<br />

1903 and adlocared <strong>by</strong> Sokolsky<br />

soLl(oFl'saoRE<br />

used lor tie breaking in swrss s<br />

and sonelines Lnoyn as 'sum of opponenls'<br />

scorcs shich isNhar itn. <strong>The</strong> tedpldler*nhthe<br />

higher <strong>to</strong>ral takcs rhc hiehcr pla.c Ephrlin<br />

Solkolt(1908 ). an American engineer. dcvncd<br />

thls scoiing nethod in 1919 after disappoi.hrent<br />

with his tlacing in a Neek e.d loum.menr. Had<br />

this{a}olCaugire thc slrcngth.ldr.op<strong>to</strong>sition<br />

be€n used the lie *ould have been brok.n ln hh<br />

SOLTIS, ANDREWEDEN (19,17 ).Anrerican<br />

pl.yer and iuthor. lnLernalional Crandnaner<br />

(1980), ncwsral[r rcport*, ioint Ninncr qith<br />

ssAM(ov,.H ol a category I <strong>to</strong>rrnameni, New<br />

York 197?. Soltis s booksinclxle <strong>The</strong> BestGatnes<br />

d aolft -tparrtr (19r1), which conrains 70 s.mes<br />

and a short bioeralhy. and Th. Ch.s<br />

Tou a,tents dn l theit Sloties (1915).<br />

SOr,!'TION, play lhal meets the srnLrArn\s ol a<br />

composilion and. in problems invollin8 RErRo-<br />

sosoNKo 315<br />

GRADE fNALYSts, prool that lhis pla, h '-..Ar.<br />

A<br />

problcn soher nal also be expecred ro dGcover<br />

rRr.s, 1t any; lhese are<br />

sonelines called part ol the solurion but ihey<br />

should be c.lled psAsEs oi the problen.<br />

SOLVING TOURNEY, a comlrelilion lor the<br />

solvinS ol nndies or problems. Ii 19?7 FIDE<br />

inaugurited a sorld <strong>chess</strong> solving contesi <strong>to</strong> be<br />

h.ld annuallvi tcams representinA then ountries<br />

are requned ro solvc both sludi.s and problens.<br />


LAYEVICH (l91iL.l2), Soviet sludy comNscr,<br />

tublishers reader. He began conposing at the age<br />

ol16. butthc promisc hc showedduring the 1930s<br />

sas cui shorl <strong>by</strong> hh death i! lhc Sccond wond<br />

war. (see DEiL M^rr )<br />

SO\NDBORN-BERGER SCORE, a long lorgo.<br />

, althou8h lhe name<br />

has ciioncouslv heen lraosterred <strong>to</strong> tbe conmonly<br />

used NElsrADrL s{nR.. In lli86 a Londoo bank<br />

clerk, Willian Sonnebom (18411906). ivrotc <strong>to</strong><br />

Cl?s Mrnrrll uying tbrt the<br />

delecri!. becausc ir did nol rake inro accounr rhe<br />

qualily oI the playcrs ow. rcsulls. He proposed<br />

thal a player's <strong>to</strong>lal score expresscdas alracion ol<br />

ihe nunber oi games played should be squarcd and<br />

thcn addcd <strong>to</strong> his Gelbtuhs <strong>to</strong>l.l A year larer<br />

BtR6rR{rore <strong>to</strong> D.a..r..t.n,.ir.nug proposing<br />

lo altcr thc Neusradd Score for rhe same rcason<br />

a.d in fie nanner bul not using fractions.<br />

Whc. B$gcr dis.olered rhlt he had been anli.i<br />

paled bt Sonneborn. the oDly diflcrcn.c ii 1hen<br />

proposah beDg lhe wat oldealing sith ftactions,<br />

hc suggested their nethorl should be called<br />

Sonnebonr-Bcrg.r Th.r were unired in then<br />

honility <strong>to</strong> the Neustadrl scorc {hi.h noii.llly<br />

n.w bears lhen names.<br />

In l89r Sonn.bornagainsrotetn <strong>Chess</strong> Monthry<br />

sa_ving that in addition lo the quah! of *on<br />

games the quality ol lost ganrcs sholld he raken<br />

inr. .ccounl: these should be calculated ln thc<br />

components should be addcd and the Non gane<br />

componenlcalculatedonapercentae.olth.sun;<br />

thh Nrcenlage is then <strong>to</strong> be appli€d <strong>to</strong> rhe roral<br />

numbcr ol grmcs tlited <strong>to</strong> give the 6nal score.<br />

Whatever ils nrerii, thh mclhod ol sconng, loo<br />

conplicaled for acceptance <strong>by</strong> rhc .hcs Fublic,<br />

SORENSEN DEFENCE, 3,15. r sinple.ndreliable<br />

Bay ol declinine lhe DANTSH (iAMBrr tlaycd in thc<br />

Cafre Fron Winarer. Paris 186? Soren An<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Srrcnscn (184(1 96) *!s a colonel in the Dn.nh<br />

Arny and a perhtcnr (udcnt ol.hcs<br />

SORENSEN GAMBIT. 607 in the Kr..G\ ca!,!rr<br />

(See RoSENTRETER cAMer.)<br />

^c.{ted<br />

SOSONKOTCENNADY(|r43 ).lntemational<br />

(;randmaner (1976). A nativc ol Siberi.- Sosonko

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