chess-The Oxford Companion to Chess - First Edition by David Hooper & Kenneth Whyld

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the cenrre pasns scrc adranced later they vould bc assured ol strong support. Siaunron HoNirz 7th makh s!n. scond round, London l35l Engfth Opcning lc4c6 2N.1I5 3g3Nl6 4BE2c6 5dlNa6 6arBe7 7 c3ll0 3Nge2Nc7 l0bSOeB 'r00d5 llBb2Or 12 H,% tffi %i SMYSLOV 313 l,l Qh2 b4 t5 aft.lNxb4 16 /&p%, ffitruL w, %&t%'& '/& %t"il r& xw%r& %t%fr{z W w fift'&aw 19 Ndc4 16 20 Nxa5 Rxa5 2r l{xa5 lxe5 22 Ra7 ()68 23 Rr.7 cxd4 2,1Qxd,l Od6 ?5 Rc.7 c5 26 Q.5 QI6 27 Bxd5+ Nxd5 23 Qrd5+ Khs 29 Rf? N1c7 :r0 Rxf6 gxl6 3rOc6Rfi l2b4Kg7 33b5Bg3 34b6Na6 l5 Q.a Nb4 36 Q.4Nrd3 37.xd3 Rd7 33 Qg1+ Black Wrile has mobiliud his pie.e\ ar (hc tarolhispawns as advocared by FHTLTDoR .nd is rcady io adunce h rhe .cnkc. 13.4fxe4 14dxe4Rad3 lse5Nle3 1614drc4 17 bxc4 Bc5+ l3Khl Bc3 19Rbl g6 20QhlBc3 21 Nc,l Bb6 22 Rbdl Na6 2r Qcr Rxdl 24 Pudl Ncs 25 Nd6 Oc7 26 Qc2 Ng7 27 g4 OE7 23 Bd4 Qc7 29 a1 Na6 30c5 Br5 31Qb3b6 32Ne4bxc5 lrNr6+ Khri 31Qh3 Nc3 35 Bal Nxr6 16 exl6 Kg8 37 Bes Ob? 33 Be4 Qfi l9 NB1ltsd3 1095 Bb7 4l Nl3 Rc3 ,12 Bd6 Bxl6 43 gil6 ()116 ,1, NA5 QB? 4i Be5 Qe7 16 Bxg6 SMEJ(AL.JAN(194G ).leadingCzechplaycr. lnternationai G.andmasler (1972). A sporting opponcnt aho plays lo qii. snejhal conpetes regularly wilh lan success. The besr ol nis early toumanent vicrones Nere: Palanica Z&6j 1910 (+8=7). snederevska Palanka 1971 (+?=8)l Polanica Zd6t 1972r and Palma de Majorca 1972 (+6-8 1)equal with (oR.HNo, aDdpANNo ahead ol polucAyEvs( and uuBorEvra. In 1973 he won the nationll championship and played in the Leningrad interonal. scoring +9=4 4 lnd shar ing lourlh placei the lhre above him becam. .ANDrDAr.s. Afthough not successiul in the inter' zonalsoll9T6and l9?9,SmcjkaLachievedseleral noreSood tournaB€nl results: Wijkaan Zce 1975, caregory 12, $ird (+5=9 l) after bknscH and roRrahead ofnrruN.R and GELLER: NoviSad 1976, nrn (+9=5 1) ahead of Ho {mcjkal\ besl achievemenl up lo ihn tinei Vriac 197?. 6nl (+?=? 1); Aosreidan t9?9, cate8ory 12, third (+6=5-2) cqual wirh ANDFRSSoN aher Eorr and sAxr Treniiansk;-Teplice 1979. 6nt (+8=,1 2) ahcadotHortr and Vraac 1981, second (+8=6 1) alter Sax. Snejkal played in seeeral olympiads from 1968 and aon thc Czcch Chrmiionship lor rhe second time in 1979. Smcikal Hi'bn.r lliik aan zee 1975 Rari Svsem, lNfiNr6 2g:rd5 lBg2c6 40.0B15 5dlc6 6Nbn2 Bc? 7b30 0 8Bb2a5 'ra3h6 l0.4Bh? Lt Q.2Na6 SMOTEERED MATE. a mate eilen by a knieht lo a king surounded by his own men orj using th. lern loosely, sur.oundcd by men oleithercolour. Alckhine Allies simuhaneous gamc, Palna de Majorca, 1935 1 e4 c6 2 d.ld5 3 Nc3 dxe4 4 Nxe4 Nd7 5 Qc2 Ngf6 6 Nd6 mare. (For othcr exanples see L. PAULSEN and *nLrDoRt LEc^.y.) SMYSI,OV. VASTI,Y VASII IYFVI'Ii (1921 ), lnternatiodal Gi.ndnaster (1950), WorldChanpion 1957-{. Learningthegane ar lhe age of six and studying the .h€ss books i. his father\ library, he was inspired sborllybelore hn 141h birthday by the presence in Mosoq of two pastchanpions,cApABLANcaand LAs(.R.smyslov\ play then inproled rapidly. in Jan 1938 he Non the Allunion boys championship and lare. lhdr year be came lirst equat Nilh uEr,AvENEn in the Moscow city championship At abour rhis line he hegan his srudies id the Mosow Institutc of Aviation.Inl940heca6ethird(+8=10 0inrhe USSR championship, a tournament ol about caleSorl 11. Seleded ro play in rhe even stronger LcninC(ad Moscos n.tch roumanent 1941. he came rhnd (+4= l2-4) afterBonrNM(.nd GRES. Smyslo! foliowed this (+10=4 1)the Moscos chanpionship tournament in 1942 and rakingsccond place (+8=5 3) alier Botvin.ik in the USSR chanpionship ol 1944. He Nas srill rel.dvely unknown ouhide Russia, alihough Ar.(EINE Nhow.r.hed eventsin rhe s.viei Lnion hopins yet to rcvisit his homeland, bad alr€ady noted Smyslovs talenhiandthesc bccamc Nidely knosn when Snyslov rNice defeated REsHEvsKy in tnc lamous USSR !. USAradio narch oI1945 and took third place (+?:11 1) ailer Botvinnik and EUWE at G.oningen 19,16. This tournamcnt. the 6st big event !fter the Second World War, sas a kird oI praciice run lor the world sbeslplayen. On accounr of hn achicvcmcnts smyslo! was selected

31,1 SMYSLOV ro playin the world Ch.npionship nalch rouma mcnt or 1946 Ihcrc hc.amc scco.d (-6=() 1) aiter Botlinnik ahead ol Keres. Reshe$kt. and Et{e.ln 194! he came 1i^{ (+9-8 2)equalNnh uRoNSr.rN nr ih. USSR championship and in fie Budapest .aNorDAr.s touinamot 1950 he caiic thnd (+5=10-3) arter a.d In rhe nert Ca.dnhGs I.urnamenl. Neuhausen zurich 1953- abourcaregory 16. Sn!! lov made Ik ereatc* tournam..l a.hicyem.Dt. liNt place (+9=18 1). No ponrts ahead oI his n*re$ n!rl\ However Borvlnnik reixined rhe lide otF1DE $odd ch.mpion $hen rh. challengc n.tch o1l954Ras drawn l+i= l0-7). Alter anne rictory (+10=!) al Zagreb 19i5 SmyslovNoD lhe Ansterdanr Candidales tournanent i956 (+6-11 1). again br ! decisive mdgin- L; poiits ahead ol rh. s.cond prizc winncr. H. won the ,{l.khln. NIe'nori,l i.nrn3'neni ltI.s..$ lA56 (-7=81 and. challenger lor the second time. deleated Bolvinnik in lhe lollosine rear (+6=13 3) i. he.ome wond ChaBpion Sm)_do!\ reign Nas short. jusl orcr a tcar. In rhe relLrrn dalch oi 1958 he lon the lnle (+5=rl-7) Alrhough a Candidar. in 1959_ r964, and 1982. heneveragainbe.anre.hallcnecr FIDE championship rules led 1o his being.hanrpion lor ode !eai onlt i yeferrospeaile g dinsshoss hin olBotinnik lrom ahout l950 to 1957. ind 6mt in rhe qorld lor thc sccoDd hallolthh f.riod IIe was certainlt one ol rhe great cbampions Dunng the 25 lears followingbis lo$ollhe title he scored ma.y inrernati..ll tournament achiere menis The he(.f il}r. V.s..N lq6n fiili (+6=5): Moscow 1961. fiAr r+8=7). rhe frnt of a run oi eighr succe$ive viclones: Ha!ana 1965. firn (+ll=5 3)i Monre Carlo 1969, Iirn (+5=6) equal vith poRrs.Hr Nloscox l9Tl, tlrlrd (+,1=ll) rfter (^Rpo! rna srFrN: T.e\snle lgTi se..nd (+1=9 1) alrei CELLER; Buenos Aires 1978. second (-,1=9) cqual xrr| pANNo and fAcANtA\ alter ^NDLRSS.N: Moscow l9El. sc.ond (+3=9 1) equal \rith hyako\ and roLLC\Lvsxy rJi.i Karpo! At the l-as P.lnas in(e,onal. 1982. Smrdov t.ok sccond pLa.c (+6=s 2). a remuk.ble nchielenrent: at .^l h. becamc thc .ldesr player ever m qulliir tr a Candmare. Ilis quafrcr.6nal nrar.h wirh riiRN.R w.s dr.rn (+1=12 1), bul Sm,vslor Nas a{ard.d vi.tor! oD the sPin of a rouletle Nheel. the agreed meihod ol tie breaLrng ior rhis eve.1 Hc thcn deleated IBLI (+:l=7 l). bur losl to Kasparor in rhe linal. Apart liofr *ond ch amli.nship .! Snr"sl.v platcd in ncarLy 50 stronE intcflrational al1-tlat-aLl toumanr.nts lron 19391o 1981. qinning orshaing 15 n6t prizes and cominC belou lour(h place on only six ocasions A loyal re.m plaler. he con ncr.d lor hn.ountry on mant o.casions in.ludinC nine Ollmpiads. sco ng +69=42 2 in all. Iall- sloF m.!lng- goodnatured- cheerlul. srth a pLacid dhposiiion, Smyslov chooscs hk words carelLrlll. rarely disparaging othe6. lIe makcs lcr smvdoratthe lnterzonal rounanent.Amne.dam 1'161. wheE he shnRd 1l^r Flx.c €.cmies and fc{ cLose njends Hh othcr ahidi.g intere\t besntes che\s is snrgine nr 1950 he ..rrosl! iailed when being auanioned lor Ihe B.Lshol Of.ra whilc makinghisgrcatcslt.urna menl achievenent (Neuh EeD Zurich 1953) he Iound riBe 10 sing operilic exlracls on Ssns radio. ind some vei6 hler.plavinA a h.rdgame oIruNG orrss agritrst Botvin.ik. Smvnor \rng t. an audieDce ol thousands durnrg tlre interval Hc ledned much about che$ Irom his lather. a strong player- rnd sals fiar ii his loulh he was mosl nifiucn..d h! the hooks ol r\RRASCH and \Nzo *IscH. nrastes Niih arcry diffcrc.i aptr.a.h to lhe Smyslors nlle i\ positioDal, and c.rrainl] le$ direcl rhan Taf.schi*r! olplaling. Oc.asionall,v Sniydo! h.sitatcs durnrg the com binatile phase that louoss dre ealn ol sratcgi. advnnrase, nol caring ro involve hnnsell in ihe c, .l precise rarialion! although thn is Ncllwithin hhcafability bov. all h..rcels atth. end!anre. and he rightly altibutes hG rictory o!er Eollin.ik r. 19571o hrskillin lhis phase. Snrslov wrot. ,Vr /Jev Gd,het ol Chat 7rJ., j7 (1958) shich contaft 67 gameisith EngLish lcxt. a.d an aulobroEnph!. l, p,dldui li(marii \1919). Borsiii,k Smldov 1sr n ch g.h. rvorld Ch.mpior' \hip l9j4 K ne\ lidLatr Der.m. I d.lNt6 1.1e6 I gl Be7 .l Bell)1r I \.:1d6 6 Nr:l Nbd,r 1D D.5 !e].6 Sts.l Ngl r0 tsgi Ob6 Lr hl .idt 12 Na1Qa6 13 hrgl b: ll Nxdl bxxl li \xr6 Oi.6 16 ei Q\!1 17 ExaB \xci 13 Rn Qhl llr i3

the cenrre pasns scrc adranced later they vould<br />

bc assured ol strong support.<br />

Siaunron HoNirz 7th makh s!n. scond round, London<br />

l35l Engfth Opcning<br />

lc4c6 2N.1I5 3g3Nl6 4BE2c6 5dlNa6 6arBe7 7<br />

c3ll0 3Nge2Nc7 l0bSOeB<br />

'r00d5<br />

llBb2Or 12<br />

H,%<br />

tffi<br />

%i<br />

SMYSLOV 313<br />

l,l Qh2 b4 t5 aft.lNxb4 16<br />

/&p%, ffitruL<br />

w, %&t%'&<br />

'/& %t"il r&<br />

xw%r&<br />

%t%fr{z W<br />

w fift'&aw<br />

19 Ndc4 16 20 Nxa5 Rxa5 2r l{xa5 lxe5 22 Ra7 ()68 23<br />

Rr.7 cxd4 2,1Qxd,l Od6 ?5 Rc.7 c5 26 Q.5 QI6 27<br />

Bxd5+ Nxd5 23 Qrd5+ Khs 29 Rf? N1c7 :r0 Rxf6<br />

gxl6 3rOc6Rfi l2b4Kg7 33b5Bg3 34b6Na6 l5<br />

Q.a Nb4 36 Q.4Nrd3 37.xd3 Rd7 33 Qg1+ Black<br />

Wrile has mobiliud his pie.e\ ar (hc tarolhispawns as<br />

advocared <strong>by</strong> FHTLTDoR .nd is rcady io adunce h rhe<br />

.cnkc. 13.4fxe4 14dxe4Rad3 lse5Nle3 1614drc4<br />

17 bxc4 Bc5+ l3Khl Bc3 19Rbl g6 20QhlBc3 21<br />

Nc,l Bb6 22 Rbdl Na6 2r Qcr Rxdl 24 Pudl Ncs 25<br />

Nd6 Oc7 26 Qc2 Ng7 27 g4 OE7 23 Bd4 Qc7 29 a1<br />

Na6 30c5 Br5 31Qb3b6 32Ne4bxc5 lrNr6+ Khri<br />

31Qh3 Nc3 35 Bal Nxr6 16 exl6 Kg8 37 Bes Ob? 33<br />

Be4 Qfi l9 NB1ltsd3 1095 Bb7 4l Nl3 Rc3 ,12 Bd6<br />

Bxl6 43 gil6 ()116 ,1, NA5 QB? 4i Be5 Qe7 16 Bxg6<br />

SMEJ(AL.JAN(194G ).leadingCzechplaycr.<br />

lnternationai G.andmasler (1972). A sporting<br />

opponcnt aho plays lo qii. snejhal conpetes<br />

regularly wilh lan success. <strong>The</strong> besr ol nis early<br />

<strong>to</strong>umanent vicrones Nere: Palanica Z&6j 1910<br />

(+8=7). snederevska Palanka 1971 (+?=8)l<br />

Polanica Zd6t 1972r and Palma de Majorca 1972<br />

(+6-8 1)equal with (oR.HNo, aDdpANNo ahead<br />

ol polucAyEvs( and uuBorEvra. In 1973 he won<br />

the nationll ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship and played in the<br />

Leningrad interonal. scoring +9=4 4 lnd shar<br />

ing lourlh placei the lhre above him becam.<br />

.ANDrDAr.s. Afthough not successiul in the inter'<br />

zonalsoll9T6and l9?9,SmcjkaLachievedseleral<br />

noreSood <strong>to</strong>urnaB€nl results: Wijkaan Zce 1975,<br />

caregory 12, $ird (+5=9 l) after bknscH and<br />

roRrahead ofnrruN.R and GELLER: NoviSad 1976,<br />

nrn (+9=5 1) ahead of Ho {mcjkal\ besl<br />

achievemenl up lo ihn tinei Vriac 197?. 6nl<br />

(+?=? 1); Aosreidan t9?9, cate8ory 12, third<br />

(+6=5-2) cqual wirh ANDFRSSoN aher Eorr and<br />

sAxr Treniiansk;-Teplice 1979. 6nt (+8=,1 2)<br />

ahcadotHortr and Vraac 1981, second (+8=6 1)<br />

alter Sax. Snejkal played in seeeral olympiads<br />

from 1968 and aon thc Czcch Chrmiionship lor<br />

rhe second time in 1979.<br />

Smcikal Hi'bn.r lliik aan zee 1975 Rari Svsem,<br />

lNfiNr6 2g:rd5 lBg2c6 40.0B15 5dlc6 6Nbn2<br />

Bc? 7b30 0 8Bb2a5 'ra3h6 l0.4Bh? Lt Q.2Na6<br />

SMOTEERED MATE. a mate eilen <strong>by</strong> a knieht lo<br />

a king surounded <strong>by</strong> his own men orj using th.<br />

lern loosely, sur.oundcd <strong>by</strong> men oleithercolour.<br />

Alckhine Allies simuhaneous gamc, Palna de<br />

Majorca, 1935 1 e4 c6 2 d.ld5 3 Nc3 dxe4 4<br />

Nxe4 Nd7 5 Qc2 Ngf6 6 Nd6 mare. (For othcr<br />

exanples see L. PAULSEN and *nLrDoRt LEc^.y.)<br />


(1921 ), lnternatiodal Gi.ndnaster (1950),<br />

WorldChanpion 1957-{. Learningthegane ar lhe<br />

age of six and studying the .h€ss books i. his<br />

father\ library, he was inspired sborllybelore hn<br />

141h birthday <strong>by</strong> the presence in Mosoq of two<br />

pastchanpions,cApABLANcaand LAs(.R.smyslov\<br />

play then inproled rapidly. in Jan 1938 he Non<br />

the Allunion boys ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship and lare. lhdr<br />

year be came lirst equat Nilh uEr,AvENEn in the<br />

Moscow city ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship At abour rhis line he<br />

hegan his srudies id the Mosow Institutc of<br />

Aviation.Inl940heca6ethird(+8=10 0inrhe<br />

USSR ch<strong>amp</strong>ionship, a <strong>to</strong>urnament ol about<br />

caleSorl 11. Seleded ro play in rhe even stronger<br />

LcninC(ad Moscos n.tch roumanent 1941. he<br />

came rhnd (+4= l2-4) afterBonrNM(.nd GRES.<br />

Smyslo! foliowed this <strong>by</strong> (+10=4 1)the<br />

Moscos chanpionship <strong>to</strong>urnament in 1942 and<br />

rakingsccond place (+8=5 3) alier Botvin.ik in<br />

the USSR chanpionship ol 1944. He Nas srill<br />

rel.dvely unknown ouhide Russia, alihough<br />

Ar.(EINE Nhow.r.hed eventsin rhe s.viei Lnion<br />

hopins yet <strong>to</strong> rcvisit his homeland, bad alr€ady<br />

noted Smyslovs talenhiandthesc bccamc Nidely<br />

knosn when Snyslov rNice defeated REsHEvsKy in<br />

tnc lamous USSR !. USAradio narch oI1945 and<br />

<strong>to</strong>ok third place (+?:11 1) ailer Botvinnik and<br />

EUWE at G.oningen 19,16. This <strong>to</strong>urnamcnt. the<br />

6st big event !fter the Second World War, sas a<br />

kird oI praciice run lor the world sbeslplayen. On<br />

accounr of hn achicvcmcnts smyslo! was selected

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